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Search Results

Molecular cloning and expression analysis of dystroglycan during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis., Lunardi A, Dente L., Mech Dev. December 1, 2002; 119 Suppl 1 S49-54.   

Molecular dynamics of Aurora-A kinase in living mitotic cells simultaneously visualized with histone H3 and nuclear membrane protein importinalpha., Sugimoto K, Urano T, Zushi H, Inoue K, Tasaka H, Tachibana M, Dotsu M., Cell Struct Funct. December 1, 2002; 27 (6): 457-67.

More evidence that atrazine may affect frog sexuality., Betts K., Environ Sci Technol. December 1, 2002; 36 (23): 444A-445A.

Monomeric sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca(2+)-ATPase is functionally active., Takeda K, Kawamura M., J UOEH. December 1, 2002; 24 (4): 375-81.

Movement of the C-helix during the gating of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels., Mazzolini M, Punta M, Torre V., Biophys J. December 1, 2002; 83 (6): 3283-95.

Mutant actins demonstrate a role for unpolymerized actin in control of transcription by serum response factor., Posern G, Sotiropoulos A, Treisman R., Mol Biol Cell. December 1, 2002; 13 (12): 4167-78.

Methylation of Xenopus CIRP2 regulates its arginine- and glycine-rich region-mediated nucleocytoplasmic distribution., Aoki K, Ishii Y, Matsumoto K, Tsujimoto M., Nucleic Acids Res. December 1, 2002; 30 (23): 5182-92.

Multiple maternal influences on dorsal-ventral fate of Xenopus animal blastomeres., Pandur PD, Sullivan SA, Moody SA., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2002; 225 (4): 581-7.

Metamorphosis-dependent transcriptional regulation of xak-c, a novel Xenopus type I keratin gene., Watanabe Y, Tanaka R, Kobayashi H, Utoh R, Suzuki K, Obara M, Yoshizato K., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2002; 225 (4): 561-70.   

Morphogen gradients, positional information, and Xenopus: interplay of theory and experiment., Green J., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2002; 225 (4): 392-408.

Maxadilan activates PAC1 receptors expressed in Xenopus laevis xelanophores., Pereira P, Reddy VB, Kounga K, Bello Y, Lerner E., Pigment Cell Res. December 1, 2002; 15 (6): 461-6.

Molecular determinants for activation of G-protein-coupled inward rectifier K+ (GIRK) channels by extracellular acidosis., Mao J, Li L, McManus M, Wu J, Cui N, Jiang C., J Biol Chem. November 29, 2002; 277 (48): 46166-71.

Mouse GLI3 regulates Fgf8 expression and apoptosis in the developing neural tube, face, and limb bud., Aoto K, Nishimura T, Eto K, Motoyama J., Dev Biol. November 15, 2002; 251 (2): 320-32.

Matrix metalloproteinase-21, the human orthologue for XMMP, is expressed during fetal development and in cancer., Ahokas K, Lohi J, Lohi H, Elomaa O, Karjalainen-Lindsberg ML, Kere J, Saarialho-Kere U., Gene. November 13, 2002; 301 (1-2): 31-41.

Molecular cloning and functional expression of a proline transporter from Manduca sexta., Sandhu SK, Ross LS, Gill SS., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. November 1, 2002; 32 (11): 1391-400.

Motility determinants in WASP family proteins., Yarar D, D'Alessio JA, Jeng RL, Welch MD., Mol Biol Cell. November 1, 2002; 13 (11): 4045-59.

Mezzo, a paired-like homeobox protein is an immediate target of Nodal signalling and regulates endoderm specification in zebrafish., Poulain M, Lepage T., Development. November 1, 2002; 129 (21): 4901-14.

Molecular evolution of color vision in vertebrates., Yokoyama S., Gene. October 30, 2002; 300 (1-2): 69-78.   

