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Architecture of the SWI/SNF-nucleosome complex., Dechassa ML, Zhang B, Horowitz-Scherer R, Persinger J, Woodcock CL, Peterson CL, Bartholomew B., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 2008; 28 (19): 6010-21.

Adenosine receptor antagonists alter the stability of human epileptic GABAA receptors., Roseti C, Martinello K, Fucile S, Piccari V, Mascia A, Di Gennaro G, Quarato PP, Manfredi M, Esposito V, Cantore G, Arcella A, Simonato M, Fredholm BB, Limatola C, Miledi R, Eusebi F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 30, 2008; 105 (39): 15118-23.

A novel, rapid, inhibitory effect of insulin on alpha1beta2gamma2s gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptors., Williams DB., Neurosci Lett. September 26, 2008; 443 (1): 27-31.

A glial DEG/ENaC channel functions with neuronal channel DEG-1 to mediate specific sensory functions in C. elegans., Wang Y, Apicella A, Lee SK, Ezcurra M, Slone RD, Goldmit M, Schafer WR, Shaham S, Driscoll M, Bianchi L., EMBO J. September 17, 2008; 27 (18): 2388-99.

An increase in intracellular Ca2+ is involved in pronephric tubule differentiation in the amphibian Xenopus laevis., Leclerc C, Webb SE, Miller AL, Moreau M., Dev Biol. September 15, 2008; 321 (2): 357-67.   

A common "hot spot" confers hERG blockade activity to alpha-scorpion toxins affecting K+ channels., Abdel-Mottaleb Y, Corzo G, Martin-Eauclaire MF, Satake H, Céard B, Peigneur S, Nambaru P, Bougis PE, Possani LD, Tytgat J., Biochem Pharmacol. September 15, 2008; 76 (6): 805-15.

A novel Na+ channel splice form contributes to the regulation of an androgen-dependent social signal., Liu H, Wu MM, Zakon HH., J Neurosci. September 10, 2008; 28 (37): 9173-82.

A conserved salt bridge critical for GABA(A) receptor function and loop C dynamics., Venkatachalan SP, Czajkowski C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 9, 2008; 105 (36): 13604-9.

A conformationally mobile cysteine residue (Cys-561) modulates Na+ and H+ activation of human CNT3., Slugoski MD, Smith KM, Mulinta R, Ng AM, Yao SY, Morrison EL, Lee QO, Zhang J, Karpinski E, Cass CE, Baldwin SA, Young JD., J Biol Chem. September 5, 2008; 283 (36): 24922-34.

A protein scaffold plays matchmaker for chordin., Harland RM., Cell. September 5, 2008; 134 (5): 718-9.   

Alterations in glutathione reductase, superoxide dismutase, and lipid peroxidation of tadpoles (Xenopus laevis) exposed to Bonny Light crude oil and its fractions., Eriyamremu GE, Osagie VE, Omoregie SE, Omofoma CO., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. September 1, 2008; 71 (1): 284-90.

Acute sleep-promoting action of the melatonin agonist, ramelteon, in the rat., Fisher SP, Davidson K, Kulla A, Sugden D., J Pineal Res. September 1, 2008; 45 (2): 125-32.

A comparison of the pharmacological properties of recombinant human and rat alpha(1)beta(2)gamma(2L) GABA(A) receptors in Xenopus oocytes., Rahman M, Borra VB, Isaksson M, Johansson IM, Ragagnin G, Bäckström T, Wang MD., Clin Exp Pharmacol Physiol. September 1, 2008; 35 (9): 1002-11.

Alternative splicing of the Ca2+ channel beta4 subunit confers specificity for gabapentin inhibition of Cav2.1 trafficking., Mich PM, Horne WA., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 2008; 74 (3): 904-12.

A survivin-ran complex regulates spindle formation in tumor cells., Xia F, Canovas PM, Guadagno TM, Altieri DC., Mol Cell Biol. September 1, 2008; 28 (17): 5299-311.

Anesthetic-like modulation of receptor function by surfactants: a test of the interfacial theory of anesthesia., Yang L, Sonner JM., Anesth Analg. September 1, 2008; 107 (3): 868-74.

