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Mta2 promotes Tipin-dependent maintenance of replication fork integrity., Errico A, Aze A, Costanzo V., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2014; 13 (13): 2120-8.   

Mutations at beta N265 in γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors alter both binding affinity and efficacy of potent anesthetics., Stewart DS, Pierce DW, Hotta M, Stern AT, Forman SA., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (10): e111470.   

Micropattern-guided assembly of overlapping pairs of dynamic microtubules., Fourniol FJ, Li TD, Bieling P, Mullins RD, Fletcher DA, Surrey T., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2014; 540 339-60.

Magainin-related peptides stimulate insulin-release and improve glucose tolerance in high fat fed mice., Ojo OO, Srinivasan DK, Owolabi BO, Flatt PR, Abdel-Wahab YH., Protein Pept Lett. January 1, 2014; 22 (3): 256-63.

Magnesium and embryonic development., Komiya Y, Su LT, Chen HC, Habas R, Runnels LW., Magnes Res. January 1, 2014; 27 (1): 1-8.

microRNAs and cilia. An ancient connection., Walentek P, Song R, He L., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2014; 13 (15): 2315-6.   

Mechanisms of amphibian macrophage development: characterization of the Xenopus laevis colony-stimulating factor-1 receptor., Grayfer L, Edholm ES, Robert J., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 58 (10-12): 757-66.   

Mid-range Ca2+ signalling mediated by functional coupling between store-operated Ca2+ entry and IP3-dependent Ca2+ release., Courjaret R, Machaca K., Nat Commun. January 1, 2014; 5 3916.

microRNA input into a neural ultradian oscillator controls emergence and timing of alternative cell states., Goodfellow M, Phillips NE, Manning C, Galla T, Papalopulu N., Nat Commun. January 1, 2014; 5 3399.   

Mutating a conserved proline residue within the trimerization domain modifies Na+ binding to excitatory amino acid transporters and associated conformational changes., Hotzy J, Schneider N, Kovermann P, Fahlke C., J Biol Chem. December 20, 2013; 288 (51): 36492-501.

Migratory and adhesive properties of Xenopus laevis primordial germ cells in vitro., Dzementsei A, Schneider D, Janshoff A, Pieler T., Biol Open. December 15, 2013; 2 (12): 1279-87.   

Multiple mechanisms determine ER network morphology during the cell cycle in Xenopus egg extracts., Wang S, Romano FB, Field CM, Mitchison TJ, Rapoport TA., J Cell Biol. December 9, 2013; 203 (5): 801-14.   

Mechanisms of scaling in pattern formation., Umulis DM, Othmer HG., Development. December 1, 2013; 140 (24): 4830-43.

Maturin is a novel protein required for differentiation during primary neurogenesis., Martinez-De Luna RI, Ku RY, Lyou Y, Zuber ME., Dev Biol. December 1, 2013; 384 (1): 26-40.   

Magnetic control of protein spatial patterning to direct microtubule self-assembly., Hoffmann C, Mazari E, Gosse C, Bonnemay L, Hostachy S, Gautier J, Gueroui Z., ACS Nano. November 26, 2013; 7 (11): 9647-54.

M-cadherin-mediated intercellular interactions activate satellite cell division., Marti M, Montserrat N, Pardo C, Mulero L, Miquel-Serra L, Rodrigues AM, Andrés Vaquero J, Kuebler B, Morera C, Barrero MJ, Izpisua Belmonte JC., J Cell Sci. November 15, 2013; 126 (Pt 22): 5116-31.   

Metabolic activation of CaMKII by coenzyme A., McCoy F, Darbandi R, Lee HC, Bharatham K, Moldoveanu T, Grace CR, Dodd K, Lin W, Chen SI, Tangallapally RP, Kurokawa M, Lee RE, Shelat AA, Chen T, Green DR, Harris RA, Lin SH, Fissore RA, Colbran RJ, Nutt LK., Mol Cell. November 7, 2013; 52 (3): 325-39.

Melanocortin MC(4) receptor-mediated feeding and grooming in rodents., Mul JD, Spruijt BM, Brakkee JH, Adan RAH., Eur J Pharmacol. November 5, 2013; 719 (1-3): 192-201.

MCTP2 is a dosage-sensitive gene required for cardiac outflow tract development., Lalani SR, Ware SM, Wang X, Zapata G, Tian Q, Franco LM, Jiang Z, Bucasas K, Scott DA, Campeau PM, Hanchard N, Umaña L, Cast A, Patel A, Cheung SW, McBride KL, Bray M, Craig Chinault A, Boggs BA, Huang M, Baker MR, Hamilton S, Towbin J, Jefferies JL, Fernbach SD, Potocki L, Belmont JW., Hum Mol Genet. November 1, 2013; 22 (21): 4339-48.