Molecular mechanism of a COOH-terminal gating determinant in the ROMK channel revealed by a Bartter's disease mutation., Flagg TP, Yoo D, Sciortino CM, Tate M, Romero MF, Welling PA., J Physiol. October 15, 2002; 544 (2): 351-62.

Molecular cloning, functional expression, and tissue distribution of a novel human gap junction-forming protein, connexin-31.9. Interaction with zona occludens protein-1., Nielsen PA, Beahm DL, Giepmans BN, Baruch A, Hall JE, Kumar NM., J Biol Chem. October 11, 2002; 277 (41): 38272-83.

Moving visual stimuli rapidly induce direction sensitivity of developing tectal neurons., Engert F, Tao HW, Zhang LI, Poo MM., Nature. October 3, 2002; 419 (6906): 470-5.

Mammalian hyaluronan synthases., Itano N, Kimata K., IUBMB Life. October 1, 2002; 54 (4): 195-9.

Multi-photon laser scanning microscopy using an acoustic optical deflector., Lechleiter JD, Lin DT, Sieneart I., Biophys J. October 1, 2002; 83 (4): 2292-9.

Molecular cloning and functional characterization of a unique mammalian cardiac Na(v) channel isoform with low sensitivity to the synthetic inactivation inhibitor (-)-(S)-6-amino-alpha-[(4-diphenylmethyl-1-piperazinyl)-methyl]-9H-purine-9-ethanol (SDZ 211-939)., Denac H, Mevissen M, Kühn FJ, Kühn C, Guionaud CT, Scholtysik G, Greeff NG., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. October 1, 2002; 303 (1): 89-98.

Molecular characterization of the murine Slc26a6 anion exchanger: functional comparison with Slc26a1., Xie Q, Welch R, Mercado A, Romero MF, Mount DB., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. October 1, 2002; 283 (4): F826-38.

Mitotic phosphorylation of chromosomal protein HMGN1 inhibits nuclear import and promotes interaction with 14.3.3 proteins., Prymakowska-Bosak M, Hock R, Catez F, Lim JH, Birger Y, Shirakawa H, Lee K, Bustin M., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 2002; 22 (19): 6809-19.

Mutant frizzled-4 disrupts retinal angiogenesis in familial exudative vitreoretinopathy., Robitaille J, MacDonald ML, Kaykas A, Sheldahl LC, Zeisler J, Dubé MP, Zhang LH, Singaraja RR, Guernsey DL, Zheng B, Siebert LF, Hoskin-Mott A, Trese MT, Pimstone SN, Shastry BS, Moon RT, Hayden MR, Goldberg YP, Samuels ME., Nat Genet. October 1, 2002; 32 (2): 326-30.

Molecular identification of a novel carnitine transporter specific to human testis. Insights into the mechanism of carnitine recognition., Enomoto A, Wempe MF, Tsuchida H, Shin HJ, Cha SH, Anzai N, Goto A, Sakamoto A, Niwa T, Kanai Y, Anders MW, Endou H., J Biol Chem. September 27, 2002; 277 (39): 36262-71.

Multimerization of the ligand binding domains of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels., Matulef K, Zagotta WN., Neuron. September 26, 2002; 36 (1): 93-103.

Modulation of cardiac growth and development by HOP, an unusual homeodomain protein., Shin CH, Liu ZP, Passier R, Zhang CL, Wang DZ, Harris TM, Yamagishi H, Richardson JA, Childs G, Olson EN., Cell. September 20, 2002; 110 (6): 725-35.

Modulation of a brain voltage-gated K+ channel by syntaxin 1A requires the physical interaction of Gbetagamma with the channel., Michaelevski I, Chikvashvili D, Tsuk S, Fili O, Lohse MJ, Singer-Lahat D, Lotan I., J Biol Chem. September 20, 2002; 277 (38): 34909-17.

Multiple thyroid hormone-induced muscle growth and death programs during metamorphosis in Xenopus laevis., Das B, Schreiber AM, Huang H, Brown DD., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 17, 2002; 99 (19): 12230-5.   

