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Structural rearrangement of the intracellular domains during AMPA receptor activation., Zachariassen LG, Katchan L, Jensen AG, Pickering DS, Plested AJ, Kristensen AS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 5, 2016; 113 (27): E3950-9.   

Sulfate transporters involved in sulfate secretion in the kidney are localized in the renal proximal tubule II of the elephant fish (Callorhinchus milii)., Hasegawa K, Kato A, Watanabe T, Takagi W, Romero MF, Bell JD, Toop T, Donald JA, Hyodo S., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. July 1, 2016; 311 (1): R66-78.

Syndromic deafness mutations at Asn 14 differentially alter the open stability of Cx26 hemichannels., Sanchez HA, Slavi N, Srinivas M, Verselis VK., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 2016; 148 (1): 25-42.   

Secreted Frizzled-related Protein 2 (sFRP2) Redirects Non-canonical Wnt Signaling from Fz7 to Ror2 during Vertebrate Gastrulation., Brinkmann EM, Mattes B, Kumar R, Hagemann AI, Gradl D, Scholpp S, Steinbeisser H, Kaufmann LT, Özbek S., J Biol Chem. June 24, 2016; 291 (26): 13730-42.   

Single-cell mass spectrometry with multi-solvent extraction identifies metabolic differences between left and right blastomeres in the 8-cell frog (Xenopus) embryo., Onjiko RM, Morris SE, Moody SA, Nemes P., Analyst. June 21, 2016; 141 (12): 3648-56.

SUMOylation of DNA topoisomerase IIα regulates histone H3 kinase Haspin and H3 phosphorylation in mitosis., Yoshida MM, Ting L, Gygi SP, Azuma Y., J Cell Biol. June 20, 2016; 213 (6): 665-78.   

Surface Area of Carbon Nanoparticles: A Dose Metric for a More Realistic Ecotoxicological Assessment., Mottier A, Mouchet F, Laplanche C, Cadarsi S, Lagier L, Arnault JC, Girard HA, León V, Vázquez E, Sarrieu C, Pinelli É, Gauthier L, Flahaut E., Nano Lett. June 8, 2016; 16 (6): 3514-8.   

Size Regulation: Big Insights from Little Cells., Chen H, Good MC., Dev Cell. June 6, 2016; 37 (5): 392-4.

Successful transfer to sulfonylureas in KCNJ11 neonatal diabetes is determined by the mutation and duration of diabetes., Babiker T, Vedovato N, Patel K, Thomas N, Finn R, Männikkö R, Chakera AJ, Flanagan SE, Shepherd MH, Ellard S, Ashcroft FM, Hattersley AT., Diabetologia. June 1, 2016; 59 (6): 1162-6.   

Site-specific Acetylation of Histone H3 Decreases Polymerase β Activity on Nucleosome Core Particles in Vitro., Rodriguez Y, Hinz JM, Laughery MF, Wyrick JJ, Smerdon MJ., J Biol Chem. May 20, 2016; 291 (21): 11434-45.

Structure of human Cdc45 and implications for CMG helicase function., Simon AC, Sannino V, Costanzo V, Pellegrini L., Nat Commun. May 18, 2016; 7 11638.   

SLAH3-type anion channel expressed in poplar secretory epithelia operates in calcium kinase CPK-autonomous manner., Jaborsky M, Maierhofer T, Olbrich A, Escalante-Pérez M, Müller HM, Simon J, Krol E, Cuin TA, Fromm J, Ache P, Geiger D, Hedrich R., New Phytol. May 1, 2016; 210 (3): 922-33.

Selective inhibition of the kinase DYRK1A by targeting its folding process., Kii I, Sumida Y, Goto T, Sonamoto R, Okuno Y, Yoshida S, Kato-Sumida T, Koike Y, Abe M, Nonaka Y, Ikura T, Ito N, Shibuya H, Hosoya T, Hagiwara M., Nat Commun. April 22, 2016; 7 11391.   

SMOC Binds to Pro-EGF, but Does Not Induce Erk Phosphorylation via the EGFR., Thomas JT, Chhuy-Hy L, Andrykovich KR, Moos M., PLoS One. April 21, 2016; 11 (4): e0154294.   

Single-Molecule Studies of the Linker Histone H1 Binding to DNA and the Nucleosome., Yue H, Fang H, Wei S, Hayes JJ, Lee TH., Biochemistry. April 12, 2016; 55 (14): 2069-77.

Splicing misregulation of SCN5A contributes to cardiac-conduction delay and heart arrhythmia in myotonic dystrophy., Freyermuth F, Rau F, Kokunai Y, Linke T, Sellier C, Nakamori M, Kino Y, Arandel L, Jollet A, Thibault C, Philipps M, Vicaire S, Jost B, Udd B, Day JW, Duboc D, Wahbi K, Matsumura T, Fujimura H, Mochizuki H, Deryckere F, Kimura T, Nukina N, Ishiura S, Lacroix V, Campan-Fournier A, Navratil V, Chautard E, Auboeuf D, Horie M, Imoto K, Lee KY, Swanson MS, de Munain AL, Inada S, Itoh H, Nakazawa K, Ashihara T, Wang E, Zimmer T, Furling D, Takahashi MP, Charlet-Berguerand N., Nat Commun. April 11, 2016; 7 11067.   

