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Mutations in the palm domain disrupt modulation of acid-sensing ion channel 1a currents by neuropeptides., Bargeton B, Iwaszkiewicz J, Bonifacio G, Roy S, Zoete V, Kellenberger S., Sci Rep. February 22, 2019; 9 (1): 2599.   

Molecular charge associated with antiarrhythmic actions in a series of amino-2-cyclohexyl ester derivatives., Pugsley MK, Yong SL, Goldin AL, Hayes ES, Walker MJA., Eur J Pharmacol. February 5, 2019; 844 241-252.

Methodological improvements for fluorescence recordings in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Lee EEL, Bezanilla F., J Gen Physiol. February 4, 2019; 151 (2): 264-272.   

Microtransplantation of human brain receptors into oocytes to tackle key questions in drug discovery., Zwart R, Mazzo F, Sher E., Drug Discov Today. February 1, 2019; 24 (2): 533-543.

Mutual action by Gγ and Gβ for optimal activation of GIRK channels in a channel subunit-specific manner., Tabak G, Keren-Raifman T, Kahanovitch U, Dascal N., Sci Rep. January 24, 2019; 9 (1): 508.   

Migraine-Associated TRESK Mutations Increase Neuronal Excitability through Alternative Translation Initiation and Inhibition of TREK., Royal P, Andres-Bilbe A, Ávalos Prado P, Verkest C, Wdziekonski B, Schaub S, Baron A, Lesage F, Gasull X, Levitz J, Sandoz G., Neuron. January 16, 2019; 101 (2): 232-245.e6.

Membrane-anchored carbonic anhydrase IV interacts with monocarboxylate transporters via their chaperones CD147 and GP70., Forero-Quintero LS, Ames S, Schneider HP, Thyssen A, Boone CD, Andring JT, McKenna R, Casey JR, Deitmer JW, Becker HM., J Biol Chem. January 11, 2019; 294 (2): 593-607.

Microinjection of DNA Constructs into Xenopus Embryos for Gene Misexpression and cis-Regulatory Module Analysis., Yasuoka Y, Taira M., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. January 2, 2019; 2019 (1):

Methods of Calpain Inhibition to Determine the Role of Calpains in Embryo Development in Amphibians., Antoniades I, Charalambous A, Christodoulou N, Zanardelli S, Skourides PA., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1915 249-259.

Methods for Isolating the Balbiani Body/Germplasm from Xenopus laevis Oocytes., Butler A, Owens D, King ML, Aguero T., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1920 265-275.

Membrane Microdomains as Platform to Study Membrane-Associated Events During Oogenesis, Meiotic Maturation, and Fertilization in Xenopus laevis., Sato KI, Tokmakov AA., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1920 59-73.

More Than Just a Bandage: Closing the Gap Between Injury and Appendage Regeneration., Kakebeen AD, Wills AE., Front Physiol. January 1, 2019; 10 81.   

Methods for Investigating TRP Channel Gating., Alvarez O, Castillo K, Carmona E, Gonzalez C, Latorre R., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1987 167-185.

Methods for Studying DNA Single-Strand Break Repair and Signaling in Xenopus laevis Egg Extracts., Lin Y, Ha A, Yan S., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1999 161-172.

Measuring Sucrose Transporter Activities Using a Protoplast-Esculin Assay., Rottmann T, Stadler R., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 2014 253-266.

Macroscopic and Microscopic Activation of α7 Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors by the Structurally Unrelated Allosteric Agonist-Positive Allosteric Modulators (ago-PAMs) B-973B and GAT107., Quadri M, Garai S, Thakur GA, Stokes C, Gulsevin A, Horenstein NA, Papke RL., Mol Pharmacol. January 1, 2019; 95 (1): 43-61.

Method for Studying the Physical Effect of Extracellular Matrix on Voltage-Dependent Ion Channel Gating., Solari E, Moriondo A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1952 143-156.

Multiple combinations of RDL subunits diversify the repertoire of GABA receptors in the honey bee parasite Varroa destructor., Ménard C, Folacci M, Brunello L, Charreton M, Collet C, Mary R, Rousset M, Thibaud JB, Vignes M, Charnet P, Cens T., J Biol Chem. December 7, 2018; 293 (49): 19012-19024.

Microinjection of mRNAs and Oligonucleotides., Moody SA., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. December 3, 2018; 2018 (12):

Mode of action of piperovatine, an insecticidal piperamide isolated from Piper piscatorum (Piperaceae), against voltage-gated sodium channels., Suzuki T, Yamato S., Neurotoxicology. December 1, 2018; 69 288-295.

