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Search Results

Recent characterizations of MscS and its homologs provide insight into the basis of ion selectivity in mechanosensitive channels., Maksaev G, Haswell ES., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2013; 7 (3): 215-20.

Regulation of rhodopsin-eGFP distribution in transgenic xenopus rod outer segments by light., Haeri M, Calvert PD, Solessio E, Pugh EN, Knox BE., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (11): e80059.   

Retinoic acid homeostasis regulates meiotic entry in developing anuran gonads and in Bidder's organ through Raldh2 and Cyp26b1 proteins., Piprek RP, Pecio A, Laskowska-Kaszub K, Kloc M, Kubiak JZ, Szymura JM., Mech Dev. January 1, 2013; 130 (11-12): 613-27.   

Regulation of cell polarity and RNA localization in vertebrate oocytes., Houston DW., Int Rev Cell Mol Biol. January 1, 2013; 306 127-85.

Random parameter sampling of a generic three-tier MAPK cascade model reveals major factors affecting its versatile dynamics., Mai Z, Liu H., PLoS One. January 1, 2013; 8 (1): e54441.   

Relationships between calpains and glutamate- or kainate-induced apoptosis in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Brun C, Moudilou E, Bouchot C, Abrouk-Vérot L, Exbrayat JM., Folia Histochem Cytobiol. January 1, 2013; 51 (4): 300-11.

Rho signalling restriction by the RhoGAP Stard13 integrates growth and morphogenesis in the pancreas., Petzold KM, Naumann H, Spagnoli FM., Development. January 1, 2013; 140 (1): 126-35.

RhoGAP control of pancreas development: putting cells in the right place at the right time., Zygmunt T, Spagnoli FM., Small GTPases. January 1, 2013; 4 (2): 127-31.

Role of the wrist domain in the response of the epithelial sodium channel to external stimuli., Shi S, Carattino MD, Kleyman TR., J Biol Chem. December 28, 2012; 287 (53): 44027-35.

Role of hydrophobic and ionic forces in the movement of S4 of the Shaker potassium channel., Elliott DJ, Neale EJ, Munsey TS, Bannister JP, Sivaprasadarao A., Mol Membr Biol. December 1, 2012; 29 (8): 321-32.

Resting potential, oncogene-induced tumorigenesis, and metastasis: the bioelectric basis of cancer in vivo., Lobikin M, Chernet B, Lobo D, Levin M., Phys Biol. December 1, 2012; 9 (6): 065002.

Role of the blood-cerebrospinal fluid barrier transporter as a cerebral clearance system for prostaglandin E₂ produced in the brain., Tachikawa M, Ozeki G, Higuchi T, Akanuma S, Tsuji K, Hosoya K., J Neurochem. December 1, 2012; 123 (5): 750-60.

Reduced efficacy of the intravenous anesthetic agent AZD3043 at GABA(A) receptors with β2 (N289M) and β3 (N290M) point-mutations., Jonsson Fagerlund M, Sjödin J, Dabrowski MA, Krupp J., Eur J Pharmacol. November 5, 2012; 694 (1-3): 13-9.

Regulation of the nucleosome unwrapping rate controls DNA accessibility., North JA, Shimko JC, Javaid S, Mooney AM, Shoffner MA, Rose SD, Bundschuh R, Fishel R, Ottesen JJ, Poirier MG., Nucleic Acids Res. November 1, 2012; 40 (20): 10215-27.   

Replacement of H1 linker histone during bovine somatic cell nuclear transfer., Yun Y, Zhao GM, Wu SJ, Li W, Lei AM., Theriogenology. October 1, 2012; 78 (6): 1371-80.

Regulation of axonal growth and neuromuscular junction formation by neuronal phosphatase and tensin homologue signaling., Li PP, Peng HB., Mol Biol Cell. October 1, 2012; 23 (20): 4109-17.   

Regional differences in rat conjunctival ion transport activities., Yu D, Thelin WR, Rogers TD, Stutts MJ, Randell SH, Grubb BR, Boucher RC., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. October 1, 2012; 303 (7): C767-80.

Role of binding and nucleoside diphosphate kinase A in the regulation of the cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator by AMP-activated protein kinase., King JD, Lee J, Riemen CE, Neumann D, Xiong S, Foskett JK, Mehta A, Muimo R, Hallows KR., J Biol Chem. September 28, 2012; 287 (40): 33389-400.   

