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Spinocerebellar ataxia-13 Kv3.3 potassium channels: arginine-to-histidine mutations affect both functional and protein expression on the cell surface., Zhao J, Zhu J, Thornhill WB., Biochem J. September 1, 2013; 454 (2): 259-65.

Silent, generic and plant kairomone sensitive odorant receptors from the Southern house mosquito., Xu P, Choo YM, Pelletier J, Sujimoto FR, Hughes DT, Zhu F, Atungulu E, Cornel AJ, Luetje CW, Leal WS., J Insect Physiol. September 1, 2013; 59 (9): 961-6.

SCF-mediated Cdh1 degradation defines a negative feedback system that coordinates cell-cycle progression., Fukushima H, Ogura K, Wan L, Lu Y, Li V, Gao D, Liu P, Lau AW, Wu T, Kirschner MW, Inuzuka H, Wei W., Cell Rep. August 29, 2013; 4 (4): 803-16.

Significant modulation of the hepatic proteome induced by exposure to low temperature in Xenopus laevis., Nagasawa K, Tanizaki Y, Okui T, Watarai A, Ueda S, Kato T., Biol Open. August 21, 2013; 2 (10): 1057-69.   

Signals governing the trafficking and mistrafficking of a ciliary GPCR, rhodopsin., Lodowski KH, Lee R, Ropelewski P, Nemet I, Tian G, Imanishi Y., J Neurosci. August 21, 2013; 33 (34): 13621-38.   

Sea anemone peptide with uncommon β-hairpin structure inhibits acid-sensing ion channel 3 (ASIC3) and reveals analgesic activity., Osmakov DI, Kozlov SA, Andreev YA, Koshelev SG, Sanamyan NP, Sanamyan KE, Dyachenko IA, Bondarenko DA, Murashev AN, Mineev KS, Arseniev AS, Grishin EV., J Biol Chem. August 9, 2013; 288 (32): 23116-27.

Structure of protein related to Dan and Cerberus: insights into the mechanism of bone morphogenetic protein antagonism., Nolan K, Kattamuri C, Luedeke DM, Deng X, Jagpal A, Zhang F, Linhardt RJ, Kenny AP, Zorn AM, Thompson TB., Structure. August 6, 2013; 21 (8): 1417-29.

Skin wound healing in different aged Xenopus laevis., Bertolotti E, Malagoli D, Franchini A., J Morphol. August 1, 2013; 274 (8): 956-64.

Structural insights into the targeting of mRNA GU-rich elements by the three RRMs of CELF1., Edwards JM, Long J, de Moor CH, Emsley J, Searle MS., Nucleic Acids Res. August 1, 2013; 41 (14): 7153-66.   

Specificity of SecYEG for PhoA precursors and SecA homologs on SecA protein-conducting channels., Zhang H, Hsieh YH, Lin BR, Yu L, Yang H, Jiang C, Sui SF, Tai PC., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 26, 2013; 437 (2): 212-216.

Simple gene transfer technique based on I-SceI meganuclease and cytoplasmic injection in IVF bovine embryos., Bevacqua RJ, Canel NG, Hiriart MI, Sipowicz P, Rozenblum GT, Vitullo A, Radrizzani M, Fernandez Martin R, Salamone DF., Theriogenology. July 15, 2013; 80 (2): 104-13.e1-29.

Synthesis and evaluation of a conditionally-silent agonist for the α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Chojnacka K, Papke RL, Horenstein NA., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. July 15, 2013; 23 (14): 4145-9.

Synthesis and structure activity relationship of tetrahydroisoquinoline-based potentiators of GluN2C and GluN2D containing N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors., Santangelo Freel RM, Ogden KK, Strong KL, Khatri A, Chepiga KM, Jensen HS, Traynelis SF, Liotta DC., J Med Chem. July 11, 2013; 56 (13): 5351-81.

Structure of the human cohesin inhibitor Wapl., Ouyang Z, Zheng G, Song J, Borek DM, Otwinowski Z, Brautigam CA, Tomchick DR, Rankin S, Yu H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 9, 2013; 110 (28): 11355-60.

structural Studies of Wnts and identification of an LRP6 binding site., Chu ML, Ahn VE, Choi HJ, Daniels DL, Nusse R, Weis WI., Structure. July 2, 2013; 21 (7): 1235-42.

sox4 and sox11 function during Xenopus laevis eye development., Cizelsky W, Hempel A, Metzig M, Tao S, Hollemann T, Kühl M, Kühl SJ., PLoS One. July 1, 2013; 8 (7): e69372.   

