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Modulation of BK channel voltage gating by different auxiliary β subunits., Contreras GF, Neely A, Alvarez O, Gonzalez C, Latorre R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 13, 2012; 109 (46): 18991-6.

MscS-Like10 is a stretch-activated ion channel from Arabidopsis thaliana with a preference for anions., Maksaev G, Haswell ES., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 13, 2012; 109 (46): 19015-20.

Modulation of voltage-gated K+ channels by the sodium channel β1 subunit., Nguyen HM, Miyazaki H, Hoshi N, Smith BJ, Nukina N, Goldin AL, Chandy KG., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 6, 2012; 109 (45): 18577-82.

Mixed antagonistic effects of the ginkgolides at recombinant human ρ1 GABAC receptors., Huang SH, Lewis TM, Lummis SC, Thompson AJ, Chebib M, Johnston GA, Duke RK., Neuropharmacology. November 1, 2012; 63 (6): 1127-39.   

Multiple functions of FADD in apoptosis, NF-κB-related signaling, and heart development in Xenopus embryos., Sakamaki K, Takagi C, Kitayama A, Kurata T, Yamamoto TS, Chiba K, Kominami K, Jung SK, Okawa K, Nozaki M, Kubota HY, Ueno N., Genes Cells. November 1, 2012; 17 (11): 875-96.   

Molecular mechanism for depolarization-induced modulation of Kv channel closure., Labro AJ, Lacroix JJ, Villalba-Galea CA, Snyders DJ, Bezanilla F., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2012; 140 (5): 481-93.   

Maternal Mga is required for Wnt signaling and organizer formation in the early Xenopus embryo., Gu F, Shi H, Gao L, Zhang H, Tao Q., Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). November 1, 2012; 44 (11): 939-47.

Molecular dynamics and free energy studies on Aurora kinase A and its mutant bound with MLN8054: insight into molecular mechanism of subtype selectivity., Yang Y, Shen Y, Li S, Jin N, Liu H, Yao X., Mol Biosyst. November 1, 2012; 8 (11): 3049-60.

Modeling-independent elucidation of inactivation pathways in recombinant and native A-type Kv channels., Fineberg JD, Ritter DM, Covarrubias M., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2012; 140 (5): 513-27.   

Mechanistic studies on histone catalyzed cleavage of apyrimidinic/apurinic sites in nucleosome core particles., Zhou C, Sczepanski JT, Greenberg MM., J Am Chem Soc. October 10, 2012; 134 (40): 16734-41.

Micro-computed tomography for visualizing limb skeletal regeneration in young Xenopus frogs., Lin G, Fok A, Slack JM., Anat Rec (Hoboken). October 1, 2012; 295 (10): 1562-5.

Mutations M287L and Q266I in the glycine receptor α1 subunit change sensitivity to volatile anesthetics in oocytes and neurons, but not the minimal alveolar concentration in knockin mice., Borghese CM, Xiong W, Oh SI, Ho A, Mihic SJ, Zhang L, Lovinger DM, Homanics GE, Eger EI, Harris RA., Anesthesiology. October 1, 2012; 117 (4): 765-71.

Molecular roadblocks for cellular reprogramming., Vierbuchen T, Wernig M., Mol Cell. September 28, 2012; 47 (6): 827-38.

Marine algal toxin azaspiracid is an open-state blocker of hERG potassium channels., Twiner MJ, Doucette GJ, Rasky A, Huang XP, Roth BL, Sanguinetti MC., Chem Res Toxicol. September 17, 2012; 25 (9): 1975-84.

Measurement of photon statistics with live photoreceptor cells., Sim N, Cheng MF, Bessarab D, Jones CM, Krivitsky LA., Phys Rev Lett. September 14, 2012; 109 (11): 113601.

Modulation of human α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by brominated and halogen-free flame retardants as a measure for in vitro neurotoxicity., Hendriks HS, van Kleef RG, Westerink RH., Toxicol Lett. September 3, 2012; 213 (2): 266-74.

Methylene blue inhibits the function of α7-nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Al Mansouri AS, Lorke DE, Nurulain SM, Ashoor A, Keun-Hang SY, Petroianu G, Isaev D, Oz M., CNS Neurol Disord Drug Targets. September 1, 2012; 11 (6): 791-800.

