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Sobp modulates the transcriptional activation of Six1 target genes and is required during craniofacial development., Tavares ALP, Jourdeuil K, Neilson KM, Majumdar HD, Moody SA., Development. September 1, 2021; 148 (17):   

Stigmasterol can be new steroidal drug for neurological disorders: Evidence of the GABAergic mechanism via receptor modulation., Karim N, Khan I, Abdelhalim A, Halim SA, Khan A, Al-Harrasi A., Phytomedicine. September 1, 2021; 90 153646.

Single-minded 2 is required for left-right asymmetric stomach morphogenesis., Wyatt BH, Amin NM, Bagley K, Wcisel DJ, Dush MK, Yoder JA, Nascone-Yoder NM., Development. September 1, 2021; 148 (17):   

Sex chromosome degeneration, turnover, and sex-biased expression of sex-linked transcripts in African clawed frogs (Xenopus)., Song XY, Furman BLS, Premachandra T, Knytl M, Cauret CMS, Wasonga DV, Measey J, Dworkin I, Evans BJ., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. August 30, 2021; 376 (1832): 20200095.

Stable desensitization of α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by NS6740 requires interaction with S36 in the orthosteric agonist binding site., Pismataro MC, Horenstein NA, Stokes C, Dallanoce C, Thakur GA, Papke RL., Eur J Pharmacol. August 15, 2021; 905 174179.

Stapled, Long-Acting Xenopus GLP-1-Based Dual GLP-1/Glucagon Receptor Agonists with Potent Therapeutic Efficacy for Metabolic Disease., Han C, Sun Y, Yang Q, Zhou F, Chen X, Wu L, Sun L, Han J., Mol Pharm. August 2, 2021; 18 (8): 2906-2923.

Spatio-temporal expression pattern and role of the tight junction protein MarvelD3 in pancreas development and function., Heymans C, Delcorte O, Spourquet C, Villacorte-Tabelin M, Dupasquier S, Achouri Y, Mahibullah S, Lemoine P, Balda MS, Matter K, Pierreux CE., Sci Rep. July 15, 2021; 11 (1): 14519.

Single-Particle Tracking Reveals Anti-Persistent Subdiffusion in Cell Extracts., Speckner K, Weiss M., Entropy (Basel). July 13, 2021; 23 (7):

Single-cell ATAC-seq reveals GATA2-dependent priming defect in myeloid and a maturation bottleneck in lymphoid lineages., Avagyan S, Weber MC, Ma S, Prasad M, Mannherz WP, Yang S, Buenrostro JD, Zon LI., Blood Adv. July 13, 2021; 5 (13): 2673-2686.

Synthetic resin acid derivatives selectively open the hKV 7.2/7.3 channel and prevent epileptic seizures., Ottosson NE, Silverå Ejneby M, Wu X, Estrada-Mondragón A, Nilsson M, Karlsson U, Schupp M, Rognant S, Jepps TA, Konradsson P, Elinder F., Epilepsia. July 1, 2021; 62 (7): 1744-1758.

Structural insight into BRCA1-BARD1 complex recruitment to damaged chromatin., Dai L, Dai Y, Han J, Huang Y, Wang L, Huang J, Zhou Z., Mol Cell. July 1, 2021; 81 (13): 2765-2777.e6.   

Smad2 and Smad3 differentially modulate chordin transcription via direct binding on the distal elements in gastrula Xenopus embryos., Kumar V, Umair Z, Kumar S, Lee U, Kim J., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 25, 2021; 559 168-175.   

shrunken4 is a mutant allele of ZmYSL2 that affects aleurone development and starch synthesis in maize., He Y, Yang Q, Yang J, Wang YF, Sun X, Wang S, Qi W, Ma Z, Song R., Genetics. June 24, 2021; 218 (2):

Spatio-temporal mRNA tracking in the early zebrafish embryo., Holler K, Neuschulz A, Drewe-Boß P, Mintcheva J, Spanjaard B, Arsiè R, Ohler U, Landthaler M, Junker JP., Nat Commun. June 7, 2021; 12 (1): 3358.   

Susceptibility of anurans, lizards, and fish to infection with Dracunculus species larvae and implications for their roles as paratenic hosts., Box EK, Yabsley MJ, Garrett KB, Thompson AT, Wyckoff ST, Cleveland CA., Sci Rep. June 3, 2021; 11 (1): 11802.

Stage-dependent sequential organization of nascent smooth muscle cells and its implications for the gut coiling morphogenesis in Xenopus larva., Akinaga K, Azumi Y, Mogi K, Toyoizumi R., Zoology (Jena). June 1, 2021; 146 125905.

Substituted Cysteine Modification and Protection with n-Alkyl- Methanethiosulfonate Reagents Yields a Precise Estimate of the Distance between Etomidate and a Residue in Activated GABA Type A Receptors., Fantasia RJ, Nourmahnad A, Halpin E, Forman SA., Mol Pharmacol. June 1, 2021; 99 (6): 426-434.

