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Cleavage of cohesin rings coordinates the separation of centrioles and chromatids., Schöckel L, Möckel M, Mayer B, Boos D, Stemmann O., Nat Cell Biol. July 10, 2011; 13 (8): 966-72.

Colchicine inhibits cationic dye uptake induced by ATP in P2X2 and P2X7 receptor-expressing cells: implications for its therapeutic action., Marques-da-Silva C, Chaves MM, Castro NG, Coutinho-Silva R, Guimaraes MZ., Br J Pharmacol. July 1, 2011; 163 (5): 912-26.

Carvedilol targets human K2P 3.1 (TASK1) K+ leak channels., Staudacher K, Staudacher I, Ficker E, Seyler C, Gierten J, Kisselbach J, Rahm AK, Trappe K, Schweizer PA, Becker R, Katus HA, Thomas D., Br J Pharmacol. July 1, 2011; 163 (5): 1099-110.

Caspase-3 cleavage links delta-catenin to the novel nuclear protein ZIFCAT., Gu D, Tonthat NK, Lee M, Ji H, Bhat KP, Hollingsworth F, Aldape KD, Schumacher MA, Zwaka TP, McCrea PD., J Biol Chem. July 1, 2011; 286 (26): 23178-88.

Cpt-cAMP activates human epithelial sodium channels via relieving self-inhibition., Molina R, Han DY, Su XF, Zhao RZ, Zhao M, Sharp GM, Chang Y, Ji HL., Biochim Biophys Acta. July 1, 2011; 1808 (7): 1818-26.

Cortical localization of maternal embryonic leucine zipper kinase (MELK) implicated in cytokinesis in early xenopus embryos., Tassan JP., Commun Integr Biol. July 1, 2011; 4 (4): 483-5.   

Cohesion fatigue induces chromatid separation in cells delayed at metaphase., Daum JR, Potapova TA, Sivakumar S, Daniel JJ, Flynn JN, Rankin S, Gorbsky GJ., Curr Biol. June 21, 2011; 21 (12): 1018-24.

Cross-talk between P2X4 and gamma-aminobutyric acid, type A receptors determines synaptic efficacy at a central synapse., Jo YH, Donier E, Martinez A, Garret M, Toulmé E, Boué-Grabot E., J Biol Chem. June 3, 2011; 286 (22): 19993-20004.

Characterization of the L683P mutation of SLC26A9 in Xenopus oocytes., Avella M, Borgese F, Ehrenfeld J., Biochim Biophys Acta. June 1, 2011; 1810 (6): 577-83.

Caerulein-and xenopsin-related peptides with insulin-releasing activities from skin secretions of the clawed frogs, Xenopus borealis and Xenopus amieti (Pipidae)., Zahid OK, Mechkarska M, Ojo OO, Abdel-Wahab YH, Flatt PR, Meetani MA, Conlon JM., Gen Comp Endocrinol. June 1, 2011; 172 (2): 314-20.

Coupling of the phosphatase activity of Ci-VSP to its voltage sensor activity over the entire range of voltage sensitivity., Sakata S, Hossain MI, Okamura Y., J Physiol. June 1, 2011; 589 (Pt 11): 2687-705.

Comparison of diazinon toxicity to embryos of Xenopus laevis and Danio rerio; degradation of diazinon in water., Modra H, Vrskova D, Macova S, Kohoutkova J, Hajslova J, Haluzova I, Svobodova Z., Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. June 1, 2011; 86 (6): 601-4.

Control of vertebrate multiciliogenesis by miR-449 through direct repression of the Delta/Notch pathway., Marcet B, Chevalier B, Luxardi G, Coraux C, Zaragosi LE, Cibois M, Robbe-Sermesant K, Jolly T, Cardinaud B, Moreilhon C, Giovannini-Chami L, Nawrocki-Raby B, Birembaut P, Waldmann R, Kodjabachian L, Barbry P., Nat Cell Biol. June 1, 2011; 13 (6): 693-9.

Custom-made modification of a commercial confocal microscope to photolyze caged compounds using the conventional illumination module and its application to the observation of Inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate-mediated calcium signals., Sigaut L, Barella M, Espada R, Ponce ML, Dawson SP., J Biomed Opt. June 1, 2011; 16 (6): 066013.

Characterization of the mechanisms controlling Greatwall activity., Vigneron S, Gharbi-Ayachi A, Raymond AA, Burgess A, Labbé JC, Labesse G, Monsarrat B, Lorca T, Castro A., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 2011; 31 (11): 2262-75.

