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Bovine chromaffin granule membranes undergo Ca(2+)-regulated exocytosis in frog oocytes., Scheuner D, Logsdon CD, Holz RW., J Cell Biol. January 1, 1992; 116 (2): 359-65.

Biosynthesis of ion channels in cell-free and metabolically labeled cell systems., Thornhill WB, Levinson SR., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 1992; 207 659-70.

Bombinin-like peptides with antimicrobial activity from skin secretions of the Asian toad, Bombina orientalis., Gibson BW, Tang DZ, Mandrell R, Kelly M, Spindel ER., J Biol Chem. December 5, 1991; 266 (34): 23103-11.

Both cyclin A delta 60 and B delta 97 are stable and arrest cells in M-phase, but only cyclin B delta 97 turns on cyclin destruction., Luca FC, Shibuya EK, Dohrmann CE, Ruderman JV., EMBO J. December 1, 1991; 10 (13): 4311-20.

Beta subunits determine the time course of desensitization in rat alpha 3 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Cachelin AB, Jaggi R., Pflugers Arch. December 1, 1991; 419 (6): 579-82.

Bacterioferritins and ferritins are distantly related in evolution. Conservation of ferroxidase-centre residues., Andrews SC, Smith JM, Yewdall SJ, Guest JR, Harrison PM., FEBS Lett. November 18, 1991; 293 (1-2): 164-8.

Biosynthesis, primary structure and molecular cloning of snowdrop (Galanthus nivalis L.) lectin., Van Damme EJ, Kaku H, Perini F, Goldstein IJ, Peeters B, Yagi F, Decock B, Peumans WJ., Eur J Biochem. November 15, 1991; 202 (1): 23-30.

Basolateral uptake and tubular metabolism of L-citrulline in the isolated-perfused non-filtering kidney of the African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis)., Gekle M, Silbernagl S., Pflugers Arch. November 1, 1991; 419 (5): 492-8.

Basolateral membrane potassium conductance of A6 cells., Broillet MC, Horisberger JD., J Membr Biol. October 1, 1991; 124 (1): 1-12.

Biphasic effects of mianserin and desipramine on serotonin-evoked current and Cl- efflux in Xenopus oocytes., Tohda M, Nomura Y., Eur J Pharmacol. August 6, 1991; 200 (2-3): 305-10.

Biochemical and biological comparison of HIV-1 NEF and ras gene products., Nebreda AR, Bryan T, Segade F, Wingfield P, Venkatesan S, Santos E., Virology. July 1, 1991; 183 (1): 151-9.

Bovine inhibin immediately inhibits the electrophysiological response to chorionic gonadotrophin in ovarian follicles of Xenopus laevis., Murray-McIntosh RP, Vos M, Lacy MP., Endocrinology. June 1, 1991; 128 (6): 3310-2.

Beta-lactam antibiotics potentiate magainin 2 antimicrobial activity in vitro and in vivo., Darveau RP, Cunningham MD, Seachord CL, Cassiano-Clough L, Cosand WL, Blake J, Watkins CS., Antimicrob Agents Chemother. June 1, 1991; 35 (6): 1153-9.

Biological structures imaged in a hybrid scanning transmission electron microscope and scanning tunneling microscope., Stemmer A, Reichelt R, Wyss R, Engel A., Ultramicroscopy. June 1, 1991; 35 (3-4): 255-64.

Biosynthesis of the cloned intestinal Na+/glucose cotransporter., Hediger MA, Mendlein J, Wright EM., Biochim Biophys Acta. May 7, 1991; 1064 (2): 360-4.

Biogenesis of transverse tubules in skeletal muscle in vitro., Flucher BE, Terasaki M, Chin HM, Beeler TJ, Daniels MP., Dev Biol. May 1, 1991; 145 (1): 77-90.

Both the 5' untranslated region and the sequences surrounding the start site contribute to efficient initiation of translation in vitro., Falcone D, Andrews DW., Mol Cell Biol. May 1, 1991; 11 (5): 2656-64.

Blocking of Tat-dependent HIV-1 RNA modification by an inhibitor of RNA polymerase II processivity., Braddock M, Thorburn AM, Kingsman AJ, Kingsman SM., Nature. April 4, 1991; 350 (6317): 439-41.

Bone morphogenetic protein 4 (BMP-4), a member of the TGF-beta family, in early embryos of Xenopus laevis: analysis of mesoderm inducing activity., Köster M, Plessow S, Clement JH, Lorenz A, Tiedemann H, Knöchel W., Mech Dev. March 1, 1991; 33 (3): 191-9.

Both alpha- and beta-subunits contribute to the agonist sensitivity of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Luetje CW, Patrick J., J Neurosci. March 1, 1991; 11 (3): 837-45.

Biosynthesis and secretion of rat salivary proteins by Xenopus laevis oocytes., Apekin V, Goldberger G, Oppenheim FG, Paz MA., J Dent Res. February 1, 1991; 70 (2): 95-8.

Biological activities of fibroblast growth factors., Gospodarowicz D., Ann N Y Acad Sci. January 1, 1991; 638 1-8.

Biochemical fractionation of oocytes., Evans JP, Kay BK., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 1991; 36 133-48.

Binding studies of gold labelled lectins on carbohydrate compounds of the flask cells in claw-frog kidney., Jonas L, Ostwald C, Walzel H., Acta Histochem. January 1, 1991; 90 (2): 121-6.

BAP, a rat liver protein that activates transcription through a promoter element with similarity to the USF/MLTF binding site., Kugler W, Kaling M, Ross K, Wagner U, Ryffel GU., Nucleic Acids Res. December 11, 1990; 18 (23): 6943-51.

