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GABAA Receptor Subunit Composition Drives Its Sensitivity to the Insecticide Fipronil., Soualah Z, Taly A, Crespin L, Saulais O, Henrion D, Legendre C, Tricoire-Leignel H, Legros C, Mattei C., Front Neurosci. January 1, 2021; 15 768466.   

Generation of a FOXH1 homozygous knockout human embryonic stem cell line by CRISPR/Cas9 system., Zhang T, Huang W, Xue X., Stem Cell Res. December 10, 2020; 50 102121.   

Glutamate, d-(-)-2-Amino-5-Phosphonopentanoic Acid, and N-Methyl-d-Aspartate Do Not Directly Modulate Glycine Receptors., Aubrey KR, Sheipouri D, Balle T, Vandenberg RJ, Otsu Y., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 2020; 98 (6): 719-729.

GlyT1 encephalopathy: Characterization of presumably disease causing GlyT1 mutations., Hauf K, Barsch L, Bauer D, Buchert R, Armbruster A, Frauenfeld L, Grasshoff U, Eulenburg V., Neurochem Int. October 1, 2020; 139 104813.

Grp94 Regulates the Recruitment of Aneural AChR Clusters for the Assembly of Postsynaptic Specializations by Modulating ADF/Cofilin Activity and Turnover., Chan ZC, Deng L, Lee CW., eNeuro. September 8, 2020; 7 (5):   

GiTx1(β/κ-theraphotoxin-Gi1a), a novel toxin from the venom of Brazilian tarantula Grammostola iheringi (Mygalomorphae, Theraphosidae): Isolation, structural assessments and activity on voltage-gated ion channels., Montandon GG, Cassoli JS, Peigneur S, Verano-Braga T, Santos DMD, Paiva ALB, Moraes ÉR, Kushmerick C, Borges MH, Richardson M, Pimenta AMC, Kjeldsen F, Diniz MRV, Tytgat J, Lima ME., Biochimie. September 1, 2020; 176 138-149.

GSK3 Inhibits Macropinocytosis and Lysosomal Activity through the Wnt Destruction Complex Machinery., Albrecht LV, Tejeda-Muñoz N, Bui MH, Cicchetto AC, Di Biagio D, Colozza G, Schmid E, Piccolo S, Christofk HR, De Robertis EM., Cell Rep. July 28, 2020; 32 (4): 107973.   

Gene expression dynamics are a proxy for selective pressures on alternatively polyadenylated isoforms., Levin M, Zalts H, Mostov N, Hashimshony T, Yanai I., Nucleic Acids Res. June 19, 2020; 48 (11): 5926-5938.   

Glucocorticoid receptor is required for survival through metamorphosis in the frog Xenopus tropicalis., Sterner ZR, Shewade LH, Mertz KM, Sturgeon SM, Buchholz DR., Gen Comp Endocrinol. May 15, 2020; 291 113419.   

Genomics Methods for Xenopus Embryos and Tissues., Gilchrist MJ, Cho KWY, Veenstra GJC., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. May 1, 2020; 2020 (5): 097915.

Genome-wide analysis identifies cis-acting elements regulating mRNA polyadenylation and translation during vertebrate oocyte maturation., Yang F, Wang W, Cetinbas M, Sadreyev RI, Blower MD., RNA. March 1, 2020; 26 (3): 324-344.

Generation, Coordination, and Evolution of Neural Circuits for Vocal Communication., Kelley DB, Ballagh IH, Barkan CL, Bendesky A, Elliott TM, Evans BJ, Hall IC, Kwon YM, Kwong-Brown U, Leininger EC, Perez EC, Rhodes HJ, Villain A, Yamaguchi A, Zornik E., J Neurosci. January 2, 2020; 40 (1): 22-36.