Molecular docking: a potential tool to aid ecotoxicity testing in environmental risk assessment of pharmaceuticals., Walker SD, McEldowney S., Chemosphere. November 1, 2013; 93 (10): 2568-77.

MONNA, a potent and selective blocker for transmembrane protein with unknown function 16/anoctamin-1., Oh SJ, Hwang SJ, Jung J, Yu K, Kim J, Choi JY, Hartzell HC, Roh EJ., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 2013; 84 (5): 726-35.

Menthol inhibits 5-HT3 receptor-mediated currents., Ashoor A, Nordman JC, Veltri D, Yang KH, Shuba Y, Al Kury L, Sadek B, Howarth FC, Shehu A, Kabbani N, Oz M., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. November 1, 2013; 347 (2): 398-409.

Molecular mechanism of sulphonylurea block of K(ATP) channels carrying mutations that impair ATP inhibition and cause neonatal diabetes., Proks P, de Wet H, Ashcroft FM., Diabetes. November 1, 2013; 62 (11): 3909-19.   

Multiple mechanisms underlying rectification in retinal cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNGA1) channels., Arcangeletti M, Marchesi A, Mazzolini M, Torre V., Physiol Rep. November 1, 2013; 1 (6): e00148.   

Mutations in SLC2A2 gene reveal hGLUT2 function in pancreatic β cell development., Michau A, Guillemain G, Grosfeld A, Vuillaumier-Barrot S, Grand T, Keck M, L'Hoste S, Chateau D, Serradas P, Teulon J, De Lonlay P, Scharfmann R, Brot-Laroche E, Leturque A, Le Gall M., J Biol Chem. October 25, 2013; 288 (43): 31080-92.

Myb promotes centriole amplification and later steps of the multiciliogenesis program., Tan FE, Vladar EK, Ma L, Fuentealba LC, Hoh R, Espinoza FH, Axelrod JD, Alvarez-Buylla A, Stearns T, Kintner C, Krasnow MA., Development. October 1, 2013; 140 (20): 4277-86.   

Molecular characterization and expression analysis of a KIFC1-like kinesin gene in the testis of Eumeces chinensis., Hu JR, Liu M, Wang DH, Hu YJ, Tan FQ, Yang WX., Mol Biol Rep. September 29, 2013; .

Mind the gaps: investigating the cause of the current range disjunction in the Cape Platanna, Xenopus gilli (Anura: Pipidae)., Fogell DJ, Tolley KA, Measey GJ., PeerJ. September 26, 2013; 1 e166.   

Multi-phosphorylation of the intrinsically disordered unique domain of c-Src studied by in-cell and real-time NMR spectroscopy., Amata I, Maffei M, Igea A, Gay M, Vilaseca M, Nebreda AR, Pons M., Chembiochem. September 23, 2013; 14 (14): 1820-7.

Molecular crowding drives active Pin1 into nonspecific complexes with endogenous proteins prior to substrate recognition., Luh LM, Hänsel R, Löhr F, Kirchner DK, Krauskopf K, Pitzius S, Schäfer B, Tufar P, Corbeski I, Güntert P, Dötsch V., J Am Chem Soc. September 18, 2013; 135 (37): 13796-803.

Mutation of a single amino acid converts the human water channel aquaporin 5 into an anion channel., Qin X, Boron WF., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 15, 2013; 305 (6): C663-72.

Mitochondrial DNA ligase is dispensable for the viability of cultured cells but essential for mtDNA maintenance., Shokolenko IN, Fayzulin RZ, Katyal S, McKinnon PJ, Wilson GL, Alexeyev MF., J Biol Chem. September 13, 2013; 288 (37): 26594-605.

Metabotropic glutamate receptor 5 is a coreceptor for Alzheimer aβ oligomer bound to cellular prion protein., Um JW, Kaufman AC, Kostylev M, Heiss JK, Stagi M, Takahashi H, Kerrisk ME, Vortmeyer A, Wisniewski T, Koleske AJ, Gunther EC, Nygaard HB, Strittmatter SM., Neuron. September 4, 2013; 79 (5): 887-902.

Major active components in grapefruit, orange, and apple juices responsible for OATP2B1-mediated drug interactions., Shirasaka Y, Shichiri M, Mori T, Nakanishi T, Tamai I., J Pharm Sci. September 1, 2013; 102 (9): 3418-26.

Modeling human neurodevelopmental disorders in the Xenopus tadpole: from mechanisms to therapeutic targets., Pratt KG, Khakhalin AS., Dis Model Mech. September 1, 2013; 6 (5): 1057-65.   

mRNA fluorescence in situ hybridization to determine overlapping gene expression in whole-mount mouse embryos., Neufeld SJ, Zhou X, Vize PD, Cobb J., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2013; 242 (9): 1094-100.   

