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Endogenous contrast blood flow imaging in embryonic hearts using hemoglobin contrast subtraction angiography., Deniz E, Jonas S, Khokha M, Choma MA., Opt Lett. July 15, 2012; 37 (14): 2979-81.

Embryonic poly(A)-binding protein (ePAB) phosphorylation is required for Xenopus oocyte maturation., Friend K, Brook M, Bezirci FB, Sheets MD, Gray NK, Seli E., Biochem J. July 1, 2012; 445 (1): 93-100.

Essential role of Dkk3 for head formation by inhibiting Wnt/β-catenin and Nodal/Vg1 signaling pathways in the basal chordate amphioxus., Onai T, Takai A, Setiamarga DH, Holland LZ., Evol Dev. July 1, 2012; 14 (4): 338-50.

Evaluation of Magainin I interactions with lipid membranes: an optical and electrochemical study., Nascimento JM, Franco OL, Oliveira MD, Andrade CA., Chem Phys Lipids. July 1, 2012; 165 (5): 537-44.

Ecological immunogenetics of life-history traits in a model amphibian., Barribeau SM, Villinger J, Waldman B., Biol Lett. June 23, 2012; 8 (3): 405-7.   

Electrophysiological characterization of the polyspecific organic cation transporter plasma membrane monoamine transporter., Itagaki S, Ganapathy V, Ho HT, Zhou M, Babu E, Wang J., Drug Metab Dispos. June 1, 2012; 40 (6): 1138-43.

Effects of environmentally relevant concentrations of the xeno-androgen, methyldihydrotestosterone, on male and female mating behavior in Xenopus laevis., Hoffmann F, Kloas W., Chemosphere. June 1, 2012; 87 (11): 1246-53.

Evolution of a tissue-specific silencer underlies divergence in the expression of pax2 and pax8 paralogues., Ochi H, Tamai T, Nagano H, Kawaguchi A, Sudou N, Ogino H., Nat Commun. May 22, 2012; 3 848.   

Extracellular finger domain modulates the response of the epithelial sodium channel to shear stress., Shi S, Blobner BM, Kashlan OB, Kleyman TR., J Biol Chem. May 4, 2012; 287 (19): 15439-44.

Early neural crest induction requires an initial inhibition of Wnt signals., Steventon B, Mayor R., Dev Biol. May 1, 2012; 365 (1): 196-207.   

Energetic and structural basis for activation of the epithelial sodium channel by matriptase., Kota P, García-Caballero A, Dang H, Gentzsch M, Stutts MJ, Dokholyan NV., Biochemistry. April 24, 2012; 51 (16): 3460-9.

Euryhaline pufferfish NBCe1 differs from nonmarine species NBCe1 physiology., Chang MH, Plata C, Kurita Y, Kato A, Hirose S, Romero MF., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. April 15, 2012; 302 (8): C1083-95.

Expression patterns of Ephs and ephrins throughout retinotectal development in Xenopus laevis., Higenell V, Han SM, Feldheim DA, Scalia F, Ruthazer ES., Dev Neurobiol. April 1, 2012; 72 (4): 547-63.   

Eps15R is required for bone morphogenetic protein signalling and differentially compartmentalizes with Smad proteins., Callery EM, Park CY, Xu X, Zhu H, Smith JC, Thomsen GH., Open Biol. April 1, 2012; 2 (4): 120060.   

Elevated ammonium levels: differential acute effects on three glutamate transporter isoforms., Søgaard R, Novak I, MacAulay N., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. March 15, 2012; 302 (6): C880-91.

Evolutionarily conserved protein arginine methyltransferases in non-mammalian animal systems., Wang YC, Li C., FEBS J. March 1, 2012; 279 (6): 932-45.

Effect of simultaneously replacing putative TM6 and TM12 of human NBCe1-A with those from NBCn1 on surface abundance in Xenopus oocytes., Chen LM, Qin X, Moss FJ, Liu Y, Boron WF., J Membr Biol. March 1, 2012; 245 (3): 131-40.

Effects of clonidine on the activity of the rat glutamate transporter EAAT3 expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Woo JH, Han JI, Baik HJ, Lee H., Korean J Anesthesiol. March 1, 2012; 62 (3): 266-71.   

Expression of a biologically-active conotoxin PrIIIE in Escherichia coli., Hernandez-Cuebas LM, White MM., Protein Expr Purif. March 1, 2012; 82 (1): 6-10.

Epithelial machines that shape the embryo., Davidson LA., Trends Cell Biol. February 1, 2012; 22 (2): 82-7.   

Episodic ataxias 1 and 2., Baloh RW., Handb Clin Neurol. January 1, 2012; 103 595-602.

Evolutionary diversification of Mesobuthus α-scorpion toxins affecting sodium channels., Zhu S, Peigneur S, Gao B, Lu X, Cao C, Tytgat J., Mol Cell Proteomics. January 1, 2012; 11 (1): M111.012054.

Effect of titanium dioxide nanomaterials and ultraviolet light coexposure on African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis)., Zhang J, Wages M, Cox SB, Maul JD, Li Y, Barnes M, Hope-Weeks L, Cobb GP., Environ Toxicol Chem. January 1, 2012; 31 (1): 176-83.

Evolutionary history and functional characterization of the amphibian xenosensor CAR., Mathäs M, Burk O, Qiu H, Nusshag C, Gödtel-Armbrust U, Baranyai D, Deng S, Römer K, Nem D, Windshügel B, Wojnowski L., Mol Endocrinol. January 1, 2012; 26 (1): 14-26.

Estrogens can disrupt amphibian mating behavior., Hoffmann F, Kloas W., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (2): e32097.   