Gain-of-function GABRB3 variants identified in vigabatrin-hypersensitive epileptic encephalopathies., Absalom NL, Liao VWY, Kothur K, Indurthi DC, Bennetts B, Troedson C, Mohammad SS, Gupta S, McGregor IS, Bowen MT, Lederer D, Mary S, De Waele L, Jansen K, Gill D, Kurian MA, McTague A, Møller RS, Ahring PK, Dale RC, Chebib M., Brain Commun. January 1, 2020; 2 (2): fcaa162.

Genomewide analysis of microsatellite markers based on sequenced database in two anuran species., Wei L, Shao W, Ma L, Lin Z., J Genet. January 1, 2020; 99

Gating control of the cardiac sodium channel Nav1.5 by its β3-subunit involves distinct roles for a transmembrane glutamic acid and the extracellular domain., Salvage SC, Zhu W, Habib ZF, Hwang SS, Irons JR, Huang CLH, Silva JR, Jackson AP., J Biol Chem. December 20, 2019; 294 (51): 19752-19763.   

Generation of Remosomes by the SWI/SNF Chromatin Remodeler Family., Shukla MS, Syed SH, Boopathi R, Simon EB, Nahata S, Ramos L, Dalkara D, Moskalenko C, Travers A, Angelov D, Dimitrov S, Hamiche A, Bednar J., Sci Rep. October 2, 2019; 9 (1): 14212.

Genome wide decrease of DNA replication eye density at the midblastula transition of Xenopus laevis., Platel M, Narassimprakash H, Ciardo D, Haccard O, Marheineke K., Cell Cycle. July 1, 2019; 18 (13): 1458-1472.

Gene Regulatory Networks Governing the Generation and Regeneration of Blood., Ciau-Uitz A, Patient R., J Comput Biol. July 1, 2019; 26 (7): 719-725.

Gaussian process post-processing for particle tracking velocimetry., Tang T, Deniz E, Khokha MK, Tagare HD., Biomed Opt Express. June 7, 2019; 10 (7): 3196-3216.

Growth at Cold Temperature Increases the Number of Motor Neurons to Optimize Locomotor Function., Spencer KA, Belgacem YH, Visina O, Shim S, Genus H, Borodinsky LN., Curr Biol. June 3, 2019; 29 (11): 1787-1799.e5.   

GTP binding protein 10 is a member of the OBG family of proteins and is differentially expressed in the early Xenopus embryo., Jerry R, Sullivan-Brown J, Yoder MD., Gene Expr Patterns. June 1, 2019; 32 12-17.   

Genes and mechanisms of heterotaxy: patients drive the search., Sempou E, Khokha MK., Curr Opin Genet Dev. June 1, 2019; 56 34-40.

Galvanic vestibular stimulation: from basic concepts to clinical applications., Dlugaiczyk J, Gensberger KD, Straka H., J Neurophysiol. June 1, 2019; 121 (6): 2237-2255.

GPCR-independent activation of G proteins promotes apical cell constriction in vivo., Marivin A, Morozova V, Walawalkar I, Leyme A, Kretov DA, Cifuentes D, Dominguez I, Garcia-Marcos M., J Cell Biol. May 6, 2019; 218 (5): 1743-1763.   

Generating a Three-Dimensional Genome from Xenopus with Hi-C., Quigley IK, Heinz S., Cold Spring Harb Protoc. May 1, 2019; 2019 (5):

Gaining insights in the nutritional metabolism of amphibians: analyzing body nutrient profiles of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Brenes-Soto A, Dierenfeld ES, Bosch G, Hendriks WH, Janssens GPJ., PeerJ. May 1, 2019; 7 e7365.   

Gd(III)-Gd(III) Relaxation-Induced Dipolar Modulation Enhancement for In-Cell Electron Paramagnetic Resonance Distance Determination., Azarkh M, Bieber A, Qi M, Fischer JWA, Yulikov M, Godt A, Drescher M., J Phys Chem Lett. April 4, 2019; 10 (7): 1477-1481.   

