ceacam19lm has 2 expression phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases
No Image GSE96655

Gentsch GE et al. (2018)
Xtr.Wt + tbxt MO + tbxt.2 MO

NF34 (RNA-Seq)
Expression Phenotype
increased amount ceacam19lm expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1 expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1la expression in the embryo
increased amount acod1lb expression in the embryo
increased amount adm2 expression in the embryo
increased amount angpt4 expression in the embryo
increased amount angpt4.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount ankrd37 expression in the embryo
increased amount ankrd65 expression in the embryo
increased amount aqp1 expression in the embryo
increased amount arrdc2 expression in the embryo
increased amount art5l expression in the embryo
increased amount atp13a5l.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount avd expression in the embryo
increased amount azin2 expression in the embryo
increased amount b3galt2l.8 expression in the embryo
increased amount btg5.3 expression in the embryo
increased amount c17orf98 expression in the embryo
increased amount cabp4 expression in the embryo
increased amount cass4 expression in the embryo
increased amount cav1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl25 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccl4 expression in the embryo
increased amount ccng1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cd86 expression in the embryo
increased amount cdkn2b expression in the embryo
increased amount ceacam19ly expression in the embryo
increased amount ch25h expression in the embryo
increased amount chit1 expression in the embryo
increased amount clu expression in the embryo
increased amount cpxm2 expression in the embryo
increased amount crebrf expression in the embryo
increased amount csf3 expression in the embryo
increased amount cupin1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cupin1.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl11 expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl13 expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a expression in the embryo
increased amount cxcl8a.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp1a1 expression in the embryo
increased amount cyp24a1 expression in the embryo
increased amount degs2 expression in the embryo
increased amount dscaml1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ecm1 expression in the embryo
increased amount eda2r expression in the embryo
increased amount egln3 expression in the embryo
increased amount epyc expression in the embryo
increased amount fbxo25 expression in the embryo
increased amount fgf2 expression in the embryo
increased amount fosl1 expression in the embryo
increased amount fosl2 expression in the embryo
increased amount gatd3ala expression in the embryo
increased amount gatd3alb.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount gpbar1 expression in the embryo
increased amount gpr84 expression in the embryo
increased amount guca1a expression in the embryo
increased amount h2bc11 expression in the embryo
increased amount hamp2 expression in the embryo
increased amount has1 expression in the embryo
increased amount hhipl2 expression in the embryo
increased amount hspb6 expression in the embryo
increased amount ier3 expression in the embryo
increased amount igfbp1 expression in the embryo
increased amount il11 expression in the embryo
increased amount il17ra expression in the embryo
increased amount il18bp expression in the embryo
increased amount il1b expression in the embryo
increased amount il1r2 expression in the embryo
increased amount ins1p expression in the embryo
increased amount itga2b.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount junb expression in the embryo
increased amount kcnt2l expression in the embryo
increased amount lif expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100485137 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100485630 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100487632 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100487732 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100488209 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100488697 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100488701 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100489067 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100489120 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100489571 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100489901 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100490020 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100490653 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100491791 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100494696 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100494742 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100496188 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100496244 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100496268 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100497505 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100497952 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100497953 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100498107 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC100498429 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730532 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730842 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730903 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730934 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101730936 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101731310 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC101732256 expression in the embryo
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increased amount LOC101733634 expression in the embryo
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increased amount LOC101735014 expression in the embryo
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increased amount LOC108644477 expression in the embryo
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increased amount LOC116407689 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116407720 expression in the embryo
increased amount LOC116407743 expression in the embryo
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increased amount mmp9.2 expression in the embryo
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increased amount npw expression in the embryo
increased amount olfm4 expression in the embryo
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increased amount or30a4b expression in the embryo
increased amount or5dn1 expression in the embryo
increased amount or5dn1b expression in the embryo
increased amount ovch2 expression in the embryo
increased amount pck1 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdla.3 expression in the embryo
increased amount phyhdlb expression in the embryo
increased amount pi15 expression in the embryo
increased amount ptafr expression in the embryo
increased amount ranbp3l expression in the embryo
increased amount riok3 expression in the embryo
increased amount ripk3l expression in the embryo
increased amount rnf223 expression in the embryo
increased amount rnf227 expression in the embryo
increased amount satpa expression in the embryo
increased amount serpine2 expression in the embryo
increased amount sia2 expression in the embryo
increased amount slc46a2 expression in the embryo
increased amount socs3 expression in the embryo
increased amount socs3l expression in the embryo
increased amount sqstm1 expression in the embryo
increased amount stat3.2 expression in the embryo
increased amount steap4.1 expression in the embryo
increased amount syce2 expression in the embryo
increased amount szl expression in the embryo
increased amount tcim expression in the embryo
increased amount tf expression in the embryo
increased amount tgm1 expression in the embryo
increased amount tll2l expression in the embryo
increased amount tnfaip2 expression in the embryo
increased amount tnfrsf9 expression in the embryo
increased amount tnfsf11 expression in the embryo
increased amount tns4 expression in the embryo
increased amount tp53inp1 expression in the embryo
increased amount ucp1 expression in the embryo
increased amount wnt8a expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22061515 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22062450 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22063314 [provisional:yrdc] expression in the embryo
increased amount XB22065716 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5730115 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5812047 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5892783 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5949052 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5961956 expression in the embryo
increased amount XB5965586 [provisional:nfkbiz] expression in the embryo
increased amount zc3h12a expression in the embryo
decreased amount acta1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount adsl expression in the embryo
decreased amount adss1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount angpt4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount angpt4.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount angptl7 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ankrd65 expression in the embryo
decreased amount anxa10 expression in the embryo
decreased amount apoa4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount aqp1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount atp13a5l.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount avd expression in the embryo
decreased amount azin2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount barx2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount btg5.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount c10h17orf67 expression in the embryo
decreased amount c3ar1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount c4h3orf49 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ca13 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cacna1s expression in the embryo
