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Search Results

Potential role of caveolin-1-positive domains in the regulation of the acetylcholine receptor's activatable pool: implications in the pathogenesis of a novel congenital myasthenic syndrome., Báez-Pagán CA, Martínez-Ortiz Y, Otero-Cruz JD, Salgado-Villanueva IK, Velázquez G, Ortiz-Acevedo A, Quesada O, Silva WI, Lasalde-Dominicci JA., Channels (Austin). January 1, 2008; 2 (3): 180-90.

Phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate 5-kinase reduces cell surface expression of the epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) in cultured collecting duct cells., Weixel KM, Edinger RS, Kester L, Guerriero CJ, Wang H, Fang L, Kleyman TR, Welling PA, Weisz OA, Johnson JP., J Biol Chem. December 14, 2007; 282 (50): 36534-42.

Purification of the full-length Xenopus interphotoreceptor retinoid binding protein and growth of diffraction-quality crystals., Ghosh D, Griswold JB, Bevilacqua T, Gonzalez-Fernandez F., Mol Vis. December 13, 2007; 13 2275-81.   

Phorbol ester stimulation of RasGRP1 regulates the sodium-chloride cotransporter by a PKC-independent pathway., Ko B, Joshi LM, Cooke LL, Vazquez N, Musch MW, Hebert SC, Gamba G, Hoover RS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 11, 2007; 104 (50): 20120-5.

Peroxisome biogenesis occurs in late dorsal-anterior structures in the development of Xenopus laevis., Cooper CA, Walsh LA, Damjanovski S., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2007; 236 (12): 3554-61.   

PAR1 specifies ciliated cells in vertebrate ectoderm downstream of aPKC., Ossipova O, Tabler J, Green JB, Sokol SY., Development. December 1, 2007; 134 (23): 4297-306.   

Peripheral nerve hyperexcitability due to dominant-negative KCNQ2 mutations., Wuttke TV, Jurkat-Rott K, Paulus W, Garncarek M, Lehmann-Horn F, Lerche H., Neurology. November 27, 2007; 69 (22): 2045-53.

Portability of paddle motif function and pharmacology in voltage sensors., Alabi AA, Bahamonde MI, Jung HJ, Kim JI, Swartz KJ., Nature. November 15, 2007; 450 (7168): 370-5.

Purine-mediated signalling triggers eye development., Massé K, Bhamra S, Eason R, Dale N, Jones EA., Nature. October 25, 2007; 449 (7165): 1058-62.

Photoactivated 3-azioctanol irreversibly desensitizes muscle nicotinic ACh receptors via interactions at alphaE262., Forman SA, Zhou QL, Stewart DS., Biochemistry. October 23, 2007; 46 (42): 11911-8.

Preparation, functional characterization, and NMR studies of human KCNE1, a voltage-gated potassium channel accessory subunit associated with deafness and long QT syndrome., Tian C, Vanoye CG, Kang C, Welch RC, Kim HJ, George AL, Sanders CR., Biochemistry. October 16, 2007; 46 (41): 11459-72.

Passage of 17 kDa calmodulin through gap junctions of three vertebrate species., Curran JE, Woodruff RI., Tissue Cell. October 1, 2007; 39 (5): 303-9.

Pescadillo is required for Xenopus laevis eye development and neural crest migration., Gessert S, Maurus D, Rössner A, Kühl M., Dev Biol. October 1, 2007; 310 (1): 99-112.   

Probing ATR activation with model DNA templates., Cimprich KA., Cell Cycle. October 1, 2007; 6 (19): 2348-54.

Presynaptic Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II modulates neurotransmitter release by activating BK channels at Caenorhabditis elegans neuromuscular junction., Liu Q, Chen B, Ge Q, Wang ZW., J Neurosci. September 26, 2007; 27 (39): 10404-13.

Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate and alpha-actinin: two-component hinge for the NMDA receptor., Gao L., J Neurosci. September 26, 2007; 27 (39): 10321-2.

Properties of GluR3 receptors tagged with GFP at the amino or carboxyl terminus., Limon A, Reyes-Ruiz JM, Eusebi F, Miledi R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 25, 2007; 104 (39): 15526-30.

Point mutations involved in red cell stomatocytosis convert the electroneutral anion exchanger 1 to a nonselective cation conductance., Guizouarn H, Martial S, Gabillat N, Borgese F., Blood. September 15, 2007; 110 (6): 2158-65.