Channeling the power of scorpion venom., Harrington M., Lab Anim (NY). June 1, 2011; 40 (6): 166.

Comparative studies of vertebrate aldehyde dehydrogenase 3: sequences, structures, phylogeny and evolution. Evidence for a mammalian origin for the ALDH3A1 gene., Holmes RS, Hempel J., Chem Biol Interact. May 30, 2011; 191 (1-3): 113-21.

Cloning and heterologous expression of new xANO2 from Xenopus laevis., Ryu RH, Oh SJ, Lee RM, Jeong SW, Jan LY, Lee CJ, Jeong SM., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 20, 2011; 408 (4): 559-65.   

Controlling the activity of a phosphatase and tensin homolog (PTEN) by membrane potential., Lacroix J, Halaszovich CR, Schreiber DN, Leitner MG, Bezanilla F, Oliver D, Villalba-Galea CA., J Biol Chem. May 20, 2011; 286 (20): 17945-53.

Characterization of GABA(A) receptors expressed in glial cell membranes of adult mouse neocortex using a Xenopus oocyte microtransplantation expression system., Bernareggi A, Grilli M, Marchi M, Limatola C, Ruzzier F, Eusebi F., J Neurosci Methods. May 15, 2011; 198 (1): 77-83.

Conformational changes at the agonist binding domain of the N-methyl-D-aspartic acid receptor., Rambhadran A, Gonzalez J, Jayaraman V., J Biol Chem. May 13, 2011; 286 (19): 16953-7.

Cardiac neural crest is dispensable for outflow tract septation in Xenopus., Lee YH, Saint-Jeannet JP., Development. May 1, 2011; 138 (10): 2025-34.   

Cdc48/p97-Ufd1-Npl4 antagonizes Aurora B during chromosome segregation in HeLa cells., Dobrynin G, Popp O, Romer T, Bremer S, Schmitz MH, Gerlich DW, Meyer H., J Cell Sci. May 1, 2011; 124 (Pt 9): 1571-80.

Characterization of Cer-1 cis-regulatory region during early Xenopus development., Silva AC, Filipe M, Steinbeisser H, Belo JA., Dev Genes Evol. May 1, 2011; 221 (1): 29-41.

Controlling gene loss of function in newts with emphasis on lens regeneration., Tsonis PA, Haynes T, Maki N, Nakamura K, Casco-Robles MM, Yamada S, Miura T, Chiba C, Del Rio-Tsonis K., Nat Protoc. May 1, 2011; 6 (5): 593-9.

CaBP1 regulates voltage-dependent inactivation and activation of Ca(V)1.2 (L-type) calcium channels., Oz S, Tsemakhovich V, Christel CJ, Lee A, Dascal N., J Biol Chem. April 22, 2011; 286 (16): 13945-53.

Crystal structure of inhibitor of κB kinase β., Xu G, Lo YC, Li Q, Napolitano G, Wu X, Jiang X, Dreano M, Karin M, Wu H., Nature. April 21, 2011; 472 (7343): 325-30.   

Control of a final gating charge transition by a hydrophobic residue in the S2 segment of a K+ channel voltage sensor., Lacroix JJ, Bezanilla F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 19, 2011; 108 (16): 6444-9.

CK1 activates minus-end-directed transport of membrane organelles along microtubules., Ikeda K, Zhapparova O, Brodsky I, Semenova I, Tirnauer JS, Zaliapin I, Rodionov V., Mol Biol Cell. April 15, 2011; 22 (8): 1321-9.   

Comparative analysis of Erk phosphorylation suggests a mixed strategy for measuring phospho-form distributions., Prabakaran S, Everley RA, Landrieu I, Wieruszeski JM, Lippens G, Steen H, Gunawardena J., Mol Syst Biol. April 12, 2011; 7 482.   

CASZ1b, the short isoform of CASZ1 gene, coexpresses with CASZ1a during neurogenesis and suppresses neuroblastoma cell growth., Liu Z, Naranjo A, Thiele CJ., PLoS One. April 7, 2011; 6 (4): e18557.   

Cyclin E is recruited to the nuclear matrix during differentiation, but is not recruited in cancer cells., Munkley J, Copeland NA, Moignard V, Knight JR, Greaves E, Ramsbottom SA, Pownall ME, Southgate J, Ainscough JF, Coverley D., Nucleic Acids Res. April 1, 2011; 39 (7): 2671-7.   