Bifurcation of the amphibian embryo's axis: analysis of variation in response to egg centrifugation., Neff AW, Wakahara M, Malacinski GM., Int J Dev Biol. December 1, 1990; 34 (4): 391-8.

Basic fibroblast growth factor accumulates in the nuclei of various bFGF-producing cell types., Tessler S, Neufeld G., J Cell Physiol. November 1, 1990; 145 (2): 310-7.

Biophysical and molecular mechanisms of Shaker potassium channel inactivation., Hoshi T, Zagotta WN, Aldrich RW., Science. October 26, 1990; 250 (4980): 533-8.

Bactericidal activity of magainin 2: use of lipopolysaccharide mutants., Macias EA, Rana F, Blazyk J, Modrzakowski MC., Can J Microbiol. August 1, 1990; 36 (8): 582-4.

brlA requires both zinc fingers to induce development., Adams TH, Deising H, Timberlake WE., Mol Cell Biol. April 1, 1990; 10 (4): 1815-7.

Biochemical study of prolactin binding sites in Xenopus laevis brain and choroid plexus., Muccioli G, Guardabassi A, Pattono P., J Exp Zool. March 1, 1990; 253 (3): 311-8.

B-lymphocyte populations in Xenopus laevis., Hadji-Azimi I, Coosemans V, Canicatti C., Dev Comp Immunol. January 1, 1990; 14 (1): 69-84.

Biochemical characterization of the p34cdc2 protein kinase component of purified maturation-promoting factor from Xenopus eggs., Erikson E, Maller JL., J Biol Chem. November 25, 1989; 264 (33): 19577-82.

Biplexiform ganglion cells in the retina of Xenopus laevis., Tóth P, Straznicky C., Dev Biol. October 16, 1989; 499 (2): 378-82.

Bimodal and graded expression of the Xenopus homeobox gene Xhox3 during embryonic development., Ruiz i Altaba A, Melton DA., Development. May 1, 1989; 106 (1): 173-83.   

Biochemical research on oogenesis. RNA accumulation in the oocytes of the newt Pleurodeles waltl., Van den Eynde H, Mazabraud A, Denis H., Development. May 1, 1989; 106 (1): 11-6.

Biosynthesis of sulfated proteoglycans in amphibian embryonal cells., Løvtrup-Rein H., Biosci Rep. April 1, 1989; 9 (2): 213-22.

B----A transitions within a 5 S ribosomal RNA gene are highly sequence-specific., Becker MM, Wang Z., J Biol Chem. March 5, 1989; 264 (7): 4163-7.

Bouton ultrastructure and synaptic growth in a frog autonomic ganglion., Streichert LC, Sargent PB., J Comp Neurol. March 1, 1989; 281 (1): 159-68.

Block of stretch-activated ion channels in Xenopus oocytes by gadolinium and calcium ions., Yang XC, Sachs F., Science. February 24, 1989; 243 (4894 Pt 1): 1068-71.

Binding of steroid receptors to the HREs of mouse mammary tumor virus, chicken and xenopus vitellogenin and rabbit uteroglobin genes: correlation with induction., Slater EP, Posseckert G, Chalepakis G, Redeuihl G, Beato M., J Steroid Biochem. January 1, 1989; 34 (1-6): 11-6.

Blockade of ion channel expression in Xenopus oocytes with complementary DNA probes to Na+ and K+ channel mRNAs., Lotan I, Volterra A, Dash P, Siegelbaum SA, Goelet P., Neuron. December 1, 1988; 1 (10): 963-71.

Barbiturates depress currents through human brain calcium channels studied in Xenopus oocytes., Gundersen CB, Umbach JA, Swartz BE., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. December 1, 1988; 247 (3): 824-9.

Beta gamma subunits of GTP-binding proteins inhibit muscarinic receptor stimulation of phospholipase C., Moriarty TM, Gillo B, Carty DJ, Premont RT, Landau EM, Iyengar R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 1, 1988; 85 (23): 8865-9.

Biophysical and pharmacological properties of cloned GABAA receptor subunits expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Levitan ES, Blair LA, Dionne VE, Barnard EA., Neuron. November 1, 1988; 1 (9): 773-81.

Binding of adrenergic ligands to liver plasma membrane preparations from the axolotl, Ambystoma mexicanum; the toad, Xenopus laevis; and the Australian lungfish, Neoceratodus forsteri., Janssens PA, Grigg JA., Gen Comp Endocrinol. September 1, 1988; 71 (3): 524-30.

Biosynthesis of catalytically active rat testosterone 5 alpha-reductase in microinjected Xenopus oocytes: evidence for tissue-specific differences in translatable mRNA., Farkash Y, Soreq H, Orly J., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 1, 1988; 85 (16): 5824-8.

brlA is necessary and sufficient to direct conidiophore development in Aspergillus nidulans., Adams TH, Boylan MT, Timberlake WE., Cell. July 29, 1988; 54 (3): 353-62.

Binding to membrane proteins within the endoplasmic reticulum cannot explain the retention of the glucose-regulated protein GRP78 in Xenopus oocytes., Ceriotti A, Colman A., EMBO J. March 1, 1988; 7 (3): 633-8.

Bufo japonicus japonicus and Xenopus laevis laevis egg jellies contain structurally related antigens and cortical granule lectin ligands., Hedrick JL, Katagiri C., J Exp Zool. January 1, 1988; 245 (1): 78-85.

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