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A coupled array of noncovalent interactions impacts the function of the 5-HT3A serotonin receptor in an agonist-specific way., Miles TF, Bower KS, Lester HA, Dougherty DA., ACS Chem Neurosci. October 17, 2012; 3 (10): 753-60.

A mutational mimic analysis of histone H3 post-translational modifications: specific sites influence the conformational state of H3/H4, causing either positive or negative supercoiling of DNA., White RH, Keberlein M, Jackson V., Biochemistry. October 16, 2012; 51 (41): 8173-88.

A ring of threonines in the inner vestibule of the pore of CNGA1 channels constitutes a binding site for permeating ions., Marchesi A, Mazzolini M, Torre V., J Physiol. October 15, 2012; 590 (20): 5075-90.

A universally conserved residue in the SUR1 subunit of the KATP channel is essential for translating nucleotide binding at SUR1 into channel opening., de Wet H, Shimomura K, Aittoniemi J, Ahmad N, Lafond M, Sansom MS, Ashcroft FM., J Physiol. October 15, 2012; 590 (20): 5025-36.   

Amer2 protein interacts with EB1 protein and adenomatous polyposis coli (APC) and controls microtubule stability and cell migration., Pfister AS, Hadjihannas MV, Röhrig W, Schambony A, Behrens J., J Biol Chem. October 12, 2012; 287 (42): 35333-35340.

Agonist-activated Ca2+ influx and Ca2+ -dependent Cl- channels in Xenopus ovarian follicular cells: functional heterogeneity within the cell monolayer., Arellano RO, Robles-Martínez L, Serrano-Flores B, Vázquez-Cuevas F, Garay E., J Cell Physiol. October 1, 2012; 227 (10): 3457-70.

AMP-activated protein kinase in BK-channel regulation and protection against hearing loss following acoustic overstimulation., Föller M, Jaumann M, Dettling J, Saxena A, Pakladok T, Munoz C, Ruth P, Sopjani M, Seebohm G, Rüttiger L, Knipper M, Lang F., FASEB J. October 1, 2012; 26 (10): 4243-53.

Antagonistic cross-regulation between Wnt and Hedgehog signalling pathways controls post-embryonic retinal proliferation., Borday C, Cabochette P, Parain K, Mazurier N, Janssens S, Tran HT, Sekkali B, Bronchain O, Vleminckx K, Locker M, Perron M., Development. October 1, 2012; 139 (19): 3499-509.   

A general approach to break the concentration barrier in single-molecule imaging., Loveland AB, Habuchi S, Walter JC, van Oijen AM., Nat Methods. October 1, 2012; 9 (10): 987-92.   

A cell-free system for functional centromere and kinetochore assembly., Guse A, Fuller CJ, Straight AF., Nat Protoc. October 1, 2012; 7 (10): 1847-69.

Analysis of localization and reorganization of germ plasm in Xenopus transgenic line with fluorescence-labeled mitochondria., Taguchi A, Takii M, Motoishi M, Orii H, Mochii M, Watanabe K., Dev Growth Differ. October 1, 2012; 54 (8): 767-76.   

Activation of germline-specific genes is required for limb regeneration in the Mexican axolotl., Zhu W, Pao GM, Satoh A, Cummings G, Monaghan JR, Harkins TT, Bryant SV, Randal Voss S, Gardiner DM, Hunter T., Dev Biol. October 1, 2012; 370 (1): 42-51.   

Activity of long-chain acyl-CoA synthetase is required for maintaining meiotic arrest in Xenopus laevis., Wang HW, Fang JS, Kuang X, Miao LY, Wang C, Xia GL, King ML, Zhang J., Biol Reprod. September 28, 2012; 87 (3): 74.

A reaction-diffusion model of CO2 influx into an oocyte., Somersalo E, Occhipinti R, Boron WF, Calvetti D., J Theor Biol. September 21, 2012; 309 185-203.

A short polybasic segment between the two conserved domains of the β2a-subunit modulates the rate of inactivation of R-type calcium channel., Miranda-Laferte E, Schmidt S, Jara AC, Neely A, Hidalgo P., J Biol Chem. September 21, 2012; 287 (39): 32588-97.

A substrate binding hinge domain is critical for transport-related structural changes of organic cation transporter 1., Egenberger B, Gorboulev V, Keller T, Gorbunov D, Gottlieb N, Geiger D, Mueller TD, Koepsell H., J Biol Chem. September 7, 2012; 287 (37): 31561-73.

Agonist-like autoantibodies against calcium channel in patients with dilated cardiomyopathy., Xiao H, Wang M, Du Y, Yuan J, Zhao G, Tu D, Liao YH., Heart Vessels. September 1, 2012; 27 (5): 486-92.

Acquired immunity protects against helminth infection in a natural host population: long-term field and laboratory evidence., Tinsley R, Stott L, York J, Everard A, Chapple S, Jackson J, Viney M, Tinsley MC., Int J Parasitol. September 1, 2012; 42 (10): 931-8.

