microphthalmia has 36 match(es)
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Matches Category
abnormal jaw muscle Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal midbrain morphology Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal midgut morphology Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal nasal region Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal olfactory placode Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal pharyngeal region Anatomical Phenotype
abnormal retina Anatomical Phenotype
abnormally inverted heart Anatomical Phenotype
abnormally localised midgut Anatomical Phenotype
abnormally localised retinal pigmented epithelium Anatomical Phenotype
absent eye Anatomical Phenotype
absent midgut Anatomical Phenotype
decreased size of the eye Anatomical Phenotype
decreased size of the head Anatomical Phenotype
decreased amount pax6.L expression in brain Manual Expression
decreased amount pax6.L expression in eye Manual Expression