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Alternatively spliced domains interact to regulate BK potassium channel gating., Johnson BE, Glauser DA, Dan-Glauser ES, Halling DB, Aldrich RW, Goodman MB., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 20, 2011; 108 (51): 20784-9.

A photo-thermal-electrical converter based on carbon nanotubes for bioelectronic applications., Miyako E, Hosokawa C, Kojima M, Yudasaka M, Funahashi R, Oishi I, Hagihara Y, Shichiri M, Takashima M, Nishio K, Yoshida Y., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. December 16, 2011; 50 (51): 12266-70.

A conserved aspartate residue located at the extracellular end of the binding pocket controls cation interactions in brain glutamate transporters., Rosental N, Gameiro A, Grewer C, Kanner BI., J Biol Chem. December 2, 2011; 286 (48): 41381-41390.

A new type of lectin discovered in a fish, flathead (Platycephalus indicus), suggests an alternative functional role for mammalian plasma kallikrein., Tsutsui S, Okamoto M, Ono M, Suetake H, Kikuchi K, Nakamura O, Suzuki Y, Watanabe T., Glycobiology. December 1, 2011; 21 (12): 1580-7.   

A novel fungal family of oligopeptide transporters identified by functional metatranscriptomics of soil eukaryotes., Damon C, Vallon L, Zimmermann S, Haider MZ, Galeote V, Dequin S, Luis P, Fraissinet-Tachet L, Marmeisse R., ISME J. December 1, 2011; 5 (12): 1871-80.

Atomic force microscopy of living and fixed Xenopus laevis embryos., Efremov YM, Pukhlyakova EA, Bagrov DV, Shaitan KV., Micron. December 1, 2011; 42 (8): 840-52.

A de novo synthesis citrate transporter, Vigna umbellata multidrug and toxic compound extrusion, implicates in Al-activated citrate efflux in rice bean (Vigna umbellata) root apex., Yang XY, Yang JL, Zhou Y, Piñeros MA, Kochian LV, Li GX, Zheng SJ., Plant Cell Environ. December 1, 2011; 34 (12): 2138-48.

A second base pair interaction between U3 small nucleolar RNA and the 5'-ETS region is required for early cleavage of the yeast pre-ribosomal RNA., Marmier-Gourrier N, Cléry A, Schlotter F, Senty-Ségault V, Branlant C., Nucleic Acids Res. December 1, 2011; 39 (22): 9731-45.   

An Al-inducible MATE gene is involved in external detoxification of Al in rice., Yokosho K, Yamaji N, Ma JF., Plant J. December 1, 2011; 68 (6): 1061-9.

ARVCF depletion cooperates with Tbx1 deficiency in the development of 22q11.2DS-like phenotypes in Xenopus., Tran HT, Delvaeye M, Verschuere V, Descamps E, Crabbe E, Van Hoorebeke L, McCrea P, Adriaens D, Van Roy F, Vleminckx K., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2011; 240 (12): 2680-7.   

Analyzing the function of a hox gene: an evolutionary approach., Michaut L, Jansen HJ, Bardine N, Durston AJ, Gehring WJ., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2011; 53 (9): 982-93.   

A regulatory archipelago controls Hox genes transcription in digits., Montavon T, Soshnikova N, Mascrez B, Joye E, Thevenet L, Splinter E, de Laat W, Spitz F, Duboule D., Cell. November 23, 2011; 147 (5): 1132-45.

Anticancer drug irinotecan inhibits homomeric 5-HT3A and heteromeric 5-HT3AB receptor responses., Nakamura Y, Ishida Y, Yamada T, Shimada S., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 18, 2011; 415 (2): 416-20.

A seven-transmembrane receptor that mediates avoidance response to dihydrocaffeic acid, a water-soluble repellent in Caenorhabditis elegans., Aoki R, Yagami T, Sasakura H, Ogura K, Kajihara Y, Ibi M, Miyamae T, Nakamura F, Asakura T, Kanai Y, Misu Y, Iino Y, Ezcurra M, Schafer WR, Mori I, Goshima Y., J Neurosci. November 16, 2011; 31 (46): 16603-10.

A heteromeric Texas coral snake toxin targets acid-sensing ion channels to produce pain., Bohlen CJ, Chesler AT, Sharif-Naeini R, Medzihradszky KF, Zhou S, King D, Sánchez EE, Burlingame AL, Basbaum AI, Julius D., Nature. November 16, 2011; 479 (7373): 410-4.   

A dominant-negative form of POM121 binds chromatin and disrupts the two separate modes of nuclear pore assembly., Shaulov L, Gruber R, Cohen I, Harel A., J Cell Sci. November 15, 2011; 124 (Pt 22): 3822-34.