Regulating contractility of the actomyosin cytoskeleton by pH., Köhler S, Schmoller KM, Crevenna AH, Bausch AR., Cell Rep. September 27, 2012; 2 (3): 433-9.

Role of pro-brain-derived neurotrophic factor (proBDNF) to mature BDNF conversion in activity-dependent competition at developing neuromuscular synapses., Je HS, Yang F, Ji Y, Nagappan G, Hempstead BL, Lu B., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 25, 2012; 109 (39): 15924-9.

Return to sender., , Nature. September 20, 2012; 489 (7416): 336.

Retinoic acid-dependent control of MAP kinase phosphatase-3 is necessary for early kidney development in Xenopus., Le Bouffant R, Wang JH, Futel M, Buisson I, Umbhauer M, Riou JF., Biol Cell. September 1, 2012; 104 (9): 516-32.

Retention of a new-defined intron changes pharmacology and kinetics of the full-length P2X2 receptor found in myenteric neurons of the guinea pig., Liñan-Rico A, Jaramillo-Polanco J, Espinosa-Luna R, Jiménez-Bremont JF, Liñan-Rico L, Montaño LM, Barajas-López C., Neuropharmacology. September 1, 2012; 63 (3): 394-404.

Rab11 regulates planar polarity and migratory behavior of multiciliated cells in Xenopus embryonic epidermis., Kim K, Lake BB, Haremaki T, Weinstein DC, Sokol SY., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2012; 241 (9): 1385-95.   

RNA-mediated programmable DNA cleavage., Barrangou R., Nat Biotechnol. September 1, 2012; 30 (9): 836-8.

Reorientation and dimerization of the membrane-bound antimicrobial peptide PGLa from microsecond all-atom MD simulations., Ulmschneider JP, Smith JC, Ulmschneider MB, Ulrich AS, Strandberg E., Biophys J. August 8, 2012; 103 (3): 472-482.

Regulation of embryonic and induced pluripotency by aurora kinase-p53 signaling., Lee DF, Su J, Ang YS, Carvajal-Vergara X, Mulero-Navarro S, Pereira CF, Gingold J, Wang HL, Zhao R, Sevilla A, Darr H, Williamson AJ, Chang B, Niu X, Aguilo F, Flores ER, Sher YP, Hung MC, Whetton AD, Gelb BD, Moore KA, Snoeck HW, Ma'ayan A, Schaniel C, Lemischka IR., Cell Stem Cell. August 3, 2012; 11 (2): 179-94.

Regulation of early xenopus embryogenesis by Smad ubiquitination regulatory factor 2., Das S, Chang C., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2012; 241 (8): 1260-73.   

Regulation of thyroid hormone sensitivity by differential expression of the thyroid hormone receptor during Xenopus metamorphosis., Nakajima K, Fujimoto K, Yaoita Y., Genes Cells. August 1, 2012; 17 (8): 645-59.   

Relative transmembrane segment rearrangements during BK channel activation resolved by structurally assigned fluorophore-quencher pairing., Pantazis A, Olcese R., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2012; 140 (2): 207-18.   

Replication-independent repair of DNA interstrand crosslinks., Williams HL, Gottesman ME, Gautier J., Mol Cell. July 13, 2012; 47 (1): 140-7.   

Role of a conserved glycine triplet in the NSS amino acid transporter KAAT1., Giovanola M, D'Antoni F, Santacroce M, Mari SA, Cherubino F, Bossi E, Sacchi VF, Castagna M., Biochim Biophys Acta. July 1, 2012; 1818 (7): 1737-44.

Role of the transporter regulator protein (RS1) in the modulation of concentrative nucleoside transporters (CNTs) in epithelia., Errasti-Murugarren E, Fernández-Calotti P, Veyhl-Wichmann M, Diepold M, Pinilla-Macua I, Pérez-Torras S, Kipp H, Koepsell H, Pastor-Anglada M., Mol Pharmacol. July 1, 2012; 82 (1): 59-67.

Reconstitution of abscisic acid activation of SLAC1 anion channel by CPK6 and OST1 kinases and branched ABI1 PP2C phosphatase action., Brandt B, Brodsky DE, Xue S, Negi J, Iba K, Kangasjärvi J, Ghassemian M, Stephan AB, Hu H, Schroeder JI., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 26, 2012; 109 (26): 10593-8.

