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Search Results

Light chains of mammalian cytoplasmic dynein: identification and characterization of a family of LC8 light chains., Wilson MJ, Salata MW, Susalka SJ, Pfister KK., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. August 1, 2001; 49 (4): 229-40.

Liddle's syndrome: a novel mouse Nedd4 isoform regulates the activity of the epithelial Na(+) channel., Kamynina E, Debonneville C, Hirt RP, Staub O., Kidney Int. August 1, 2001; 60 (2): 466-71.

Localization of endogenous and recombinant Na(+)-driven anion exchanger protein NDAE1 from Drosophila melanogaster., Sciortino CM, Shrode LD, Fletcher BR, Harte PJ, Romero MF., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. August 1, 2001; 281 (2): C449-63.

Lamins and their functions in cell cycle., Likhacheva EV, Bogachev SS., Membr Cell Biol. July 1, 2001; 14 (5): 565-77.

Laser-mediated microdissection of paraffin sections from Xenopus embryos allows detection of tissue-specific expressed mRNAs., Imamichi Y, Lahr G, Wedlich D., Dev Genes Evol. July 1, 2001; 211 (7): 361-6.

Latex laboratory-gloves: an unexpected pitfall in amphibian toxicity assays with tadpoles., Gutleb AC, Bronkhorst M, van den Berg JH, Murk AJ., Environ Toxicol Pharmacol. July 1, 2001; 10 (3): 119-21.

Low-density caveolae-like membrane from Xenopus laevis oocytes is enriched in Ras., Sadler SE., J Cell Biochem. June 1, 2001; 83 (1): 21-32.

LST-2, a human liver-specific organic anion transporter, determines methotrexate sensitivity in gastrointestinal cancers., Abe T, Unno M, Onogawa T, Tokui T, Kondo TN, Nakagomi R, Adachi H, Fujiwara K, Okabe M, Suzuki T, Nunoki K, Sato E, Kakyo M, Nishio T, Sugita J, Asano N, Tanemoto M, Seki M, Date F, Ono K, Kondo Y, Shiiba K, Suzuki M, Ohtani H, Shimosegawa T, Iinuma K, Nagura H, Ito S, Matsuno S., Gastroenterology. June 1, 2001; 120 (7): 1689-99.

Lateral line placodes are induced during neurulation in the axolotl., Schlosser G, Northcutt RG., Dev Biol. June 1, 2001; 234 (1): 55-71.

LDL-receptor-related protein 6 is a receptor for Dickkopf proteins., Mao B, Wu W, Li Y, Hoppe D, Stannek P, Glinka A, Niehrs C., Nature. May 17, 2001; 411 (6835): 321-5.

Loss of the maintenance methyltransferase, xDnmt1, induces apoptosis in Xenopus embryos., Stancheva I, Hensey C, Meehan RR., EMBO J. April 17, 2001; 20 (8): 1963-73.

LAP2 binds to BAF.DNA complexes: requirement for the LEM domain and modulation by variable regions., Shumaker DK, Lee KK, Tanhehco YC, Craigie R, Wilson KL., EMBO J. April 2, 2001; 20 (7): 1754-64.

Localization of mitochondrial ribosomal RNA on the chromatoid bodies of marine planarian polyclad embryos., Sato K, Sugita T, Kobayashi K, Fujita K, Fujii T, Matsumoto Y, Mikami T, Nishizuka N, Nishizuka S, Shojima K, Suda M, Takahashi G, Himeno H, Muto A, Ishida S., Dev Growth Differ. April 1, 2001; 43 (2): 107-14.

Localization of the extracellular end of the voltage sensor S4 in a potassium channel., Elinder F, Arhem P, Larsson HP., Biophys J. April 1, 2001; 80 (4): 1802-9.

Local osmotic gradients drive the water flux associated with Na(+)/glucose cotransport., Duquette PP, Bissonnette P, Lapointe JY., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 27, 2001; 98 (7): 3796-801.

Long-term treatment with growth hormone improves final height in a patient with Pallister-Hall syndrome., Galasso C, Scirè G, Fabbri F, Spadoni GL, Killoran CE, Biesecker LG, Boscherini B., Am J Med Genet. March 1, 2001; 99 (2): 128-31.