Metalloproteases and guidance of retinal axons in the developing visual system., Webber CA, Hocking JC, Yong VW, Stange CL, McFarlane S., J Neurosci. September 15, 2002; 22 (18): 8091-100.   

Molecular regulation of vertebrate early endoderm development., Shivdasani RA., Dev Biol. September 15, 2002; 249 (2): 191-203.   

Manipulation of mitochondrial DNA gene expression in the mouse., Silva JP, Larsson NG., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 10, 2002; 1555 (1-3): 106-10.

MCM2-7 complexes bind chromatin in a distributed pattern surrounding the origin recognition complex in Xenopus egg extracts., Edwards MC, Tutter AV, Cvetic C, Gilbert CH, Prokhorova TA, Walter JC., J Biol Chem. September 6, 2002; 277 (36): 33049-57.

Mutation or deletion of the C-terminal tail affects the function and structure of Xenopus laevis small heat shock protein, hsp30., Fernando P, Abdulle R, Mohindra A, Guillemette JG, Heikkila JJ., Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol. September 1, 2002; 133 (1): 95-103.

Multiple Cdk1 inhibitory kinases regulate the cell cycle during development., Leise W, Mueller PR., Dev Biol. September 1, 2002; 249 (1): 156-73.   

Melanophore aggregation in strong static magnetic fields., Testorf MF, Ake Oberg P, Iwasaka M, Ueno S., Bioelectromagnetics. September 1, 2002; 23 (6): 444-9.

Modulation of voltage sensitivity by N-terminal cytoplasmic residues in human Kv1.2 channels., Varshney A, S K, Mathew MK., Eur Biophys J. September 1, 2002; 31 (5): 365-72.

Molecular characterization of chicken syndecan-2 proteoglycan., Chen L, Couchman JR, Smith J, Woods A., Biochem J. September 1, 2002; 366 (Pt 2): 481-90.

MIZIP, a highly conserved, vertebrate specific melanin-concentrating hormone receptor 1 interacting zinc-finger protein., Bächner D, Kreienkamp HJ, Richter D., FEBS Lett. August 28, 2002; 526 (1-3): 124-8.

Modular recognition of RNA by a human pumilio-homology domain., Wang X, McLachlan J, Zamore PD, Hall TM., Cell. August 23, 2002; 110 (4): 501-12.

Mutational analysis of the hexose transporter of Plasmodium falciparum and development of a three-dimensional model., Manning SK, Woodrow C, Zuniga FA, Iserovich P, Fischbarg J, Louw AI, Krishna S., J Biol Chem. August 23, 2002; 277 (34): 30942-9.

Mechanistic distinctions between agrin and laminin-1 induced aggregation of acetylcholine receptors., Lee LK, Kunkel DD, Stollberg J., BMC Neurosci. August 15, 2002; 3 10.   

Mutations in the linker domain of NBD2 of SUR inhibit transduction but not nucleotide binding., Matsuo M, Dabrowski M, Ueda K, Ashcroft FM., EMBO J. August 15, 2002; 21 (16): 4250-8.

Modulation of the human polycystin-L channel by voltage and divalent cations., Liu Y, Li Q, Tan M, Zhang YY, Karpinski E, Zhou J, Chen XZ., FEBS Lett. August 14, 2002; 525 (1-3): 71-6.

Microtuble organization in Xenopus eggs during the first cleavage and its role in cytokinesis., Takayama M, Noguchi T, Yamashiro S, Mabuchi I., Cell Struct Funct. August 1, 2002; 27 (4): 163-71.

Maintenance of mitochondrial DNA integrity: repair and degradation., Kang D, Hamasaki N., Curr Genet. August 1, 2002; 41 (5): 311-22.

Mos is not required for the initiation of meiotic maturation in Xenopus oocytes., Dupré A, Jessus C, Ozon R, Haccard O., EMBO J. August 1, 2002; 21 (15): 4026-36.

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