Structure-Activity Studies of Cysteine-Rich α-Conotoxins that Inhibit High-Voltage-Activated Calcium Channels via GABA(B) Receptor Activation Reveal a Minimal Functional Motif., Carstens BB, Berecki G, Daniel JT, Lee HS, Jackson KA, Tae HS, Sadeghi M, Castro J, O'Donnell T, Deiteren A, Brierley SM, Craik DJ, Adams DJ, Clark RJ., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. April 4, 2016; 55 (15): 4692-6.

Sex-specific response to hypoxia in a reduced brainstem preparation from Xenopus laevis., Rousseau JP, Fournier S, Kinkead R., Respir Physiol Neurobiol. April 1, 2016; 224 100-3.

Suppression of vascular network formation by chronic hypoxia and prolyl-hydroxylase 2 (phd2) deficiency during vertebrate development., Metikala S, Neuhaus H, Hollemann T., Angiogenesis. April 1, 2016; 19 (2): 119-31.   

Systematic Analysis of CCNO Variants in a Defined Population: Implications for Clinical Phenotype and Differential Diagnosis., Amirav I, Wallmeier J, Loges NT, Menchen T, Pennekamp P, Mussaffi H, Abitbul R, Avital A, Bentur L, Dougherty GW, Nael E, Lavie M, Olbrich H, Werner C, Kintner C, Omran H, Israeli PCD Consortium Investigators., Hum Mutat. April 1, 2016; 37 (4): 396-405.

Spatial regulation of cell cohesion by Wnt5a during second heart field progenitor deployment., Li D, Sinha T, Ajima R, Seo HS, Yamaguchi TP, Wang J., Dev Biol. April 1, 2016; 412 (1): 18-31.   

Sex-dependent expression of anti-Müllerian hormone (amh) and amh receptor 2 during sex organ differentiation and characterization of the Müllerian duct development in Xenopus tropicalis., Jansson E, Mattsson A, Goldstone J, Berg C., Gen Comp Endocrinol. April 1, 2016; 229 132-44.

SLO2 Channels Are Inhibited by All Divalent Cations That Activate SLO1 K+ Channels., Budelli G, Sun Q, Ferreira J, Butler A, Santi CM, Salkoff L., J Biol Chem. April 1, 2016; 291 (14): 7347-56.

Simple blood-feeding method for live imaging of gut tube remodeling in regenerating planarians., Hosoda K, Morimoto M, Motoishi M, Nishimura O, Agata K, Umesono Y., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 2016; 58 (3): 260-9.

Sex reversal assessments reveal different vulnerability to endocrine disruption between deeply diverged anuran lineages., Tamschick S, Rozenblut-Kościsty B, Ogielska M, Lehmann A, Lymberakis P, Hoffmann F, Lutz I, Kloas W, Stöck M., Sci Rep. March 31, 2016; 6 23825.   

Synthesis and Pharmacology of Mono-, Di-, and Trialkyl-Substituted 7-Chloro-3,4-dihydro-2H-1,2,4-benzothiadiazine 1,1-Dioxides Combined with X-ray Structure Analysis to Understand the Unexpected Structure-Activity Relationship at AMPA Receptors., Larsen AP, Francotte P, Frydenvang K, Tapken D, Goffin E, Fraikin P, Caignard DH, Lestage P, Danober L, Pirotte B, Kastrup JS., ACS Chem Neurosci. March 16, 2016; 7 (3): 378-90.

Structures of Xenopus Embryonic Epidermal Lectin Reveal a Conserved Mechanism of Microbial Glycan Recognition., Wangkanont K, Wesener DA, Vidani JA, Kiessling LL, Forest KT., J Biol Chem. March 11, 2016; 291 (11): 5596-5610.

Signal Transduction at the Domain Interface of Prokaryotic Pentameric Ligand-Gated Ion Channels., Bertozzi C, Zimmermann I, Engeler S, Hilf RJ, Dutzler R., PLoS Biol. March 4, 2016; 14 (3): e1002393.   

Specific transport of 3-fluoro-l-α-methyl-tyrosine by LAT1 explains its specificity to malignant tumors in imaging., Wei L, Tominaga H, Ohgaki R, Wiriyasermkul P, Hagiwara K, Okuda S, Kaira K, Oriuchi N, Nagamori S, Kanai Y., Cancer Sci. March 1, 2016; 107 (3): 347-52.   

Sensitivities of Two Zebrafish TRPA1 Paralogs to Chemical and Thermal Stimuli Analyzed in Heterologous Expression Systems., Oda M, Kurogi M, Kubo Y, Saitoh O., Chem Senses. March 1, 2016; 41 (3): 261-72.

Sexually dimorphic expression of Dmrt1 and γH2AX in germ stem cells during gonadal development in Xenopus laevis., Fujitani K, Otomo A, Wada M, Takamatsu N, Ito M., FEBS Open Bio. February 26, 2016; 6 (4): 276-84.   