A crucial role for hnRNP K in axon development in Xenopus laevis., Liu Y, Gervasi C, Szaro BG., Development. September 1, 2008; 135 (18): 3125-35.   

Anesthetic properties of propofol in African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis)., Guénette SA, Beaudry F, Vachon P., J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. September 1, 2008; 47 (5): 35-8.

Amino acids within loops D, E and F of insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptor beta subunits influence neonicotinoid selectivity., Yao X, Song F, Chen F, Zhang Y, Gu J, Liu S, Liu Z., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. September 1, 2008; 38 (9): 834-40.

Analgesic compound from sea anemone Heteractis crispa is the first polypeptide inhibitor of vanilloid receptor 1 (TRPV1)., Andreev YA, Kozlov SA, Koshelev SG, Ivanova EA, Monastyrnaya MM, Kozlovskaya EP, Grishin EV., J Biol Chem. August 29, 2008; 283 (35): 23914-21.

An intact connexin N-terminus is required for function but not gap junction formation., Kyle JW, Minogue PJ, Thomas BC, Domowicz DA, Berthoud VM, Hanck DA, Beyer EC., J Cell Sci. August 15, 2008; 121 (Pt 16): 2744-50.

Apoptosis leads to a degradation of vital components of active nuclear transport and a dissociation of the nuclear lamina., Kramer A, Liashkovich I, Oberleithner H, Ludwig S, Mazur I, Shahin V., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 12, 2008; 105 (32): 11236-41.

Activation of mitotic kinesin by microtubule bundling., Tomishige M., J Cell Biol. August 11, 2008; 182 (3): 417-9.   

A general definition and nomenclature for alternative splicing events., Sammeth M, Foissac S, Guigó R., PLoS Comput Biol. August 8, 2008; 4 (8): e1000147.   

A dynamic stochastic model for DNA replication initiation in early embryos., Goldar A, Labit H, Marheineke K, Hyrien O., PLoS One. August 6, 2008; 3 (8): e2919.   

A protein complex in the brush-border membrane explains a Hartnup disorder allele., Kowalczuk S, Bröer A, Tietze N, Vanslambrouck JM, Rasko JE, Bröer S., FASEB J. August 1, 2008; 22 (8): 2880-7.

A novel missense mutation in SLC34A3 that causes hereditary hypophosphatemic rickets with hypercalciuria in humans identifies threonine 137 as an important determinant of sodium-phosphate cotransport in NaPi-IIc., Jaureguiberry G, Carpenter TO, Forman S, Jüppner H, Bergwitz C., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. August 1, 2008; 295 (2): F371-9.

Addressing variability in a Xenopus laevis melanophore cell line., Suska A, Ibáñez AB, Filippini D, Lundström I., Assay Drug Dev Technol. August 1, 2008; 6 (4): 569-76.

Alpha-scorpion toxin impairs a conformational change that leads to fast inactivation of muscle sodium channels., Campos FV, Chanda B, Beirão PS, Bezanilla F., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2008; 132 (2): 251-63.   

A synthetic prostone activates apical chloride channels in A6 epithelial cells., Bao HF, Liu L, Self J, Duke BJ, Ueno R, Eaton DC., Am J Physiol Gastrointest Liver Physiol. August 1, 2008; 295 (2): G234-51.

A cytoplasmic domain mutation in ClC-Kb affects long-distance communication across the membrane., Martinez GQ, Maduke M., PLoS One. July 23, 2008; 3 (7): e2746.   

Ascidians and the plasticity of the chordate developmental program., Lemaire P, Smith WC, Nishida H., Curr Biol. July 22, 2008; 18 (14): R620-31.

A novel small-molecule inhibitor reveals a possible role of kinesin-5 in anastral spindle-pole assembly., Groen AC, Needleman D, Brangwynne C, Gradinaru C, Fowler B, Mazitschek R, Mitchison TJ., J Cell Sci. July 15, 2008; 121 (Pt 14): 2293-300.

