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High stability of Discosoma DsRed as compared to Aequorea EGFP., Verkhusha VV, Kuznetsova IM, Stepanenko OV, Zaraisky AG, Shavlovsky MM, Turoverov KK, Uversky VN., Biochemistry. July 8, 2003; 42 (26): 7879-84.

HP1 binding to native chromatin in vitro is determined by the hinge region and not by the chromodomain., Meehan RR, Kao CF, Pennings S., EMBO J. June 16, 2003; 22 (12): 3164-74.

Haemonchus contortus: HcGluCla expressed in Xenopus oocytes forms a glutamate-gated ion channel that is activated by ibotenate and the antiparasitic drug ivermectin., Forrester SG, Prichard RK, Dent JA, Beech RN., Mol Biochem Parasitol. June 1, 2003; 129 (1): 115-21.

Hypoxia-induced switches of myosin heavy chain iso-gene expression in rat heart., Razeghi P, Essop MF, Huss JM, Abbasi S, Manga N, Taegtmeyer H., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 18, 2003; 303 (4): 1024-7.

Hierarchical affinities and a bipartite interaction model for estrogen receptor isoforms and full-length steroid receptor coactivator (SRC/p160) family members., Cheskis BJ, McKenna NJ, Wong CW, Wong J, Komm B, Lyttle CR, O'Malley BW., J Biol Chem. April 11, 2003; 278 (15): 13271-7.

Hypobranchial placodes in Xenopus laevis give rise to hypobranchial ganglia, a novel type of cranial ganglia., Schlosser G., Cell Tissue Res. April 1, 2003; 312 (1): 21-9.

How we are shaped: the biomechanics of gastrulation., Keller R, Davidson LA, Shook DR., Differentiation. April 1, 2003; 71 (3): 171-205.

Human mitochondrial DNA is packaged with TFAM., Alam TI, Kanki T, Muta T, Ukaji K, Abe Y, Nakayama H, Takio K, Hamasaki N, Kang D., Nucleic Acids Res. March 15, 2003; 31 (6): 1640-5.

Halogenated cytisine derivatives as agonists at human neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine receptor subtypes., Slater YE, Houlihan LM, Maskell PD, Exley R, Bermúdez I, Lukas RJ, Valdivia AC, Cassels BK., Neuropharmacology. March 1, 2003; 44 (4): 503-15.

Hyaluronan--magic glue for the regulation of the immune response?, Termeer C, Sleeman JP, Simon JC., Trends Immunol. March 1, 2003; 24 (3): 112-4.

Human renal organic anion transporter 1-dependent uptake and toxicity of mercuric-thiol conjugates in Madin-Darby canine kidney cells., Aslamkhan AG, Han YH, Yang XP, Zalups RK, Pritchard JB., Mol Pharmacol. March 1, 2003; 63 (3): 590-6.

Hyaluronan synthase in trabecular meshwork cells., Usui T, Nakajima F, Ideta R, Kaji Y, Suzuki Y, Araie M, Miyauchi S, Heldin P, Yamashita H., Br J Ophthalmol. March 1, 2003; 87 (3): 357-60.

Human genetic disease caused by de novo mitochondrial-nuclear DNA transfer., Turner C, Killoran C, Thomas NS, Rosenberg M, Chuzhanova NA, Johnston J, Kemel Y, Cooper DN, Biesecker LG., Hum Genet. March 1, 2003; 112 (3): 303-9.

Hedgehog signalling maintains the optic stalk-retinal interface through the regulation of Vax gene activity., Take-uchi M, Clarke JD, Wilson SW., Development. March 1, 2003; 130 (5): 955-68.

Hypertonic activation of phospholemman in solitary rat hepatocytes in primary culture., Kirschner U, Van Driessche W, Werner A, Wehner F., FEBS Lett. February 27, 2003; 537 (1-3): 151-6.

hAG-2 and hAG-3, human homologues of genes involved in differentiation, are associated with oestrogen receptor-positive breast tumours and interact with metastasis gene C4.4a and dystroglycan., Fletcher GC, Patel S, Tyson K, Adam PJ, Schenker M, Loader JA, Daviet L, Legrain P, Parekh R, Harris AL, Terrett JA., Br J Cancer. February 24, 2003; 88 (4): 579-85.   

