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Genomics, phylogeny and in silico analysis of mitochondrial glutathione S-transferase-kappa from the camel Camelus dromedarius., Ataya FS, Al-Jafari AA, Daoud MS, Al-Hazzani AA, Shehata AI, Saeed HM, Fouad D., Res Vet Sci. August 1, 2014; 97 (1): 46-54.

Gene regulatory networks governing lung specification., Rankin SA, Zorn AM., J Cell Biochem. August 1, 2014; 115 (8): 1343-50.

Gene expression and localization of two types of AQP5 in Xenopus tropicalis under hydration and dehydration., Shibata Y, Sano T, Tsuchiya N, Okada R, Mochida H, Tanaka S, Suzuki M., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. July 1, 2014; 307 (1): R44-56.

Glutamate transporter control of ambient glutamate levels., Sun W, Shchepakin D, Kalachev LV, Kavanaugh MP., Neurochem Int. July 1, 2014; 73 146-51.

Gain-of-function mutation in TASK-4 channels and severe cardiac conduction disorder., Friedrich C, Rinné S, Zumhagen S, Kiper AK, Silbernagel N, Netter MF, Stallmeyer B, Schulze-Bahr E, Decher N., EMBO Mol Med. July 1, 2014; 6 (7): 937-51.   

Gymnemic acids inhibit sodium-dependent glucose transporter 1., Wang Y, Dawid C, Kottra G, Daniel H, Hofmann T., J Agric Food Chem. June 25, 2014; 62 (25): 5925-31.

Gonad RNA-specific qRT-PCR analyses identify genes with potential functions in schistosome reproduction such as SmFz1 and SmFGFRs., Hahnel S, Quack T, Parker-Manuel SJ, Lu Z, Vanderstraete M, Morel M, Dissous C, Cailliau K, Grevelding CG., Front Genet. June 10, 2014; 5 170.   

GEF-H1 functions in apical constriction and cell intercalations and is essential for vertebrate neural tube closure., Itoh K, Ossipova O, Sokol SY., J Cell Sci. June 1, 2014; 127 (Pt 11): 2542-53.   

Genistein as antiviral drug against HIV ion channel., Sauter D, Schwarz S, Wang K, Zhang R, Sun B, Schwarz W., Planta Med. June 1, 2014; 80 (8-9): 682-7.

Genome-wide expression profile of the response to spinal cord injury in Xenopus laevis reveals extensive differences between regenerative and non-regenerative stages., Lee-Liu D, Moreno M, Almonacid LI, Tapia VS, Muñoz R, von Marées J, Gaete M, Melo F, Larraín J., Neural Dev. May 22, 2014; 9 12.   

Genetically encoding a light switch in an ionotropic glutamate receptor reveals subunit-specific interfaces., Zhu S, Riou M, Yao CA, Carvalho S, Rodriguez PC, Bensaude O, Paoletti P, Ye S., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 22, 2014; 111 (16): 6081-6.   

GABA(A) receptor modulation by terpenoids from Sideritis extracts., Kessler A, Sahin-Nadeem H, Lummis SC, Weigel I, Pischetsrieder M, Buettner A, Villmann C., Mol Nutr Food Res. April 1, 2014; 58 (4): 851-62.   

GRIN2A mutation and early-onset epileptic encephalopathy: personalized therapy with memantine., Pierson TM, Yuan H, Marsh ED, Fuentes-Fajardo K, Adams DR, Markello T, Golas G, Simeonov DR, Holloman C, Tankovic A, Karamchandani MM, Schreiber JM, Mullikin JC, PhD for the NISC Comparative Sequencing Program, Tifft CJ, Toro C, Boerkoel CF, Traynelis SF, Gahl WA., Ann Clin Transl Neurol. March 1, 2014; 1 (3): 190-198.   

Generation of recombinant antibodies to rat GABAA receptor subunits by affinity selection on synthetic peptides., Koduvayur SP, Gussin HA, Parthasarathy R, Hao Z, Kay BK, Pepperberg DR., PLoS One. February 19, 2014; 9 (2): e87964.   

GABA(A) receptor transmembrane amino acids are critical for alcohol action: disulfide cross-linking and alkyl methanethiosulfonate labeling reveal relative location of binding sites., Borghese CM, Hicks JA, Lapid DJ, Trudell JR, Harris RA., J Neurochem. February 1, 2014; 128 (3): 363-75.

Gli protein activity is controlled by multisite phosphorylation in vertebrate Hedgehog signaling., Niewiadomski P, Kong JH, Ahrends R, Ma Y, Humke EW, Khan S, Teruel MN, Novitch BG, Rohatgi R., Cell Rep. January 16, 2014; 6 (1): 168-81.