Expression of odorant receptor family, type 2 OR in the aquatic olfactory cavity of amphibian frog Xenopus tropicalis., Amano T, Gascuel J., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (4): e33922.   

Expression of orexin receptors in the pituitary., Kaminski T, Smolinska N., Vitam Horm. January 1, 2012; 89 61-73.

Estimating the voltage-dependent free energy change of ion channels using the median voltage for activation., Chowdhury S, Chanda B., J Gen Physiol. January 1, 2012; 139 (1): 3-17.   

Expression of serotonergic system components during early Xenopus embryogenesis., Nikishin DA, Kremnyov SV, Konduktorova VV, Shmukler YB., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2012; 56 (5): 385-91.   

Evolutionarily conserved A-to-I editing increases protein stability of the alternative splicing factor Nova1., Irimia M, Denuc A, Ferran JL, Pernaute B, Puelles L, Roy SW, Garcia-Fernàndez J, Marfany G., RNA Biol. January 1, 2012; 9 (1): 12-21.

Evolution of genes involved in gamete interaction: evidence for positive selection, duplications and losses in vertebrates., Meslin C, Mugnier S, Callebaut I, Laurin M, Pascal G, Poupon A, Goudet G, Monget P., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (9): e44548.   

Engineering of an artificial light-modulated potassium channel., Caro LN, Moreau CJ, Estrada-Mondragón A, Ernst OP, Vivaudou M., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (8): e43766.   

Evolutionary diversification of eukaryotic DNA replication machinery., Aves SJ, Liu Y, Richards TA., Subcell Biochem. January 1, 2012; 62 19-35.

Evolution in silico: from network structure to bifurcation theory., François P., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2012; 751 157-82.

Expression analysis of the polypyrimidine tract binding protein (PTBP1) and its paralogs PTBP2 and PTBP3 during Xenopus tropicalis embryogenesis., Noiret M, Audic Y, Hardy S., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2012; 56 (9): 747-53.   

Effects of natural compounds on Xenopus embryogenesis: a potential read out for functional drug discovery targeting Wnt/β-catenin signaling., Amado NG, Fonseca BF, Cerqueira DM, Reis AH, Simas AB, Kuster RM, Mendes FA, Abreu JG., Curr Top Med Chem. January 1, 2012; 12 (19): 2103-13.

Evolutionarily repurposed networks reveal the well-known antifungal drug thiabendazole to be a novel vascular disrupting agent., Cha HJ, Byrom M, Mead PE, Ellington AD, Wallingford JB, Marcotte EM., PLoS Biol. January 1, 2012; 10 (8): e1001379.   

Electroencephalographic and physiologic changes after tricaine methanesulfonate immersion of African clawed frogs (Xenopus laevis)., Lalonde-Robert V, Desgent S, Duss S, Vachon P., J Am Assoc Lab Anim Sci. January 1, 2012; 51 (5): 622-7.

Effects of Ginsenoside Metabolites on GABAA Receptor-Mediated Ion Currents., Lee BH, Choi SH, Shin TJ, Hwang SH, Kang J, Kim HJ, Kim BJ, Nah SY., J Ginseng Res. January 1, 2012; 36 (1): 55-60.   

Effects of phenothiazine-class antipsychotics on the function of α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Ashoor A, Lorke D, Nurulain SM, Kury LA, Petroianu G, Yang KH, Oz M., Eur J Pharmacol. December 30, 2011; 673 (1-3): 25-32.

Extracellular determinants of anion discrimination of the Cl-/H+ antiporter protein CLC-5., De Stefano S, Pusch M, Zifarelli G., J Biol Chem. December 23, 2011; 286 (51): 44134-44144.   

Evolution of vertebrate central nervous system is accompanied by novel expression changes of duplicate genes., Ding Y, Zhang Z, Wang W, Chen JY, Ueno N, Mao B., J Genet Genomics. December 20, 2011; 38 (12): 577-84.   

Expression analysis of the peroxiredoxin gene family during early development in Xenopus laevis., Shafer ME, Willson JA, Damjanovski S., Gene Expr Patterns. December 1, 2011; 11 (8): 511-6.   

Expression and characterization of the bacterial mechanosensitive channel MscS in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Maksaev G, Haswell ES., J Gen Physiol. December 1, 2011; 138 (6): 641-9.   

Epigenetic factors influencing resistance to nuclear reprogramming., Pasque V, Jullien J, Miyamoto K, Halley-Stott RP, Gurdon JB., Trends Genet. December 1, 2011; 27 (12): 516-25.   

Elucidating the molecular basis of action of a classic drug: guanidine compounds as inhibitors of voltage-gated potassium channels., Kalia J, Swartz KJ., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 2011; 80 (6): 1085-95.

Emerging roles of the SUMO pathway in development., Lomelí H, Vázquez M., Cell Mol Life Sci. December 1, 2011; 68 (24): 4045-64.

Electroporation of craniofacial mesenchyme., Tabler JM, Liu KJ., J Vis Exp. November 28, 2011; (57): e3381.   

External Ba2+ block of the two-pore domain potassium channel TREK-1 defines conformational transition in its selectivity filter., Ma XY, Yu JM, Zhang SZ, Liu XY, Wu BH, Wei XL, Yan JQ, Sun HL, Yan HT, Zheng JQ., J Biol Chem. November 18, 2011; 286 (46): 39813-22.

Evolutionary expression of glucose-dependent-insulinotropic polypeptide (GIP)., Musson MC, Jepeal LI, Finnerty JR, Wolfe MM., Regul Pept. November 10, 2011; 171 (1-3): 26-34.

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