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Search Results

Phylogenetic and expression analysis of amphibian Xenopus Toll-like receptors., Ishii A, Kawasaki M, Matsumoto M, Tochinai S, Seya T., Immunogenetics. April 1, 2007; 59 (4): 281-93.

Possible involvement of RecQL4 in the repair of double-strand DNA breaks in Xenopus egg extracts., Kumata Y, Tada S, Yamanada Y, Tsuyama T, Kobayashi T, Dong YP, Ikegami K, Murofushi H, Seki M, Enomoto T., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 1, 2007; 1773 (4): 556-64.

P2X receptor signaling inhibits BDNF-mediated spiral ganglion neuron development in the neonatal rat cochlea., Greenwood D, Jagger DJ, Huang LC, Hoya N, Thorne PR, Wildman SS, King BF, Pak K, Ryan AF, Housley GD., Development. April 1, 2007; 134 (7): 1407-17.

Projecting 2D gene expression data into 3D and 4D space., Gerth VE, Katsuyama K, Snyder KA, Bowes JB, Kitayama A, Ueno N, Vize PD., Dev Dyn. April 1, 2007; 236 (4): 1036-43.   

Palytoxin acts on Na(+),K (+)-ATPase but not nongastric H(+),K (+)-ATPase., Guennoun-Lehmann S, Fonseca JE, Horisberger JD, Rakowski RF., J Membr Biol. April 1, 2007; 216 (2-3): 107-16.

Probing the interaction between KCNE2 and KCNQ1 in their transmembrane regions., Liu XS, Zhang M, Jiang M, Wu DM, Tseng GN., J Membr Biol. April 1, 2007; 216 (2-3): 117-27.

Protein phosphatase 1 regulates assembly and function of the beta-catenin degradation complex., Luo W, Peterson A, Garcia BA, Coombs G, Kofahl B, Heinrich R, Shabanowitz J, Hunt DF, Yost HJ, Virshup DM., EMBO J. March 21, 2007; 26 (6): 1511-21.

Pairing morphology with gene expression in thyroid hormone-induced intestinal remodeling and identification of a core set of TH-induced genes across tadpole tissues., Buchholz DR, Heimeier RA, Das B, Washington T, Shi YB., Dev Biol. March 15, 2007; 303 (2): 576-90.

Permeating protons contribute to tachyphylaxis of the acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) 1a., Chen X, Gründer S., J Physiol. March 15, 2007; 579 (Pt 3): 657-70.

Phosphorylation and functions of inhibitor-2 family of proteins., Li M, Satinover DL, Brautigan DL., Biochemistry. March 6, 2007; 46 (9): 2380-9.

Principal role of NR3 subunits in NR1/NR3 excitatory glycine receptor function., Madry C, Mesic I, Bartholomäus I, Nicke A, Betz H, Laube B., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. March 2, 2007; 354 (1): 102-8.

Porcine SPDYA2 (RINGO A2) stimulates CDC2 activity and accelerates meiotic maturation of porcine oocytes., Kume S, Endo T, Nishimura Y, Kano K, Naito K., Biol Reprod. March 1, 2007; 76 (3): 440-7.

Pharmacological characterization of mouse GPRC6A, an L-alpha-amino-acid receptor modulated by divalent cations., Christiansen B, Hansen KB, Wellendorph P, Bräuner-Osborne H., Br J Pharmacol. March 1, 2007; 150 (6): 798-807.

Protein characterization of NA+-independent system L amino acid transporter 3 in mice: a potential role in supply of branched-chain amino acids under nutrient starvation., Fukuhara D, Kanai Y, Chairoungdua A, Babu E, Bessho F, Kawano T, Akimoto Y, Endou H, Yan K., Am J Pathol. March 1, 2007; 170 (3): 888-98.

Pan-myocardial expression of Cre recombinase throughout mouse development., Breckenridge R, Kotecha S, Towers N, Bennett M, Mohun T., Genesis. March 1, 2007; 45 (3): 135-44.

Pore-linked filaments in anura spermatocyte nuclei., Beçak ML, Fukuda-Pizzocaro K., An Acad Bras Cienc. March 1, 2007; 79 (1): 63-70.