Gender-related sensitivity of development and growth to real microgravity in Xenopus laevis., Horn ER, Gabriel M., J Exp Zool A Ecol Genet Physiol. January 1, 2014; 321 (1): 1-12.

GRIN2B mutations in West syndrome and intellectual disability with focal epilepsy., Lemke JR, Hendrickx R, Geider K, Laube B, Schwake M, Harvey RJ, James VM, Pepler A, Steiner I, Hörtnagel K, Neidhardt J, Ruf S, Wolff M, Bartholdi D, Caraballo R, Platzer K, Suls A, De Jonghe P, Biskup S, Weckhuysen S., Ann Neurol. January 1, 2014; 75 (1): 147-54.   

Gene targeting technologies in rats: Zinc finger nucleases, transcription activator-like effector nucleases, and clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats., Mashimo T., Dev Growth Differ. January 1, 2014; 56 (1): 46-52.

Glycogen-supplemented mitotic cytosol for analyzing Xenopus egg microtubule organization., Groen AC, Ngyuen PA, Field CM, Ishihara K, Mitchison TJ., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2014; 540 417-33.

Glimpse into Hox and tale regulation of cell differentiation and reprogramming., Cerdá-Esteban N, Spagnoli FM., Dev Dyn. January 1, 2014; 243 (1): 76-87.   

G-protein-coupled receptor cell signaling pathways mediating embryonic chick retinal growth cone collapse induced by lysophosphatidic acid and sphingosine-1-phosphate., Fincher J, Whiteneck C, Birgbauer E., Dev Neurosci. January 1, 2014; 36 (6): 443-53.

G protein-coupled receptor signaling to Kir channels in Xenopus oocytes., Hatcher-Solis C, Fribourg M, Spyridaki K, Younkin J, Ellaithy A, Xiang G, Liapakis G, Gonzalez-Maeso J, Zhang H, Cui M, Logothetis DE., Curr Pharm Biotechnol. January 1, 2014; 15 (10): 987-95.

Generation of endo-siRNAs in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Alnumeir S, Werner A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2014; 1173 27-32.

GABAA receptors containing ρ1 subunits contribute to in vivo effects of ethanol in mice., Blednov YA, Benavidez JM, Black M, Leiter CR, Osterndorff-Kahanek E, Johnson D, Borghese CM, Hanrahan JR, Johnston GA, Chebib M, Harris RA., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (1): e85525.   

G protein-gated inwardly rectifying potassium (KIR3) channels play a primary role in the antinociceptive effect of oxycodone, but not morphine, at supraspinal sites., Nakamura A, Fujita M, Ono H, Hongo Y, Kanbara T, Ogawa K, Morioka Y, Nishiyori A, Shibasaki M, Mori T, Suzuki T, Sakaguchi G, Kato A, Hasegawa M., Br J Pharmacol. January 1, 2014; 171 (1): 253-64.

Growth cone-specific functions of XMAP215 in restricting microtubule dynamics and promoting axonal outgrowth., Lowery LA, Stout A, Faris AE, Ding L, Baird MA, Davidson MW, Danuser G, Van Vactor D., Neural Dev. December 1, 2013; 8 22.   

G17-modified hammerhead ribozymes are active in vitro and in vivo., Kalweit A, Hammann C., RNA. December 1, 2013; 19 (12): 1595-604.

Gamma subunit second transmembrane domain contributes to epithelial sodium channel gating and amiloride block., Shi S, Kleyman TR., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. December 1, 2013; 305 (11): F1585-92.

Gloeobacter rhodopsin, limitation of proton pumping at high electrochemical load., Vogt A, Wietek J, Hegemann P., Biophys J. November 5, 2013; 105 (9): 2055-63.

Greatwall is essential to prevent mitotic collapse after nuclear envelope breakdown in mammals., Álvarez-Fernández M, Sánchez-Martínez R, Sanz-Castillo B, Gan PP, Sanz-Flores M, Trakala M, Ruiz-Torres M, Lorca T, Castro A, Malumbres M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 22, 2013; 110 (43): 17374-9.

Glycolytic metabolites are critical modulators of oocyte maturation and viability., Berger L, Wilde A., PLoS One. October 8, 2013; 8 (10): e77612.   

Gene methylation in gastric cancer., Qu Y, Dang S, Hou P., Clin Chim Acta. September 23, 2013; 424 53-65.