Molecular characterization of wdr68 gene in embryonic development of Xenopus laevis., Bonano M, Martín E, Moreno Ruiz Holgado MM, Silenzi Usandivaras GM, Ruiz De Bigliardo G, Aybar MJ., Gene Expr Patterns. December 1, 2018; 30 55-63.   

Modeling and Mutational Analysis of the Binding Mode for the Multimodal Antidepressant Drug Vortioxetine to the Human 5-HT3A Receptor., Ladefoged LK, Munro L, Pedersen AJ, Lummis SCR, Bang-Andersen B, Balle T, Schiøtt B, Kristensen AS., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 2018; 94 (6): 1421-1434.

Maternal Huluwa dictates the embryonic body axis through β-catenin in vertebrates., Yan L, Chen J, Zhu X, Sun J, Wu X, Shen W, Zhang W, Tao Q, Meng A., Science. November 23, 2018; 362 (6417):

Mitotic entry drives replisome disassembly at stalled replication forks., Hashimoto Y, Tanaka H., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 17, 2018; 506 (1): 108-113.   

Molecular determinants of α-conotoxin potency for inhibition of human and rat α6β4 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Hone AJ, Talley TT, Bobango J, Huidobro Melo C, Hararah F, Gajewiak J, Christensen S, Harvey PJ, Craik DJ, McIntosh JM., J Biol Chem. November 16, 2018; 293 (46): 17838-17852.

Mutations in Kinesin family member 6 reveal specific role in ependymal cell ciliogenesis and human neurological development., Konjikusic MJ, Yeetong P, Boswell CW, Lee C, Roberson EC, Ittiwut R, Suphapeetiporn K, Ciruna B, Gurnett CA, Wallingford JB, Shotelersuk V, Gray RS., PLoS Genet. November 6, 2018; 14 (11): e1007817.   

Morphomechanical reactions and mechanically stressed structures in amphibian embryos, as related to gastrulation and axial organs formation., Luchinskaia NN, Cherdantsev VG, Ermakov AS, Glagoleva NS, Beloussov LV., Biosystems. November 1, 2018; 173 18-25.

Modeling underwater hearing and sound localization in the frog Xenopus laevis., Vedurmudi AP, Christensen-Dalsgaard J, van Hemmen JL., J Acoust Soc Am. November 1, 2018; 144 (5): 3010.

Modulation of Cl- signaling and ion transport by recruitment of kinases and phosphatases mediated by the regulatory protein IRBIT., Vachel L, Shcheynikov N, Yamazaki O, Fremder M, Ohana E, Son A, Shin DM, Yamazaki-Nakazawa A, Yang CR, Knepper MA, Muallem S., Sci Signal. October 30, 2018; 11 (554):

Multiscale analysis of architecture, cell size and the cell cortex reveals cortical F-actin density and composition are major contributors to mechanical properties during convergent extension., Shawky JH, Balakrishnan UL, Stuckenholz C, Davidson LA., Development. October 5, 2018; 145 (19):   

Methods for Investigating the Larval Period and Metamorphosis in Xenopus., Buchholz DR, Shi YB., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. October 1, 2018; 2018 (10): pdb.top097667.

Molecular and functional characterization of glucose transporter genes of the fox tapeworm Echinococcus multilocularis., Kashiide T, Kikuta S, Yamaguchi M, Irie T, Kouguchi H, Yagi K, Matsumoto J., Mol Biochem Parasitol. October 1, 2018; 225 7-14.

Mutations in multiple components of the nuclear pore complex cause nephrotic syndrome., Braun DA, Lovric S, Schapiro D, Schneider R, Marquez J, Asif M, Hussain MS, Daga A, Widmeier E, Rao J, Ashraf S, Tan W, Lusk CP, Kolb A, Jobst-Schwan T, Schmidt JM, Hoogstraten CA, Eddy K, Kitzler TM, Shril S, Moawia A, Schrage K, Khayyat AIA, Lawson JA, Gee HY, Warejko JK, Hermle T, Majmundar AJ, Hugo H, Budde B, Motameny S, Altmüller J, Noegel AA, Fathy HM, Gale DP, Waseem SS, Khan A, Kerecuk L, Hashmi S, Mohebbi N, Ettenger R, Serdaroğlu E, Alhasan KA, Hashem M, Goncalves S, Ariceta G, Ubetagoyena M, Antonin W, Baig SM, Alkuraya FS, Shen Q, Xu H, Antignac C, Lifton RP, Mane S, Nürnberg P, Khokha MK, Hildebrandt F., J Clin Invest. October 1, 2018; 128 (10): 4313-4328.

