sh3pxd2a has 3 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE106320

Ding Y et al. (2018)
Xla Wt + fgf8 + animal cap explant

animal cap NF12 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount sh3pxd2a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount 1a11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount abcc4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount admp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount akap12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount akap12.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount alpl.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount areg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef3.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef37.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount axin2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrd.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cyp26c1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dleu7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dusp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dusp6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount eomes.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount eomes.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount esr-5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount evx1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf16.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fhdc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount flrt3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxb1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxb1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fzd10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gbx2.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gbx2.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount has2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount il17rd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount inka1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itih3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kremen2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lrat.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mespa.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount msx2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount neurog1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount neurog2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nipal2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nox1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nradd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pfkfb3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab34.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ror2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ror2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount snai1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount st3gal5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbxt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tet2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tox2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tpbg.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount vgll3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt5b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt5b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt8a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt8a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22041735.L [provisional:rnf220] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22041735.S [provisional:rnf220] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22061511.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount xdh.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount xmc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zeb2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zeb2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf703.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf703.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount 1a11.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount flrt3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gbx2.1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hes2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hmx3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pnhd.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc35d3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount snai1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf8.L expression in animal cap
increased amount tbxt.L expression in animal cap
increased amount zic2.L expression in animal cap
No Image GSE106320