A mechanism underlying compound-induced voltage shift in the current activation of hERG by antiarrhythmic agents., Furutani K, Yamakawa Y, Inanobe A, Iwata M, Ohno Y, Kurachi Y., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 11, 2011; 415 (1): 141-6.

A fluorescence displacement assay for antidepressant drug discovery based on ligand-conjugated quantum dots., Chang JC, Tomlinson ID, Warnement MR, Iwamoto H, DeFelice LJ, Blakely RD, Rosenthal SJ., J Am Chem Soc. November 9, 2011; 133 (44): 17528-31.

Activation and desensitization induce distinct conformational changes at the extracellular-transmembrane domain interface of the glycine receptor., Wang Q, Lynch JW., J Biol Chem. November 4, 2011; 286 (44): 38814-38824.

A novel barley yellow stripe 1-like transporter (HvYSL2) localized to the root endodermis transports metal-phytosiderophore complexes., Araki R, Murata J, Murata Y., Plant Cell Physiol. November 1, 2011; 52 (11): 1931-40.

Antiviral immunity in amphibians., Chen G, Robert J., Viruses. November 1, 2011; 3 (11): 2065-2086.   

A steroid modulatory domain in NR2A collaborates with NR1 exon-5 to control NMDAR modulation by pregnenolone sulfate and protons., Kostakis E, Jang MK, Russek SJ, Gibbs TT, Farb DH., J Neurochem. November 1, 2011; 119 (3): 486-96.

Axial protocadherin (AXPC) regulates cell fate during notochordal morphogenesis., Yoder MD, Gumbiner BM., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2011; 240 (11): 2495-504.   

An edible gintonin preparation from ginseng., Choi SH, Shin TJ, Lee BH, Hwang SH, Kang J, Kim HJ, Park CW, Nah SY., J Ginseng Res. November 1, 2011; 35 (4): 471-8.   

A new phenylalanine derivative acts as an antagonist at the AMPA receptor GluA2 and introduces partial domain closure: synthesis, resolution, pharmacology, and crystal structure., Szymańska E, Frydenvang K, Contreras-Sanz A, Pickering DS, Frola E, Serafimoska Z, Nielsen B, Kastrup JS, Johansen TN., J Med Chem. October 27, 2011; 54 (20): 7289-98.

Aurora promotes cell division during recovery from TOR-mediated cell cycle arrest by driving spindle pole body recruitment of Polo., Hálová L, Petersen J., J Cell Sci. October 15, 2011; 124 (Pt 20): 3441-9.   

A genome-wide screen identifies p97 as an essential regulator of DNA damage-dependent CDT1 destruction., Raman M, Havens CG, Walter JC, Harper JW., Mol Cell. October 7, 2011; 44 (1): 72-84.

Actin and microtubules drive differential aspects of planar cell polarity in multiciliated cells., Werner ME, Hwang P, Huisman F, Taborek P, Yu CC, Mitchell BJ., J Cell Biol. October 3, 2011; 195 (1): 19-26.   

A first-passage-time theory for search and capture of chromosomes by microtubules in mitosis., Gopalakrishnan M, Govindan BS., Bull Math Biol. October 1, 2011; 73 (10): 2483-506.

A biochemical screen for identification of small-molecule regulators of the Wnt pathway using Xenopus egg extracts., Thorne CA, Lafleur B, Lewis M, Hanson AJ, Jernigan KK, Weaver DC, Huppert KA, Chen TW, Wichaidit C, Cselenyi CS, Tahinci E, Meyers KC, Waskow E, Orton D, Salic A, Lee LA, Robbins DJ, Huppert SS, Lee E., J Biomol Screen. October 1, 2011; 16 (9): 995-1006.

Analysis of marker expression in porcine cell lines derived from blastocysts produced in vitro and in vivo., Vackova I, Novakova Z, Krylov V, Okada K, Kott T, Fulka H, Motlik J., J Reprod Dev. October 1, 2011; 57 (5): 594-603.

Arsenicals affect base excision repair by several mechanisms., Ebert F, Weiss A, Bültemeyer M, Hamann I, Hartwig A, Schwerdtle T., Mutat Res. October 1, 2011; 715 (1-2): 32-41.

A nine amino acid domain is essential for mutant prion protein toxicity., Westergard L, Turnbaugh JA, Harris DA., J Neurosci. September 28, 2011; 31 (39): 14005-17.

Atomic force microscopy reveals the architecture of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC)., Stewart AP, Haerteis S, Diakov A, Korbmacher C, Edwardson JM., J Biol Chem. September 16, 2011; 286 (37): 31944-52.

