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Noncanonical mechanism of voltage sensor coupling to pore revealed by tandem dimers of Shaker., Carvalho-de-Souza JL, Bezanilla F., Nat Commun. August 8, 2019; 10 (1): 3584.   

NudC regulates photoreceptor disk morphogenesis and rhodopsin localization., Boitet ER, Reish NJ, Hubbard MG, Gross AK., FASEB J. August 1, 2019; 33 (8): 8799-8808.   

New roles for Wnt and BMP signaling in neural anteroposterior patterning., Polevoy H, Gutkovich YE, Michaelov A, Volovik Y, Elkouby YM, Frank D., EMBO Rep. June 1, 2019; 20 (6):

N-glycosylation-dependent regulation of hK2P17.1 currents., Wiedmann F, Schlund D, Voigt N, Ratte A, Kraft M, Katus HA, Schmidt C., Mol Biol Cell. June 1, 2019; 30 (12): 1425-1436.   

Nematodes found in Nile crocodiles in the Kruger National Park, South Africa, with redescriptions of Multicaecum agile (Wedl, 1861) (Heterocheilidae) and Camallanus kaapstaadi Southwell & Kirshner, 1937 (Camallanidae)., Junker K, Boomker J, Govender D, Mutafchiev Y., Syst Parasitol. June 1, 2019; 96 (4-5): 381-398.

NaCl-induced CsRCI2E and CsRCI2F interact with aquaporin CsPIP2;1 to reduce water transport in Camelina sativa L., Kim HS, Park W, Lim HG, Eom S, Lee JH, Carlson JE, Ahn SJ., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 21, 2019; 513 (1): 213-218.

Novel functions of the ubiquitin-independent proteasome system in regulating Xenopus germline development., Hwang H, Jin Z, Krishnamurthy VV, Saha A, Klein PS, Garcia B, Mei W, King ML, Zhang K, Yang J., Development. April 23, 2019; 146 (8):   

Non-centrosomal microtubule structures regulated by egg activation signaling contribute to cytoplasmic and cortical reorganization in the ascidian egg., Goto T, Kanda K, Nishikata T., Dev Biol. April 15, 2019; 448 (2): 161-172.   

Na/K Pump Mutations Associated with Primary Hyperaldosteronism Cause Loss of Function., Meyer DJ, Gatto C, Artigas P., Biochemistry. April 2, 2019; 58 (13): 1774-1785.

Nutritional implications of olives and sugar: attenuation of post-prandial glucose spikes in healthy volunteers by inhibition of sucrose hydrolysis and glucose transport by oleuropein., Kerimi A, Nyambe-Silavwe H, Pyner A, Oladele E, Gauer JS, Stevens Y, Williamson G., Eur J Nutr. April 1, 2019; 58 (3): 1315-1330.   

Nuclear import of Xenopus egg extract components into cultured cells for reprogramming purposes: a case study on goldfish fin cells., Chênais N, Lorca T, Morin N, Guillet B, Rime H, Le Bail PY, Labbé C., Sci Rep. February 27, 2019; 9 (1): 2861.   

Naphthenic Acid Mixtures and Acid-Extractable Organics from Oil Sands Process-Affected Water Impair Embryonic Development of Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis., Gutierrez-Villagomez JM, Peru KM, Edington C, Headley JV, Pauli BD, Trudeau VL., Environ Sci Technol. February 19, 2019; 53 (4): 2095-2104.

Noncanonical Modulation of the eIF2 Pathway Controls an Increase in Local Translation during Neural Wiring., Cagnetta R, Wong HH, Frese CK, Mallucci GR, Krijgsveld J, Holt CE., Mol Cell. February 7, 2019; 73 (3): 474-489.e5.   

N-terminal phosphorylation of xHes1 controls inhibition of primary neurogenesis in Xenopus., Hardwick LJA, Philpott A., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 5, 2019; 509 (2): 557-563.   

Nucleotide receptor P2RY4 is required for head formation via induction and maintenance of head organizer in Xenopus laevis., Harata A, Hirakawa M, Sakuma T, Yamamoto T, Hashimoto C., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 2019; 61 (2): 186-197.   

New Insights into the Mechanism of NO3- Selectivity in the Human Kidney Chloride Channel ClC-Ka and the CLC Protein Family., Lagostena L, Zifarelli G, Picollo A., J Am Soc Nephrol. February 1, 2019; 30 (2): 293-302.   

Non-acylated Wnts Can Promote Signaling., Speer KF, Sommer A, Tajer B, Mullins MC, Klein PS, Lemmon MA., Cell Rep. January 22, 2019; 26 (4): 875-883.e5.   

Nitroimidazole-based inhibitors DTP338 and DTP348 are safe for zebrafish embryos and efficiently inhibit the activity of human CA IX in Xenopus oocytes., Aspatwar A, Becker HM, Parvathaneni NK, Hammaren M, Svorjova A, Barker H, Supuran CT, Dubois L, Lambin P, Parikka M, Parkkila S, Winum JY., J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. December 1, 2018; 33 (1): 1064-1073.   