decreased amount casq1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cass4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cav1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cav2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cav3.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cdh16 expression in the embryo
decreased amount chadl expression in the embryo
decreased amount cldn14 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cltrn expression in the embryo
decreased amount cnmd expression in the embryo
decreased amount col11a2l expression in the embryo
decreased amount col6a5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount col9a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount crhr1.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount crygdl.23 expression in the embryo
decreased amount crygdl.4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount cubn expression in the embryo
decreased amount cyp4b1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount dcn expression in the embryo
decreased amount des.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount dnajc2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount egln3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount eln1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount eln2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount emilin3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount epyc expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount fabp6 expression in the embryo
decreased amount fmo5.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount fxyd2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gas2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount gc expression in the embryo
decreased amount gja1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount h2bc11 expression in the embryo
decreased amount has1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount hpd expression in the embryo
decreased amount kazald1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount kcna7 expression in the embryo
decreased amount krt15.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount krt18.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount lap3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount lgals1.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100486352 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100486357 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100486969 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100488704 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100488932 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100489305 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100490835 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100491712 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100496232 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100497103 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC100498610 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101732669 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101733619 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101733882 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101733883 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101734063 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC101734287 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC105946065 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116406720 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116408190 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116409754 expression in the embryo
decreased amount LOC116411987 expression in the embryo
decreased amount lox expression in the embryo
decreased amount matn2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount matn3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mdh2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mespa expression in the embryo
decreased amount mettl21e expression in the embryo
decreased amount mgc75582 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mgc89221 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mmp1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mogat3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mrpl37 expression in the embryo
decreased amount msgn1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount mymk expression in the embryo
decreased amount ndufb5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount neurod6 expression in the embryo
decreased amount nlgn2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount nphs2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount nppb expression in the embryo
decreased amount npy2r expression in the embryo
decreased amount ntmt2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ocm4.5 expression in the embryo
decreased amount olfm4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount olig4 expression in the embryo
decreased amount otos expression in the embryo
decreased amount otosl expression in the embryo
decreased amount pde3a expression in the embryo
decreased amount pla1a expression in the embryo
decreased amount plcl1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount pnp expression in the embryo
decreased amount r3hdml expression in the embryo
decreased amount rbp2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount rbp4l expression in the embryo
decreased amount rdh20 expression in the embryo
decreased amount ripply2.1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount s100z expression in the embryo
decreased amount sbspon expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc12a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc12a3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc18b1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc26a1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc26a2.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc34a3 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc38a8 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc5a12 expression in the embryo
decreased amount slc5a2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount smim32 expression in the embryo
decreased amount snorc expression in the embryo
decreased amount socs3l expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbx6 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tbxt.2 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tcim expression in the embryo
decreased amount tgm1 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem233 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tmem268 expression in the embryo
decreased amount tnn expression in the embryo
decreased amount wdr97 expression in the embryo
decreased amount wnt8a expression in embryo
decreased amount XB22062450 [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB22063314 [provisional:yrdc] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5797209 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5812047 [provisional:casp7] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5852574 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5907626 expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5949052 [provisional] expression in the embryo
decreased amount XB5961731 [provisional:ins] expression in the embryo
No Image GSE92366

Hörmanseder E et al. (2017)
WT + SCNT endoderm cell + Mmu.kdm5bH499A_del

ectoderm NF11 (RNA-Seq) grp5
Expression Phenotype
increased amount ldb3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount 1a11.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount a2ml1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount abcc5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount abhd13.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount actc1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount actc1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount adamts1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount adamts1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount adamtsl5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount agrp.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ammecr1l.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ankrd65.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ap4e1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount aplnr.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount aplnr.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount arfgef3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount arhgap30.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount arid5b.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount asap3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount asgr2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount atoh1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount b3galt1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount b3gnt5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount bcl11a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount bmf.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount bmp7.1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount bpnt1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount btg2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount btg3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount c5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount c9.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cacna1g.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount camk2n2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount capn10l.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount capn13.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount casq1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cat.2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cavin4.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ccdc102a.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ccdc88a.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ccna1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ccndx.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdc42ep3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdh18.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdk5r2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdkn1a.