Lbx1 marks a subset of interneurons in chick hindbrain and spinal cord., Schubert FR, Dietrich S, Mootoosamy RC, Chapman SC, Lumsden A., Mech Dev. March 1, 2001; 101 (1-2): 181-5.

Large-scale evaluation of imprinting status in the Prader-Willi syndrome region: an imprinted direct repeat cluster resembling small nucleolar RNA genes., Meguro M, Mitsuya K, Nomura N, Kohda M, Kashiwagi A, Nishigaki R, Yoshioka H, Nakao M, Oishi M, Oshimura M., Hum Mol Genet. February 15, 2001; 10 (4): 383-94.

Lactose supports Muller cell protein expression patterns in the absence of the retinal pigment epithelium., Jablonski MM, Iannaccone A., Mol Vis. February 13, 2001; 7 27-35.

Local anesthetic inhibition of G protein-coupled receptor signaling by interference with Galpha(q) protein function., Hollmann MW, Wieczorek KS, Berger A, Durieux ME., Mol Pharmacol. February 1, 2001; 59 (2): 294-301.

Location of a ligand recognition site of FMRFamide-gated Na(+) channels., Cottrell GA, Jeziorski MC, Green KA., FEBS Lett. January 26, 2001; 489 (1): 71-4.

Larval-to-adult conversion of a myogenic system in the frog, Xenopus laevis, by larval-type myoblast-specific control of cell division, cell differentiation, and programmed cell death by triiodo-L-thyronine., Shibota Y, Kaneko Y, Kuroda M, Nishikawa A., Differentiation. December 1, 2000; 66 (4-5): 227-38.

LIS1 regulates CNS lamination by interacting with mNudE, a central component of the centrosome., Feng Y, Olson EC, Stukenberg PT, Flanagan LA, Kirschner MW, Walsh CA., Neuron. December 1, 2000; 28 (3): 665-79.   

Localization and behavior of putative blastopore determinants in the uncleaved Xenopus egg., Shinagawa A, Kobayashi S., Dev Growth Differ. December 1, 2000; 42 (6): 581-91.

Loreclezole as a simple functional marker for homomeric rho type GABA(C) receptors., Thomet U, Baur R, Dodd RH, Sigel E., Eur J Pharmacol. November 17, 2000; 408 (2): R1-2.

Lovastatin arrests CHO cells between the origin decision point and the restriction point., Wu JR, Gilbert DM., FEBS Lett. November 3, 2000; 484 (2): 108-12.

Localisation of the DmCdc45 DNA replication factor in the mitotic cycle and during chorion gene amplification., Loebel D, Huikeshoven H, Cotterill S., Nucleic Acids Res. October 15, 2000; 28 (20): 3897-903.

LDL-receptor-related proteins in Wnt signal transduction., Tamai K, Semenov M, Kato Y, Spokony R, Liu C, Katsuyama Y, Hess F, Saint-Jeannet JP, He X., Nature. September 28, 2000; 407 (6803): 530-5.

Loss of cell viability by histidine substitution of leucine 325 of the glutamate transporter EAAT1., Choi I, Chiu SY., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 28, 2000; 275 (2): 382-5.

Local inhibition of cortical rotation in Xenopus eggs by an anti-KRP antibody., Marrari Y, Terasaki M, Arrowsmith V, Houliston E., Dev Biol. August 15, 2000; 224 (2): 250-62.   

Let there be sight., Easter SS., Neuron. August 1, 2000; 27 (2): 193-5.

Loss of reactivity to pan-cadherin antibody in epidermal cells as a marker for metamorphic alteration of Xenopus skin., Izutsu Y, Tochinai S, Onoé K., Dev Growth Differ. August 1, 2000; 42 (4): 377-83.   

Long-term hydroxytamoxifen treatment of an MCF-7-derived breast cancer cell line irreversibly inhibits the expression of estrogenic genes through chromatin remodeling., Badia E, Duchesne MJ, Semlali A, Fuentes M, Giamarchi C, Richard-Foy H, Nicolas JC, Pons M., Cancer Res. August 1, 2000; 60 (15): 4130-8.

