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FOSP-1 (frog oviduct-specific protein-1) gene: cloning of cDNA and induction by estrogen in primary cultures of Xenopus oviduct cells., Lerivray H, Smith JA, Tata JR., Mol Cell Endocrinol. October 1, 1988; 59 (3): 241-8.

Forskolin alters acetylcholine receptor gating by a mechanism independent of adenylate cyclase activation., White MM., Mol Pharmacol. October 1, 1988; 34 (4): 427-30.

Functional activity of oligosaccharide-deficient (Na,K)ATPase expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Takeda K, Noguchi S, Sugino A, Kawamura M., FEBS Lett. September 26, 1988; 238 (1): 201-4.

Functional expression of brain cholecystokinin and bombesin receptors in Xenopus oocytes., Moriarty TM, Gillo B, Sealfon S, Roberts JL, Blitzer RD, Landau EM., Dev Biol. August 1, 1988; 464 (1): 75-9.

Fertilization events induced by neurotransmitters after injection of mRNA in Xenopus eggs., Kline D, Simoncini L, Mandel G, Maue RA, Kado RT, Jaffe LA., Science. July 22, 1988; 241 (4864): 464-7.

Finger proteins and DNA-specific recognition: distinct patterns of conserved amino acids suggest different evolutionary modes., Payre F, Vincent A., FEBS Lett. July 18, 1988; 234 (2): 245-50.

From egg to ascus., , Nature. July 14, 1988; 334 (6178): 101.

Functional expression of the oxytocin receptor in Xenopus laevis oocytes primed with mRNA from bovine endometrium., Morley SD, Meyerhof W, Schwarz J, Richter D., J Mol Endocrinol. July 1, 1988; 1 (1): 77-81.

Functional expression of a new pharmacological subtype of brain nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Wada K, Ballivet M, Boulter J, Connolly J, Wada E, Deneris ES, Swanson LW, Heinemann S, Patrick J., Science. April 15, 1988; 240 (4850): 330-4.

Formation of flagella during interphase in secondary spermatocytes from Xenopus laevis in vitro., Abé S, Asakura S, Ukeshima A., J Exp Zool. April 1, 1988; 246 (1): 65-70.

Factors involved in the formation and stabilization of cell aggregates obtained from amphibian embryonic explants., Mattsson MO, Løvtrup-Rein H, Løvtrup S., Cell Differ. March 1, 1988; 23 (1-2): 69-76.

Functional analysis of the sea urchin U7 small nuclear RNA., Gilmartin GM, Schaufele F, Schaffner G, Birnstiel ML., Mol Cell Biol. March 1, 1988; 8 (3): 1076-84.

Functional expression of cloned cDNA encoding sodium channel III., Suzuki H, Beckh S, Kubo H, Yahagi N, Ishida H, Kayano T, Noda M, Numa S., FEBS Lett. February 8, 1988; 228 (1): 195-200.

Freeze-fracture analysis of structural reorganization during meiotic maturation in oocytes of Xenopus laevis., Larabell CA, Chandler DE., Cell Tissue Res. January 1, 1988; 251 (1): 129-36.

Functional expression of the 5-HT1c receptor in neuronal and nonneuronal cells., Julius D, MacDermott AB, Jessel TM, Huang K, Molineaux S, Schieren I, Axel R., Cold Spring Harb Symp Quant Biol. January 1, 1988; 53 Pt 1 385-93.

Formation of visual pigment chromophores during the development of Xenopus laevis., Azuma M, Seki T, Fujishita S., Vision Res. January 1, 1988; 28 (9): 959-64.

Functional modification of a 21-kilodalton G protein when ADP-ribosylated by exoenzyme C3 of Clostridium botulinum., Rubin EJ, Gill DM, Boquet P, Popoff MR., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 1988; 8 (1): 418-26.

Freeze-fracture investigations of membranes of flask cells in the kidney and of parietal cells in the stomach of claw-frog (Xenopus laevis)., Jonas L, Richter W, Meyer HW., Anat Anz. January 1, 1988; 165 (1): 23-33.

Fixation of the unmethylated or the 5'-CCGG-3' methylated adenovirus late E2A promoter-cat gene construct in the genome of hamster cells: gene expression and stability of methylation patterns., Müller U, Doerfler W., J Virol. December 1, 1987; 61 (12): 3710-20.

Functional activity and regulation of human beta 2-adrenergic receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Kobilka BK, MacGregor C, Daniel K, Kobilka TS, Caron MG, Lefkowitz RJ., J Biol Chem. November 15, 1987; 262 (32): 15796-802.

Functional expression of two neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors from cDNA clones identifies a gene family., Boulter J, Connolly J, Deneris E, Goldman D, Heinemann S, Patrick J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 1, 1987; 84 (21): 7763-7.

Factors guiding optic fibers in developing Xenopus retina., Bork T, Schabtach E, Grant P., J Comp Neurol. October 8, 1987; 264 (2): 147-58.

Functional characterization of X. laevis U5 snRNA genes., Kazmaier M, Tebb G, Mattaj IW., EMBO J. October 1, 1987; 6 (10): 3071-8.

Fertilization induces endocytosis in Xenopus eggs., Bernardini G, Ferraguti M, Stipani R., Cell Differ. September 1, 1987; 21 (4): 255-60.