Homo- and heterotetrameric architecture of the epithelial Ca2+ channels TRPV5 and TRPV6., Hoenderop JG, Voets T, Hoefs S, Weidema F, Prenen J, Nilius B, Bindels RJ., EMBO J. February 17, 2003; 22 (4): 776-85.

Hysteresis meets the cell cycle., Solomon MJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 4, 2003; 100 (3): 771-2.

Hysteresis drives cell-cycle transitions in Xenopus laevis egg extracts., Sha W, Moore J, Chen K, Lassaletta AD, Yi CS, Tyson JJ, Sible JC., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. February 4, 2003; 100 (3): 975-80.

HLM1, an essential signaling component in the hypersensitive response, is a member of the cyclic nucleotide-gated channel ion channel family., Balagué C, Lin B, Alcon C, Flottes G, Malmström S, Köhler C, Neuhaus G, Pelletier G, Gaymard F, Roby D., Plant Cell. February 1, 2003; 15 (2): 365-79.

How many lethal alleles?, Halligan DL, Keightley PD., Trends Genet. February 1, 2003; 19 (2): 57-9.

Hypotonic-induced transport pathways in Xenopus laevis erythrocytes: taurine fluxes., Katz U, Lancaster JA, Ellory JC., Comp Biochem Physiol A Mol Integr Physiol. February 1, 2003; 134 (2): 355-63.

Housing and husbandry of Xenopus for oocyte production., Schultz TW, Dawson DA., Lab Anim (NY). February 1, 2003; 32 (2): 34-9.

Hierarchy of events regulating neural crest induction., Bronner-Fraser M., Harvey Lect. January 1, 2003; 99 129-44.

Heparan sulfate core proteins in cell-cell signaling., Kramer KL, Yost HJ., Annu Rev Genet. January 1, 2003; 37 461-84.

Human organic anion transporter 3 (hOAT3) can operate as an exchanger and mediate secretory urate flux., Bakhiya A, Bahn A, Burckhardt G, Wolff N., Cell Physiol Biochem. January 1, 2003; 13 (5): 249-56.

High throughput electrophysiology using a fully automated, multiplexed recording system., Trumbull JD, Maslana ES, McKenna DG, Nemcek TA, Niforatos W, Pan JY, Parihar AS, Shieh CC, Wilkins JA, Briggs CA, Bertrand D., Recept Channels. January 1, 2003; 9 (1): 19-28.

Hyaluronan synthases in normal and regenerating joint cartilage., Mrosek E, Erggelet C, McDonald JA, Kurz H., Cells Tissues Organs. January 1, 2003; 173 (2): 93-104.

How the community effect orchestrates muscle differentiation., Buckingham M., Bioessays. January 1, 2003; 25 (1): 13-6.

Human mitochondrial transcription factor B1 methylates ribosomal RNA at a conserved stem-loop., Seidel-Rogol BL, McCulloch V, Shadel GS., Nat Genet. January 1, 2003; 33 (1): 23-4.

Heterologous expression of ion channels., Tapper AR, George AL., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2003; 217 285-94.

Human MI-ER1 alpha and beta function as transcriptional repressors by recruitment of histone deacetylase 1 to their conserved ELM2 domain., Ding Z, Gillespie LL, Paterno GD., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 2003; 23 (1): 250-8.

hTPX2 is required for normal spindle morphology and centrosome integrity during vertebrate cell division., Garrett S, Auer K, Compton DA, Kapoor TM., Curr Biol. December 10, 2002; 12 (23): 2055-9.

Heteromultimerization modulates P2X receptor functions through participating extracellular and C-terminal subdomains., Koshimizu TA, Ueno S, Tanoue A, Yanagihara N, Stojilkovic SS, Tsujimoto G., J Biol Chem. December 6, 2002; 277 (49): 46891-9.