A novel mechanism for human K2P2.1 channel gating. Facilitation of C-type gating by protonation of extracellular histidine residues., Cohen A, Ben-Abu Y, Hen S, Zilberberg N., J Biol Chem. July 11, 2008; 283 (28): 19448-55.

An internal thermal sensor controlling temperature preference in Drosophila., Hamada FN, Rosenzweig M, Kang K, Pulver SR, Ghezzi A, Jegla TJ, Garrity PA., Nature. July 10, 2008; 454 (7201): 217-20.

Aven-dependent activation of ATM following DNA damage., Guo JY, Yamada A, Kajino T, Wu JQ, Tang W, Freel CD, Feng J, Chau BN, Wang MZ, Margolis SS, Yoo HY, Wang XF, Dunphy WG, Irusta PM, Hardwick JM, Kornbluth S., Curr Biol. July 8, 2008; 18 (13): 933-42.

Amino acids outside of the loops that define the agonist binding site are important for ligand binding to insect nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Liu Z, Han Z, Liu S, Zhang Y, Song F, Yao X, Gu J., J Neurochem. July 1, 2008; 106 (1): 224-30.

An aryl hydrocarbon receptor repressor from Xenopus laevis: function, expression, and role in dioxin responsiveness during frog development., Zimmermann AL, King EA, Dengler E, Scogin SR, Powell WH., Toxicol Sci. July 1, 2008; 104 (1): 124-34.

A novel role for Cdk1/cyclin B in regulating B-raf activation at mitosis., Borysov SI, Guadagno TM., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 2008; 19 (7): 2907-15.

Aurora A phosphorylates MCAK to control ran-dependent spindle bipolarity., Zhang X, Ems-McClung SC, Walczak CE., Mol Biol Cell. July 1, 2008; 19 (7): 2752-65.

A functional screen for genes involved in Xenopus pronephros development., Kyuno J, Massé K, Jones EA., Mech Dev. July 1, 2008; 125 (7): 571-86.   

A schizophrenia-linked mutation in PIP5K2A fails to activate neuronal M channels., Fedorenko O, Strutz-Seebohm N, Henrion U, Ureche ON, Lang F, Seebohm G, Lang UE., Psychopharmacology (Berl). July 1, 2008; 199 (1): 47-54.

Antimicrobial peptide P18 inhibits inflammatory responses by LPS- but not by IFN-gamma-stimulated macrophages., Nan YH, Jeon YJ, Park IS, Shin SY., Biotechnol Lett. July 1, 2008; 30 (7): 1183-7.

Antibody microarray analyses of signal transduction protein expression and phosphorylation during porcine oocyte maturation., Pelech S, Jelinkova L, Susor A, Zhang H, Shi X, Pavlok A, Kubelka M, Kovarova H., J Proteome Res. July 1, 2008; 7 (7): 2860-71.

A comparison of electrophysiological properties of the CNGA1, CNGA1tandem and CNGA1cys-free channels., Mazzolini M, Nair AV, Torre V., Eur Biophys J. July 1, 2008; 37 (6): 947-59.

Alternative translation initiation in rat brain yields K2P2.1 potassium channels permeable to sodium., Thomas D, Plant LD, Wilkens CM, McCrossan ZA, Goldstein SA., Neuron. June 26, 2008; 58 (6): 859-70.

An ontology for Xenopus anatomy and development., Segerdell E, Bowes JB, Pollet N, Vize PD., BMC Dev Biol. June 23, 2008; 8 92.   

Aromatic-aromatic interactions in the formation of the MDM2-p53 complex., Espinoza-Fonseca LM, García-Machorro J., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 13, 2008; 370 (4): 547-51.

A voltage-sensing phosphatase, Ci-VSP, which shares sequence identity with PTEN, dephosphorylates phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate., Iwasaki H, Murata Y, Kim Y, Hossain MI, Worby CA, Dixon JE, McCormack T, Sasaki T, Okamura Y., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 10, 2008; 105 (23): 7970-5.

A molecular clutch between the actin flow and N-cadherin adhesions drives growth cone migration., Bard L, Boscher C, Lambert M, Mège RM, Choquet D, Thoumine O., J Neurosci. June 4, 2008; 28 (23): 5879-90.

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