Ding Y et al. (2018)
Xla Wt + nodal2 + animal cap explant

animal cap NF12 (RNA-Seq (RNA))
Expression Phenotype
increased amount sh3pxd2a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount 1a11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount a2m.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount aanat.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount aatk.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount abhd14a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount acaa2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount acer1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount actc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount actc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount adam33.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adamts1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adamts5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adamts7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount adamtsl4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount adgrb2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount admp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount admp.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount adprh.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount afap1l1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount akap12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount akap12.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount aldh1a2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount aldh1a2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount alpl.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount alpl.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount amotl2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount angptl4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount angptl6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ank3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ankfn1l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ankrd37.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount anpep.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount apcdd1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount apln.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount aplp2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount apobec2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount apoc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount areg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgap4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef15.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef17.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef26.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arhgef3.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount arl4c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount artn.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp2a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount atp2a1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount axin2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount axin2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount axin2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount b3galt2l.7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount basp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bdh1b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount best2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bhlhe40.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bhlhe40.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bicc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount bix1.3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount blvra.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount btg1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount btg2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount btg5.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount btg5.3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount c21orf91.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount c2cd2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount c6.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ca14.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ca7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cabin1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount capn9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount caskin2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cbarp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ccdc141.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cd274.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdc42ep3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdc42ep3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdc42se2l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdh11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cdx4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cer1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cfap276.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cfd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrd.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrd.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrna1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chrna1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount chst1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount chst3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cish.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ckm.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount clcf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cldn5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount clip2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount clmp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cmip.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cmtm3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cmtm8.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cnrip1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cntn1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount col2a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount col9a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount col9a2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount cpz.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount crabp2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount crb2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount crb2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount creb3l2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount crtap.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount csrnp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ctss.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cyba.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount cyp26a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dact1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dact1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dbndd1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dennd2a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dennd2c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount deptorl.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dhcr7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dhcr7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dhx32.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dlc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dleu7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dlgap4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dusp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount dusp6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount dusp6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ebf2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ece2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ednra.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ednra.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount efemp2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount egflam.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount egflam.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount egr1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount egr1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount egr4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount emp3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount emx1l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount emx2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount enpp2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount eomes.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount eomes.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount epha2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount epha2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount epha4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount epha4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount epha7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount epn2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount epn2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount eps8l3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount erp29.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount errfi1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount esr-5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount etv1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount etv4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount etv6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount eva1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount evx1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount evx1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount exoc3l1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount exoc3l2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount eya2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam13b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam167b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam83c.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fam89a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fank1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fbh1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fbln1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fbn3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fbn3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fbrsl1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf16.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf20.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf20.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgf8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgfr1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fgfrl1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fhdc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fhdc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fhl3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fkbp11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount flnc.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount flrt3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount flrt3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount flt1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fn1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fndc3c.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fos.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxa4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxb1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxb1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxc2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxc2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxd4l1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxg1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxi4.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount foxl2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount frmd4a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount frzb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount frzb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fst.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fst.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fstl1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fzd10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount fzd2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount fzd8.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gabarapl1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gabbr1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gas1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gatm.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gatm.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gbx2.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gbx2.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gbx2.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gbx2.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gdf3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gjb2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gli1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gli1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gli2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gli2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gli3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount glipr2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount glrx5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gne.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gnrh2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gprc5cl1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gpx3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gramd1a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gramd1a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount greb1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount greb1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount gs17.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gxylt1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount gypc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount has2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount has2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hbg2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hdac9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount helt.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.8.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes5.9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes6.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes6.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hes7.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hgf.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hkdc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hmcn2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hmox1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hnf1b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxa9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxb9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc11.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxc9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd10.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd8.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount hoxd9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount htra3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount icoslg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount igsf9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount il17rd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount il17rd.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount il1b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount il1r1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount inka1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount iqca1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount irf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount irf5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount irf6.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount irf8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount irx3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itga2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itgb6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount itih3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount itprip.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount junb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount junb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcnk6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kcnk6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kctd12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kdm2a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kdr.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount khnyn.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kiaa1217.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kif26a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kif26a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount klf3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kng1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kng1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount kremen2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount kremen2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount krt18.1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lama1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lamb3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lef1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lefty.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lefty.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lhfpl2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lhx1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lin28a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lmo2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lpar1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lpar2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lrat.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lrrc19.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lsp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount lurap1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lypd6b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount lzts1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount magi1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount map3k14.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount masp1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mef2d.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mef2d.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount meis2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount meox2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount meox2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mertk.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mesp2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mespa.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mespa.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mespb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mespb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount met.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mettl7a.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mettl7a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mfap2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mgat4g.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mgc145260.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mgc69520.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mhc1b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount micall2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mid1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mig30.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mix1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mixer.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mixer.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mmel1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mmp14.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mmp25.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mmrn2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mnx1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount mob3c.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount msgn1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount msgn1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mst1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount msx2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount mxra7.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount myf5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount myf5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount myl1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount myl1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount myo10.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount myo10.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount myo10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount myod1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount myod1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount myos.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount myos.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount n4bp3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nab1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nat8.6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nav1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nceh1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nckap5l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nek6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nipal2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nkx6-2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nkx6-2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nlgn3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nodal.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nodal2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nog.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nog.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount not.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nox1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount npr1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nr2f1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nr4a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nr4a1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nradd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nradd.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nrdc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nrp2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nrsn1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nsg1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ntn3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount nuak1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount nuak1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount numbl.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount p2ry11.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount p4ha1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pappa.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pax3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcdh8.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcdh8l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcdh8l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pcolce2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pdcl3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pdgfra.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pfkfb3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount phactr1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount phactr2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pheta2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount phldb1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount phldb1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount phyhdla.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount phyhdlb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount phyhdlc.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pik3r5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pirt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pitx2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pkp1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pla2r1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plekhg3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount plekhg4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount plekho1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plk3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plk3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount plod2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount plod2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount plxnb1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pm20d1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnhd.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnp.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pnp.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount polrmt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pou3f2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ppard.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ppp1r9b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount prdm12.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount prickle1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount prickle1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount prr18.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount prr5l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount prrt1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount prrx2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount prtg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pskh2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ptch2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ptch2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ptges3l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pura.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pxdn.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pxdn.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount pycard.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount pygm.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab20.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab32.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rab34.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ralgds.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rapgef2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rara.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rassf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbfox2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbm20.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rbm20.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rdd4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rfk.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rgcc.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rgs1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rgs16.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rgs2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ripply2.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnd3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rnf223.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ror1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ror1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ror2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ror2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount rspo3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sall1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sall3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sall3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sall4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sall4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount satpa.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount satpb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount satpc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount scpep1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sdc1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sdhb.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sebox.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount septin12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount septin7.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount serpind1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount serpinh1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sez6l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sfrp1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sfrp1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount she.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount shh.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount shisa6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slain2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc12a3l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc16a9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc16a9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc18a3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc26a5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc28a3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc2a1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc2a2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc39a6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc39a8.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount slc5a8.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount smad3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount smo.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount snai1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount snai1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount snai2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount snai2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount snap25.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount snx21.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sostdc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox13.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox17a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sox5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5l.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sp5l.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount sparc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sparc.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spns2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spns2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spred1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spred1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount spry4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount ssh2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount st3gal1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount st3gal5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount st3gal8.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount st6gal1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount st6galnac4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount st8sia1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount stard5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sulf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount svip.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount syne3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount sytl1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tacc1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbx1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbx6.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbx6.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbx6r.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbxt.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbxt.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tbxt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcf12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcf12.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcf15.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcf15.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcf3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tcim.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tdgf1.2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tdgf1.2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tfap2b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tfap2b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tgif1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount thbs3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tie1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount timp-1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount timp3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tlcd3a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem116.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem150b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem169.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem198.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem204.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem204.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem35a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem45a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmem63b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmprss2.1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmprss2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmprss9.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tmprss9.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnfsf10.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnk2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tnnt3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tox2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tpbg.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tpbg.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount traf4.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tril.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tril.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount trim45.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tshz1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tshz3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount tshz3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount tspan1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ttc12.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount ttn.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount twist1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount twist1.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount vcan.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegfa.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegfb.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegt.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vegt.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount vgll3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount vstm2b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wdr86.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wipf1.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt11b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt5a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt5a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt5b.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt5b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt8a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt8a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount wnt8b.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22041735.L [provisional:rnf220] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22041735.S [provisional:rnf220] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22061511.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB22065621.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5733233.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5740125.L [provisional:tspan3] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5748694.L [provisional:cdc42ep4] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5750836.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5762393.L [provisional:trim25] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5848002.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5872372.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5872372.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5873314.L [provisional:rab32] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5892679.L [provisional:cerk] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5951253.L [provisional:mov10] expression in the animal cap
increased amount XB5964940.L [provisional] expression in the animal cap
increased amount xdh.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount xenf.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount xmc.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount xpo4.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zadh2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zbtb18.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zc3h12a.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zc3h12a.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zeb2.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zeb2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zfhx3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic2.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic3.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic3.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic5.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount zic5.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf474.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf503.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf608.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf703.L expression in the animal cap
increased amount znf703.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount 1a11.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount anpep.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ascl1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount atp2c2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount atp6v0a4.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount atp6v1g3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount bix1.3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount capn9.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cer1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cfap276.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ckm.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount cxcl12.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount dhcr7.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount dmxl1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount elovl2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount evx1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fa2h.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fam83a.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fam83c.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fank1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fgf3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount flrt3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount flrt3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxi1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxi1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount foxi4.2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fsd1l.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fzd4.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fzd8.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount fzd8.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gata2.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gbx2.1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gmnc.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount gnrh2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hgf.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount hmx3.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount iqca1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount iqsec3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount kiaa1217.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount kitlg.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount klf5.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount klf5.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount kremen2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lefty.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lfng.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lhx1.L expression in animal cap
decreased amount lhx5.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lypd6.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount lypd6.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mab21l3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mcidas.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mcidas.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mespb.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mespb.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mig30.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount mix1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount myb.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount myb.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount nat8.6.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount niban2.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount nkx2-3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount nt5c3a.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount otx2.L expression in animal cap
decreased amount pdgfa.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pdgfa.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pnhd.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pnp.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount pou2f3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount prdm14.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount rasal1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount rdd4.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount rgcc.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount rgcc.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount runx1.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc26a5.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount slc35d3.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount snai1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tbc1d24.2.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount tril.S expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ttc12.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount ubp1.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount uncx.L expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5738351.L [provisional:cartpt] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5872372.S [provisional] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount XB5892679.L [provisional:cerk] expression in the animal cap
decreased amount znf474.S expression in the animal cap
increased amount axin2.L expression in animal cap
increased amount chrd.1.L expression in animal cap
increased amount egr2.L expression in animal cap
increased amount fgf8.L expression in animal cap
increased amount foxa2.L expression in animal cap
increased amount lhx1.L expression in animal cap
increased amount mix1.L expression in animal cap
increased amount nodal1.L expression in animal cap
increased amount pcdh8.2.L expression in animal cap
increased amount sox17a.L expression in animal cap
increased amount tbxt.L expression in animal cap
increased amount zic2.L expression in animal cap
No Image GSE92366