Syndecan 4 interacts genetically with Vangl2 to regulate neural tube closure and planar cell polarity., Escobedo N, Contreras O, Muñoz R, Farías M, Carrasco H, Hill C, Tran U, Pryor SE, Wessely O, Copp AJ, Larraín J., Development. July 1, 2013; 140 (14): 3008-17.   

Structural determinants of agonist efficacy at the glutamate binding site of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors., Hansen KB, Tajima N, Risgaard R, Perszyk RE, Jørgensen L, Vance KM, Ogden KK, Clausen RP, Furukawa H, Traynelis SF., Mol Pharmacol. July 1, 2013; 84 (1): 114-27.

Scaling of dorsal-ventral patterning by embryo size-dependent degradation of Spemann's organizer signals., Inomata H, Shibata T, Haraguchi T, Sasai Y., Cell. June 6, 2013; 153 (6): 1296-311.   

SOMA: a single oligonucleotide mutagenesis and cloning approach., Pfirrmann T, Lokapally A, Andréasson C, Ljungdahl P, Hollemann T., PLoS One. June 4, 2013; 8 (6): e64870.   

Substitution of transmembrane domain Cys residues alters pH(o)-sensitive anion transport by AE2/SLC4A2 anion exchanger., Reimold FR, Stewart AK, Stolpe K, Heneghan JF, Shmukler BE, Alper SL., Pflugers Arch. June 1, 2013; 465 (6): 839-51.

Ser 15 of WEE1B is a potential PKA phosphorylation target in G2/M transition in one-cell stage mouse embryos., Liu C, Liu Y, Liu Y, Wu D, Luan Z, Wang E, Yu B., Mol Med Rep. June 1, 2013; 7 (6): 1929-37.

State-dependent etomidate occupancy of its allosteric agonist sites measured in a cysteine-substituted GABAA receptor., Stewart DS, Hotta M, Desai R, Forman SA., Mol Pharmacol. June 1, 2013; 83 (6): 1200-8.

Subtype selectivity of α+β- site ligands of GABAA receptors: identification of the first highly specific positive modulators at α6β2/3γ2 receptors., Varagic Z, Ramerstorfer J, Huang S, Rallapalli S, Sarto-Jackson I, Cook J, Sieghart W, Ernst M., Br J Pharmacol. May 1, 2013; 169 (2): 384-99.

Self-organization of stabilized microtubules by both spindle and midzone mechanisms in Xenopus egg cytosol., Mitchison TJ, Nguyen P, Coughlin M, Groen AC., Mol Biol Cell. May 1, 2013; 24 (10): 1559-73.   

Synthesis and structure-activity relationships of carboxylic acid derivatives of pyridoxal as P2X receptor antagonists., Jung KY, Cho JH, Lee JS, Kim HJ, Kim YC., Bioorg Med Chem. May 1, 2013; 21 (9): 2643-50.

Species differences of organic anion transporters involved in the renal uptake of 4-amino-3-chlorophenyl hydrogen sulfate, a metabolite of resatorvid, between rats and dogs., Takeuchi T, Jinno F, Ebihara T, Moriya Y, Kadotani R, Tagawa Y, Kondo T, Itoh T, Asahi S., Biopharm Drug Dispos. May 1, 2013; 34 (4): 236-46.

Specializations of intercellular junctions are associated with the presence and absence of hair cell regeneration in ears from six vertebrate classes., Burns JC, Collado MS, Oliver ER, Corwin JT., J Comp Neurol. April 15, 2013; 521 (6): 1430-48.

Substrate specificity of the electrogenic sodium/bicarbonate cotransporter NBCe1-A (SLC4A4, variant A) from humans and rabbits., Lee SK, Boron WF, Parker MD., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. April 1, 2013; 304 (7): F883-99.

Structure-activity relationships of acetylcholine derivatives with Lucilia cuprina nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α1 and α2 subunits in chicken β2 subunit hybrid receptors in comparison with chicken nicotinic acetylcholine receptor α4/β2., Dederer H, Berger M, Meyer T, Werr M, Ilg T., Insect Mol Biol. April 1, 2013; 22 (2): 183-98.

Structure of the extracellular domains of human and Xenopus Fn14: implications in the evolution of TWEAK and Fn14 interactions., Pellegrini M, Willen L, Perroud M, Krushinskie D, Strauch K, Cuervo H, Day ES, Schneider P, Zheng TS., FEBS J. April 1, 2013; 280 (8): 1818-29.

sfrp1 promotes cardiomyocyte differentiation in Xenopus via negative-feedback regulation of Wnt signalling., Gibb N, Lavery DL, Hoppler S., Development. April 1, 2013; 140 (7): 1537-49.   

