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KCNE2 modulates current amplitudes and activation kinetics of HCN4: influence of KCNE family members on HCN4 currents., Decher N, Bundis F, Vajna R, Steinmeyer K., Pflugers Arch. September 1, 2003; 446 (6): 633-40.

Kidney development conserved over species: essential roles of Sall1., Nishinakamura R., Semin Cell Dev Biol. August 1, 2003; 14 (4): 241-7.   

Kainate-triggered currents in Xenopus oocytes injected with chick retinal membrane fragments: effect of guanine nucleotides., Burgos JS, Aleu J, Barat A, Solsona C, Marsal J, Ramírez G., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. July 1, 2003; 44 (7): 3124-9.

KCNQ1 channels sense small changes in cell volume., Grunnet M, Jespersen T, MacAulay N, Jørgensen NK, Schmitt N, Pongs O, Olesen SP, Klaerke DA., J Physiol. June 1, 2003; 549 (Pt 2): 419-27.

Knockout of the guard cell K+out channel and stomatal movements., Schroeder JI., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 29, 2003; 100 (9): 4976-7.

KChIP1 and frequenin modify shal-evoked potassium currents in pyloric neurons in the lobster stomatogastric ganglion., Zhang Y, MacLean JN, An WF, Lanning CC, Harris-Warrick RM., J Neurophysiol. April 1, 2003; 89 (4): 1902-9.

Kindling fluorescent proteins for precise in vivo photolabeling., Chudakov DM, Belousov VV, Zaraisky AG, Novoselov VV, Staroverov DB, Zorov DB, Lukyanov S, Lukyanov KA., Nat Biotechnol. February 1, 2003; 21 (2): 191-4.

Kv1.4 channel block by quinidine: evidence for a drug-induced allosteric effect., Wang S, Morales MJ, Qu YJ, Bett GC, Strauss HC, Rasmusson RL., J Physiol. January 15, 2003; 546 (Pt 2): 387-401.

Kremen2 modulates Dickkopf2 activity during Wnt/LRP6 signaling., Mao B, Niehrs C., Gene. January 2, 2003; 302 (1-2): 179-83.   

K+ amino acid transporter KAAT1 mutant Y147F has increased transport activity and altered substrate selectivity., Liu Z, Stevens BR, Feldman DH, Hediger MA, Harvey WR., J Exp Biol. January 1, 2003; 206 (Pt 2): 245-54.

Kainate-binding proteins are rendered functional ion channels upon transplantation of two short pore-flanking domains from a kainate receptor., Strutz N, Villmann C, Breitinger HG, Werner M, Wenthold RJ, Kizelsztein P, Teichberg VI, Hollmann M., J Biol Chem. December 13, 2002; 277 (50): 48035-42.

K(ATP) channel activity is required for hatching in Xenopus embryos., Cheng SM, Chen I, Levin M., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2002; 225 (4): 588-91.   

Kremen proteins interact with Dickkopf1 to regulate anteroposterior CNS patterning., Davidson G, Mao B, del Barco Barrantes I, Niehrs C., Development. December 1, 2002; 129 (24): 5587-96.   

Katanin-mediated microtubule severing can be regulated by multiple mechanisms., McNally KP, Buster D, McNally FJ., Cell Motil Cytoskeleton. December 1, 2002; 53 (4): 337-49.

Kidney-specific chloride channel, OmClC-K, predominantly expressed in the diluting segment of freshwater-adapted tilapia kidney., Miyazaki H, Kaneko T, Uchida S, Sasaki S, Takei Y., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 26, 2002; 99 (24): 15782-7.

Kinetic model of transport and regulation of the cardiac, brain, and kidney isoforms of NCX1., Omelchenko A, Elias CL, Scatliff R, Choptiany P, Hnatowich M, Hryshko LV., Ann N Y Acad Sci. November 1, 2002; 976 205-8.

Kir2.4 and Kir2.1 K(+) channel subunits co-assemble: a potential new contributor to inward rectifier current heterogeneity., Schram G, Melnyk P, Pourrier M, Wang Z, Nattel S., J Physiol. October 15, 2002; 544 (2): 337-49.

