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Search Results

Ephrin-B reverse signaling promotes structural and functional synaptic maturation in vivo., Lim BK, Matsuda N, Poo MM., Nat Neurosci. February 1, 2008; 11 (2): 160-9.

Ethanol increases the activity of rat excitatory amino acid transporter type 4 expressed in Xenopus oocytes: role of protein kinase C and phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase., Park HY, Kim JH, Zuo Z, Do SH., Alcohol Clin Exp Res. February 1, 2008; 32 (2): 348-54.

Effects of acamprosate on neuronal receptors and ion channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Reilly MT, Lobo IA, McCracken LM, Borghese CM, Gong D, Horishita T, Harris RA., Alcohol Clin Exp Res. February 1, 2008; 32 (2): 188-96.

Evolutionarily conserved and divergent regions of the autoimmune regulator (Aire) gene: a comparative analysis., Saltis M, Criscitiello MF, Ohta Y, Keefe M, Trede NS, Goitsuka R, Flajnik MF., Immunogenetics. February 1, 2008; 60 (2): 105-14.

Expression of down syndrome critical region 1 represses vascular branching in Xenopus laevis larva., Fujiwara M., J Nippon Med Sch. February 1, 2008; 75 (1): 62-4.

Endogenous arginine-phenylalanine-amide-related peptides alter steady-state desensitization of ASIC1a., Sherwood TW, Askwith CC., J Biol Chem. January 25, 2008; 283 (4): 1818-30.

Electrostatic contributions of aromatic residues in the local anesthetic receptor of voltage-gated sodium channels., Ahern CA, Eastwood AL, Dougherty DA, Horn R., Circ Res. January 4, 2008; 102 (1): 86-94.

Evaluation of time profile reconstruction from complex two-color microarray designs., Fierro AC, Thuret R, Engelen K, Bernot G, Marchal K, Pollet N., BMC Bioinformatics. January 3, 2008; 9 (1): 1.   

Effects of larval exposure to estradiol on spermatogenesis and in vitro gonadal steroid secretion in African clawed frogs, Xenopus laevis., Hu F, Smith EE, Carr JA., Gen Comp Endocrinol. January 1, 2008; 155 (1): 190-200.

Extracellular acidification and hyperkalemia induce changes in HERG inhibition by ibutilide., Lin C, Ke X, Ranade V, Somberg J., Cardiology. January 1, 2008; 110 (3): 209-16.

Expression, phosphorylation, and mRNA-binding of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K in Xenopus oocytes, eggs, and early embryos., Iwasaki T, Koretomo Y, Fukuda T, Paronetto MP, Sette C, Fukami Y, Sato K., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 2008; 50 (1): 23-40.

Expression of Siamois and Twin in the blastula Chordin/Noggin signaling center is required for brain formation in Xenopus laevis embryos., Ishibashi H, Matsumura N, Hanafusa H, Matsumoto K, De Robertis EM, Kuroda H., Mech Dev. January 1, 2008; 125 (1-2): 58-66.   

Expression of Kir7.1 and a novel Kir7.1 splice variant in native human retinal pigment epithelium., Yang D, Swaminathan A, Zhang X, Hughes BA., Exp Eye Res. January 1, 2008; 86 (1): 81-91.

Expression of Shisa2, a modulator of both Wnt and Fgf signaling, in the chick embryo., Hedge TA, Mason I., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (1): 81-5.

Enantioselective actions of 4-amino-3-hydroxybutanoic acid and (3-amino-2-hydroxypropyl)methylphosphinic acid at recombinant GABA(C) receptors., Hinton T, Chebib M, Johnston GA., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. January 1, 2008; 18 (1): 402-4.

Electroporation of adult zebrafish., Rao NM, Rambabu KM, Rao SH., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 423 289-98.

Electroporation strategies for genetic manipulation and cell labeling., Van Raay TJ, Lassiter RT, Stark MR., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2008; 438 305-17.

Epigenetic memory: H3.3 steps in the groove., Lacoste N, Almouzni G., Nat Cell Biol. January 1, 2008; 10 (1): 7-9.

Epithelial coating controls mesenchymal shape change through tissue-positioning effects and reduction of surface-minimizing tension., Ninomiya H, Winklbauer R., Nat Cell Biol. January 1, 2008; 10 (1): 61-9.

Epigenetic memory of an active gene state depends on histone H3.3 incorporation into chromatin in the absence of transcription., Ng RK, Gurdon JB., Nat Cell Biol. January 1, 2008; 10 (1): 102-9.

Exchange of microtubule molecular motors during melanosome transport in Xenopus laevis melanophores is triggered by collisions with intracellular obstacles., Bruno L, Echarte MM, Levi V., Cell Biochem Biophys. January 1, 2008; 52 (3): 191-201.

Expression of complement components coincides with early patterning and organogenesis in Xenopus laevis., McLin VA, Hu CH, Shah R, Jamrich M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (8): 1123-33.   

Expression of the novel gene Ened during mouse and Xenopus embryonic development., Meszaros R, Strate I, Pera EM, Durbeej M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (8): 1119-22.   

Evolutionary and functional diversity of coronin proteins., Xavier CP, Eichinger L, Fernandez MP, Morgan RO, Clemen CS., Subcell Biochem. January 1, 2008; 48 98-109.

Expression cloning and radiotracer uptakes in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Markovich D., Nat Protoc. January 1, 2008; 3 (12): 1975-80.

Evolution of a domain conserved in microtubule-associated proteins of eukaryotes., Rajangam AS, Yang H, Teeri TT, Arvestad L., Adv Appl Bioinform Chem. January 1, 2008; 1 51-69.   

