abnormal development of retinal layer has 1 anatomical phenotype(s)
Images Sources Experiment + Assay Phenotypes Human Diseases

Rothe M et al. (2017)
Xla Wt + epha4 MO

NF42 (in situ hybridization)
Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal development of retinal layer
abnormally localised retinal inner nuclear layer
Expression Phenotype
decreased amount rho.L expression in photoreceptor layer
increased amount pax6.L expression in amacrine cell
increased amount pax6.L expression in retinal ganglion cell layer
increased amount pou4f1.L expression in retinal ganglion cell layer
increased amount vsx1.L expression in retinal inner nuclear layer
mislocalised pax6.L expression in retinal inner nuclear layer
mislocalised rho.L expression in retinal inner nuclear layer