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Search Results

Discovery of potent competitive antagonists and positive modulators of the P2X2 receptor., Baqi Y, Hausmann R, Rosefort C, Rettinger J, Schmalzing G, Müller CE., J Med Chem. February 10, 2011; 54 (3): 817-30.

Directed differentiation of human pluripotent stem cells into intestinal tissue in vitro., Spence JR, Mayhew CN, Rankin SA, Kuhar MF, Vallance JE, Tolle K, Hoskins EE, Kalinichenko VV, Wells SI, Zorn AM, Shroyer NF, Wells JM., Nature. February 3, 2011; 470 (7332): 105-9.   

Disulphide trapping of the GABA(A) receptor reveals the importance of the coupling interface in the action of benzodiazepines., Hanson SM, Czajkowski C., Br J Pharmacol. February 1, 2011; 162 (3): 673-87.

Double-band sarcomeric SHG pattern induced by adult skeletal muscles alteration during myofibrils preparation., Recher G, Rouède D, Tascon C, D'Amico LA, Tiaho F., J Microsc. February 1, 2011; 241 (2): 207-11.

Detection of dynamic spatiotemporal response to periodic chemical stimulation in a Xenopus embryonic tissue., Kim Y, Joshi SD, Messner WC, LeDuc PR, Davidson LA., PLoS One. January 7, 2011; 6 (1): e14624.   

Determination of the Na(+)/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1) turnover rate using the ion-trap technique., Longpré JP, Lapointe JY., Biophys J. January 5, 2011; 100 (1): 52-9.

DNA is a co-factor for its own replication in Xenopus egg extracts., Lebofsky R, van Oijen AM, Walter JC., Nucleic Acids Res. January 1, 2011; 39 (2): 545-55.   

Differential sensitivity of Ctenocephalides felis and Drosophila melanogaster nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α1 and α2 subunits in recombinant hybrid receptors to nicotinoids and neonicotinoid insecticides., Dederer H, Werr M, Ilg T., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. January 1, 2011; 41 (1): 51-61.

Diffusion and light-dependent compartmentalization of transducin., Kerov V, Artemyev NO., Mol Cell Neurosci. January 1, 2011; 46 (1): 340-6.

Dishevelled-associated activator of morphogenesis 1 (Daam1) is required for heart morphogenesis., Li D, Hallett MA, Zhu W, Rubart M, Liu Y, Yang Z, Chen H, Haneline LS, Chan RJ, Schwartz RJ, Field LJ, Atkinson SJ, Shou W., Development. January 1, 2011; 138 (2): 303-15.

Development of a selective small-molecule inhibitor of Kir1.1, the renal outer medullary potassium channel., Bhave G, Chauder BA, Liu W, Dawson ES, Kadakia R, Nguyen TT, Lewis LM, Meiler J, Weaver CD, Satlin LM, Lindsley CW, Denton JS., Mol Pharmacol. January 1, 2011; 79 (1): 42-50.

Dual functional characteristic of human aquaporin 10 for solute transport., Ishii M, Ohta K, Katano T, Urano K, Watanabe J, Miyamoto A, Inoue K, Yuasa H., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2011; 27 (6): 749-56.

Differential effect of genetic variants of Na(+)-taurocholate co-transporting polypeptide (NTCP) and organic anion-transporting polypeptide 1B1 (OATP1B1) on the uptake of HMG-CoA reductase inhibitors., Choi MK, Shin HJ, Choi YL, Deng JW, Shin JG, Song IS., Xenobiotica. January 1, 2011; 41 (1): 24-34.

Detection of tight junction barrier function in vivo by biotin., Ding L, Tatum R, Chen YH., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2011; 762 91-100.

Different requirement for Wnt/β-catenin signaling in limb regeneration of larval and adult Xenopus., Yokoyama H, Maruoka T, Ochi H, Aruga A, Ohgo S, Ogino H, Tamura K., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (7): e21721.   

Developmental genetics in Xenopus tropicalis., Geach TJ, Zimmerman LB., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2011; 770 77-117.

Downregulation of NaPi-IIa and NaPi-IIb Na-coupled phosphate transporters by coexpression of Klotho., Dërmaku-Sopjani M, Sopjani M, Saxena A, Shojaiefard M, Bogatikov E, Alesutan I, Eichenmüller M, Lang F., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2011; 28 (2): 251-8.

Direct response elements of BMP within the PV.1A promoter are essential for its transcriptional regulation during early Xenopus development., Lee HS, Lee SY, Hwang YS, Cha SW, Park S, Park JB, Kim S, Park MJ, Kim J., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (8): e22621.   