Evolution of differences in transport function in Slc11a family members., Techau ME, Valdez-Taubas J, Popoff JF, Francis R, Seaman M, Blackwell JM., J Biol Chem. December 7, 2007; 282 (49): 35646-56.

Effects of resveratrol, a grape polyphenol, on catecholamine secretion and synthesis in cultured bovine adrenal medullary cells., Shinohara Y, Toyohira Y, Ueno S, Liu M, Tsutsui M, Yanagihara N., Biochem Pharmacol. December 3, 2007; 74 (11): 1608-18.

ENaC alpha-subunit variants are expressed in lung epithelial cells and are suppressed by oxidative stress., Xu H, Chu S., Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. December 1, 2007; 293 (6): L1454-62.

Evolution of the Xenopus piggyBac transposon family TxpB: domesticated and untamed strategies of transposon subfamilies., Hikosaka A, Kobayashi T, Saito Y, Kawahara A., Mol Biol Evol. December 1, 2007; 24 (12): 2648-56.

Enhanced formation of a HCO3- transport metabolon in exocrine cells of Nhe1-/- mice., Gonzalez-Begne M, Nakamoto T, Nguyen HV, Stewart AK, Alper SL, Melvin JE., J Biol Chem. November 30, 2007; 282 (48): 35125-32.

Evidence that the C-terminal PB2-binding region of the influenza A virus PB1 protein is a discrete alpha-helical domain., Poole EL, Medcalf L, Elton D, Digard P., FEBS Lett. November 13, 2007; 581 (27): 5300-6.

Examination of KNK437- and quercetin-mediated inhibition of heat shock-induced heat shock protein gene expression in Xenopus laevis cultured cells., Manwell LA, Heikkila JJ., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. November 1, 2007; 148 (3): 521-30.

Embryonic cells depleted of beta-catenin remain competent to differentiate into dorsal mesodermal derivatives., Chu FH, Afonin B, Gustin JK, Bost A, Sanchez M, Domingo CR., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2007; 236 (11): 3007-19.

ephrinB1 signals from the cell surface to the nucleus by recruitment of STAT3., Bong YS, Lee HS, Carim-Todd L, Mood K, Nishanian TG, Tessarollo L, Daar IO., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 30, 2007; 104 (44): 17305-10.

ELYS/MEL-28 chromatin association coordinates nuclear pore complex assembly and replication licensing., Gillespie PJ, Khoudoli GA, Stewart G, Swedlow JR, Blow JJ., Curr Biol. October 9, 2007; 17 (19): 1657-62.   

Electrostatic domino effect in the Shaker K channel turret., Broomand A, Osterberg F, Wardi T, Elinder F., Biophys J. October 1, 2007; 93 (7): 2307-14.

Endoplasmic reticulum stress induced by tunicamycin disables germ layer formation in Xenopus laevis embryos., Yuan L, Cao Y, Knöchel W., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2007; 236 (10): 2844-51.   

Evolution of Nova-dependent splicing regulation in the brain., Jelen N, Ule J, Zivin M, Darnell RB., PLoS Genet. October 1, 2007; 3 (10): 1838-47.   

Ets-1 regulates radial glia formation during vertebrate embryogenesis., Kiyota T, Kato A, Kato Y., Organogenesis. October 1, 2007; 3 (2): 93-101.   

Electroporation of cDNA/Morpholinos to targeted areas of embryonic CNS in Xenopus., Falk J, Drinjakovic J, Leung KM, Dwivedy A, Regan AG, Piper M, Holt CE., BMC Dev Biol. September 27, 2007; 7 107.   

Estimation of helical angles of myosin and collagen by second harmonic generation imaging microscopy., Tiaho F, Recher G, Rouède D., Opt Express. September 17, 2007; 15 (19): 12286-95.

Extracellular proton-modulated pore-blocking effect of the anticonvulsant felbamate on NMDA channels., Chang HR, Kuo CC., Biophys J. September 15, 2007; 93 (6): 1981-92.

Establishing an ion pair interaction in the homomeric rho1 gamma-aminobutyric acid type A receptor that contributes to the gating pathway., Wang J, Lester HA, Dougherty DA., J Biol Chem. September 7, 2007; 282 (36): 26210-6.

Evolution of the vertebrate twist family and synfunctionalization: a mechanism for differential gene loss through merging of expression domains., Gitelman I., Mol Biol Evol. September 1, 2007; 24 (9): 1912-25.

Evidence that ethanol acts on a target in Loop 2 of the extracellular domain of alpha1 glycine receptors., Crawford DK, Trudell JR, Bertaccini EJ, Li K, Davies DL, Alkana RL., J Neurochem. September 1, 2007; 102 (6): 2097-2109.

Erbin inhibits transforming growth factor beta signaling through a novel Smad-interacting domain., Dai F, Chang C, Lin X, Dai P, Mei L, Feng XH., Mol Cell Biol. September 1, 2007; 27 (17): 6183-94.

Ectopic germline cells in embryos of Xenopus laevis., Ikenishi K, Ohno T, Komiya T., Dev Growth Differ. September 1, 2007; 49 (7): 561-70.   

Evolutionary diversity in polystomatids infecting tetraploid and octoploid Xenopus in East African highlands: biological and molecular evidence., Jackson JA, Tinsley RC., Parasitology. August 1, 2007; 134 (Pt 9): 1223-35.

EAAT4 phosphorylation at the SGK1 consensus site is required for transport modulation by the kinase., Rajamanickam J, Palmada M, Lang F, Boehmer C., J Neurochem. August 1, 2007; 102 (3): 858-66.

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