An essential role for transcription before the MBT in Xenopus laevis., Skirkanich J, Luxardi G, Yang J, Kodjabachian L, Klein PS., Dev Biol. September 15, 2011; 357 (2): 478-91.   

And the dead shall rise: actin and myosin return to the spindle., Sandquist JC, Kita AM, Bement WM., Dev Cell. September 13, 2011; 21 (3): 410-9.

Aromatase expression in Xenopus oocytes: a three cell-type model for the ovarian estradiol synthesis., Gohin M, Bodinier P, Fostier A, Bobe J, Chesnel F., J Mol Endocrinol. September 7, 2011; 47 (2): 241-50.

A biotin switch-based proteomics approach identifies 14-3-3ζ as a target of Sirt1 in the metabolic regulation of caspase-2., Andersen JL, Thompson JW, Lindblom KR, Johnson ES, Yang CS, Lilley LR, Freel CD, Moseley MA, Kornbluth S., Mol Cell. September 2, 2011; 43 (5): 834-42.

Additional acetylcholine (ACh) binding site at alpha4/alpha4 interface of (alpha4beta2)2alpha4 nicotinic receptor influences agonist sensitivity., Mazzaferro S, Benallegue N, Carbone A, Gasparri F, Vijayan R, Biggin PC, Moroni M, Bermudez I., J Biol Chem. September 2, 2011; 286 (35): 31043-54.

A conserved asparagine residue in transmembrane segment 1 (TM1) of serotonin transporter dictates chloride-coupled neurotransmitter transport., Henry LK, Iwamoto H, Field JR, Kaufmann K, Dawson ES, Jacobs MT, Adams C, Felts B, Zdravkovic I, Armstrong V, Combs S, Solis E, Rudnick G, Noskov SY, DeFelice LJ, Meiler J, Blakely RD., J Biol Chem. September 2, 2011; 286 (35): 30823-30836.

Allosteric modulator Desformylflustrabromine relieves the inhibition of α2β2 and α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by β-amyloid(1-42) peptide., Pandya A, Yakel JL., J Mol Neurosci. September 1, 2011; 45 (1): 42-7.

Anomalous levels of Cl- transporters cause a decrease of GABAergic inhibition in human peritumoral epileptic cortex., Conti L, Palma E, Roseti C, Lauro C, Cipriani R, de Groot M, Aronica E, Limatola C., Epilepsia. September 1, 2011; 52 (9): 1635-44.

A critical balance between Cyclin B synthesis and Myt1 activity controls meiosis entry in Xenopus oocytes., Gaffré M, Martoriati A, Belhachemi N, Chambon JP, Houliston E, Jessus C, Karaiskou A., Development. September 1, 2011; 138 (17): 3735-44.

An acetylcholine receptor lacking both γ and ε subunits mediates transmission in zebrafish slow muscle synapses., Mongeon R, Walogorsky M, Urban J, Mandel G, Ono F, Brehm P., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 2011; 138 (3): 353-66.   

A novel mechanism for the transcriptional regulation of Wnt signaling in development., Vacik T, Stubbs JL, Lemke G., Genes Dev. September 1, 2011; 25 (17): 1783-95.   

Actions of Tefluthrin on Rat Na(v)1.7 Voltage-Gated Sodium Channels Expressed in Xenopus Oocytes., Tan J, Soderlund DM., Pestic Biochem Physiol. September 1, 2011; 101 (1): 21-26.

Activation characteristics of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 and its role in nociception., Raisinghani M, Zhong L, Jeffry JA, Bishnoi M, Pabbidi RM, Pimentel F, Cao DS, Evans MS, Premkumar LS., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2011; 301 (3): C587-600.

Absence of mutation at the 5'-upstream promoter region of the TPM4 gene from cardiac mutant axolotl (Ambystoma mexicanum)., Denz CR, Zhang C, Jia P, Du J, Huang X, Dube S, Thomas A, Poiesz BJ, Dube DK., Cardiovasc Toxicol. September 1, 2011; 11 (3): 235-43.

Augmin promotes meiotic spindle formation and bipolarity in Xenopus egg extracts., Petry S, Pugieux C, Nédélec FJ, Vale RD., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 30, 2011; 108 (35): 14473-8.   

Activation of the bumetanide-sensitive Na+,K+,2Cl- cotransporter (NKCC2) is facilitated by Tamm-Horsfall protein in a chloride-sensitive manner., Mutig K, Kahl T, Saritas T, Godes M, Persson P, Bates J, Raffi H, Rampoldi L, Uchida S, Hille C, Dosche C, Kumar S, Castañeda-Bueno M, Gamba G, Bachmann S., J Biol Chem. August 26, 2011; 286 (34): 30200-10.

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