Active intestinal absorption of fluoroquinolone antibacterial agent ciprofloxacin by organic anion transporting polypeptide, Oatp1a5., Arakawa H, Shirasaka Y, Haga M, Nakanishi T, Tamai I., Biopharm Drug Dispos. September 1, 2012; 33 (6): 332-41.

Augmentation of cognitive function by NS9283, a stoichiometry-dependent positive allosteric modulator of α2- and α4-containing nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Timmermann DB, Sandager-Nielsen K, Dyhring T, Smith M, Jacobsen AM, Nielsen EØ, Grunnet M, Christensen JK, Peters D, Kohlhaas K, Olsen GM, Ahring PK., Br J Pharmacol. September 1, 2012; 167 (1): 164-82.

A chimera carrying the functional domain of the orphan protein SLC7A14 in the backbone of SLC7A2 mediates trans-stimulated arginine transport., Jaenecke I, Boissel JP, Lemke M, Rupp J, Gasnier B, Closs EI., J Biol Chem. August 31, 2012; 287 (36): 30853-60.

Analysis of transient receptor potential ankyrin 1 (TRPA1) in frogs and lizards illuminates both nociceptive heat and chemical sensitivities and coexpression with TRP vanilloid 1 (TRPV1) in ancestral vertebrates., Saito S, Nakatsuka K, Takahashi K, Fukuta N, Imagawa T, Ohta T, Tominaga M., J Biol Chem. August 31, 2012; 287 (36): 30743-54.

A system for ex vivo culturing of embryonic pancreas., Petzold KM, Spagnoli FM., J Vis Exp. August 27, 2012; (66): e3979.

An integrated chemical biology approach provides insight into Cdk2 functional redundancy and inhibitor sensitivity., Echalier A, Cot E, Camasses A, Hodimont E, Hoh F, Jay P, Sheinerman F, Krasinska L, Fisher D., Chem Biol. August 24, 2012; 19 (8): 1028-40.

ADAM13 function is required in the 3 dimensional context of the embryo during cranial neural crest cell migration in Xenopus laevis., Cousin H, Abbruzzese G, McCusker C, Alfandari D., Dev Biol. August 15, 2012; 368 (2): 335-44.   

A Rho GTPase signal treadmill backs a contractile array., Burkel BM, Benink HA, Vaughan EM, von Dassow G, Bement WM., Dev Cell. August 14, 2012; 23 (2): 384-96.   

Azemiopsin from Azemiops feae viper venom, a novel polypeptide ligand of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor., Utkin YN, Weise C, Kasheverov IE, Andreeva TV, Kryukova EV, Zhmak MN, Starkov VG, Hoang NA, Bertrand D, Ramerstorfer J, Sieghart W, Thompson AJ, Lummis SC, Tsetlin VI., J Biol Chem. August 3, 2012; 287 (32): 27079-86.   

A novel role for TPX2 as a scaffold and co-activator protein of the Chromosomal Passenger Complex., Iyer J, Tsai MY., Cell Signal. August 1, 2012; 24 (8): 1677-89.

Altering membrane topology with Sar1 does not impair spindle assembly in Xenopus egg extracts., Riggs B, Bergman ZJ, Heald R., Cytoskeleton (Hoboken). August 1, 2012; 69 (8): 591-9.

Autoregulation of Musashi1 mRNA translation during Xenopus oocyte maturation., Arumugam K, Macnicol MC, Macnicol AM., Mol Reprod Dev. August 1, 2012; 79 (8): 553-63.

Alterations in ambient salinity and pH lead to modulation of developmental gene expression in Microhyla ornata (Duméril and Bibron) and Xenopus laevis (Daudin)., Chougule B, Asashima M, Patwardhan V, Ghaskadbi S., Indian J Exp Biol. August 1, 2012; 50 (8): 531-41.

Agonist-specific conformational changes in the α1-γ2 subunit interface of the GABA A receptor., Eaton MM, Lim YB, Bracamontes J, Steinbach JH, Akk G., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2012; 82 (2): 255-63.

A water-specific aquaporin is expressed in the olfactory organs of the blowfly, Phormia regina., Ishida Y, Nagae T, Azuma M., J Chem Ecol. August 1, 2012; 38 (8): 1057-61.

Analysis and elimination of a bias in targeted molecular dynamics simulations of conformational transitions: application to calmodulin., Ovchinnikov V, Karplus M., J Phys Chem B. July 26, 2012; 116 (29): 8584-603.

A designed ankyrin repeat protein selected to bind to tubulin caps the microtubule plus end., Pecqueur L, Duellberg C, Dreier B, Jiang Q, Wang C, Plückthun A, Surrey T, Gigant B, Knossow M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 24, 2012; 109 (30): 12011-6.