Subunit-dependent inhibition and potentiation of 5-HT3 receptor by the anticancer drug, topotecan., Nakamura Y, Ishida Y, Yamada T, Kondo M, Shimada S., J Neurochem. April 1, 2013; 125 (1): 7-15.

State-dependent FRET reports calcium- and voltage-dependent gating-ring motions in BK channels., Miranda P, Contreras JE, Plested AJ, Sigworth FJ, Holmgren M, Giraldez T., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 26, 2013; 110 (13): 5217-22.

Synergistic insertion of antimicrobial magainin-family peptides in membranes depends on the lipid spontaneous curvature., Strandberg E, Zerweck J, Wadhwani P, Ulrich AS., Biophys J. March 19, 2013; 104 (6): L9-11.

Specific ligand binding domain residues confer low dioxin responsiveness to AHR1β of Xenopus laevis., Odio C, Holzman SA, Denison MS, Fraccalvieri D, Bonati L, Franks DG, Hahn ME, Powell WH., Biochemistry. March 12, 2013; 52 (10): 1746-54.

Simultaneous pre- and post-synaptic electrophysiological recording from Xenopus nerve-muscle co-cultures., Yazejian B, Yazejian RM, Einarsson R, Grinnell AD., J Vis Exp. March 11, 2013; (73): e50253.   

Spinal efference copy signaling and gaze stabilization during locomotion in juvenile Xenopus frogs., von Uckermann G, Le Ray D, Combes D, Straka H, Simmers J., J Neurosci. March 6, 2013; 33 (10): 4253-64.

Structural basis for ion permeation mechanism in pentameric ligand-gated ion channels., Sauguet L, Poitevin F, Murail S, Van Renterghem C, Moraga-Cid G, Malherbe L, Thompson AW, Koehl P, Corringer PJ, Baaden M, Delarue M., EMBO J. March 6, 2013; 32 (5): 728-41.   

Synthesis of novel inhibitors blocking Wnt signaling downstream of β-catenin., Halbedl S, Kratzer MC, Rahm K, Crosta N, Masters KS, Zippert J, Bräse S, Gradl D., FEBS Lett. March 1, 2013; 587 (5): 522-7.

Spatiotemporal control of microtubule nucleation and assembly using magnetic nanoparticles., Hoffmann C, Mazari E, Lallet S, Le Borgne R, Marchi V, Gosse C, Gueroui Z., Nat Nanotechnol. March 1, 2013; 8 (3): 199-205.

Secreted and transmembrane wnt inhibitors and activators., Cruciat CM, Niehrs C., Cold Spring Harb Perspect Biol. March 1, 2013; 5 (3): a015081.

Structural basis of assembly chaperone- mediated snRNP formation., Grimm C, Chari A, Pelz JP, Kuper J, Kisker C, Diederichs K, Stark H, Schindelin H, Fischer U., Mol Cell. February 21, 2013; 49 (4): 692-703.

Specific nuclear envelope transmembrane proteins can promote the location of chromosomes to and from the nuclear periphery., Zuleger N, Boyle S, Kelly DA, de Las Heras JI, Lazou V, Korfali N, Batrakou DG, Randles KN, Morris GE, Harrison DJ, Bickmore WA, Schirmer EC., Genome Biol. February 15, 2013; 14 (2): R14.   

Synthesis, pharmacology, and biostructural characterization of novel α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor agonists., Ussing CA, Hansen CP, Petersen JG, Jensen AA, Rohde LA, Ahring PK, Nielsen EØ, Kastrup JS, Gajhede M, Frølund B, Balle T., J Med Chem. February 14, 2013; 56 (3): 940-51.

Stimulation of Na(+) coupled phosphate transporter NaPiIIa by janus kinase JAK2., Shojaiefard M, Hosseinzadeh Z, Pakladok T, Bhavsar SK, Lang F., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 8, 2013; 431 (2): 186-91.

Selective association between nucleosomes with identical DNA sequences., Nishikawa J, Ohyama T., Nucleic Acids Res. February 1, 2013; 41 (3): 1544-54.   

Systematic analysis of barrier-forming FG hydrogels from Xenopus nuclear pore complexes., Labokha AA, Gradmann S, Frey S, Hülsmann BB, Urlaub H, Baldus M, Görlich D., EMBO J. January 23, 2013; 32 (2): 204-18.   

Subunit interactions during cooperative opening of voltage-gated proton channels., Qiu F, Rebolledo S, Gonzalez C, Larsson HP., Neuron. January 23, 2013; 77 (2): 288-98.

Serotonin has early, cilia-independent roles in Xenopus left-right patterning., Vandenberg LN, Lemire JM, Levin M., Dis Model Mech. January 1, 2013; 6 (1): 261-8.   

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