Fates of the blastomeres of the 32-cell-stage Xenopus embryo., Moody SA., Dev Biol. August 1, 1987; 122 (2): 300-19.   

Further characterization of the slow muscarinic responses in Xenopus oocytes., Dascal N, Cohen S., Pflugers Arch. August 1, 1987; 409 (4-5): 512-20.

Fundulus heteroclitus gonadotropin(s). I. Homologous bioassay using oocyte maturation and steroid production by isolated ovarian follicles., Lin YW, Lamarca MJ, Wallace RA., Gen Comp Endocrinol. July 1, 1987; 67 (1): 126-41.

Functional gametes derived from explants of single blastomeres containing the "germ plasm" in Xenopus laevis: a genetic marker study., Ikenishi K., Dev Biol. July 1, 1987; 122 (1): 35-8.

Functional expression in the Xenopus oocyte of messenger ribonucleic acids encoding brain neurotransmitter receptors: further characterisation of the implanted GABA receptor., Barnard EA, Bilbe G, Houamed K, Moss SJ, Van Renterghem C, Smart TG., Neuropharmacology. July 1, 1987; 26 (7B): 837-44.

Functional properties of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits expressed in various combinations., Kurosaki T, Fukuda K, Konno T, Mori Y, Tanaka K, Mishina M, Numa S., FEBS Lett. April 20, 1987; 214 (2): 253-8.

Fate map for the 32-cell stage of Xenopus laevis., Dale L, Slack JM., Development. April 1, 1987; 99 (4): 527-51.   

Functional gap junctions are not required for muscle gene activation by induction in Xenopus embryos., Warner A, Gurdon JB., J Cell Biol. March 1, 1987; 104 (3): 557-64.

Fibre organization and reorganization in the retinotectal projection of Xenopus., Taylor JS., Development. March 1, 1987; 99 (3): 393-410.

Functional elements of the human U1 RNA promoter. Identification of five separate regions required for efficient transcription and template competition., Murphy JT, Skuzeski JT, Lund E, Steinberg TH, Burgess RR, Dahlberg JE., J Biol Chem. February 5, 1987; 262 (4): 1795-803.

Fates of the blastomeres of the 16-cell stage Xenopus embryo., Moody SA., Dev Biol. February 1, 1987; 119 (2): 560-78.   

Fungal small nuclear ribonucleoproteins share properties with plant and vertebrate U-snRNPs., Tollervey D, Mattaj IW., EMBO J. February 1, 1987; 6 (2): 469-76.

Free calcium wave upon activation in Xenopus eggs., Kubota HY, Yoshimoto Y, Yoneda M, Hiramoto Y., Dev Biol. January 1, 1987; 119 (1): 129-36.

Functional, developmentally expressed genes for mouse U1a and U1b snRNAs contain both conserved and non-conserved transcription signals., Howard EF, Michael SK, Dahlberg JE, Lund E., Nucleic Acids Res. December 22, 1986; 14 (24): 9811-25.

Fingers and helices., Brown RS, Argos P., Nature. November 20, 1986; 324 (6094): 215.

Force and membrane potential during and after fatiguing, intermittent tetanic stimulation of single Xenopus muscle fibres., Westerblad H, Lännergren J., Acta Physiol Scand. November 1, 1986; 128 (3): 369-78.

Force and membrane potential during and after fatiguing, continuous high-frequency stimulation of single Xenopus muscle fibres., Lännergren J, Westerblad H., Acta Physiol Scand. November 1, 1986; 128 (3): 359-68.

Formation of the 3' end on U snRNAs requires at least three sequence elements., Ciliberto G, Dathan N, Frank R, Philipson L, Mattaj IW., EMBO J. November 1, 1986; 5 (11): 2931-7.

Fluorescence microphotolysis to measure nucleocytoplasmic transport in vivo and in vitro., Peters R, Lang I, Scholz M, Schulz B, Kayne F., Biochem Soc Trans. October 1, 1986; 14 (5): 821-2.

Formation of nucleus-like structure in the cytoplasm of lambda-DNA-injected fertilized eggs and its partition into blastomeres during early embryogenesis in Xenopus laevis., Shiokawa K, Sameshima M, Tashiro K, Miura T, Nakakura N, Yamana K., Dev Biol. August 1, 1986; 116 (2): 539-42.

Full-length sequence and expression of the 42 kDa 2-5A synthetase induced by human interferon., Wathelet M, Moutschen S, Cravador A, DeWit L, Defilippi P, Huez G, Content J., FEBS Lett. February 3, 1986; 196 (1): 113-20.

Further studies on the melanophores of periodic albino mutant of Xenopus laevis., Fukuzawa T, Ide H., J Embryol Exp Morphol. February 1, 1986; 91 65-78.

Formation of the vertebrate neuromuscular junction., Moody-Corbett F., Dev Biol (N Y 1985). January 1, 1986; 2 605-35.

Functional domains of the Xenopus laevis 5S gene promoter., Pieler T, Oei SL, Hamm J, Engelke U, Erdmann VA., EMBO J. December 30, 1985; 4 (13B): 3751-6.

Factors guiding regenerating retinotectal fibres in the frog Xenopus laevis., Fawcett JW., J Embryol Exp Morphol. December 1, 1985; 90 233-50.

Functional activity and chromatin configuration of SV40 enhancer injected in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Spinelli G, Ciliberto G., Nucleic Acids Res. November 25, 1985; 13 (22): 8065-81.

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