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Antibody Name: Gnat1 Ab1

Common Name: transducin

Synonyms: GalphaT1, G (alpha) t1 ( k-20), Ga t1 (K-20), sc-389

Gene: gnat1
XAO: retina, eye photoreceptor cell

Clone Type: Polyclonal
Source: Santa Cruz Biotechnology

Clone Number
Purification Affinity Purification
Isotype IgG
Host Organism rabbit
Xenopus Reactivity X. tropicalis, X. laevis
Non-Xenopus Reactivity cow, dog, human, mouse, pig, rat
Description: Supplied by Santa Cruz, cat# sc-389, antibody discontinued, monoclonal antibodies recommended instead
Name gnat1
Type polypeptide
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism human
Description Heterotrimeric G proteins function to relay information from cell surface receptors to intracellular effectors. Each of a very broad range of receptors specifically detects an extracellular stimulus (a photon, pheromone, odorant, hormone or neurotransmitter) while the effectors (i.e., adenyl cyclase), which act to generate one or more intracellular messengers, are less numerous. see Santa Cruz website for more product details.
Reported Usage
western blot
Used For Epitope Tagging Yes
First: A role for cytoskeletal elements in the light-driven translocation of proteins in rod photoreceptors., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci 2005  
Most recent: Müller glia reactivity follows retinal injury despite the absence of the glial fibrillary acidic protein gene in Xenopus., Dev Biol 2017     
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