Local anesthetic inhibition of m1 muscarinic acetylcholine signaling., Hollmann MW, Fischer LG, Byford AM, Durieux ME., Anesthesiology. August 1, 2000; 93 (2): 497-509.

Leaky scanning is the predominant mechanism for translation of human papillomavirus type 16 E7 oncoprotein from E6/E7 bicistronic mRNA., Stacey SN, Jordan D, Williamson AJ, Brown M, Coote JH, Arrand JR., J Virol. August 1, 2000; 74 (16): 7284-97.

La protein has a positive effect on the translation of TOP mRNAs in vivo., Crosio C, Boyl PP, Loreni F, Pierandrei-Amaldi P, Amaldi F., Nucleic Acids Res. August 1, 2000; 28 (15): 2927-34.

Localised MPF regulation in eggs., Beckhelling C, Pérez-Mongiovi D, Houliston E., Biol Cell. July 1, 2000; 92 (3-4): 245-53.

Loss of function and inhibitory effects of human CSX/NKX2.5 homeoprotein mutations associated with congenital heart disease., Kasahara H, Lee B, Schott JJ, Benson DW, Seidman JG, Seidman CE, Izumo S., J Clin Invest. July 1, 2000; 106 (2): 299-308.

LY-294002-inhibitable PI 3-kinase and regulation of baseline rates of Na(+) transport in A6 epithelia., Păunescu TG, Blazer-Yost BL, Vlahos CJ, Helman SI., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. July 1, 2000; 279 (1): C236-47.

Localization and physiological regulation of the exocytosis protein SNAP-25 in the brain and pituitary gland of Xenopus laevis., Kolk SM, Nordquist R, Tuinhof R, Gagliardini L, Thompson B, Cools AR, Roubos EW., J Neuroendocrinol. July 1, 2000; 12 (7): 694-706.

Low frequency voltage clamp: recording of voltage transients at constant average command voltage., Peters F, Gennerich A, Czesnik D, Schild D., J Neurosci Methods. June 30, 2000; 99 (1-2): 129-36.

Localization and molecular determinants of the Hanatoxin receptors on the voltage-sensing domains of a K(+) channel., Li-Smerin Y, Swartz KJ., J Gen Physiol. June 1, 2000; 115 (6): 673-84.   

Larval antigen molecules recognized by adult immune cells of inbred Xenopus laevis: two pathways for recognition by adult splenic T cells., Izutsu Y, Tochinai S, Iwabuchi K, Onoè K., Dev Biol. May 15, 2000; 221 (2): 365-74.   

Lidocaine induces a slow inactivated state in rat skeletal muscle sodium channels., Chen Z, Ong BH, Kambouris NG, Marbán E, Tomaselli GF, Balser JR., J Physiol. April 1, 2000; 524 Pt 1 37-49.

Local movement in the S2 region of the voltage-gated potassium channel hKv2.1 studied using cysteine mutagenesis., Milligan CJ, Wray D., Biophys J. April 1, 2000; 78 (4): 1852-61.

LiCl disrupts axial development in mouse but does not act through the beta-catenin/Lef-1 pathway., Rogers I, Varmuza S., Mol Reprod Dev. April 1, 2000; 55 (4): 387-92.

Long-chain acyl-CoA-dependent regulation of gene expression in bacteria, yeast and mammals., Black PN, Faergeman NJ, DiRusso CC., J Nutr. February 1, 2000; 130 (2S Suppl): 305S-309S.

Loss of BETA2/NeuroD leads to malformation of the dentate gyrus and epilepsy., Liu M, Pleasure SJ, Collins AE, Noebels JL, Naya FJ, Tsai MJ, Lowenstein DH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 18, 2000; 97 (2): 865-70.

Left-right asymmetry and cardiac looping: implications for cardiac development and congenital heart disease., Kathiriya IS, Srivastava D., Am J Med Genet. January 1, 2000; 97 (4): 271-9.

Localization of the human anterior gradient-2 gene (AGR2) to chromosome band 7p21.3 by radiation hybrid mapping and fluorescencein situ hybridisation., Petek E, Windpassinger C, Egger H, Kroisel PM, Wagner K., Cytogenet Cell Genet. January 1, 2000; 89 (3-4): 141-2.

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