Phosphorylation of CK1delta: identification of Ser370 as the major phosphorylation site targeted by PKA in vitro and in vivo., Giamas G, Hirner H, Shoshiashvili L, Grothey A, Gessert S, Kühl M, Henne-Bruns D, Vorgias CE, Knippschild U., Biochem J. September 15, 2007; 406 (3): 389-98.

Patterns of spatial and temporal cranial muscle development in the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis (Anura: Pipidae)., Ziermann JM, Olsson L., J Morphol. September 1, 2007; 268 (9): 791-804.

Production of Slit2 LRR domains in mammalian cells for structural studies and the structure of human Slit2 domain 3., Morlot C, Hemrika W, Romijn RA, Gros P, Cusack S, McCarthy AA., Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. September 1, 2007; 63 (Pt 9): 961-8.

Protein kinase C dependent inhibition of the heteromeric Kir4.1-Kir5.1 channel., Rojas A, Cui N, Su J, Yang L, Muhumuza JP, Jiang C., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 1, 2007; 1768 (9): 2030-42.

Pbx homeodomain proteins direct Myod activity to promote fast-muscle differentiation., Maves L, Waskiewicz AJ, Paul B, Cao Y, Tyler A, Moens CB, Tapscott SJ., Development. September 1, 2007; 134 (18): 3371-82.

Protein-protein Förster resonance energy transfer analysis of nucleosome core particles containing H2A and H2A.Z., Hoch DA, Stratton JJ, Gloss LM., J Mol Biol. August 24, 2007; 371 (4): 971-88.

Properties of single two-pore domain TREK-2 channels expressed in mammalian cells., Kang D, Choe C, Cavanaugh E, Kim D., J Physiol. August 15, 2007; 583 (Pt 1): 57-69.

Propofol inhibits HCN1 pacemaker channels by selective association with the closed states of the membrane embedded channel core., Lyashchenko AK, Redd KJ, Yang J, Tibbs GR., J Physiol. August 15, 2007; 583 (Pt 1): 37-56.

Positioning the extreme anterior in Xenopus: cement gland, primary mouth and anterior pituitary., Dickinson A, Sive H., Semin Cell Dev Biol. August 1, 2007; 18 (4): 525-33.   

Presynaptic protein distribution and odour mapping in glomeruli of the olfactory bulb of Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Manzini I, Heermann S, Czesnik D, Brase C, Schild D, Rössler W., Eur J Neurosci. August 1, 2007; 26 (4): 925-34.   

PCR detection of excision suggests mobility of the medaka fish Tol1 transposable element in the frog Xenopus laevis., Hikosaka A, Koga A., Genet Res. August 1, 2007; 89 (4): 201-6.

Point mutation in the HCN4 cardiac ion channel pore affecting synthesis, trafficking, and functional expression is associated with familial asymptomatic sinus bradycardia., Nof E, Luria D, Brass D, Marek D, Lahat H, Reznik-Wolf H, Pras E, Dascal N, Eldar M, Glikson M., Circulation. July 31, 2007; 116 (5): 463-70.

Phosphorylation of both nucleoplasmin domains is required for activation of its chromatin decondensation activity., Bañuelos S, Omaetxebarria MJ, Ramos I, Larsen MR, Arregi I, Jensen ON, Arizmendi JM, Prado A, Muga A., J Biol Chem. July 20, 2007; 282 (29): 21213-21.

Phenotype ontologies: the bridge between genomics and evolution., Mabee PM, Ashburner M, Cronk Q, Gkoutos GV, Haendel M, Segerdell E, Mungall C, Westerfield M., Trends Ecol Evol. July 1, 2007; 22 (7): 345-50.

Phosphonic acid analogs of GABA through reductive dealkylation of phosphonic diesters with lithium trialkylborohydrides., Chowdhury S, Muni NJ, Greenwood NP, Pepperberg DR, Standaert RF., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. July 1, 2007; 17 (13): 3745-8.

Partial agonist and neuromodulatory activity of S 24795 for alpha7 nAChR responses of hippocampal interneurons., Lopez-Hernandez G, Placzek AN, Thinschmidt JS, Lestage P, Trocme-Thibierge C, Morain P, Papke RL., Neuropharmacology. July 1, 2007; 53 (1): 134-44.

