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An update on anticancer drug development and delivery targeting carbonic anhydrase IX., Kazokaitė J, Aspatwar A, Parkkila S, Matulis D., PeerJ. April 19, 2017; 5 e4068.   

AMPA glutamate receptors are required for sensory-organ formation and morphogenesis in the basal chordate., Hirai S, Hotta K, Kubo Y, Nishino A, Okabe S, Okamura Y, Okado H., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 11, 2017; 114 (15): 3939-3944.

Autoinhibition of Dishevelled protein regulated by its extreme C terminus plays a distinct role in Wnt/β-catenin and Wnt/planar cell polarity (PCP) signaling pathways., Qi J, Lee HJ, Saquet A, Cheng XN, Shao M, Zheng JJ, Shi DL., J Biol Chem. April 7, 2017; 292 (14): 5898-5908.

Allosteric Interactions between NMDA Receptor Subunits Shape the Developmental Shift in Channel Properties., Sun W, Hansen KB, Jahr CE., Neuron. April 5, 2017; 94 (1): 58-64.e3.

An optimized method for cryogenic storage of Xenopus sperm to maximise the effectiveness of research using genetically altered frogs., Pearl E, Morrow S, Noble A, Lerebours A, Horb M, Guille M., Theriogenology. April 1, 2017; 92 149-155.   

Actomyosin-generated tension on cadherin is similar between dividing and non-dividing epithelial cells in early Xenopus laevis embryos., Herbomel G, Hatte G, Roul J, Padilla-Parra S, Tassan JP, Tramier M., Sci Rep. March 22, 2017; 7 45058.   

A chloroplast retrograde signal, 3'-phosphoadenosine 5'-phosphate, acts as a secondary messenger in abscisic acid signaling in stomatal closure and germination., Pornsiriwong W, Estavillo GM, Chan KX, Tee EE, Ganguly D, Crisp PA, Phua SY, Zhao C, Qiu J, Park J, Yong MT, Nisar N, Yadav AK, Schwessinger B, Rathjen J, Cazzonelli CI, Wilson PB, Gilliham M, Chen ZH, Pogson BJ., Elife. March 21, 2017; 6   

A cellular mechanism for inverse effectiveness in multisensory integration., Truszkowski TL, Carrillo OA, Bleier J, Ramirez-Vizcarrondo CM, Felch DL, McQuillan M, Truszkowski CP, Khakhalin AS, Aizenman CD., Elife. March 18, 2017; 6   

Automated mitotic spindle tracking suggests a link between spindle dynamics, spindle orientation, and anaphase onset in epithelial cells., Larson ME, Bement WM., Mol Biol Cell. March 15, 2017; 28 (6): 746-759.   

Amphibian (Xenopus laevis) tadpoles and adult frogs mount distinct interferon responses to the Frog Virus 3 ranavirus., Wendel ES, Yaparla A, Koubourli DV, Grayfer L., Virology. March 1, 2017; 503 12-20.

Alternative transcription of sodium/bicarbonate transporter SLC4A7 gene enhanced by single nucleotide polymorphisms., Park HJ, Lee S, Ju E, Jones JA, Choi I., Physiol Genomics. March 1, 2017; 49 (3): 167-176.

A novel role of the organizer gene Goosecoid as an inhibitor of Wnt/PCP-mediated convergent extension in Xenopus and mouse., Ulmer B, Tingler M, Kurz S, Maerker M, Andre P, Mönch D, Campione M, Deißler K, Lewandoski M, Thumberger T, Schweickert A, Fainsod A, Steinbeißer H, Blum M., Sci Rep. February 21, 2017; 7 43010.   

Analysis of Craniocardiac Malformations in Xenopus using Optical Coherence Tomography., Deniz E, Jonas S, Hooper M, N Griffin J, Choma MA, Khokha MK., Sci Rep. February 14, 2017; 7 42506.   

An Arabidopsis ABC Transporter Mediates Phosphate Deficiency-Induced Remodeling of Root Architecture by Modulating Iron Homeostasis in Roots., Dong J, Piñeros MA, Li X, Yang H, Liu Y, Murphy AS, Kochian LV, Liu D., Mol Plant. February 13, 2017; 10 (2): 244-259.

Acute and Chronic Outcomes of Gas-Bubble Disease in a Colony of African Clawed Frogs (Xenopus laevis)., Tsai JY, Felt SA, Bouley DM, Green SL., Comp Med. February 1, 2017; 67 (1): 4-10.