Malaria parasite type 4 equilibrative nucleoside transporters (ENT4) are purine transporters with distinct substrate specificity., Frame IJ, Merino EF, Schramm VL, Cassera MB, Akabas MH., Biochem J. September 1, 2012; 446 (2): 179-90.

Molecular basis for the differential sensitivity of rat and human α9α10 nAChRs to α-conotoxin RgIA., Azam L, McIntosh JM., J Neurochem. September 1, 2012; 122 (6): 1137-44.

Microarray-based identification of Pitx3 targets during Xenopus embryogenesis., Hooker L, Smoczer C, KhosrowShahian F, Wolanski M, Crawford MJ., Dev Dyn. September 1, 2012; 241 (9): 1487-505.   

Macroparasite infections of amphibians: what can they tell us?, Koprivnikar J, Marcogliese DJ, Rohr JR, Orlofske SA, Raffel TR, Johnson PT., Ecohealth. September 1, 2012; 9 (3): 342-60.

Multivalent di-nucleosome recognition enables the Rpd3S histone deacetylase complex to tolerate decreased H3K36 methylation levels., Huh JW, Wu J, Yun M, Gilada D, Brautigam CA, Li B., EMBO J. August 29, 2012; 31 (17): 3564-74.

Myocardial Notch signaling reprograms cardiomyocytes to a conduction-like phenotype., Rentschler S, Yen AH, Lu J, Petrenko NB, Lu MM, Manderfield LJ, Patel VV, Fishman GI, Epstein JA., Circulation. August 28, 2012; 126 (9): 1058-66.

Mutations in the GlyT2 gene (SLC6A5) are a second major cause of startle disease., Carta E, Chung SK, James VM, Robinson A, Gill JL, Remy N, Vanbellinghen JF, Drew CJ, Cagdas S, Cameron D, Cowan FM, Del Toro M, Graham GE, Manzur AY, Masri A, Rivera S, Scalais E, Shiang R, Sinclair K, Stuart CA, Tijssen MA, Wise G, Zuberi SM, Harvey K, Pearce BR, Topf M, Thomas RH, Supplisson S, Rees MI, Harvey RJ., J Biol Chem. August 17, 2012; 287 (34): 28975-85.

Multiple roles for the Na,K-ATPase subunits, Atp1a1 and Fxyd1, during brain ventricle development., Chang JT, Lowery LA, Sive H., Dev Biol. August 15, 2012; 368 (2): 312-22.

Mitochondrial activation at the onset of contractions in isolated myofibres during successive contractile periods., Gandra PG, Nogueira L, Hogan MC., J Physiol. August 1, 2012; 590 (15): 3597-609.

Mechanosensitivity of nicotinic receptors., Pan NC, Ma JJ, Peng HB., Pflugers Arch. August 1, 2012; 464 (2): 193-203.   

Metabolic differentiation in the embryonic retina., Agathocleous M, Love NK, Randlett O, Harris JJ, Liu J, Murray AJ, Harris WA., Nat Cell Biol. August 1, 2012; 14 (8): 859-64.   

Mapping the binding of GluN2B-selective N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor negative allosteric modulators., Burger PB, Yuan H, Karakas E, Geballe M, Furukawa H, Liotta DC, Snyder JP, Traynelis SF., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2012; 82 (2): 344-59.

Metabolic and thermal stimuli control K(2P)2.1 (TREK-1) through modular sensory and gating domains., Bagriantsev SN, Clark KA, Minor DL., EMBO J. August 1, 2012; 31 (15): 3297-308.   

Mutations of the serine protease CAP1/Prss8 lead to reduced embryonic viability, skin defects, and decreased ENaC activity., Frateschi S, Keppner A, Malsure S, Iwaszkiewicz J, Sergi C, Merillat AM, Fowler-Jaeger N, Randrianarison N, Planès C, Hummler E., Am J Pathol. August 1, 2012; 181 (2): 605-15.

MicroRNA-9 Modulates Hes1 ultradian oscillations by forming a double-negative feedback loop., Bonev B, Stanley P, Papalopulu N., Cell Rep. July 26, 2012; 2 (1): 10-8.   

Multiple residues in the distal C terminus of the α-subunit have roles in modulating human epithelial sodium channel activity., Mueller GM, Yan W, Copelovitch L, Jarman S, Wang Z, Kinlough CL, Tolino MA, Hughey RP, Kleyman TR, Rubenstein RC., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. July 15, 2012; 303 (2): F220-8.