PP2A:B56epsilon is required for eye induction and eye field separation., Rorick AM, Mei W, Liette NL, Phiel C, El-Hodiri HM, Yang J., Dev Biol. February 15, 2007; 302 (2): 477-93.   

Pannexin1 is part of the pore forming unit of the P2X(7) receptor death complex., Locovei S, Scemes E, Qiu F, Spray DC, Dahl G., FEBS Lett. February 6, 2007; 581 (3): 483-8.

Phosphorylation of the proline-rich domain of Xp95 modulates Xp95 interaction with partner proteins., Dejournett RE, Kobayashi R, Pan S, Wu C, Etkin LD, Clark RB, Bögler O, Kuang J., Biochem J. January 15, 2007; 401 (2): 521-31.

Plasticity in the melanotrope neuroendocrine interface of Xenopus laevis., Jenks BG, Kidane AH, Scheenen WJ, Roubos EW., Neuroendocrinology. January 1, 2007; 85 (3): 177-85.

Pin1 stabilizes Emi1 during G2 phase by preventing its association with SCF(betatrcp)., Bernis C, Vigneron S, Burgess A, Labbé JC, Fesquet D, Castro A, Lorca T., EMBO Rep. January 1, 2007; 8 (1): 91-8.

PI3K and Erk MAPK mediate ErbB signaling in Xenopus gastrulation., Nie S, Chang C., Mech Dev. January 1, 2007; 124 (9-10): 657-67.   

PIKfyve in the SGK1 mediated regulation of the creatine transporter SLC6A8., Strutz-Seebohm N, Shojaiefard M, Christie D, Tavare J, Seebohm G, Lang F., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2007; 20 (6): 729-34.

Purification and mass spectrometry identification of microtubule-binding proteins from Xenopus egg extracts., Gache V, Waridel P, Luche S, Shevchenko A, Popov AV., Methods Mol Med. January 1, 2007; 137 29-43.

Potassium channel gating in the absence of the highly conserved glycine of the inner transmembrane helix., Rosenhouse-Dantsker A, Logothetis DE., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2007; 1 (3): 189-97.

Plastic embedding and sectioning of Xenopus laevis embryos., Ogata S, Kawauchi S, Calof A, Cho KW., J Vis Exp. January 1, 2007; (3): 188.

Protein kinase A modulates PLC-dependent regulation and PIP2-sensitivity of K+ channels., Lopes CM, Remon JI, Matavel A, Sui JL, Keselman I, Medei E, Shen Y, Rosenhouse-Dantsker A, Rohacs T, Logothetis DE., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2007; 1 (2): 124-34.

PSD-95 and PKC converge in regulating NMDA receptor trafficking and gating., Lin Y, Jover-Mengual T, Wong J, Bennett MV, Zukin RS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 26, 2006; 103 (52): 19902-7.   

Paxillin regulates steroid-triggered meiotic resumption in oocytes by enhancing an all-or-none positive feedback kinase loop., Rasar M, DeFranco DB, Hammes SR., J Biol Chem. December 22, 2006; 281 (51): 39455-64.   

P2X5 subunit assembly requires scaffolding by the second transmembrane domain and a conserved aspartate., Duckwitz W, Hausmann R, Aschrafi A, Schmalzing G., J Biol Chem. December 22, 2006; 281 (51): 39561-72.

Pacemaking by HCN channels requires interaction with phosphoinositides., Zolles G, Klöcker N, Wenzel D, Weisser-Thomas J, Fleischmann BK, Roeper J, Fakler B., Neuron. December 21, 2006; 52 (6): 1027-36.

Phosphorylation of maskin by Aurora-A is regulated by RanGTP and importin beta., Albee AJ, Tao W, Wiese C., J Biol Chem. December 15, 2006; 281 (50): 38293-301.

Protein kinase B/Akt phosphorylation of PDE3A and its role in mammalian oocyte maturation., Han SJ, Vaccari S, Nedachi T, Andersen CB, Kovacina KS, Roth RA, Conti M., EMBO J. December 13, 2006; 25 (24): 5716-25.

pEg6, a spire family member, is a maternal gene encoding a vegetally localized mRNA in Xenopus embryos., Le Goff C, Laurent V, Le Bon K, Tanguy G, Couturier A, Le Goff X, Le Guellec R., Biol Cell. December 1, 2006; 98 (12): 697-708.