Curcumin-induced inhibition of proteasomal activity, enhanced HSP accumulation and the acquisition of thermotolerance in Xenopus laevis A6 cells., Khan S, Heikkila JJ., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. April 1, 2011; 158 (4): 566-76.

Cloning and characterization of GABAA α subunits and GABAB subunits in Xenopus laevis during development., Kaeser GE, Rabe BA, Saha MS., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2011; 240 (4): 862-73.   

Calcium regulation of nucleocytoplasmic transport., Sarma A, Yang W., Protein Cell. April 1, 2011; 2 (4): 291-302.

Canonical Wnt9b signaling balances progenitor cell expansion and differentiation during kidney development., Karner CM, Das A, Ma Z, Self M, Chen C, Lum L, Oliver G, Carroll TJ., Development. April 1, 2011; 138 (7): 1247-57.

Cep63 recruits Cdk1 to the centrosome: implications for regulation of mitotic entry, centrosome amplification, and genome maintenance., Löffler H, Fechter A, Matuszewska M, Saffrich R, Mistrik M, Marhold J, Hornung C, Westermann F, Bartek J, Krämer A., Cancer Res. March 15, 2011; 71 (6): 2129-39.

Crucial role for DNA ligase III in mitochondria but not in Xrcc1-dependent repair., Simsek D, Furda A, Gao Y, Artus J, Brunet E, Hadjantonakis AK, Van Houten B, Shuman S, McKinnon PJ, Jasin M., Nature. March 10, 2011; 471 (7337): 245-8.

Contribution of the intracellular C terminal domain to regulation of human P2X1 receptors for ATP by phorbol ester and Gq coupled mGlu(1α) receptors., Wen H, Evans RJ., Eur J Pharmacol. March 5, 2011; 654 (2): 155-9.   

Cardiac L-type calcium channel (Cav1.2) associates with gamma subunits., Yang L, Katchman A, Morrow JP, Doshi D, Marx SO., FASEB J. March 1, 2011; 25 (3): 928-36.

Characterization of a Xenopus tropicalis endogenous retrovirus with developmental and stress-dependent expression., Sinzelle L, Carradec Q, Paillard E, Bronchain OJ, Pollet N., J Virol. March 1, 2011; 85 (5): 2167-79.

Curcumin prevents DNA damage and enhances the repair potential in a chronically arsenic-exposed human population in West Bengal, India., Roy M, Sinha D, Mukherjee S, Biswas J., Eur J Cancer Prev. March 1, 2011; 20 (2): 123-31.

Control of local Rho GTPase crosstalk by Abr., Vaughan EM, Miller AL, Yu HY, Bement WM., Curr Biol. February 22, 2011; 21 (4): 270-7.

Conservation and diversification of an ancestral chordate gene regulatory network for dorsoventral patterning., Kozmikova I, Smolikova J, Vlcek C, Kozmik Z., PLoS One. February 3, 2011; 6 (2): e14650.   

Calcium sensitivity of dicarboxylate transport in cultured proximal tubule cells., Hering-Smith KS, Schiro FR, Pajor AM, Hamm LL., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. February 1, 2011; 300 (2): F425-32.

Characterization of S100A11, a suppressive factor of fertilization, in the mouse female reproductive tract., Hanaue M, Miwa N, Uebi T, Fukuda Y, Katagiri Y, Takamatsu K., Mol Reprod Dev. February 1, 2011; 78 (2): 91-103.

CtIP interacts with TopBP1 and Nbs1 in the response to double-stranded DNA breaks (DSBs) in Xenopus egg extracts., Ramírez-Lugo JS, Yoo HY, Yoon SJ, Dunphy WG., Cell Cycle. February 1, 2011; 10 (3): 469-80.

Cranial neural crest cells on the move: their roles in craniofacial development., Cordero DR, Brugmann S, Chu Y, Bajpai R, Jame M, Helms JA., Am J Med Genet A. February 1, 2011; 155A (2): 270-9.

Concerted actions of NHERF2 and WNK4 in regulating TRPV5., Jing H, Na T, Zhang W, Wu G, Liu C, Peng JB., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. January 28, 2011; 404 (4): 979-84.

Ca2+-dependent structural rearrangements within Na+-Ca2+ exchanger dimers., John SA, Ribalet B, Weiss JN, Philipson KD, Ottolia M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 25, 2011; 108 (4): 1699-704.

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