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Differential expression of presenilin-alpha and -beta (PSalpha and PSbeta) in Xenopus laevis: embryonic phosphorylation of PSalpha., Watanabe Y, Tsujimura A, Tabira T, Hashimoto-Gotoh T., Gene. September 18, 2003; 314 165-72.

Dkk1 and noggin cooperate in mammalian head induction., del Barco Barrantes I, Davidson G, Gröne HJ, Westphal H, Niehrs C., Genes Dev. September 15, 2003; 17 (18): 2239-44.

Direct interaction of target SNAREs with the Kv2.1 channel. Modal regulation of channel activation and inactivation gating., Michaelevski I, Chikvashvili D, Tsuk S, Singer-Lahat D, Kang Y, Linial M, Gaisano HY, Fili O, Lotan I., J Biol Chem. September 5, 2003; 278 (36): 34320-30.

Disruption of an intersubunit interaction underlies Ca2+-calmodulin modulation of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels., Zheng J, Varnum MD, Zagotta WN., J Neurosci. September 3, 2003; 23 (22): 8167-75.

Differential expression of two cathepsin Es during metamorphosis-associated remodeling of the larval to adult type epithelium in Xenopus stomach., Ikuzawa M, Yasumasu S, Inokuchi T, Kobayashi K, Nomura K, Iuchi I., J Biochem. September 1, 2003; 134 (3): 385-94.

Disrupting a delicate balance: environmental effects on the thyroid., Brown VJ., Environ Health Perspect. September 1, 2003; 111 (12): A642-9.

Dishevelled: linking convergent extension with neural tube closure., Copp AJ, Greene ND, Murdoch JN., Trends Neurosci. September 1, 2003; 26 (9): 453-5.

Differential expression, localization and activity of two alternatively spliced isoforms of human APC regulator CDH1., Zhou Y, Ching YP, Ng RW, Jin DY., Biochem J. September 1, 2003; 374 (Pt 2): 349-58.

Distinct regions of human glycophorin A enhance human red cell anion exchanger (band 3; AE1) transport function and surface trafficking., Young MT, Tanner MJ., J Biol Chem. August 29, 2003; 278 (35): 32954-61.

Different gating mechanisms in glutamate receptor and K+ channels., Sobolevsky AI, Yelshansky MV, Wollmuth LP., J Neurosci. August 20, 2003; 23 (20): 7559-68.

dead end, a novel vertebrate germ plasm component, is required for zebrafish primordial germ cell migration and survival., Weidinger G, Stebler J, Slanchev K, Dumstrei K, Wise C, Lovell-Badge R, Thisse C, Thisse B, Raz E., Curr Biol. August 19, 2003; 13 (16): 1429-34.   

DHP-insensitive L-type-like Ca channel of ascidian acquires sensitivity to DHP with single amino acid change in domain III P-region., Izumi-Nakaseko H, Yamaguchi S, Ohtsuka Y, Ebihara T, Adachi-Akahane S, Okamura Y., FEBS Lett. August 14, 2003; 549 (1-3): 67-71.

Direct observation of microtubule dynamics at kinetochores in Xenopus extract spindles: implications for spindle mechanics., Maddox P, Straight A, Coughlin P, Mitchison TJ, Salmon ED., J Cell Biol. August 4, 2003; 162 (3): 377-82.   

Diterpenes from the roots of Euphorbia kansui and their in vitro effects on the cell division of Xenopus (part 2)., Wang LY, Wang NL, Yao XS, Miyata S, Kitanaka S., Chem Pharm Bull (Tokyo). August 1, 2003; 51 (8): 935-41.

Differential spectral interferometry: an imaging technique for biomedical applications., Vakhtin AB, Peterson KA, Wood WR, Kane DJ., Opt Lett. August 1, 2003; 28 (15): 1332-4.

Disruption of kinesin II function using a dominant negative-acting transgene in Xenopus laevis rods results in photoreceptor degeneration., Lin-Jones J, Parker E, Wu M, Knox BE, Burnside B., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. August 1, 2003; 44 (8): 3614-21.

Distinct molecular and morphogenetic properties of mutations in the human HNF1beta gene that lead to defective kidney development., Bohn S, Thomas H, Turan G, Ellard S, Bingham C, Hattersley AT, Ryffel GU., J Am Soc Nephrol. August 1, 2003; 14 (8): 2033-41.

