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Modelling the swelling assay for aquaporin expression., Pickard WF., J Math Biol. December 1, 2008; 57 (6): 883-903.

Molecular studies of BKCa channels in intracranial arteries: presence and localization., Wulf H, Hay-Schmidt A, Poulsen AN, Klaerke DA, Olesen J, Jansen-Olesen I., Cell Tissue Res. December 1, 2008; 334 (3): 359-69.

MAP20, a microtubule-associated protein in the secondary cell walls of hybrid aspen, is a target of the cellulose synthesis inhibitor 2,6-dichlorobenzonitrile., Rajangam AS, Kumar M, Aspeborg H, Guerriero G, Arvestad L, Pansri P, Brown CJ, Hober S, Blomqvist K, Divne C, Ezcurra I, Mellerowicz E, Sundberg B, Bulone V, Teeri TT., Plant Physiol. November 1, 2008; 148 (3): 1283-94.

Measuring ion transport activities in Xenopus oocytes using the ion-trap technique., Blanchard MG, Longpré JP, Wallendorff B, Lapointe JY., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. November 1, 2008; 295 (5): C1464-72.

mu-Opioid receptor forms a functional heterodimer with cannabinoid CB1 receptor: electrophysiological and FRET assay analysis., Hojo M, Sudo Y, Ando Y, Minami K, Takada M, Matsubara T, Kanaide M, Taniyama K, Sumikawa K, Uezono Y., J Pharmacol Sci. November 1, 2008; 108 (3): 308-19.

Molecular determinants of hERG channel block by terfenadine and cisapride., Kamiya K, Niwa R, Morishima M, Honjo H, Sanguinetti MC., J Pharmacol Sci. November 1, 2008; 108 (3): 301-7.

Mutagenesis is elevated in male germ cells obtained from DNA polymerase-beta heterozygous mice., Allen D, Herbert DC, McMahan CA, Rotrekl V, Sobol RW, Wilson SH, Walter CA., Biol Reprod. November 1, 2008; 79 (5): 824-31.

MMTS, a new subfamily of Tc1-like transposons., Ahn SJ, Kim MS, Jang JH, Lim SU, Lee HH., Mol Cells. October 31, 2008; 26 (4): 387-95.

Modulation of potassium channel function confers a hyperproliferative invasive phenotype on embryonic stem cells., Morokuma J, Blackiston D, Adams DS, Seebohm G, Trimmer B, Levin M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 28, 2008; 105 (43): 16608-13.   

Meiotic inactivation of Xenopus Myt1 by CDK/XRINGO, but not CDK/cyclin, via site-specific phosphorylation., Ruiz EJ, Hunt T, Nebreda AR., Mol Cell. October 24, 2008; 32 (2): 210-20.

Mouse early oocytes are transiently polar: three-dimensional and ultrastructural analysis., Kloc M, Jaglarz M, Dougherty M, Stewart MD, Nel-Themaat L, Bilinski S., Exp Cell Res. October 15, 2008; 314 (17): 3245-54.

Mitosis: new roles for myosin-X and actin at the spindle., Wühr M, Mitchison TJ, Field CM., Curr Biol. October 14, 2008; 18 (19): R912-4.

Making patch-pipettes and sharp electrodes with a programmable puller., Brown AL, Johnson BE, Goodman MB., J Vis Exp. October 8, 2008; (20):

Molecular determinants of Xolloid action in vivo., Geach TJ, Dale L., J Biol Chem. October 3, 2008; 283 (40): 27057-63.   

Molecular identification and functional characterization of the kisspeptin/kisspeptin receptor system in lower vertebrates., Biran J, Ben-Dor S, Levavi-Sivan B., Biol Reprod. October 1, 2008; 79 (4): 776-86.

Molecular identity and functional properties of a novel T-type Ca2+ channel cloned from the sensory epithelia of the mouse inner ear., Nie L, Zhu J, Gratton MA, Liao A, Mu KJ, Nonner W, Richardson GP, Yamoah EN., J Neurophysiol. October 1, 2008; 100 (4): 2287-99.

Maternal Tgif1 regulates nodal gene expression in Xenopus., Kerr TC, Cuykendall TN, Luettjohann LC, Houston DW., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2008; 237 (10): 2862-73.   

Mutation of the zebrafish nucleoporin elys sensitizes tissue progenitors to replication stress., Davuluri G, Gong W, Yusuff S, Lorent K, Muthumani M, Dolan AC, Pack M., PLoS Genet. October 1, 2008; 4 (10): e1000240.   