Propofol reverses oxidative stress-attenuated glutamate transporter EAAT3 activity: evidence of protein kinase C involvement., Yun JY, Park KS, Kim JH, Do SH, Zuo Z., Eur J Pharmacol. June 22, 2007; 565 (1-3): 83-8.

POU-V factors antagonize maternal VegT activity and beta-Catenin signaling in Xenopus embryos., Cao Y, Siegel D, Donow C, Knöchel S, Yuan L, Knöchel W., EMBO J. June 20, 2007; 26 (12): 2942-54.

Panulirus interruptus Ih-channel gene PIIH: modification of channel properties by alternative splicing and role in rhythmic activity., Ouyang Q, Goeritz M, Harris-Warrick RM., J Neurophysiol. June 1, 2007; 97 (6): 3880-92.

Ptf1a triggers GABAergic neuronal cell fates in the retina., Dullin JP, Locker M, Robach M, Henningfeld KA, Parain K, Afelik S, Pieler T, Perron M., BMC Dev Biol. May 31, 2007; 7 110.   

Phosphatidylinositol-4,5-bisphosphate regulates NMDA receptor activity through alpha-actinin., Michailidis IE, Helton TD, Petrou VI, Mirshahi T, Ehlers MD, Logothetis DE., J Neurosci. May 16, 2007; 27 (20): 5523-32.

Paracrine and autocrine mechanisms of apelin signaling govern embryonic and tumor angiogenesis., Kälin RE, Kretz MP, Meyer AM, Kispert A, Heppner FL, Brändli AW., Dev Biol. May 15, 2007; 305 (2): 599-614.   

Probing the outer mouth structure of the HERG channel with peptide toxin footprinting and molecular modeling., Tseng GN, Sonawane KD, Korolkova YV, Zhang M, Liu J, Grishin EV, Guy HR., Biophys J. May 15, 2007; 92 (10): 3524-40.

Point mutations at the local anesthetic receptor site modulate the state-dependent block of rat Na v1.4 sodium channels by pyrazoline-type insecticides., Silver KS, Soderlund DM., Neurotoxicology. May 1, 2007; 28 (3): 655-63.

Plethodontid modulating factor, a hypervariable salamander courtship pheromone in the three-finger protein superfamily., Palmer CA, Hollis DM, Watts RA, Houck LD, McCall MA, Gregg RG, Feldhoff PW, Feldhoff RC, Arnold SJ., FEBS J. May 1, 2007; 274 (9): 2300-10.

Physiological significance of hypotonicity-induced regulatory volume decrease: reduction in intracellular Cl- concentration acting as an intracellular signaling., Miyazaki H, Shiozaki A, Niisato N, Marunaka Y., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. May 1, 2007; 292 (5): F1411-7.

Phosphorylation of Erp1 by p90rsk is required for cytostatic factor arrest in Xenopus laevis eggs., Nishiyama T, Ohsumi K, Kishimoto T., Nature. April 26, 2007; 446 (7139): 1096-9.

PAWP, a sperm-specific WW domain-binding protein, promotes meiotic resumption and pronuclear development during fertilization., Wu AT, Sutovsky P, Manandhar G, Xu W, Katayama M, Day BN, Park KW, Yi YJ, Xi YW, Prather RS, Oko R., J Biol Chem. April 20, 2007; 282 (16): 12164-75.   

Prospective isolation and global gene expression analysis of definitive and visceral endoderm., Sherwood RI, Jitianu C, Cleaver O, Shaywitz DA, Lamenzo JO, Chen AE, Golub TR, Melton DA., Dev Biol. April 15, 2007; 304 (2): 541-55.

p42MAPK-mediated phosphorylation of xEIAP/XLX in Xenopus cytostatic factor-arrested egg extracts., Tsuchiya Y, Yamashita S., BMC Biochem. April 11, 2007; 8 5.   

Protein kinase CK2, cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator, and the deltaF508 mutation: F508 deletion disrupts a kinase-binding site., Treharne KJ, Crawford RM, Xu Z, Chen JH, Best OG, Schulte EA, Gruenert DC, Wilson SM, Sheppard DN, Kunzelmann K, Mehta A., J Biol Chem. April 6, 2007; 282 (14): 10804-13.

Physiological and molecular mechanisms of inorganic phosphate handling in the toad Bufo bufo., Møbjerg N, Werner A, Hansen SM, Novak I., Pflugers Arch. April 1, 2007; 454 (1): 101-13.

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