Dynamic regulation of Oct1 during mitosis by phosphorylation and ubiquitination., Kang J, Goodman B, Zheng Y, Tantin D., PLoS One. January 1, 2011; 6 (8): e23872.   

Development and initial characterization of a HAPPY panel for mapping the X. tropicalis genome., Jiang Z, Michal JJ, Beckman KB, Lyons JB, Zhang M, Pan Z, Rokhsar DS, Harland RM., Int J Biol Sci. January 1, 2011; 7 (7): 1037-44.   

Differential contribution of rod and cone circadian clocks in driving retinal melatonin rhythms in Xenopus., Hayasaka N, LaRue SI, Green CB., PLoS One. December 17, 2010; 5 (12): e15599.   

Differential expression of anterior gradient gene AGR2 in prostate cancer., Maresh EL, Mah V, Alavi M, Horvath S, Bagryanova L, Liebeskind ES, Knutzen LA, Zhou Y, Chia D, Liu AY, Goodglick L., BMC Cancer. December 13, 2010; 10 680.   

Deceleration of the E1P-E2P transition and ion transport by mutation of potentially salt bridge-forming residues Lys-791 and Glu-820 in gastric H+/K+-ATPase., Dürr KL, Seuffert I, Friedrich T., J Biol Chem. December 10, 2010; 285 (50): 39366-79.

Divalent metal- and high mobility group N protein-dependent nucleosome stability and conformation., Ong MS, Vasudevan D, Davey CA., J Nucleic Acids. December 6, 2010; 2010 143890.   

Developmental expression patterns of candidate cofactors for vertebrate six family transcription factors., Neilson KM, Pignoni F, Yan B, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2010; 239 (12): 3446-66.   

Defolliculation of Xenopus oocytes., Sive HL, Grainger RM, Harland RM., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. December 1, 2010; 2010 (12): pdb.prot5535.

Development of in vitro models for a better understanding of the early pathogenesis of Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis infections in amphibians., Van Rooij P, Martel A, Brutyn M, Maes S, Chiers K, Van Waeyenberghe L, Croubels S, Haesebrouck F, Pasmans F., Altern Lab Anim. December 1, 2010; 38 (6): 519-28.

Different effects of redundant feedback loops on a bistable switch., Domingo-Sananes MR, Novak B., Chaos. December 1, 2010; 20 (4): 045120.

Down-regulation of intestinal apical calcium entry channel TRPV6 by ubiquitin E3 ligase Nedd4-2., Zhang W, Na T, Wu G, Jing H, Peng JB., J Biol Chem. November 19, 2010; 285 (47): 36586-96.

Direct roles of the signaling kinase RSK2 in Cdc25C activation during Xenopus oocyte maturation., Wang R, Jung SY, Wu CF, Qin J, Kobayashi R, Gallick GE, Kuang J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 16, 2010; 107 (46): 19885-90.

Distance measurements within a concatamer of the plasma membrane Cl⁻/HCO₃⁻ exchanger, AE1., Basu A, Mazor S, Casey JR., Biochemistry. November 2, 2010; 49 (43): 9226-40.

Distinct functions of maternal and somatic Pat1 protein paralogs., Marnef A, Maldonado M, Bugaut A, Balasubramanian S, Kress M, Weil D, Standart N., RNA. November 1, 2010; 16 (11): 2094-107.

Depolarization-induced Ca2+ entry preferentially evokes release of large quanta in the developing Xenopus neuromuscular junction., Sun XP, Chen BM, Sand O, Kidokoro Y, Grinnell AD., J Neurophysiol. November 1, 2010; 104 (5): 2730-40.

Djrho2 is involved in regeneration of visual nerves in Dugesia japonica., Ma C, Gao Y, Chai G, Su H, Wang N, Yang Y, Li C, Miao D, Wu W., J Genet Genomics. November 1, 2010; 37 (11): 713-23.   

Different Mi-2 complexes for various developmental functions in Caenorhabditis elegans., Passannante M, Marti CO, Pfefferli C, Moroni PS, Kaeser-Pebernard S, Puoti A, Hunziker P, Wicky C, Müller F., PLoS One. October 27, 2010; 5 (10): e13681.   

Development of a novel selective inhibitor of the Down syndrome-related kinase Dyrk1A., Ogawa Y, Nonaka Y, Goto T, Ohnishi E, Hiramatsu T, Kii I, Yoshida M, Ikura T, Onogi H, Shibuya H, Hosoya T, Ito N, Hagiwara M., Nat Commun. October 5, 2010; 1 86.   