Secreted inhibitors drive the loss of regeneration competence in Xenopus limbs., Aztekin C, Hiscock TW, Gurdon J, Jullien J, Marioni J, Simons BD., Development. June 1, 2021; 148 (11):   

Small-molecule probe reveals a kinase cascade that links stress signaling to TCF/LEF and Wnt responsiveness., Cheng J, Tsuda M, Okolotowicz K, Dwyer M, Bushway PJ, Colas AR, Lancman JJ, Schade D, Perea-Gil I, Bruyneel AAN, Lee J, Vadgama N, Quach J, McKeithan WL, Biechele TL, Wu JC, Moon RT, Si Dong PD, Karakikes I, Cashman JR, Mercola M., Cell Chem Biol. May 20, 2021; 28 (5): 625-635.e5.

SIRT7 modulates the stability and activity of the renal K-Cl cotransporter KCC4 through deacetylation., Noriega LG, Melo Z, Rajaram RD, Mercado A, Tovar AR, Velazquez-Villegas LA, Castañeda-Bueno M, Reyes-López Y, Ryu D, Rojas-Vega L, Magaña-Avila G, López-Barradas AM, Sánchez-Hernández M, Debonneville A, Doucet A, Cheval L, Torres N, Auwerx J, Staub O, Gamba G., EMBO Rep. May 5, 2021; 22 (5): e50766.   

Schooling in Xenopus laevis Tadpoles as a Way to Assess Their Neural Development., Lopez V, Khakhalin AS, Aizenman C., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. May 3, 2021; 2021 (5):

Structure Basis for Shaping the Nse4 Protein by the Nse1 and Nse3 Dimer within the Smc5/6 Complex., Jo A, Li S, Shin JW, Zhao X, Cho Y., J Mol Biol. April 30, 2021; 433 (9): 166910.

Spatial variation of microtubule depolymerization in large asters., Ishihara K, Decker F, Caldas P, Pelletier JF, Loose M, Brugués J, Mitchison TJ., Mol Biol Cell. April 19, 2021; 32 (9): 869-879.   

Studying chromosome biology with single-molecule resolution in Xenopus laevis egg extracts., Cameron G, Yardimci H., Essays Biochem. April 16, 2021; 65 (1): 17-26.   

Synthesis and biological evaluation of benzhydryl-based antiplasmodial agents possessing Plasmodium falciparum chloroquine resistance transporter (PfCRT) inhibitory activity., Relitti N, Federico S, Pozzetti L, Butini S, Lamponi S, Taramelli D, D'Alessandro S, Martin RE, Shafik SH, Summers RL, Babij SK, Habluetzel A, Tapanelli S, Caldelari R, Gemma S, Campiani G., Eur J Med Chem. April 5, 2021; 215 113227.

Stochastic combinations of actin regulatory proteins are sufficient to drive filopodia formation., Dobramysl U, Jarsch IK, Inoue Y, Shimo H, Richier B, Gadsby JR, Mason J, Szałapak A, Ioannou PS, Correia GP, Walrant A, Butler R, Hannezo E, Simons BD, Gallop JL., J Cell Biol. April 5, 2021; 220 (4):   

Scorpion toxin MeuNaTxα-1 sensitizes primary nociceptors by selective modulation of voltage-gated sodium channels., van Cann M, Kuzmenkov A, Isensee J, Andreev-Andrievskiy A, Peigneur S, Khusainov G, Berkut A, Tytgat J, Vassilevski A, Hucho T., FEBS J. April 1, 2021; 288 (7): 2418-2435.

Specific binding of VegT mRNA localization signal to membranes in Xenopus oocytes., Janas T, Sapoń K, Janas T, Yarus M., Biochim Biophys Acta Mol Cell Res. April 1, 2021; 1868 (4): 118952.

Single-strand DNA breaks cause replisome disassembly., Vrtis KB, Dewar JM, Chistol G, Wu RA, Graham TGW, Walter JC., Mol Cell. March 18, 2021; 81 (6): 1309-1318.e6.   

Sleep-related hypermotor epilepsy associated mutations uncover important kinetic roles of α4β2- nicotinic acetylcholine receptor intracellular structures., Weltzin MM, George AA, Lukas RJ, Whiteaker P., PLoS One. March 3, 2021; 16 (3): e0247825.   

Segregation of brain and organizer precursors is differentially regulated by Nodal signaling at blastula stage., Castro Colabianchi AM, Tavella MB, Boyadjián López LE, Rubinstein M, Franchini LF, López SL., Biol Open. February 25, 2021; 10 (2):   

Synthesis and Pharmacological Evaluation of Novel Non-nucleotide Purine Derivatives as P2X7 Antagonists for the Treatment of Neuroinflammation., Calzaferri F, Narros-Fernández P, de Pascual R, de Diego AMG, Nicke A, Egea J, García AG, de Los Ríos C., J Med Chem. February 25, 2021; 64 (4): 2272-2290.

Superior predatory ability and abundance predicts potential ecological impact towards early-stage anurans by invasive 'Killer Shrimp' (Dikerogammarus villosus)., Warren DA, Bradbeer SJ, Dunn AM., Sci Rep. February 25, 2021; 11 (1): 4570.   