Nucleosomes and the three glycosylases: High, medium, and low levels of excision by the uracil DNA glycosylase superfamily., Tarantino ME, Dow BJ, Drohat AC, Delaney S., DNA Repair (Amst). December 1, 2018; 72 56-63.

Nicotine-sensitive acetylcholine receptors are relevant pharmacological targets for the control of multidrug resistant parasitic nematodes., Charvet CL, Guégnard F, Courtot E, Cortet J, Neveu C., Int J Parasitol Drugs Drug Resist. December 1, 2018; 8 (3): 540-549.   

Nocturnal Atrial Fibrillation Caused by Mutation in KCND2, Encoding Pore-Forming (α) Subunit of the Cardiac Kv4.2 Potassium Channel., Drabkin M, Zilberberg N, Menahem S, Mulla W, Halperin D, Yogev Y, Wormser O, Perez Y, Kadir R, Etzion Y, Katz A, Birk OS., Circ Genom Precis Med. November 1, 2018; 11 (11): e002293.

N-terminal and central domains of APC function to regulate branch number, length and angle in developing optic axonal arbors in vivo., Jin T, Peng G, Wu E, Mendiratta S, Elul T., Brain Res. October 15, 2018; 1697 34-44.   

Neurobiological Correlates of Alpha-Tocopherol Antiepileptogenic Effects and MicroRNA Expression Modulation in a Rat Model of Kainate-Induced Seizures., Ambrogini P, Albertini MC, Betti M, Galati C, Lattanzi D, Savelli D, Di Palma M, Saccomanno S, Bartolini D, Torquato P, Ruffolo G, Olivieri F, Galli F, Palma E, Minelli A, Cuppini R., Mol Neurobiol. October 1, 2018; 55 (10): 7822-7838.   

New insights into neurobiology., Wu J., J Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 2018; 10 (5): 375.

Nut Directs p300-Dependent, Genome-Wide H4 Hyperacetylation in Male Germ Cells., Shiota H, Barral S, Buchou T, Tan M, Couté Y, Charbonnier G, Reynoird N, Boussouar F, Gérard M, Zhu M, Bargier L, Puthier D, Chuffart F, Bourova-Flin E, Picaud S, Filippakopoulos P, Goudarzi A, Ibrahim Z, Panne D, Rousseaux S, Zhao Y, Khochbin S., Cell Rep. September 25, 2018; 24 (13): 3477-3487.e6.

Nosip functions during vertebrate eye and cranial cartilage development., Flach H, Krieg J, Hoffmeister M, Dietmann P, Reusch A, Wischmann L, Kernl B, Riegger R, Oess S, Kühl SJ., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2018; 247 (9): 1070-1082.   

New methods for computational decomposition of whole-mount in situ images enable effective curation of a large, highly redundant collection of Xenopus images., Patrushev I, James-Zorn C, Ciau-Uitz A, Patient R, Gilchrist MJ., PLoS Comput Biol. August 2, 2018; 14 (8): e1006077.   

Non-integumentary melanosomes can bias reconstructions of the colours of fossil vertebrates., McNamara ME, Kaye JS, Benton MJ, Orr PJ, Rossi V, Ito S, Wakamatsu K., Nat Commun. July 23, 2018; 9 (1): 2878.   

Notch1 is asymmetrically distributed from the beginning of embryogenesis and controls the ventral center., Castro Colabianchi AM, Revinski DR, Encinas PI, Baez MV, Monti RJ, Rodríguez Abinal M, Kodjabachian L, Franchini LF, López SL., Development. July 17, 2018; 145 (14):   

Nuclear ARP2/3 drives DNA break clustering for homology-directed repair., Schrank BR, Aparicio T, Li Y, Chang W, Chait BT, Gundersen GG, Gottesman ME, Gautier J., Nature. July 1, 2018; 559 (7712): 61-66.   

Novel phosphorelay-dependent control of ZFP36L1 protein during the cell cycle., Kondo M, Noguchi A, Matsuura Y, Shimada M, Yokota N, Kawahara H., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 22, 2018; 501 (2): 387-393.   

NS6740, an α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor silent agonist, disrupts hippocampal synaptic plasticity., Papke RL, Peng C, Kumar A, Stokes C., Neurosci Lett. June 11, 2018; 677 6-13.

Neonicotinoid insecticides differently modulate acetycholine-induced currents on mammalian α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Cartereau A, Martin C, Thany SH., Br J Pharmacol. June 1, 2018; 175 (11): 1987-1998.

Nucleus Assembly and Import in Xenopus laevis Egg Extract., Chen P, Levy DL., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. June 1, 2018; 2018 (6):

New Targets for Old Drugs: Cardiac Glycosides Inhibit Atrial-Specific K2P3.1 (TASK-1) Channels., Schmidt C, Wiedmann F, Gaubatz AR, Ratte A, Katus HA, Thomas D., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. June 1, 2018; 365 (3): 614-623.