Photoreceptor vitality in organotypic cultures of mature vertebrate retinas validated by light-dependent molecular movements., Reidel B, Orisme W, Goldmann T, Smith WC, Wolfrum U., Vision Res. December 1, 2006; 46 (27): 4464-71.

Paradoxical antagonism of PACAP receptor signaling by VIP in Xenopus oocytes via the type-C natriuretic peptide receptor., Lelièvre V, Hu Z, Ioffe Y, Byun JY, Flores A, Seksenyan A, Waschek JA., Cell Signal. November 1, 2006; 18 (11): 2013-21.

Phosphorylation of IP3R1 and the regulation of [Ca2+]i responses at fertilization: a role for the MAP kinase pathway., Lee B, Vermassen E, Yoon SY, Vanderheyden V, Ito J, Alfandari D, De Smedt H, Parys JB, Fissore RA., Development. November 1, 2006; 133 (21): 4355-65.

Parvoviral nuclear import: bypassing the host nuclear-transport machinery., Cohen S, Behzad AR, Carroll JB, Panté N., J Gen Virol. November 1, 2006; 87 (Pt 11): 3209-3213.

Profilin is an effector for Daam1 in non-canonical Wnt signaling and is required for vertebrate gastrulation., Sato A, Khadka DK, Liu W, Bharti R, Runnels LW, Dawid IB, Habas R., Development. November 1, 2006; 133 (21): 4219-31.   

Probing cell-division phenotype space and Polo-like kinase function using small molecules., Peters U, Cherian J, Kim JH, Kwok BH, Kapoor TM., Nat Chem Biol. November 1, 2006; 2 (11): 618-26.

Plasma membrane destination of the classical Xenopus laevis progesterone receptor accelerates progesterone-induced oocyte maturation., Martinez S, Grandy R, Pasten P, Montecinos H, Montecino M, Olate J, Hinrichs MV., J Cell Biochem. October 15, 2006; 99 (3): 853-9.

Persistent sex-reversal and oviducal agenesis in adult Xenopus (Silurana) tropicalis frogs following larval exposure to the environmental pollutant ethynylestradiol., Pettersson I, Arukwe A, Lundstedt-Enkel K, Mortensen AS, Berg C., Aquat Toxicol. October 12, 2006; 79 (4): 356-65.

Protein phosphatase 1 regulates the stability of the circadian protein PER2., Gallego M, Kang H, Virshup DM., Biochem J. October 1, 2006; 399 (1): 169-75.

Prey-capture in the African clawed toad (Xenopus laevis): comparison of turning to visual and lateral line stimuli., Claas B, Dean J., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. October 1, 2006; 192 (10): 1021-36.

Polychlorinated biphenyl exposure delays metamorphosis and alters thyroid hormone system gene expression in developing Xenopus laevis., Lehigh Shirey EA, Jelaso Langerveld A, Mihalko D, Ide CF., Environ Res. October 1, 2006; 102 (2): 205-14.

Proteasomes and their associated ATPases: a destructive combination., Smith DM, Benaroudj N, Goldberg A., J Struct Biol. October 1, 2006; 156 (1): 72-83.

PTEN is required for the normal progression of gastrulation by repressing cell proliferation after MBT in Xenopus embryos., Ueno S, Kono R, Iwao Y., Dev Biol. September 1, 2006; 297 (1): 274-83.   

Pharmacological activation and inhibition of Slack (Slo2.2) channels., Yang B, Gribkoff VK, Pan J, Damagnez V, Dworetzky SI, Boissard CG, Bhattacharjee A, Yan Y, Sigworth FJ, Kaczmarek LK., Neuropharmacology. September 1, 2006; 51 (4): 896-906.

pH-regulated Slo3 K+ channels: properties of unitary currents., Zhang X, Zeng X, Xia XM, Lingle CJ., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 2006; 128 (3): 301-15.   

Protein phosphatase 6 subunit with conserved Sit4-associated protein domain targets IkappaBepsilon., Stefansson B, Brautigan DL., J Biol Chem. August 11, 2006; 281 (32): 22624-34.   

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