K+ channel activation by all three isoforms of serum- and glucocorticoid-dependent protein kinase SGK., Gamper N, Fillon S, Feng Y, Friedrich B, Lang PA, Henke G, Huber SM, Kobayashi T, Cohen P, Lang F., Pflugers Arch. October 1, 2002; 445 (1): 60-6.

Kinetic modulation of HERG potassium channels by the volatile anesthetic halothane., Li J, Correa AM., Anesthesiology. October 1, 2002; 97 (4): 921-30.

KCNE5 induces time- and voltage-dependent modulation of the KCNQ1 current., Angelo K, Jespersen T, Grunnet M, Nielsen MS, Klaerke DA, Olesen SP., Biophys J. October 1, 2002; 83 (4): 1997-2006.

Kinetics of tethering quaternary ammonium compounds to K(+) channels., Blaustein RO., J Gen Physiol. August 1, 2002; 120 (2): 203-16.   

Kinetic model of DNA replication in eukaryotic organisms., Herrick J, Jun S, Bechhoefer J, Bensimon A., J Mol Biol. July 19, 2002; 320 (4): 741-50.

Kinetic properties of Kv4.3 and their modulation by KChIP2b., Wang S, Patel SP, Qu Y, Hua P, Strauss HC, Morales MJ., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 12, 2002; 295 (2): 223-9.

KCNE4 is an inhibitory subunit to the KCNQ1 channel., Grunnet M, Jespersen T, Rasmussen HB, Ljungstrøm T, Jorgensen NK, Olesen SP, Klaerke DA., J Physiol. July 1, 2002; 542 (Pt 1): 119-30.

Krox20 and kreisler co-operate in the transcriptional control of segmental expression of Hoxb3 in the developing hindbrain., Manzanares M, Nardelli J, Gilardi-Hebenstreit P, Marshall H, Giudicelli F, Martínez-Pastor MT, Krumlauf R, Charnay P., EMBO J. February 1, 2002; 21 (3): 365-76.

Ketamine blockade of voltage-gated sodium channels: evidence for a shared receptor site with local anesthetics., Wagner LE, Gingrich KJ, Kulli JC, Yang J., Anesthesiology. December 1, 2001; 95 (6): 1406-13.

KCNKØ: opening and closing the 2-P-domain potassium leak channel entails "C-type" gating of the outer pore., Zilberberg N, Ilan N, Goldstein SA., Neuron. November 20, 2001; 32 (4): 635-48.

Kinetic analyses of alcohol-induced potentiation of the response of GABA(A) receptors composed of alpha(1) and beta(1) subunits., Aoshima H, Hossain SJ, Hamamoto K, Yokoyama T, Yamada M, Shingai R., J Biochem. November 1, 2001; 130 (5): 703-9.

Ketamine and its preservative, benzethonium chloride, both inhibit human recombinant alpha7 and alpha4beta2 neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptors in Xenopus oocytes., Coates KM, Flood P., Br J Pharmacol. October 1, 2001; 134 (4): 871-9.

Kermit, a frizzled interacting protein, regulates frizzled 3 signaling in neural crest development., Tan C, Deardorff MA, Saint-Jeannet JP, Yang J, Arzoumanian A, Klein PS., Development. October 1, 2001; 128 (19): 3665-74.   

Kv4 channels exhibit modulation of closed-state inactivation in inside-out patches., Beck EJ, Covarrubias M., Biophys J. August 1, 2001; 81 (2): 867-83.

K(+)-dependent gating of K(ir)1.1 channels is linked to pH gating through a conformational change in the pore., Schulte U, Weidemann S, Ludwig J, Ruppersberg J, Fakler B., J Physiol. July 1, 2001; 534 (Pt 1): 49-58.

KT3.2 and KT3.3, two novel human two-pore K(+) channels closely related to TASK-1., Vega-Saenz de Miera E, Lau DH, Zhadina M, Pountney D, Coetzee WA, Rudy B., J Neurophysiol. July 1, 2001; 86 (1): 130-42.