Maize ZmALMT2 is a root anion transporter that mediates constitutive root malate efflux., Ligaba A, Maron L, Shaff J, Kochian L, Piñeros M., Plant Cell Environ. July 1, 2012; 35 (7): 1185-200.

Mutation conferring apical-targeting motif on AE1 exchanger causes autosomal dominant distal RTA., Fry AC, Su Y, Yiu V, Cuthbert AW, Trachtman H, Karet Frankl FE., J Am Soc Nephrol. July 1, 2012; 23 (7): 1238-49.

Multiple novel modes of action involved in the in vitro neurotoxic effects of tetrabromobisphenol-A., Hendriks HS, van Kleef RG, van den Berg M, Westerink RH., Toxicol Sci. July 1, 2012; 128 (1): 235-46.

Mutual repression between Gbx2 and Otx2 in sensory placodes reveals a general mechanism for ectodermal patterning., Steventon B, Mayor R, Streit A., Dev Biol. July 1, 2012; 367 (1): 55-65.   

Maria Irene Baldi (1937-2012) from light chains to Xenopus., Haselkorn R., FASEB J. July 1, 2012; 26 (7): 2721-2.

Molecular determinants of Gem protein inhibition of P/Q-type Ca2+ channels., Fan M, Zhang WK, Buraei Z, Yang J., J Biol Chem. June 29, 2012; 287 (27): 22749-58.

Mechanistic insights into human pre-mRNA splicing of human ultra-short introns: potential unusual mechanism identifies G-rich introns., Sasaki-Haraguchi N, Shimada MK, Taniguchi I, Ohno M, Mayeda A., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 29, 2012; 423 (2): 289-94.

Mechanistic basis for low threshold mechanosensitivity in voltage-dependent K+ channels., Schmidt D, del Mármol J, MacKinnon R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 26, 2012; 109 (26): 10352-7.

Multisite phosphoregulation of Cdc25 activity refines the mitotic entrance and exit switches., Lu LX, Domingo-Sananes MR, Huzarska M, Novak B, Gould KL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 19, 2012; 109 (25): 9899-904.

Mitotic and mitogenic Wnt signalling., Niehrs C, Acebron SP., EMBO J. June 13, 2012; 31 (12): 2705-13.

Molecular actions of smoking cessation drugs at α4β2 nicotinic receptors defined in crystal structures of a homologous binding protein., Billen B, Spurny R, Brams M, van Elk R, Valera-Kummer S, Yakel JL, Voets T, Bertrand D, Smit AB, Ulens C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 5, 2012; 109 (23): 9173-8.

Maturation of the gastric microvasculature in Xenopus laevis (Lissamphibia, Anura) occurs at the transition from the herbivorous to the carnivorous lifestyle, predominantly by intussuceptive microvascular growth (IMG): a scanning electron microscope study of microvascular corrosion casts and correlative light microscopy., Lametschwandtner A, Höll M, Bartel H, Anupunpisit V, Minnich B., Anat Sci Int. June 1, 2012; 87 (2): 88-100.   

Metabolite movement across the schistosome surface., Da'dara A, Krautz-Peterson G, Faghiri Z, Skelly PJ., J Helminthol. June 1, 2012; 86 (2): 141-7.

Microtubule-severing enzymes at the cutting edge., Sharp DJ, Ross JL., J Cell Sci. June 1, 2012; 125 (Pt 11): 2561-9.

Mutations in IRX5 impair craniofacial development and germ cell migration via SDF1., Bonnard C, Strobl AC, Shboul M, Lee H, Merriman B, Nelson SF, Ababneh OH, Uz E, Güran T, Kayserili H, Hamamy H, Reversade B., Nat Genet. May 13, 2012; 44 (6): 709-13.   

Molecular characterization of a KIF3B-like kinesin gene in the testis of Octopus tankahkeei (Cephalopoda, Octopus)., Dang R, Zhu JQ, Tan FQ, Wang W, Zhou H, Yang WX., Mol Biol Rep. May 1, 2012; 39 (5): 5589-98.

Modulation of recombinant, α2*, α3* or α4*-nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) function by nAChR β3 subunits., Dash B, Bhakta M, Chang Y, Lukas RJ., J Neurochem. May 1, 2012; 121 (3): 349-61.

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