A public resource facilitating clinical use of genomes., Ball MP, Thakuria JV, Zaranek AW, Clegg T, Rosenbaum AM, Wu X, Angrist M, Bhak J, Bobe J, Callow MJ, Cano C, Chou MF, Chung WK, Douglas SM, Estep PW, Gore A, Hulick P, Labarga A, Lee JH, Lunshof JE, Kim BC, Kim JI, Li Z, Murray MF, Nilsen GB, Peters BA, Raman AM, Rienhoff HY, Robasky K, Wheeler MT, Vandewege W, Vorhaus DB, Yang JL, Yang L, Aach J, Ashley EA, Drmanac R, Kim SJ, Li JB, Peshkin L, Seidman CE, Seo JS, Zhang K, Rehm HL, Church GM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 24, 2012; 109 (30): 11920-7.

A venom-derived neurotoxin, CsTx-1, from the spider Cupiennius salei exhibits cytolytic activities., Kuhn-Nentwig L, Fedorova IM, Lüscher BP, Kopp LS, Trachsel C, Schaller J, Vu XL, Seebeck T, Streitberger K, Nentwig W, Sigel E, Magazanik LG., J Biol Chem. July 20, 2012; 287 (30): 25640-9.

A unique alkaline pH-regulated and fatty acid-activated tandem pore domain potassium channel (K₂P) from a marine sponge., Wells GD, Tang QY, Heler R, Tompkins-MacDonald GJ, Pritchard EN, Leys SP, Logothetis DE, Boland LM., J Exp Biol. July 15, 2012; 215 (Pt 14): 2435-44.

Aurora B regulates spindle bipolarity in meiosis in vertebrate oocytes., Shao H, Ma C, Zhang X, Li R, Miller AL, Bement WM, Liu XJ., Cell Cycle. July 15, 2012; 11 (14): 2672-80.

A proteomic approach to investigate the distribution and abundance of surface and internal Fasciola hepatica proteins during the chronic stage of natural liver fluke infection in cattle., Haçarız O, Sayers G, Baykal AT., J Proteome Res. July 6, 2012; 11 (7): 3592-604.

Acute alteration of cardiac ECG, action potential, I(Kr) and the human ether-a-go-go-related gene (hERG) K+ channel by PCB 126 and PCB 77., Park MH, Park WS, Jo SH., Toxicol Appl Pharmacol. July 1, 2012; 262 (1): 60-9.

A conserved cysteine residue is involved in disulfide bond formation between plant plasma membrane aquaporin monomers., Bienert GP, Cavez D, Besserer A, Berny MC, Gilis D, Rooman M, Chaumont F., Biochem J. July 1, 2012; 445 (1): 101-11.

A novel µ-conopeptide, CnIIIC, exerts potent and preferential inhibition of NaV1.2/1.4 channels and blocks neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Favreau P, Benoit E, Hocking HG, Carlier L, D' hoedt D, Leipold E, Markgraf R, Schlumberger S, Córdova MA, Gaertner H, Paolini-Bertrand M, Hartley O, Tytgat J, Heinemann SH, Bertrand D, Boelens R, Stöcklin R, Molgó J., Br J Pharmacol. July 1, 2012; 166 (5): 1654-68.

A developmental requirement for HIRA-dependent H3.3 deposition revealed at gastrulation in Xenopus., Szenker E, Lacoste N, Almouzni G., Cell Rep. June 28, 2012; 1 (6): 730-40.   

Anoctamin 1 (Tmem16A) Ca2+-activated chloride channel stoichiometrically interacts with an ezrin-radixin-moesin network., Perez-Cornejo P, Gokhale A, Duran C, Cui Y, Xiao Q, Hartzell HC, Faundez V., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 26, 2012; 109 (26): 10376-81.

A common environmental contaminant affects sexual behavior in the clawed frog, Xenopus tropicalis., Schwendiman AL, Propper CR., Physiol Behav. June 25, 2012; 106 (4): 520-6.

Acetylcholine receptor gating in a zebrafish model for slow-channel syndrome., Walogorsky M, Mongeon R, Wen H, Mandel G, Brehm P., J Neurosci. June 6, 2012; 32 (23): 7941-8.

ACR-26: a novel nicotinic receptor subunit of parasitic nematodes., Bennett HM, Williamson SM, Walsh TK, Woods DJ, Wolstenholme AJ., Mol Biochem Parasitol. June 1, 2012; 183 (2): 151-7.

A novel tankyrase inhibitor decreases canonical Wnt signaling in colon carcinoma cells and reduces tumor growth in conditional APC mutant mice., Waaler J, Machon O, Tumova L, Dinh H, Korinek V, Wilson SR, Paulsen JE, Pedersen NM, Eide TJ, Machonova O, Gradl D, Voronkov A, von Kries JP, Krauss S., Cancer Res. June 1, 2012; 72 (11): 2822-32.

An oocyte-preferential histone mRNA stem-loop-binding protein like is expressed in several mammalian species., Thelie A, Pascal G, Angulo L, Perreau C, Papillier P, Dalbies-Tran R., Mol Reprod Dev. June 1, 2012; 79 (6): 380-91.

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