Gene panel sequencing identifies a likely monogenic cause in 7% of 235 Pakistani families with nephrolithiasis., Amar A, Majmundar AJ, Ullah I, Afzal A, Braun DA, Shril S, Daga A, Jobst-Schwan T, Ahmad M, Sayer JA, Gee HY, Halbritter J, Knöpfel T, Hernando N, Werner A, Wagner C, Khaliq S, Hildebrandt F., Hum Genet. March 1, 2019; 138 (3): 211-219.

Grafted Polymer Coatings Enhance Fouling Inhibition by an Antimicrobial Peptide on Reverse Osmosis Membranes., Shtreimer Kandiyote N, Avisdris T, Arnusch CJ, Kasher R., Langmuir. February 5, 2019; 35 (5): 1935-1943.

GluClR-mediated inhibitory postsynaptic currents reveal targets for ivermectin and potential mechanisms of ivermectin resistance., Atif M, Smith JJ, Estrada-Mondragon A, Xiao X, Salim AA, Capon RJ, Lynch JW, Keramidas A., PLoS Pathog. January 29, 2019; 15 (1): e1007570.   

Gene Expression Program Underlying Tail Resorption During Thyroid Hormone-Dependent Metamorphosis of the Ornamented Pygmy Frog Microhyla fissipes., Wang S, Liu L, Liu J, Zhu W, Tanizaki Y, Fu L, Bao L, Shi YB, Jiang J., Front Endocrinol (Lausanne). January 25, 2019; 10 11.   

Generation and Analysis of Xenopus laevis Models of Retinal Degeneration Using CRISPR/Cas9., Feehan JM, Stanar P, Tam BM, Chiu C, Moritz OL., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1834 193-207.

Generation of Xenopus Haploid, Triploid, and Hybrid Embryos., Gibeaux R, Heald R., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2019; 1920 303-315.

Genetically encodable bioluminescent system from fungi., Kotlobay AA, Sarkisyan KS, Mokrushina YA, Marcet-Houben M, Serebrovskaya EO, Markina NM, Gonzalez Somermeyer L, Gorokhovatsky AY, Vvedensky A, Purtov KV, Petushkov VN, Rodionova NS, Chepurnyh TV, Fakhranurova LI, Guglya EB, Ziganshin R, Tsarkova AS, Kaskova ZM, Shender V, Abakumov M, Abakumova TO, Povolotskaya IS, Eroshkin FM, Zaraisky AG, Mishin AS, Dolgov SV, Mitiouchkina TY, Kopantzev EP, Waldenmaier HE, Oliveira AG, Oba Y, Barsova E, Bogdanova EA, Gabaldón T, Stevani CV, Lukyanov S, Smirnov IV, Gitelson JI, Kondrashov FA, Yampolsky IV., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 11, 2018; 115 (50): 12728-12732.   

Gli2 is required for the induction and migration of Xenopus laevis neural crest., Cerrizuela S, Vega-López GA, Palacio MB, Tríbulo C, Aybar MJ., Mech Dev. December 1, 2018; 154 219-239.   

Genomic Takeover by Transposable Elements in the Strawberry Poison Frog., Rogers RL, Zhou L, Chu C, Márquez R, Corl A, Linderoth T, Freeborn L, MacManes MD, Xiong Z, Zheng J, Guo C, Xun X, Kronforst MR, Summers K, Wu Y, Yang H, Richards-Zawacki CL, Zhang G, Nielsen R., Mol Biol Evol. December 1, 2018; 35 (12): 2913-2927.   

GlialCAM/MLC1 modulates LRRC8/VRAC currents in an indirect manner: Implications for megalencephalic leukoencephalopathy., Elorza-Vidal X, Sirisi S, Gaitán-Peñas H, Pérez-Rius C, Alonso-Gardón M, Armand-Ugón M, Lanciotti A, Brignone MS, Prat E, Nunes V, Ambrosini E, Gasull X, Estévez R., Neurobiol Dis. November 1, 2018; 119 88-99.