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cdkn1a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ceacam8l.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cep104.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chn2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chn2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chrd.1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chrng.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount chst2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ckap2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount clcn2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cntrl.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount col13a1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount col1a2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cop1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cpa6.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cpeb1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cpeb1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount crabp2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cracr2b.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount crim1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount crim1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cyp11a1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount cyp27c1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dand5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dapl1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dcaf5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dcdc2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ddr1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount desi1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount diras3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dlk2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dlk2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dnah1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dock9.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dpysl5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount dsel.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ebf2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ecm1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eda2r.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eef1a2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ell3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount emilin2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eomes.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eomes.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ephb1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ephb2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ern2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount esco2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount eya2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount f13a1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount f3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fam120c.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fam131a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fam43a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fam83a.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fbxl4.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fbxo21.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fbxo32.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fbxo34.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fdft1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fermt1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fgd6.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fgf5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fgf8.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fgf8.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fhdc1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount firrm.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fkbp9.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount flrt3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount fosl2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxa2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxi2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxi2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxj1.2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxj1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxo3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxo3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount foxr1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount frem2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount galnt5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gckr.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gcnt2.2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gdf1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gdf15.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gipr.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gja7.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gjc2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount glis2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gpc1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gpr45.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gpx8.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount grm3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gtpbp2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount gucy1a2.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount hcrtr2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount hepacam.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount hexim1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount hip1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ift46.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount il1rap.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount inka2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount inpp5b.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount itgb3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount itpkc.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount jag1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount jund.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount kcng4.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount kcnj13.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount kcnj5.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount klf6.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount klhl17.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount klhl18.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount larp6l.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ldb3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lhb.2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lim2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lonrf3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lpar2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lpar3.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lpar6.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lpin1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lrrc39.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lrrc3b.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount lrrn4cl.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount maco1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mafb.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mafb.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount map4.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount marchf8.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount marchf8.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mecom.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mef2d.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount menf.1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mep1a.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mid1ip1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mmp1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mmp14.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mmp28.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount morn5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mrc2.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount myl3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount myl9.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mylip.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mylip.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount mylk.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ncoa1.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount nppb.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount nrap.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount nrsn1.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount nt5m.S expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount p2ry1.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount pcdh20.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount pik3r3.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount pik3r5.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount pik3r6.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount plekhg1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount plk2.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount pms2.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount post7p.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount pou5f3.3.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount ppp1r14c.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount prickle1.L expression in the ectoderm
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increased amount prr15.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount prr5l.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ptgfrn.L expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ptgs1.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ptpa.S expression in the ectoderm
increased amount ptpn14.S expression in the ectoderm
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