Micromanaging freeze tolerance: the biogenesis and regulation of neuroprotective microRNAs in frozen brains., Hadj-Moussa H, Storey KB., Cell Mol Life Sci. October 1, 2018; 75 (19): 3635-3647.

Mechanisms Underlying the Dual Effect of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acid Analogs on Kv7.1., Liin SI, Yazdi S, Ramentol R, Barro-Soria R, Larsson HP., Cell Rep. September 11, 2018; 24 (11): 2908-2918.

Multiple regions in the extracellular domain of the glycine receptor determine receptor activity., Tang B, Lummis SCR., J Biol Chem. September 7, 2018; 293 (36): 13889-13896.   

Microscale Reversed-Phase Liquid Chromatography/Capillary Zone Electrophoresis-Tandem Mass Spectrometry for Deep and Highly Sensitive Bottom-Up Proteomics: Identification of 7500 Proteins with Five Micrograms of an MCF7 Proteome Digest., Yang Z, Shen X, Chen D, Sun L., Anal Chem. September 4, 2018; 90 (17): 10479-10486.

MMP14 Regulates Cranial Neural Crest Epithelial-to-Mesenchymal Transition and Migration., Garmon T, Wittling M, Nie S., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2018; 247 (9): 1083-1092.   

Melanocortin Receptor 4 Signaling Regulates Vertebrate Limb Regeneration., Zhang M, Chen Y, Xu H, Yang L, Yuan F, Li L, Xu Y, Chen Y, Zhang C, Lin G., Dev Cell. August 20, 2018; 46 (4): 397-409.e5.   

Mapping the binding site of the P2X receptor antagonist PPADS reveals the importance of orthosteric site charge and the cysteine-rich head region., Huo H, Fryatt AG, Farmer LK, Schmid R, Evans RJ., J Biol Chem. August 17, 2018; 293 (33): 12820-12831.   

Methods for the Discovery of Novel Compounds Modulating a Gamma-Aminobutyric Acid Receptor Type A Neurotransmission., Knoflach F, Hernandez MC, Bertrand D., J Vis Exp. August 16, 2018; (138):   

Myosin-dependent actin stabilization as revealed by single-molecule imaging of actin turnover., Yamashiro S, Tanaka S, McMillen LM, Taniguchi D, Vavylonis D, Watanabe N., Mol Biol Cell. August 8, 2018; 29 (16): 1941-1947.   

Minimal molecular determinants of isoform-specific differences in efficacy in the HCN channel family., Alvarez-Baron CP, Klenchin VA, Chanda B., J Gen Physiol. August 6, 2018; 150 (8): 1203-1213.   

Microfluidic Encapsulation of Demembranated Sperm Nuclei in Xenopus Egg Extracts., Oakey J, Gatlin JC., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. August 1, 2018; 2018 (8):

MASTL induces Colon Cancer progression and Chemoresistance by promoting Wnt/β-catenin signaling., Uppada SB, Gowrikumar S, Ahmad R, Kumar B, Szeglin B, Chen X, Smith JJ, Batra SK, Singh AB, Dhawan P., Mol Cancer. August 1, 2018; 17 (1): 111.   

Mistargeting of a truncated Na-K-2Cl cotransporter in epithelial cells., Koumangoye R, Omer S, Delpire E., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. August 1, 2018; 315 (2): C258-C276.

Mechanism of how augmin directly targets the γ-tubulin ring complex to microtubules., Song JG, King MR, Zhang R, Kadzik RS, Thawani A, Petry S., J Cell Biol. July 2, 2018; 217 (7): 2417-2428.   

Microvascular anatomy of the brain of the adult pipid frog, Xenopus laevis (Daudin): A scanning electron microscopic study of vascular corrosion casts., Lametschwandtner A, Minnich B., J Morphol. July 1, 2018; 279 (7): 950-969.   

Molecular function of the novel α7β2 nicotinic receptor., Nielsen BE, Minguez T, Bermudez I, Bouzat C., Cell Mol Life Sci. July 1, 2018; 75 (13): 2457-2471.

Mechanism of vaccinia viral protein B14-mediated inhibition of IκB kinase β activation., Tang Q, Chakraborty S, Xu G., J Biol Chem. June 29, 2018; 293 (26): 10344-10352.   

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