Single-Cell Mass Spectrometry for Discovery Proteomics: Quantifying Translational Cell Heterogeneity in the 16-Cell Frog (Xenopus) Embryo., Lombard-Banek C, Moody SA, Nemes P., Angew Chem Int Ed Engl. February 12, 2016; 55 (7): 2454-8.   

Structural basis for histone H2B deubiquitination by the SAGA DUB module., Morgan MT, Haj-Yahya M, Ringel AE, Bandi P, Brik A, Wolberger C., Science. February 12, 2016; 351 (6274): 725-8.

Structural Changes of the Active Center during the Photoactivation of Xenopus (6-4) Photolyase., Yamada D, Yamamoto J, Zhang Y, Iwata T, Hitomi K, Getzoff ED, Iwai S, Kandori H., Biochemistry. February 2, 2016; 55 (4): 715-23.

Stem cell-like Xenopus Embryonic Explants to Study Early Neural Developmental Features In Vitro and In Vivo., Durand BC., J Vis Exp. February 2, 2016; (108): e53474.

Structural Insights into Divalent Cation Modulations of ATP-Gated P2X Receptor Channels., Kasuya G, Fujiwara Y, Takemoto M, Dohmae N, Nakada-Nakura Y, Ishitani R, Hattori M, Nureki O., Cell Rep. February 2, 2016; 14 (4): 932-44.

Seizure control by decanoic acid through direct AMPA receptor inhibition., Chang P, Augustin K, Boddum K, Williams S, Sun M, Terschak JA, Hardege JD, Chen PE, Walker MC, Williams RS., Brain. February 1, 2016; 139 (Pt 2): 431-43.   

Stochasticity in the miR-9/Hes1 oscillatory network can account for clonal heterogeneity in the timing of differentiation., Phillips NE, Manning CS, Pettini T, Biga V, Marinopoulou E, Stanley P, Boyd J, Bagnall J, Paszek P, Spiller DG, White MR, Goodfellow M, Galla T, Rattray M, Papalopulu N., Elife. January 28, 2016; 5   

Structural and biochemical characterization of an RNA/DNA binding motif in the N-terminal domain of RecQ4 helicases., Marino F, Mojumdar A, Zucchelli C, Bhardwaj A, Buratti E, Vindigni A, Musco G, Onesti S., Sci Rep. January 22, 2016; 6 21501.   

Semisynthetic UbH2A reveals different activities of deubiquitinases and inhibitory effects of H2A K119 ubiquitination on H3K36 methylation in mononucleosomes., Bi X, Yang R, Feng X, Rhodes D, Liu CF., Org Biomol Chem. January 21, 2016; 14 (3): 835-9.

Sulfate and thiosulfate inhibit oxalate transport via a dPrestin (Slc26a6)-dependent mechanism in an insect model of calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis., Landry GM, Hirata T, Anderson JB, Cabrero P, Gallo CJ, Dow JA, Romero MF., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. January 15, 2016; 310 (2): F152-9.

Studies on Aryl-Substituted Phenylalanines: Synthesis, Activity, and Different Binding Modes at AMPA Receptors., Szymanska E, Frydenvang K, Pickering DS, Krintel C, Nielsen B, Kooshki A, Zachariassen LG, Olsen L, Kastrup JS, Johansen TN., J Med Chem. January 14, 2016; 59 (1): 448-61.

Specification of anteroposterior axis by combinatorial signaling during Xenopus development., Carron C, Shi DL., Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 5 (2): 150-68.   

Strong lethality and teratogenicity of strobilurins on Xenopus tropicalis embryos: Basing on ten agricultural fungicides., Li D, Liu M, Yang Y, Shi H, Zhou J, He D., Environ Pollut. January 1, 2016; 208 (Pt B): 868-74.

Sex differences and endocrine regulation of auditory-evoked, neural responses in African clawed frogs (Xenopus)., Hall IC, Woolley SM, Kwong-Brown U, Kelley DB., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. January 1, 2016; 202 (1): 17-34.

Sensitivity of KATP channels to cellular metabolic disorders and the underlying structural basis., Li CG, Cui WY, Wang H., Acta Pharmacol Sin. January 1, 2016; 37 (1): 134-42.   

SGK3 Sensitivity of Voltage Gated K+ Channel Kv1.5 (KCNA5)., Ahmed M, Fezai M, Uzcategui NL, Hosseinzadeh Z, Lang F., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2016; 38 (1): 359-67.

Selective inhibition of human carbonic anhydrase IX in Xenopus oocytes and MDA-MB-231 breast cancer cells., Kazokaitė J, Ames S, Becker HM, Deitmer JW, Matulis D., J Enzyme Inhib Med Chem. January 1, 2016; 31 (sup4): 38-44.

Sex Reversal in Amphibians., Flament S., Sex Dev. January 1, 2016; 10 (5-6): 267-278.

SmShb, the SH2-Containing Adaptor Protein B of Schistosoma mansoni Regulates Venus Kinase Receptor Signaling Pathways., Morel M, Vanderstraete M, Cailliau K, Hahnel S, Grevelding CG, Dissous C., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (9): e0163283.   

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