New APETx-like peptides from sea anemone Heteractis crispa modulate ASIC1a channels., Kalina R, Gladkikh I, Dmitrenok P, Chernikov O, Koshelev S, Kvetkina A, Kozlov S, Kozlovskaya E, Monastyrnaya M., Peptides. June 1, 2018; 104 41-49.

Nucleosomes around a mismatched base pair are excluded via an Msh2-dependent reaction with the aid of SNF2 family ATPase Smarcad1., Terui R, Nagao K, Kawasoe Y, Taki K, Higashi TL, Tanaka S, Nakagawa T, Obuse C, Masukata H, Takahashi TS., Genes Dev. June 1, 2018; 32 (11-12): 806-821.

N-myristoylation and S-acylation are common modifications of Ca2+ -regulated Arabidopsis kinases and are required for activation of the SLAC1 anion channel., Saito S, Hamamoto S, Moriya K, Matsuura A, Sato Y, Muto J, Noguchi H, Yamauchi S, Tozawa Y, Ueda M, Hashimoto K, Köster P, Dong Q, Held K, Kudla J, Utsumi T, Uozumi N., New Phytol. June 1, 2018; 218 (4): 1504-1521.

NMDA Receptor Signaling Is Important for Neural Tube Formation and for Preventing Antiepileptic Drug-Induced Neural Tube Defects., Sequerra EB, Goyal R, Castro PA, Levin JB, Borodinsky LN., J Neurosci. May 16, 2018; 38 (20): 4762-4773.   

Negative allosteric modulation of alpha 5-containing GABAA receptors engenders antidepressant-like effects and selectively prevents age-associated hyperactivity in tau-depositing mice., Xu NZ, Ernst M, Treven M, Cerne R, Wakulchik M, Li X, Jones TM, Gleason SD, Morrow D, Schkeryantz JM, Rahman MT, Li G, Poe MM, Cook JM, Witkin JM., Psychopharmacology (Berl). April 1, 2018; 235 (4): 1151-1161.

Novel findings on the impact of chytridiomycosis on the cardiac function of anurans: sensitive vs. tolerant species., Salla RF, Rizzi-Possignolo GM, Oliveira CR, Lambertini C, Franco-Belussi L, Leite DS, Silva-Zacarin ECM, Abdalla FC, Jenkinson TS, Toledo LF, Jones-Costa M., PeerJ. March 15, 2018; 6 e5891.   

New information on morphology and molecular data of camallanid nematodes parasitising Xenopus laevis (Anura: Pipidae) in South Africa., Svitin R, Schoeman AL, du Preez LH., Folia Parasitol (Praha). March 12, 2018; 65

N-linked glycans are required on epithelial Na+ channel subunits for maturation and surface expression., Kashlan OB, Kinlough CL, Myerburg MM, Shi S, Chen J, Blobner BM, Buck TM, Brodsky JL, Hughey RP, Kleyman TR., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. March 1, 2018; 314 (3): F483-F492.

Nonsensing residues in S3-S4 linker's C terminus affect the voltage sensor set point in K+ channels., Carvalho-de-Souza JL, Bezanilla F., J Gen Physiol. February 5, 2018; 150 (2): 307-321.   

Nanos3 of the frog Rana rugosa: Molecular cloning and characterization., Kodama M, Yoshida M, Endo M, Kobayashi T, Oike A, Yasumasu S, Nakamura M., Dev Growth Differ. February 1, 2018; 60 (2): 112-120.   

Neural crest development in Xenopus requires Protocadherin 7 at the lateral neural crest border., Bradley RS., Mech Dev. February 1, 2018; 149 41-52.   

Nanoscale Correlated Disorder in Out-of-Equilibrium Myelin Ultrastructure., Campi G, Di Gioacchino M, Poccia N, Ricci A, Burghammer M, Ciasca G, Bianconi A., ACS Nano. January 23, 2018; 12 (1): 729-739.

Negative modulation of the GABAA ρ1 receptor function by l-cysteine., Beltrán González AN, Vicentini F, Calvo DJ., J Neurochem. January 1, 2018; 144 (1): 50-57.

Navigating Xenbase: An Integrated Xenopus Genomics and Gene Expression Database., James-Zorn C, Ponferrada V, Fisher ME, Burns K, Fortriede J, Segerdell E, Karimi K, Lotay V, Wang DZ, Chu S, Pells T, Wang Y, Vize PD, Zorn A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1757 251-305.

Na+/H+ Exchangers Are Required for the Development and Function of Vertebrate Mucociliary Epithelia., Sun DI, Tasca A, Haas M, Baltazar G, Harland RM, Finkbeiner WE, Walentek P., Cells Tissues Organs. January 1, 2018; 205 (5-6): 279-292.

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