KChAP/Kvbeta1.2 interactions and their effects on cardiac Kv channel expression., Kuryshev YA, Wible BA, Gudz TI, Ramirez AN, Brown AM., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. July 1, 2001; 281 (1): C290-9.

Kinetics and mechanism of DNA uptake into the cell nucleus., Salman H, Zbaida D, Rabin Y, Chatenay D, Elbaum M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 19, 2001; 98 (13): 7247-52.

Kinetic modulation of Kv4-mediated A-current by arachidonic acid is dependent on potassium channel interacting proteins., Holmqvist MH, Cao J, Knoppers MH, Jurman ME, Distefano PS, Rhodes KJ, Xie Y, An WF., J Neurosci. June 15, 2001; 21 (12): 4154-61.

Kinetics of inward-rectifier K+ channel block by quaternary alkylammonium ions. dimension and properties of the inner pore., Guo D, Lu Z., J Gen Physiol. May 1, 2001; 117 (5): 395-406.   

KCNK2: reversible conversion of a hippocampal potassium leak into a voltage-dependent channel., Bockenhauer D, Zilberberg N, Goldstein SA., Nat Neurosci. May 1, 2001; 4 (5): 486-91.

KCNQ4 channels expressed in mammalian cells: functional characteristics and pharmacology., Søgaard R, Ljungstrøm T, Pedersen KA, Olesen SP, Jensen BS., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. April 1, 2001; 280 (4): C859-66.

Kv2 channels form delayed-rectifier potassium channels in situ., Blaine JT, Ribera AB., J Neurosci. March 1, 2001; 21 (5): 1473-80.

K(+) occupancy of the N-methyl-d-aspartate receptor channel probed by Mg(2+) block., Zhu Y, Auerbach A., J Gen Physiol. March 1, 2001; 117 (3): 287-98.   

Kinetics of protein import into isolated Xenopus oocyte nuclei., Radtke T, Schmalz D, Coutavas E, Soliman TM, Peters R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 27, 2001; 98 (5): 2407-12.

Kcnkø: single, cloned potassium leak channels are multi-ion pores., Ilan N, Goldstein SA., Biophys J. January 1, 2001; 80 (1): 241-53.

Kinesin subfamily UNC104 contains a FHA domain: boundaries and physicochemical characterization., Westerholm-Parvinen A, Vernos I, Serrano L., FEBS Lett. December 15, 2000; 486 (3): 285-90.

KCNE1 reverses the response of the human K+ channel KCNQ1 to cytosolic pH changes and alters its pharmacology and sensitivity to temperature., Unsöld B, Kerst G, Brousos H, Hübner M, Schreiber R, Nitschke R, Greger R, Bleich M., Pflugers Arch. December 1, 2000; 441 (2-3): 368-78.

KCNE2 confers background current characteristics to the cardiac KCNQ1 potassium channel., Tinel N, Diochot S, Borsotto M, Lazdunski M, Barhanin J., EMBO J. December 1, 2000; 19 (23): 6326-30.

Kinetics of recovery from opioids at wild-type and mutant mu opioid receptors expressed in xenopus oocytes., Spivak CE, Beglan CL., Synapse. December 1, 2000; 38 (3): 254-60.

Kinetic and stereochemical studies on novel inactivators of C-terminal amidation., Feng J, Shi J, Sirimanne SR, Mounier-Lee CE, May SW., Biochem J. September 1, 2000; 350 Pt 2 521-30.

KCNA10: a novel ion channel functionally related to both voltage-gated potassium and CNG cation channels., Lang R, Lee G, Liu W, Tian S, Rafi H, Orias M, Segal AS, Desir GV., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. June 1, 2000; 278 (6): F1013-21.

Kinase regulation of hENaC mediated through a region in the COOH-terminal portion of the alpha-subunit., Volk KA, Husted RF, Snyder PM, Stokes JB., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. May 1, 2000; 278 (5): C1047-54.

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