Menthol derivative WS-12 selectively activates transient receptor potential melastatin-8 (TRPM8) ion channels., Ma S, G G, Ak VE, Jf D, H H., Pak J Pharm Sci. October 1, 2008; 21 (4): 370-8.

Modeling Ca2+ feedback on a single inositol 1,4,5-trisphosphate receptor and its modulation by Ca2+ buffers., Shuai J, Pearson JE, Parker I., Biophys J. October 1, 2008; 95 (8): 3738-52.

Molecular engineering of conotoxins: the importance of loop size to alpha-conotoxin structure and function., Jin AH, Daly NL, Nevin ST, Wang CI, Dutertre S, Lewis RJ, Adams DJ, Craik DJ, Alewood PF., J Med Chem. September 25, 2008; 51 (18): 5575-84.

Mechanism of replication-coupled DNA interstrand crosslink repair., Räschle M, Knipscheer P, Knipsheer P, Enoiu M, Angelov T, Sun J, Griffith JD, Ellenberger TE, Schärer OD, Walter JC., Cell. September 19, 2008; 134 (6): 969-80.   

Methanandamide allosterically inhibits in vivo the function of peripheral nicotinic acetylcholine receptors containing the alpha 7-subunit., Baranowska U, Göthert M, Rudz R, Malinowska B., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. September 1, 2008; 326 (3): 912-9.

Mechanisms by which atrial fibrillation-associated mutations in the S1 domain of KCNQ1 slow deactivation of IKs channels., Restier L, Cheng L, Sanguinetti MC., J Physiol. September 1, 2008; 586 (17): 4179-91.

Metamorphosis-induced changes in the coupling of spinal thoraco-lumbar motor outputs during swimming in Xenopus laevis., Beyeler A, Metais C, Combes D, Simmers J, Le Ray D., J Neurophysiol. September 1, 2008; 100 (3): 1372-83.

Maize plasma membrane aquaporins belonging to the PIP1 and PIP2 subgroups are in vivo phosphorylated., Van Wilder V, Miecielica U, Degand H, Derua R, Waelkens E, Chaumont F., Plant Cell Physiol. September 1, 2008; 49 (9): 1364-77.

Multiple kinesin motors coordinate cytoplasmic RNA transport on a subpopulation of microtubules in Xenopus oocytes., Messitt TJ, Gagnon JA, Kreiling JA, Pratt CA, Yoon YJ, Mowry KL., Dev Cell. September 1, 2008; 15 (3): 426-436.   

Mutation of the Arabidopsis NRT1.5 nitrate transporter causes defective root-to-shoot nitrate transport., Lin SH, Kuo HF, Canivenc G, Lin CS, Lepetit M, Hsu PK, Tillard P, Lin HL, Wang YY, Tsai CB, Gojon A, Tsay YF., Plant Cell. September 1, 2008; 20 (9): 2514-28.

Mutations of nonconserved residues within the calcium channel alpha1-interaction domain inhibit beta-subunit potentiation., Gonzalez-Gutierrez G, Miranda-Laferte E, Naranjo D, Hidalgo P, Neely A., J Gen Physiol. September 1, 2008; 132 (3): 383-95.   

Molecular functions of the histone acetyltransferase chaperone complex Rtt109-Vps75., Berndsen CE, Tsubota T, Lindner SE, Lee S, Holton JM, Kaufman PD, Keck JL, Denu JM., Nat Struct Mol Biol. September 1, 2008; 15 (9): 948-56.   

Menthol shares general anesthetic activity and sites of action on the GABA(A) receptor with the intravenous agent, propofol., Watt EE, Betts BA, Kotey FO, Humbert DJ, Griffith TN, Kelly EW, Veneskey KC, Gill N, Rowan KC, Jenkins A, Hall AC., Eur J Pharmacol. August 20, 2008; 590 (1-3): 120-6.

Mtap2 is a constituent of the protein network that regulates twik-related K+ channel expression and trafficking., Sandoz G, Tardy MP, Thümmler S, Feliciangeli S, Lazdunski M, Lesage F., J Neurosci. August 20, 2008; 28 (34): 8545-52.

Mix.1/2-dependent control of FGF availability during gastrulation is essential for pronephros development in Xenopus., Colas A, Cartry J, Buisson I, Umbhauer M, Smith JC, Riou JF., Dev Biol. August 15, 2008; 320 (2): 351-65.   