A newly identified Rab-GDI paralogue has a role in neural development in amphibia., Nazlamova L, Noble A, Schubert FR, McGeehan J, Myers F, Guille M, Scarlett G., Gene. January 30, 2017; 599 78-86.   

A comparison of electronic and traditional cigarette butt leachate on the development of Xenopus laevis embryos., Parker TT, Rayburn J., Toxicol Rep. January 24, 2017; 4 77-82.   

Alternative splicing in nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subunits from Locusta migratoria and its influence on acetylcholine potencies., Zhang Y, Liu Y, Bao H, Sun H, Liu Z., Neurosci Lett. January 18, 2017; 638 151-155.

A Tissue-Mapped Axolotl De Novo Transcriptome Enables Identification of Limb Regeneration Factors., Bryant DM, Johnson K, DiTommaso T, Tickle T, Couger MB, Payzin-Dogru D, Lee TJ, Leigh ND, Kuo TH, Davis FG, Bateman J, Bryant S, Guzikowski AR, Tsai SL, Coyne S, Ye WW, Freeman RM, Peshkin L, Tabin CJ, Regev A, Haas BJ, Whited JL., Cell Rep. January 17, 2017; 18 (3): 762-776.   

An Epha4/Sipa1l3/Wnt pathway regulates eye development and lens maturation., Rothe M, Kanwal N, Dietmann P, Seigfried FA, Hempel A, Schütz D, Reim D, Engels R, Linnemann A, Schmeisser MJ, Bockmann J, Kühl M, Boeckers TM, Kühl SJ., Development. January 15, 2017; 144 (2): 321-333.   

Addressing the Functional Determinants of FAK during Ciliogenesis in Multiciliated Cells., Antoniades I, Stylianou P, Christodoulou N, Skourides PA., J Biol Chem. January 13, 2017; 292 (2): 488-504.   

APE2 Zf-GRF facilitates 3'-5' resection of DNA damage following oxidative stress., Wallace BD, Berman Z, Mueller GA, Lin Y, Chang T, Andres SN, Wojtaszek JL, DeRose EF, Appel CD, London RE, Yan S, Williams RS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 10, 2017; 114 (2): 304-309.

A sequential multi-target Mps1 phosphorylation cascade promotes spindle checkpoint signaling., Ji Z, Gao H, Jia L, Li B, Yu H., Elife. January 10, 2017; 6   

Asymmetric unwrapping of nucleosomal DNA propagates asymmetric opening and dissociation of the histone core., Chen Y, Tokuda JM, Topping T, Meisburger SP, Pabit SA, Gloss LM, Pollack L., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 10, 2017; 114 (2): 334-339.

Arginine and Lysine Transporters Are Essential for Trypanosoma brucei., Mathieu C, Macêdo JP, Hürlimann D, Wirdnam C, Haindrich AC, Suter Grotemeyer M, González-Salgado A, Schmidt RS, Inbar E, Mäser P, Bütikofer P, Zilberstein D, Rentsch D., PLoS One. January 3, 2017; 12 (1): e0168775.   

Analysis of Cell Size in the Gastrula of Ten Frog Species Reveals a Correlation of Egg with Cell Sizes, and a Conserved Pattern of Small Cells in the Marginal Zone., Vargas A, Del Pino EM., J Exp Zool B Mol Dev Evol. January 1, 2017; 328 (1-2): 88-96.

A Sister Chromatid Cohesion Assay Using Xenopus Egg Extracts., Shintomi K, Hirano T., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2017; 1515 3-21.

AmphiBase: A new genomic resource for non-model amphibian species., Kwon T., Genesis. January 1, 2017; 55 (1-2):

A frog's view of EphrinB signaling., Hwang YS, Daar IO., Genesis. January 1, 2017; 55 (1-2):   

Asymmetries in Cell Division, Cell Size, and Furrowing in the Xenopus laevis Embryo., Tassan JP, Wühr M, Hatte G, Kubiak J., Results Probl Cell Differ. January 1, 2017; 61 243-260.

Asymmetric Localization and Distribution of Factors Determining Cell Fate During Early Development of Xenopus laevis., Sindelka R, Sidova M, Abaffy P, Kubista M., Results Probl Cell Differ. January 1, 2017; 61 229-241.

Asymmetric Divisions in Oogenesis., Bilinski SM, Kubiak JZ, Kloc M., Results Probl Cell Differ. January 1, 2017; 61 211-228.