Hypotonic treatment evokes biphasic ATP release across the basolateral membrane of cultured renal epithelia (A6)., Jans D, Srinivas SP, Waelkens E, Segal A, Larivière E, Simaels J, Van Driessche W., J Physiol. December 1, 2002; 545 (2): 543-55.

Hephaestus encodes a polypyrimidine tract binding protein that regulates Notch signalling during wing development in Drosophila melanogaster., Dansereau DA, Lunke MD, Finkielsztein A, Russell MA, Brook WJ., Development. December 1, 2002; 129 (24): 5553-66.

High-avidity, low-affinity multivalent interactions and the block to polyspermy in Xenopus laevis., Arranz-Plaza E, Tracy AS, Siriwardena A, Pierce JM, Boons GJ., J Am Chem Soc. November 6, 2002; 124 (44): 13035-46.

Hoxc-8 expression shows left-right asymmetry in the posterior lateral plate mesoderm., Thickett C, Morgan R., Gene Expr Patterns. November 1, 2002; 2 (1-2): 5-6.   

How a highly complex three-dimensional network of blood vessels regresses: the gill blood vascular system of tadpoles of Xenopus during metamorphosis. A SEM study on microvascular corrosion casts., Minnich B, Bartel H, Lametschwandtner A., Microvasc Res. November 1, 2002; 64 (3): 425-37.

Hopeful monsters and morphogens at the beach., Niswander L, Anderson KV., Nat Cell Biol. November 1, 2002; 4 (11): E259-62.

Hydrolyzable ATP and PIP(2) modulate the small-conductance K+ channel in apical membranes of rat cortical-collecting duct (CCD)., Lu M, Hebert SC, Giebisch G., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2002; 120 (5): 603-15.   

hSWI/SNF-catalyzed nucleosome sliding does not occur solely via a twist-diffusion mechanism., Aoyagi S, Hayes JJ., Mol Cell Biol. November 1, 2002; 22 (21): 7484-90.

Human pEg3 kinase associates with and phosphorylates CDC25B phosphatase: a potential role for pEg3 in cell cycle regulation., Davezac N, Baldin V, Blot J, Ducommun B, Tassan JP., Oncogene. October 31, 2002; 21 (50): 7630-41.

Human Mcm proteins at a replication origin during the G1 to S phase transition., Schaarschmidt D, Ladenburger EM, Keller C, Knippers R., Nucleic Acids Res. October 1, 2002; 30 (19): 4176-85.

Having it both ways: transcription factors that bind DNA and RNA., Cassiday LA, Maher LJ., Nucleic Acids Res. October 1, 2002; 30 (19): 4118-26.

Hop is an unusual homeobox gene that modulates cardiac development., Chen F, Kook H, Milewski R, Gitler AD, Lu MM, Li J, Nazarian R, Schnepp R, Jen K, Biben C, Runke G, Mackay JP, Novotny J, Schwartz RJ, Harvey RP, Mullins MC, Epstein JA., Cell. September 20, 2002; 110 (6): 713-23.

Human cardiac inwardly-rectifying K+ channel Kir(2.1b) is inhibited by direct protein kinase C-dependent regulation in human isolated cardiomyocytes and in an expression system., Karle CA, Zitron E, Zhang W, Wendt-Nordahl G, Kathöfer S, Thomas D, Gut B, Scholz E, Vahl CF, Katus HA, Kiehn J., Circulation. September 17, 2002; 106 (12): 1493-9.

Human TPX2 is required for targeting Aurora-A kinase to the spindle., Kufer TA, Silljé HH, Körner R, Gruss OJ, Meraldi P, Nigg EA., J Cell Biol. August 19, 2002; 158 (4): 617-23.   

Heat-evoked activation of the ion channel, TRPV4., Güler AD, Lee H, Iida T, Shimizu I, Tominaga M, Caterina M., J Neurosci. August 1, 2002; 22 (15): 6408-14.

Hormonally regulated alpha(4)beta(2)delta GABA(A) receptors are a target for alcohol., Sundstrom-Poromaa I, Smith DH, Gong QH, Sabado TN, Li X, Light A, Wiedmann M, Williams K, Smith SS., Nat Neurosci. August 1, 2002; 5 (8): 721-2.

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