Distinct functions of Rho and Rac are required for convergent extension during Xenopus gastrulation., Tahinci E, Symes K., Dev Biol. July 15, 2003; 259 (2): 318-35.   

Development and characterization of a model system to study amphibian immune responses to iridoviruses., Gantress J, Maniero GD, Cohen N, Robert J., Virology. July 5, 2003; 311 (2): 254-62.

Dimerization properties of a Xenopus laevis kinesin-II carboxy-terminal stalk fragment., De Marco V, De Marco A, Goldie KN, Correia JJ, Hoenger A., EMBO Rep. July 1, 2003; 4 (7): 717-22.

Differential modulation of cardiac Ca2+ channel gating by beta-subunits., Dzhura I, Neely A., Biophys J. July 1, 2003; 85 (1): 274-89.

Diverse actions of neonicotinoids on chicken alpha7, alpha4beta2 and Drosophila-chicken SADbeta2 and ALSbeta2 hybrid nicotinic acetylcholine receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Ihara M, Matsuda K, Otake M, Kuwamura M, Shimomura M, Komai K, Akamatsu M, Raymond V, Sattelle DB., Neuropharmacology. July 1, 2003; 45 (1): 133-44.

Developmental expression of XEEL, a novel molecule of the Xenopus oocyte cortical granule lectin family., Nagata S, Nakanishi M, Nanba R, Fujita N., Dev Genes Evol. July 1, 2003; 213 (7): 368-70.

Developmental toxicity of methoprene and several degradation products in Xenopus laevis., Degitz SJ, Durhan EJ, Tietge JE, Kosian PA, Holcombe GW, Ankley GT., Aquat Toxicol. June 19, 2003; 64 (1): 97-105.

Differential effects of neurotrophins and schwann cell-derived signals on neuronal survival/growth and synaptogenesis., Peng HB, Yang JF, Dai Z, Lee CW, Hung HW, Feng ZH, Ko CP., J Neurosci. June 15, 2003; 23 (12): 5050-60.

Development of a rod photoreceptor mosaic revealed in transgenic zebrafish., Fadool JM., Dev Biol. June 15, 2003; 258 (2): 277-90.

Design, synthesis, and evaluation of analogues of 3,3,3-trifluoro-2-hydroxy-2-phenyl-propionamide as orally available general anesthetics., Choudhury-Mukherjee I, Schenck HA, Cechova S, Pajewski TN, Kapur J, Ellena J, Cafiso DS, Brown ML., J Med Chem. June 5, 2003; 46 (12): 2494-501.

Dual phosphorylation controls Cdc25 phosphatases and mitotic entry., Bulavin DV, Higashimoto Y, Demidenko ZN, Meek S, Graves P, Phillips C, Zhao H, Moody SA, Appella E, Piwnica-Worms H, Fornace AJ., Nat Cell Biol. June 1, 2003; 5 (6): 545-51.

Dual mechanisms governing muscle cell death in tadpole tail during amphibian metamorphosis., Nakajima K, Yaoita Y., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2003; 227 (2): 246-55.   

Dynamic association of a tumor amplified kinase, Aurora-A, with the centrosome and mitotic spindle., Stenoien DL, Sen S, Mancini MA, Brinkley BR., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. June 1, 2003; 55 (2): 134-46.

Differential regulation of cell adhesive functions by integrin alpha subunit cytoplasmic tails in vivo., Na J, Marsden M, DeSimone DW., J Cell Sci. June 1, 2003; 116 (Pt 11): 2333-43.

Determinants of inhibition of transiently expressed voltage-gated calcium channels by omega-conotoxins GVIA and MVIIA., Feng ZP, Doering CJ, Winkfein RJ, Beedle AM, Spafford JD, Zamponi GW., J Biol Chem. May 30, 2003; 278 (22): 20171-8.

Dishevelled activates Ca2+ flux, PKC, and CamKII in vertebrate embryos., Sheldahl LC, Slusarski DC, Pandur P, Miller JR, Kühl M, Moon RT., J Cell Biol. May 26, 2003; 161 (4): 769-77.   

Design, synthesis, and pharmacology of a highly subtype-selective GluR1/2 agonist, (RS)-2-amino-3-(4-chloro-3-hydroxy-5-isoxazolyl)propionic acid (Cl-HIBO)., Bjerrum EJ, Kristensen AS, Pickering DS, Greenwood JR, Nielsen B, Liljefors T, Schousboe A, Bräuner-Osborne H, Madsen U., J Med Chem. May 22, 2003; 46 (11): 2246-9.