Screening of DNA-Encoded Small Molecule Libraries inside a Living Cell., Petersen LK, Christensen AB, Andersen J, Folkesson CG, Kristensen O, Andersen C, Alzu A, Sløk FA, Blakskjær P, Madsen D, Azevedo C, Micco I, Hansen NJV., J Am Chem Soc. February 24, 2021; 143 (7): 2751-2756.   

Structural comparison of GLUT1 to GLUT3 reveal transport regulation mechanism in sugar porter family., Custódio TF, Paulsen PA, Frain KM, Pedersen BP., Life Sci Alliance. February 3, 2021; 4 (4):   

Structures of monomeric and dimeric PRC2:EZH1 reveal flexible modules involved in chromatin compaction., Grau D, Zhang Y, Lee CH, Valencia-Sánchez M, Zhang J, Wang M, Holder M, Svetlov V, Tan D, Nudler E, Reinberg D, Walz T, Armache KJ., Nat Commun. January 29, 2021; 12 (1): 714.   

Structure-function analysis of TOPBP1's role in ATR signaling using the DSB-mediated ATR activation in Xenopus egg extracts (DMAX) system., Montales K, Kim A, Ruis K, Michael WM., Sci Rep. January 11, 2021; 11 (1): 467.   

Synthesis of GluN2A-selective NMDA receptor antagonists with an electron-rich aromatic B-ring., Rajan R, Schepmann D, Schreiber JA, Seebohm G, Wünsch B., Eur J Med Chem. January 1, 2021; 209 112939.

Small cyclic sodium channel inhibitors., Peigneur S, da Costa Oliveira C, de Sousa Fonseca FC, McMahon KL, Mueller A, Cheneval O, Cristina Nogueira Freitas A, Starobova H, Dimitri Gama Duarte I, Craik DJ, Vetter I, de Lima ME, Schroeder CI, Tytgat J., Biochem Pharmacol. January 1, 2021; 183 114291.

Studying the DNA damage response in embryonic systems., Lo Furno E, Recolin B, van der Laan S, Aze A, Maiorano D., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2021; 661 95-120.

Spindle Scaling Is Governed by Cell Boundary Regulation of Microtubule Nucleation., Rieckhoff EM, Berndt F, Elsner M, Golfier S, Decker F, Ishihara K, Brugués J., Curr Biol. December 21, 2020; 30 (24): 4973-4983.e10.   

Sequential purification and characterization of Torpedo californica nAChR-DC supplemented with CHS for high-resolution crystallization studies., Maldonado-Hernández R, Quesada O, Colón-Sáez JO, Lasalde-Dominicci JA., Anal Biochem. December 1, 2020; 610 113887.   

Surface contraction waves or cell proliferation waves in the presumptive neurectoderm during amphibian gastrulation: Mexican axolotl versus African clawed frog., Desnitskiy AG., Biosystems. December 1, 2020; 198 104286.

STRAP regulates alternative splicing fidelity during lineage commitment of mouse embryonic stem cells., Jin L, Chen Y, Crossman DK, Datta A, Vu T, Mobley JA, Basu MK, Scarduzio M, Wang H, Chang C, Datta PK., Nat Commun. November 23, 2020; 11 (1): 5941.   

Structural basis for PRC2 decoding of active histone methylation marks H3K36me2/3., Finogenova K, Bonnet J, Poepsel S, Schäfer IB, Finkl K, Schmid K, Litz C, Strauss M, Benda C, Müller J., Elife. November 19, 2020; 9   

Sex Determination in Two Species of Anuran Amphibians by Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Ultrasound Techniques., Ruiz-Fernández MJ, Jiménez S, Fernández-Valle E, García-Real MI, Castejón D, Moreno N, Ardiaca M, Montesinos A, Ariza S, González-Soriano J., Animals (Basel). November 18, 2020; 10 (11):   

Stapled and Xenopus Glucagon-Like Peptide 1 (GLP-1)-Based Dual GLP-1/Gastrin Receptor Agonists with Improved Metabolic Benefits in Rodent Models of Obesity and Diabetes., Chen X, Fu J, Zhou F, Yang Q, Wang J, Feng H, Jiang W, Jin L, Tang X, Jiang N, Yin J, Han J., J Med Chem. November 12, 2020; 63 (21): 12595-12613.

Sclerostin inhibits Wnt signaling through tandem interaction with two LRP6 ectodomains., Kim J, Han W, Park T, Kim EJ, Bang I, Jeong Y, Roh K, Kim J, Kim JS, Kang C, Seok C, Han JK, Choi HJ., Nat Commun. October 23, 2020; 11 (1): 5357.   

Structural basis for the inhibition of cGAS by nucleosomes., Kujirai T, Zierhut C, Takizawa Y, Kim R, Negishi L, Uruma N, Hirai S, Funabiki H, Kurumizaka H., Science. October 23, 2020; 370 (6515): 455-458.

Structure of nucleosome-bound DNA methyltransferases DNMT3A and DNMT3B., Xu TH, Liu M, Zhou XE, Liang G, Zhao G, Xu HE, Melcher K, Jones PA., Nature. October 1, 2020; 586 (7827): 151-155.   

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