Defining an inhibitory domain in the gamma subunit of the epithelial sodium channel., Passero CJ, Carattino MD, Kashlan OB, Myerburg MM, Hughey RP, Kleyman TR., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. October 1, 2010; 299 (4): F854-61.

Developmental expression of sideroflexin family genes in Xenopus embryos., Li X, Han D, Kin Ting Kam R, Guo X, Chen M, Yang Y, Zhao H, Chen Y., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2010; 239 (10): 2742-7.   

Differential effects of Kv11.1 activators on Kv11.1a, Kv11.1b and Kv11.1a/Kv11.1b channels., Larsen AP, Bentzen BH, Grunnet M., Br J Pharmacol. October 1, 2010; 161 (3): 614-28.

Disease progression and search for monogenic diabetes among children with new onset type 1 diabetes negative for ICA, GAD- and IA-2 Antibodies., Pörksen S, Laborie LB, Nielsen L, Louise Max Andersen M, Sandal T, de Wet H, Schwarcz E, Aman J, Swift P, Kocova M, Schönle EJ, de Beaufort C, Hougaard P, Ashcroft F, Molven A, Knip M, Mortensen HB, Hansen L, Njølstad PR, Hvidøre Study Group on Childhood Diabetes., BMC Endocr Disord. September 23, 2010; 10 16.   

Divergent actions of the pyrethroid insecticides S-bioallethrin, tefluthrin, and deltamethrin on rat Na(v)1.6 sodium channels., Tan J, Soderlund DM., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. September 15, 2010; 247 (3): 229-37.

Defective membrane expression of the Na(+)-HCO(3)(-) cotransporter NBCe1 is associated with familial migraine., Suzuki M, Van Paesschen W, Stalmans I, Horita S, Yamada H, Bergmans BA, Legius E, Riant F, De Jonghe P, Li Y, Sekine T, Igarashi T, Fujimoto I, Mikoshiba K, Shimadzu M, Shiohara M, Braverman N, Al-Gazali L, Fujita T, Seki G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 7, 2010; 107 (36): 15963-8.

DAAM1 is a formin required for centrosome re-orientation during cell migration., Ang SF, Zhao ZS, Lim L, Manser E., PLoS One. September 7, 2010; 5 (9): .   

Deregulated Cdc6 inhibits DNA replication and suppresses Cdc7-mediated phosphorylation of Mcm2-7 complex., Kundu LR, Kumata Y, Kakusho N, Watanabe S, Furukohri A, Waga S, Seki M, Masai H, Enomoto T, Tada S., Nucleic Acids Res. September 1, 2010; 38 (16): 5409-18.   

Developmental regulation of gene expression in the thyroid gland of Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Opitz R, Kloas W., Gen Comp Endocrinol. September 1, 2010; 168 (2): 199-208.

Deletion of the potassium channel Kv12.2 causes hippocampal hyperexcitability and epilepsy., Zhang X, Bertaso F, Yoo JW, Baumgärtel K, Clancy SM, Lee V, Cienfuegos C, Wilmot C, Avis J, Hunyh T, Daguia C, Schmedt C, Noebels J, Jegla T., Nat Neurosci. September 1, 2010; 13 (9): 1056-8.   

Distribution of NBCn2 (SLC4A10) splice variants in mouse brain., Liu Y, Xu K, Chen LM, Sun X, Parker MD, Kelly ML, LaManna JC, Boron WF., Neuroscience. September 1, 2010; 169 (3): 951-64.

Dual inhibition of EGFR and mTOR pathways in small cell lung cancer., Schmid K, Bago-Horvath Z, Berger W, Haitel A, Cejka D, Werzowa J, Filipits M, Herberger B, Hayden H, Sieghart W., Br J Cancer. August 24, 2010; 103 (5): 622-8.   

Direct inhibition of P/Q-type voltage-gated Ca2+ channels by Gem does not require a direct Gem/Cavbeta interaction., Fan M, Buraei Z, Luo HR, Levenson-Palmer R, Yang J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 17, 2010; 107 (33): 14887-92.

Dual effects of nobiletin, a citrus polymethoxy flavone, on catecholamine secretion in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells., Zhang H, Toyohira Y, Ueno S, Shinohara Y, Itoh H, Furuno Y, Yamakuni T, Tsutsui M, Takahashi K, Yanagihara N., J Neurochem. August 1, 2010; 114 (4): 1030-8.

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