ADHFe1: a novel enzyme involved in retinoic acid-dependent Hox activation., Shabtai Y, Shukrun N, Fainsod A., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2017; 61 (3-4-5): 303-310.   

A "Brief History" of Developmental Biology in Israel., Sela-Donenfeld D, Frank D., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2017; 61 (3-4-5): 115-120.

A Simple Protocol for Loss-of-Function Analysis in Xenopus tropicalis Founders Using the CRISPR-Cas System., Sakane Y, Suzuki KT, Yamamoto T., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2017; 1630 189-203.

Apolipoprotein C-I mediates Wnt/Ctnnb1 signaling during neural border formation and is required for neural crest development., Yokota C, Åstrand C, Takahashi S, Hagey DW, Stenman JM., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2017; 61 (6-7): 415-425.   

Arpp19 in Prophase I resumption., Castro A, Lorca T., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2017; 0.

A mannitol/sorbitol receptor stimulates dietary intake in Tribolium castaneum., Takada T, Sato R, Kikuta S., PLoS One. January 1, 2017; 12 (10): e0186420.   

Amphibian immunity-stress, disease, and climate change., Rollins-Smith LA., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 2017; 66 111-119.   

AFM visualization of sub-50nm polyplex disposition to the nuclear pore complex without compromising the integrity of the nuclear envelope., Andersen H, Parhamifar L, Hunter AC, Shahin V, Moghimi SM., J Control Release. December 28, 2016; 244 (Pt A): 24-29.

Amyloid precursor protein modulates Nav1.6 sodium channel currents through a Go-coupled JNK pathway., Li S, Wang X, Ma QH, Yang WL, Zhang XG, Dawe GS, Xiao ZC., Sci Rep. December 23, 2016; 6 39320.   

A Markovian Entropy Measure for the Analysis of Calcium Activity Time Series., Marken JP, Halleran AD, Rahman A, Odorizzi L, LeFew MC, Golino CA, Kemper P, Saha MS., PLoS One. December 15, 2016; 11 (12): e0168342.   

A functional comparison of cardiac troponin C from representatives of three vertebrate taxa: Linking phylogeny and protein function., Sears EJ, Gillis TE., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. December 1, 2016; 202 8-15.

Acute phase response in amputated tail stumps and neural tissue-preferential expression in tail bud embryos of the Xenopus neuronal pentraxin I gene., Hatta-Kobayashi Y, Toyama-Shirai M, Yamanaka T, Takamori M, Wakabayashi Y, Naora Y, Kunieda T, Fukazawa T, Kubo T., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2016; 58 (9): 688-701.   

An NMDA receptor-dependent mechanism for subcellular segregation of sensory inputs in the tadpole optic tectum., Hamodi AS, Liu Z, Pratt KG., Elife. November 23, 2016; 5   

A Cytosolic Amphiphilic α-Helix Controls the Activity of the Bile Acid-sensitive Ion Channel (BASIC)., Schmidt A, Löhrer D, Alsop RJ, Lenzig P, Oslender-Bujotzek A, Wirtz M, Rheinstädter MC, Gründer S, Wiemuth D., J Biol Chem. November 18, 2016; 291 (47): 24551-24565.

A novel muscarinic receptor-independent mechanism of KCNQ2/3 potassium channel blockade by Oxotremorine-M., Zwart R, Reed H, Clarke S, Sher E., Eur J Pharmacol. November 15, 2016; 791 221-228.

A chemical biology route to site-specific authentic protein modifications., Yang A, Ha S, Ahn J, Kim R, Kim S, Lee Y, Kim J, Söll D, Lee HY, Park HS., Science. November 4, 2016; 354 (6312): 623-626.

A novel mutant Na + /HCO3 - cotransporter NBCe1 in a case of compound-heterozygous inheritance of proximal renal tubular acidosis., Myers EJ, Yuan L, Felmlee MA, Lin YY, Jiang Y, Pei Y, Wang O, Li M, Xing XP, Marshall A, Xia WB, Parker MD., J Physiol. November 1, 2016; 594 (21): 6267-6286.

Activation and modulation of recombinant glycine and GABAA receptors by 4-halogenated analogues of propofol., Germann AL, Shin DJ, Manion BD, Edge CJ, Smith EH, Franks NP, Evers AS, Akk G., Br J Pharmacol. November 1, 2016; 173 (21): 3110-3120.

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