Regulation of epithelial sodium channel trafficking by proprotein convertase subtilisin/kexin type 9 (PCSK9)., Sharotri V, Collier DM, Olson DR, Zhou R, Snyder PM., J Biol Chem. June 1, 2012; 287 (23): 19266-74.

Regulation of ENaC biogenesis by the stress response protein SERP1., Faria D, Lentze N, Almaça J, Luz S, Alessio L, Tian Y, Martins JP, Cruz P, Schreiber R, Rezwan M, Farinha CM, Auerbach D, Amaral MD, Kunzelmann K., Pflugers Arch. June 1, 2012; 463 (6): 819-27.

Robust photoregulation of GABA(A) receptors by allosteric modulation with a propofol analogue., Yue L, Pawlowski M, Dellal SS, Xie A, Feng F, Otis TS, Bruzik KS, Qian H, Pepperberg DR., Nat Commun. May 22, 2012; 3 1095.   

Riluzole blocks human muscle acetylcholine receptors., Deflorio C, Palma E, Conti L, Roseti C, Manteca A, Giacomelli E, Catalano M, Limatola C, Inghilleri M, Grassi F., J Physiol. May 15, 2012; 590 (10): 2519-28.

Retraction notice to: Overexpression of αCP2, a translational repressor of GAP-43, inhibited axon outgrowth during development in Xenopus laevis [Biochem. Biophys. Res. Commun. 419 (2012) 262–267]., Wang J, Sun S, Cao X, Deng X, Zhu Q., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 11, 2012; 421 (3): 634.

Regulation of the glutamate transporter EAAT3 by mammalian target of rapamycin mTOR., Almilaji A, Pakladok T, Guo A, Munoz C, Föller M, Lang F., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 4, 2012; 421 (2): 159-63.

Removal of shelterin reveals the telomere end-protection problem., Sfeir A, de Lange T., Science. May 4, 2012; 336 (6081): 593-7.

Regulator of G-protein signaling 18 controls megakaryopoiesis and the cilia-mediated vertebrate mechanosensory system., Louwette S, Labarque V, Wittevrongel C, Thys C, Metz J, Gijsbers R, Debyser Z, Arnout J, Van Geet C, Freson K., FASEB J. May 1, 2012; 26 (5): 2125-36.

Routing of Biomolecules and Transgenes' Vectors in Nuclei of Oocytes., Malecki M, Malecki B., J Fertili In Vitro. April 30, 2012; 2012 (2): 108-118.

Role of replication protein A as sensor in activation of the S-phase checkpoint in Xenopus egg extracts., Recolin B, Van der Laan S, Maiorano D., Nucleic Acids Res. April 1, 2012; 40 (8): 3431-42.   

Reserve pool neuron transmitter respecification: Novel neuroplasticity., Dulcis D, Spitzer NC., Dev Neurobiol. April 1, 2012; 72 (4): 465-74.

Rectal absorption of vigabatrin, a substrate of the proton coupled amino acid transporter (PAT1, Slc36a1), in rats., Holm R, Kall MA, Frølund S, Nielsen AL, Jensen A, Broberg ML, Nielsen CU., Pharm Res. April 1, 2012; 29 (4): 1134-42.

Ringo/cyclin-dependent kinase and mitogen-activated protein kinase signaling pathways regulate the activity of the cell fate determinant Musashi to promote cell cycle re-entry in Xenopus oocytes., Arumugam K, MacNicol MC, Wang Y, Cragle CE, Tackett AJ, Hardy LL, MacNicol AM., J Biol Chem. March 23, 2012; 287 (13): 10639-10649.

Role for Rif1 in the checkpoint response to damaged DNA in Xenopus egg extracts., Kumar S, Yoo HY, Kumagai A, Shevchenko A, Shevchenko A, Dunphy WG., Cell Cycle. March 15, 2012; 11 (6): 1183-94.

Retracted: Overexpression of αCP2, a translational repressor of GAP-43, inhibited axon outgrowth during development in Xenopus laevis., Wang J, Sun S, Cao X, Deng X, Zhu Q., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. March 9, 2012; 419 (2): 262-7.

Role of the local anesthetic receptor in the state-dependent inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels by the insecticide metaflumizone., von Stein RT, Soderlund DM., Mol Pharmacol. March 1, 2012; 81 (3): 366-74.

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