GREM1, FRZB and DKK1 mRNA levels correlate with osteoarthritis and are regulated by osteoarthritis-associated factors., Leijten JC, Bos SD, Landman EB, Georgi N, Jahr H, Meulenbelt I, Post JN, van Blitterswijk CA, Karperien M., Arthritis Res Ther. September 19, 2013; 15 (5): R126.   

Glutathione transport: a new role for PfCRT in chloroquine resistance., Patzewitz EM, Salcedo-Sora JE, Wong EH, Sethia S, Stocks PA, Maughan SC, Murray JA, Krishna S, Bray PG, Ward SA, Müller S., Antioxid Redox Signal. September 1, 2013; 19 (7): 683-95.

Gene expression responses for detecting sublethal effects of xenobiotics and whole effluents on a Xenopus laevis embryo assay., San Segundo L, Martini F, Pablos MV., Environ Toxicol Chem. September 1, 2013; 32 (9): 2018-25.

GABAA receptor modulation by piperine and a non-TRPV1 activating derivative., Khom S, Strommer B, Schöffmann A, Hintersteiner J, Baburin I, Erker T, Schwarz T, Schwarzer C, Zaugg J, Hamburger M, Hering S., Biochem Pharmacol. June 15, 2013; 85 (12): 1827-36.   

Germline Transgenic Methods for Tracking Cells and Testing Gene Function during Regeneration in the Axolotl., Khattak S, Schuez M, Richter T, Knapp D, Haigo SL, Sandoval-Guzmán T, Hradlikova K, Duemmler A, Kerney R, Tanaka EM., Stem Cell Reports. June 4, 2013; 1 (1): 90-103.   

Generation of gene disruptions by transcription activator-like effector nucleases (TALENs) in Xenopus tropicalis embryos., Lei Y, Guo X, Deng Y, Chen Y, Zhao H., Cell Biosci. May 10, 2013; 3 (1): 21.   

Generation and validation of a zebrafish model of EAST (epilepsy, ataxia, sensorineural deafness and tubulopathy) syndrome., Mahmood F, Mozere M, Zdebik AA, Stanescu HC, Tobin J, Beales PL, Kleta R, Bockenhauer D, Russell C., Dis Model Mech. May 1, 2013; 6 (3): 652-60.   

Ginsenoside Rg₃ regulates GABAA receptor channel activity: involvement of interaction with the γ₂ subunit., Lee BH, Kim HJ, Chung L, Nah SY., Eur J Pharmacol. April 5, 2013; 705 (1-3): 119-25.

Gout-causing Q141K mutation in ABCG2 leads to instability of the nucleotide-binding domain and can be corrected with small molecules., Woodward OM, Tukaye DN, Cui J, Greenwell P, Constantoulakis LM, Parker BS, Rao A, Köttgen M, Maloney PC, Guggino WB., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 26, 2013; 110 (13): 5223-8.

Gating transitions in the palm domain of ASIC1a., Della Vecchia MC, Rued AC, Carattino MD., J Biol Chem. February 22, 2013; 288 (8): 5487-95.

Gintonin, a ginseng-derived lysophosphatidic acid receptor ligand, potentiates ATP-gated P2X₁ receptor channel currents., Choi SH, Kim HJ, Kim BR, Shin TJ, Hwang SH, Lee BH, Lee SM, Rhim H, Nah SY., Mol Cells. February 1, 2013; 35 (2): 142-50.

GPI-anchored carbonic anhydrase IV displays both intra- and extracellular activity in cRNA-injected oocytes and in mouse neurons., Schneider HP, Alt MD, Klier M, Spiess A, Andes FT, Waheed A, Sly WS, Becker HM, Deitmer JW., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. January 22, 2013; 110 (4): 1494-9.   

Gain-of-function variant of the human epithelial sodium channel., Chen J, Kleyman TR, Sheng S., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. January 15, 2013; 304 (2): F207-13.

Generation of transgenic X. laevis models of retinal degeneration., Tam BM, Lai CC, Zong Z, Moritz OL., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2013; 935 113-25.

Genome wide analysis of Silurana (Xenopus) tropicalis development reveals dynamic expression using network enrichment analysis., Langlois VS, Martyniuk CJ., Mech Dev. January 1, 2013; 130 (4-5): 304-22.

Global hyper-synchronous spontaneous activity in the developing optic tectum., Imaizumi K, Shih JY, Farris HE., Sci Rep. January 1, 2013; 3 1552.   

Genomic dynamics of transposable elements in the western clawed frog (Silurana tropicalis)., Shen JJ, Dushoff J, Bewick AJ, Chain FJ, Evans BJ., Genome Biol Evol. January 1, 2013; 5 (5): 998-1009.   

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