Hörmanseder E et al. (2017)
WT + h3-3a.LK4M

endoderm - NF21 grp6
Expression Phenotype
increased amount sh3pxd2a.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount abat.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount abcc4.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount abhd14a.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount abhd3.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount abhd4.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount abhd6.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount acod1lb.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount acox2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount adgra1.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount ado.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount ahcyl1.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount ak5.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount akap11.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount aldh2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount aldh7a1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount anxa13.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount aqp7.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount areg.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount arrdc4.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount asap1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount asxl3.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount atf2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount atg4a.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount atp11a.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount atp13a5l.2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount atp6v1f.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount baiap2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount bcas3.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount bix1.1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount bmp5.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount brd10.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount btbd9.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount c1ql4.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount ca2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount ca2.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount cabp7.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cabp7.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount calcoco1.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount cald1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount capn3.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cars2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cav1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount ccdc88c.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount cckbr.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount ccl20.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount ccn1l.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount ccn3.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount ccpg1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cdc123.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount celf2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cemip.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount chac2.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount chn2.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount cog2.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount col3a1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount col5a1.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount cpeb1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cracd.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount crip1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount crtc2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount crygbl.1.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount crygbl.3.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount crygbl.4.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount crygbl.6.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount ctgfl.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount ctrc.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cyb5b.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cyct.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount cyld.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount cyp39a1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount cyp8b1.1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dab2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount ddhd1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dennd4b.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount desi1.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount dhcr24.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dlgap1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dlx5.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dnajc16.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dop1a.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dop1b.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dusp8.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dydc1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount dynlt5.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount ears2.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount edil3.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount ei24.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount eif2ak3.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount ell3.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount emx1l.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount epha10.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fabp1.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fabp6.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount fabp7.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fam126a.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount fam167a.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fam210b.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fam43a.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fbxl4.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fbxo31.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount fdps.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fdxr.S expression in the endoderm
increased amount fez2.L expression in the endoderm
increased amount fez2.S expression in the endoderm
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