MicroRNA miR-124 regulates neurite outgrowth during neuronal differentiation., Yu JY, Chung KH, Deo M, Thompson RC, Turner DL., Exp Cell Res. August 15, 2008; 314 (14): 2618-33.

Methylation of Xilf3 by Xprmt1b alters its DNA, but not RNA, binding activity., Cazanove O, Batut J, Scarlett G, Mumford K, Elgar S, Thresh S, Neant I, Moreau M, Guille M., Biochemistry. August 12, 2008; 47 (32): 8350-7.

Microtubule cross-linking triggers the directional motility of kinesin-5., Kapitein LC, Kwok BH, Weinger JS, Schmidt CF, Kapoor TM, Peterman EJ., J Cell Biol. August 11, 2008; 182 (3): 421-8.   

Microtransplantation of neurotransmitter receptors from postmortem autistic brains to Xenopus oocytes., Limon A, Reyes-Ruiz JM, Miledi R., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 5, 2008; 105 (31): 10973-7.

Mos 3' UTR regulatory differences underlie species-specific temporal patterns of Mos mRNA cytoplasmic polyadenylation and translational recruitment during oocyte maturation., Prasad CK, Mahadevan M, MacNicol MC, MacNicol AM., Mol Reprod Dev. August 1, 2008; 75 (8): 1258-68.

More gating charges are needed to open a Shaker K+ channel than are needed to open an rBIIA Na+ channel., Gamal El-Din TM, Grögler D, Lehmann C, Heldstab H, Greeff NG., Biophys J. August 1, 2008; 95 (3): 1165-75.

Mutations in GDF6 are associated with vertebral segmentation defects in Klippel-Feil syndrome., Tassabehji M, Fang ZM, Hilton EN, McGaughran J, Zhao Z, de Bock CE, Howard E, Malass M, Donnai D, Diwan A, Manson FD, Murrell D, Clarke RA., Hum Mutat. August 1, 2008; 29 (8): 1017-27.

Morantel allosterically enhances channel gating of neuronal nicotinic acetylcholine alpha 3 beta 2 receptors., Wu TY, Smith CM, Sine SM, Levandoski MM., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2008; 74 (2): 466-75.

Mechanism of urinary calcium regulation by urinary magnesium and pH., Bonny O, Rubin A, Huang CL, Frawley WH, Pak CY, Moe OW., J Am Soc Nephrol. August 1, 2008; 19 (8): 1530-7.

Mouse Ae1 E699Q mediates SO42-i/anion-o exchange with [SO42-]i-dependent reversal of wild-type pHo sensitivity., Chernova MN, Stewart AK, Barry PN, Jennings ML, Alper SL., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. August 1, 2008; 295 (2): C302-12.

Minor-class splicing occurs in the nucleus of the Xenopus oocyte., Friend K, Kolev NG, Shu MD, Steitz JA., RNA. August 1, 2008; 14 (8): 1459-62.

Maternally inherited Birk Barel mental retardation dysmorphism syndrome caused by a mutation in the genomically imprinted potassium channel KCNK9., Barel O, Shalev SA, Ofir R, Cohen A, Zlotogora J, Shorer Z, Mazor G, Finer G, Khateeb S, Zilberberg N, Birk OS., Am J Hum Genet. August 1, 2008; 83 (2): 193-9.

Malectin: a novel carbohydrate-binding protein of the endoplasmic reticulum and a candidate player in the early steps of protein N-glycosylation., Schallus T, Jaeckh C, Fehér K, Palma AS, Liu Y, Simpson JC, Mackeen M, Stier G, Gibson TJ, Feizi T, Pieler T, Muhle-Goll C., Mol Biol Cell. August 1, 2008; 19 (8): 3404-14.   

MCM9 binds Cdt1 and is required for the assembly of prereplication complexes., Lutzmann M, Méchali M., Mol Cell. July 25, 2008; 31 (2): 190-200.

Mre11-Rad50-Nbs1-dependent processing of DNA breaks generates oligonucleotides that stimulate ATM activity., Jazayeri A, Balestrini A, Garner E, Haber JE, Costanzo V., EMBO J. July 23, 2008; 27 (14): 1953-62.   

Major histocompatibility complex based resistance to a common bacterial pathogen of amphibians., Barribeau SM, Villinger J, Waldman B., PLoS One. July 16, 2008; 3 (7): e2692.   

Myosin-10 and actin filaments are essential for mitotic spindle function., Woolner S, O'Brien LL, Wiese C, Bement WM., J Cell Biol. July 14, 2008; 182 (1): 77-88.   

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