Gabapentin Is a Potent Activator of KCNQ3 and KCNQ5 Potassium Channels., Manville RW, Abbott GW., Mol Pharmacol. October 1, 2018; 94 (4): 1155-1163.

Gap junction protein Connexin-43 is a direct transcriptional regulator of N-cadherin in vivo., Kotini M, Barriga EH, Leslie J, Gentzel M, Rauschenberger V, Schambony A, Mayor R., Nat Commun. September 21, 2018; 9 (1): 3846.   

Gating charge displacement in a monomeric voltage-gated proton (Hv1) channel., Carmona EM, Larsson HP, Neely A, Alvarez O, Latorre R, Gonzalez C., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 11, 2018; 115 (37): 9240-9245.

Gating-induced large aqueous volumetric remodeling and aspartate tolerance in the voltage sensor domain of Shaker K+ channels., Díaz-Franulic I, González-Pérez V, Moldenhauer H, Navarro-Quezada N, Naranjo D., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 7, 2018; 115 (32): 8203-8208.

Gitelman's Syndrome: characterization of a novel c.1181G>A point mutation and functional classification of the known mutations., Ravarotto V, Loffing J, Loffing-Cueni D, Heidemeyer M, Pagnin E, Calò LA, Rossi GP., Hypertens Res. August 1, 2018; 41 (8): 578-588.

Galantamine is not a positive allosteric modulator of human α4β2 or α7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Kowal NM, Ahring PK, Liao VWY, Indurti DC, Harvey BS, O'Connor SM, Chebib M, Olafsdottir ES, Balle T., Br J Pharmacol. July 1, 2018; 175 (14): 2911-2925.

Gon4l regulates notochord boundary formation and cell polarity underlying axis extension by repressing adhesion genes., Williams MLK, Sawada A, Budine T, Yin C, Gontarz P, Solnica-Krezel L., Nat Commun. April 3, 2018; 9 (1): 1319.   

Genomic epidemiology of the emerging pathogen Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis from native and invasive amphibian species in Chile., Valenzuela-Sánchez A, O'Hanlon SJ, Alvarado-Rybak M, Uribe-Rivera DE, Cunningham AA, Fisher MC, Soto-Azat C., Transbound Emerg Dis. April 1, 2018; 65 (2): 309-314.   

Gating interaction maps reveal a noncanonical electromechanical coupling mode in the Shaker K+ channel., Fernández-Mariño AI, Harpole TJ, Oelstrom K, Delemotte L, Chanda B., Nat Struct Mol Biol. April 1, 2018; 25 (4): 320-326.

Glycogen synthase kinase 3 controls migration of the neural crest lineage in mouse and Xenopus., Gonzalez Malagon SG, Lopez Muñoz AM, Doro D, Bolger TG, Poon E, Tucker ER, Adel Al-Lami H, Krause M, Phiel CJ, Chesler L, Liu KJ., Nat Commun. March 19, 2018; 9 (1): 1126.   

Gating mechanism of Kv11.1 (hERG) K+ channels without covalent connection between voltage sensor and pore domains., de la Peña P, Domínguez P, Barros F., Pflugers Arch. March 1, 2018; 470 (3): 517-536.   

Geraniin is a diuretic by inhibiting the Na+-K+-2Cl- cotransporter NKCC2., Moreno E, Gayosso JA, Montejano JR, Almaguer G, Vázquez N, Cruz C, Mercado A, Bobadilla NA, Gamba G, Sierra A, Ramírez V., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. February 1, 2018; 314 (2): F240-F250.

Gain-of-function HCN2 variants in genetic epilepsy., Li M, Maljevic S, Phillips AM, Petrovski S, Hildebrand MS, Burgess R, Mount T, Zara F, Striano P, Schubert J, Thiele H, Nürnberg P, Wong M, Weisenberg JL, Thio LL, Lerche H, Scheffer IE, Berkovic SF, Petrou S, Reid CA., Hum Mutat. February 1, 2018; 39 (2): 202-209.

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