Dual effect of lysine-rich polypeptides on the activity of protein kinase CK2., Romero-Oliva F, Jacob G, Allende JE., J Cell Biochem. May 15, 2003; 89 (2): 348-55.

Depletion of the cell-cycle inhibitor p27(Xic1) impairs neuronal differentiation and increases the number of ElrC(+) progenitor cells in Xenopus tropicalis., Carruthers S, Mason J, Papalopulu N., Mech Dev. May 1, 2003; 120 (5): 607-16.   

Design, synthesis, and biological evaluation of non-peptidic ligands at the Xenopus laevis skin-melanocortin receptor., Tammler U, Quillan JM, Lehmann J, Sadée W, Kassack MU., Eur J Med Chem. May 1, 2003; 38 (5): 481-93.

Darmin is a novel secreted protein expressed during endoderm development in Xenopus., Pera EM, Martinez SL, Flanagan JJ, Brechner M, Wessely O, De Robertis EM., Gene Expr Patterns. May 1, 2003; 3 (2): 147-52.   

Direct interaction of serotonin type 3 receptor ligands with recombinant and native alpha 9 alpha 10-containing nicotinic cholinergic receptors., Rothlin CV, Lioudyno MI, Silbering AF, Plazas PV, Casati ME, Katz E, Guth PS, Elgoyhen AB., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 2003; 63 (5): 1067-74.

Distinct in vivo roles for double-stranded RNA-binding domains of the Xenopus RNA-editing enzyme ADAR1 in chromosomal targeting., Doyle M, Jantsch MF., J Cell Biol. April 28, 2003; 161 (2): 309-19.   

Distinct regulation of expressed calcium channels 2.3 in Xenopus oocytes by direct or indirect activation of protein kinase C., Kamatchi GL, Tiwari SN, Chan CK, Chen D, Do SH, Durieux ME, Lynch C., Brain Res. April 11, 2003; 968 (2): 227-37.

Defining the conductance of the closed state in a voltage-gated K+ channel., Soler-Llavina GJ, Holmgren M, Swartz KJ., Neuron. April 10, 2003; 38 (1): 61-7.

Differential modulation of cytochrome P-450 1A and P-glycoprotein expression by aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists and thyroid hormone in Xenopus laevis liver and intestine., Colombo A, Bonfanti P, Orsi F, Camatini M., Aquat Toxicol. April 10, 2003; 63 (2): 173-86.

Dynorphin B is an agonist of nuclear opioid receptors coupling nuclear protein kinase C activation to the transcription of cardiogenic genes in GTR1 embryonic stem cells., Ventura C, Zinellu E, Maninchedda E, Maioli M., Circ Res. April 4, 2003; 92 (6): 623-9.

Dietary protein as a potent regulator of the hyaluronan synthase gene in rat skin., Oishi Y, Kato H, Noguchi T., Biosci Biotechnol Biochem. April 1, 2003; 67 (4): 736-42.

Dominant isolated renal magnesium loss is caused by misrouting of the Na+,K+-ATPase gamma-subunit., Meij IC, Koenderink JB, De Jong JC, De Pont JJ, Monnens LA, Van Den Heuvel LP, Knoers NV., Ann N Y Acad Sci. April 1, 2003; 986 437-43.

Determination of native oligomeric state and substrate specificity of rat NTPDase1 and NTPDase2 after heterologous expression in Xenopus oocytes., Failer BU, Aschrafi A, Schmalzing G, Zimmermann H., Eur J Biochem. April 1, 2003; 270 (8): 1802-9.

Drug- and mutagenesis-induced changes in the selectivity filter of a cardiac two-pore background K+ channel., Hajdú P, Ulens C, Panyi G, Tytgat J., Cardiovasc Res. April 1, 2003; 58 (1): 46-54.

Direct cAMP signaling through G-protein-coupled receptors mediates growth cone attraction induced by pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide., Guirland C, Buck KB, Gibney JA, DiCicco-Bloom E, Zheng JQ., J Neurosci. March 15, 2003; 23 (6): 2274-83.

Difference in the maternal and zygotic contributions of tumorhead on embryogenesis., Wu CF, Chan AP, Etkin LD., Dev Biol. March 15, 2003; 255 (2): 290-302.

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