Mutually exclusive signaling signatures define the hepatic and pancreatic progenitor cell lineage divergence., Rodríguez-Seguel E, Mah N, Naumann H, Pongrac IM, Cerdá-Esteban N, Fontaine JF, Wang Y, Chen W, Andrade-Navarro MA, Spagnoli FM., Genes Dev. September 1, 2013; 27 (17): 1932-46.   

Multiple modes of α7 nAChR noncompetitive antagonism of control agonist-evoked and allosterically enhanced currents., Peng C, Kimbrell MR, Tian C, Pack TF, Crooks PA, Fifer EK, Papke RL., Mol Pharmacol. September 1, 2013; 84 (3): 459-75.

Mutations in GRIN2A cause idiopathic focal epilepsy with rolandic spikes., Lemke JR, Lal D, Reinthaler EM, Steiner I, Nothnagel M, Alber M, Geider K, Laube B, Schwake M, Finsterwalder K, Franke A, Schilhabel M, Jähn JA, Muhle H, Boor R, Van Paesschen W, Caraballo R, Fejerman N, Weckhuysen S, De Jonghe P, Larsen J, Møller RS, Hjalgrim H, Addis L, Tang S, Hughes E, Pal DK, Veri K, Vaher U, Talvik T, Dimova P, Guerrero López R, Serratosa JM, Linnankivi T, Lehesjoki AE, Ruf S, Wolff M, Buerki S, Wohlrab G, Kroell J, Datta AN, Fiedler B, Kurlemann G, Kluger G, Hahn A, Haberlandt DE, Kutzer C, Sperner J, Becker F, Weber YG, Feucht M, Steinböck H, Neophythou B, Ronen GM, Gruber-Sedlmayr U, Geldner J, Harvey RJ, Hoffmann P, Herms S, Altmüller J, Toliat MR, Thiele H, Nürnberg P, Wilhelm C, Stephani U, Helbig I, Lerche H, Zimprich F, Neubauer BA, Biskup S, von Spiczak S., Nat Genet. September 1, 2013; 45 (9): 1067-72.   

Mitotic trigger waves and the spatial coordination of the Xenopus cell cycle., Chang JB, Ferrell JE., Nature. August 29, 2013; 500 (7464): 603-7.   

Molecular bases for the asynchronous activation of sodium and potassium channels required for nerve impulse generation., Lacroix JJ, Campos FV, Frezza L, Bezanilla F., Neuron. August 21, 2013; 79 (4): 651-7.

Modulation of cell cycle control during oocyte-to-embryo transitions., Hörmanseder E, Tischer T, Mayer TU., EMBO J. August 14, 2013; 32 (16): 2191-203.

MiR-142-3p controls the specification of definitive hemangioblasts during ontogeny., Nimmo R, Ciau-Uitz A, Ruiz-Herguido C, Soneji S, Bigas A, Patient R, Enver T., Dev Cell. August 12, 2013; 26 (3): 237-49.   

Molecular characterization and expression analysis of complement component C9 gene in the whitespotted bambooshark, Chiloscyllium plagiosum., Wang Y, Xu S, Su Y, Ye B, Hua Z., Fish Shellfish Immunol. August 1, 2013; 35 (2): 599-606.

MRAS GTPase is a novel stemness marker that impacts mouse embryonic stem cell plasticity and Xenopus embryonic cell fate., Mathieu ME, Faucheux C, Saucourt C, Soulet F, Gauthereau X, Fédou S, Trouillas M, Thézé N, Thiébaud P, Boeuf H., Development. August 1, 2013; 140 (16): 3311-22.   

Multiple coagulation factor deficiency protein 2 contains the ability to support stem cell self-renewal., Liu H, Zhao B, Chen Y, You D, Liu R, Rong M, Ji W, Zheng P, Lai R., FASEB J. August 1, 2013; 27 (8): 3298-305.

Molecular evidence for dual pyrethroid-receptor sites on a mosquito sodium channel., Du Y, Nomura Y, Satar G, Hu Z, Nauen R, He SY, Zhorov BS, Dong K., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 16, 2013; 110 (29): 11785-90.

Molecular cloning, expression, bioinformatics analysis, and bioactivity of TNFSF13 (APRIL) in the South African clawed frog (Xenopus laevi): a new model to study immunological diseases., Liu X, Ji XM, Du XN, Zong XC, Liang DF, Ma L, Wu HT, Zhang SQ., OMICS. July 1, 2013; 17 (7): 384-92.

Meiosis: A kinesin on foreign tracks., Du Toit A., Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 2013; 14 (7): 400-1.

Molecular analysis of the site for 2-arachidonylglycerol (2-AG) on the β₂ subunit of GABA(A) receptors., Baur R, Kielar M, Richter L, Ernst M, Ecker GF, Sigel E., J Neurochem. July 1, 2013; 126 (1): 29-36.

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