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Antibody Name: Arl13b Ab5

Common Name: 17711-1-AP

RRID: AB_2060867
Synonyms: anti-Arl13B, ARL13B PAB

Gene: arl13b

Clone Type: Polyclonal
Source: Protein Tech

Clone Number
Purification Affinity Purification
Isotype IgG
Host Organism rabbit
Xenopus Reactivity X. laevis
Non-Xenopus Reactivity chicken, dog, human, monkey, mouse, pig, rat, zebrafish
Description: Supplied by Proteintech, Cat#17711-1-AP ARL13B, also named as ARL2L1, is a small ciliary G protein of the Ras superfamily. Localized in the cilia, it is required for cilium biogenesis and sonic hedgehog signaling. This antibody detects two specific bands at 60 kDa and 48 kDa. Arl13b is predicted to be a 48 kDa protein, and the 60 kDa band is likely to represent a modified form of Arl13b. ARL13B can be used to mark the cilia (PMID:22072986).
Type polypeptide
Post Translational Modifications None
Source Organism frog
Reported Usage
immunohistochemistry 1:200 dilution
???displayAntibody.papersFirst??? TBC1D32 variants disrupt retinal ciliogenesis and cause retinitis pigmentosa., JCI Insight 2023     