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Role of the LIM class homeodomain protein Xlim-1 in neural and muscle induction by the Spemann organizer in Xenopus., Taira M, Otani H, Saint-Jeannet JP, Dawid IB., Nature. December 15, 1994; 372 (6507): 677-9.

Requirement for intron-encoded U22 small nucleolar RNA in 18S ribosomal RNA maturation., Tycowski KT, Shu MD, Steitz JA., Science. December 2, 1994; 266 (5190): 1558-61.

Replication fork barriers in the Xenopus rDNA., Wiesendanger B, Lucchini R, Koller T, Sogo JM., Nucleic Acids Res. November 25, 1994; 22 (23): 5038-46.

Relative contributions of the zinc fingers of transcription factor IIIA to the energetics of DNA binding., Clemens KR, Zhang P, Liao X, McBryant SJ, Wright PE, Gottesfeld JM., J Mol Biol. November 18, 1994; 244 (1): 23-35.

Recombinant polypeptides transplanted from pUMA vector-derived cRNAs are translocated through microsomal membranes and exported out of frog oocytes., Dommers S, Heinlein UA., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 15, 1994; 204 (3): 1346-51.

Reversal of rectification and alteration of selectivity and pharmacology in a mammalian Kv1.1 potassium channel by deletion of domains S1 to S4., Tytgat J, Vereecke J, Carmeliet E., J Physiol. November 15, 1994; 481 ( Pt 1) 7-13.

Relationships among ryanodine receptor isoforms expressed in vertebrate skeletal muscles based on immunologic cross-reactivities., Murayama T, Ogawa Y., J Biochem. November 1, 1994; 116 (5): 1117-22.

Resolution and conservation of mismatches in DNA end joining., Pfeiffer P, Thode S, Hancke J, Keohavong P, Thilly WG., Mutagenesis. November 1, 1994; 9 (6): 527-35.

Renal and small intestinal sodium-dependent symporters of phosphate and sulphate., Murer H, Markovich D, Biber J., J Exp Biol. November 1, 1994; 196 167-81.

Regulated expression of the beta-globin gene locus in synthetic nuclei., Barton MC, Emerson BM., Genes Dev. October 15, 1994; 8 (20): 2453-65.

Regulation of mitogen-activated protein kinase activation by protein kinases A and C in a cell-free system., VanRenterghem B, Browning MD, Maller JL., J Biol Chem. October 7, 1994; 269 (40): 24666-72.

RNA-protein interactions in the nuclei of Xenopus oocytes: complex formation and processing activity on the regulatory intron of ribosomal protein gene L1., Santoro B, De Gregorio E, Caffarelli E, Bozzoni I., Mol Cell Biol. October 1, 1994; 14 (10): 6975-82.

Recruitment of antigenic gamma-tubulin during mitosis in animal cells: presence of gamma-tubulin in the mitotic spindle., Lajoie-Mazenc I, Tollon Y, Detraves C, Julian M, Moisand A, Gueth-Hallonet C, Debec A, Salles-Passador I, Puget A, Mazarguil H., J Cell Sci. October 1, 1994; 107 ( Pt 10) 2825-37.

Repair of heteroduplex DNA in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Lehman CW, Jeong-Yu S, Trautman JK, Carroll D., Genetics. October 1, 1994; 138 (2): 459-70.

Regulation of gene expression by transcription factors Ets-1 and Ets-2., Tymms MJ, Kola I., Mol Reprod Dev. October 1, 1994; 39 (2): 208-14.

Reconstitution of the influenza virus M2 ion channel in lipid bilayers., Tosteson MT, Pinto LH, Holsinger LJ, Lamb RA., J Membr Biol. October 1, 1994; 142 (1): 117-26.

Regional expression of the Cwnt-4 gene in developing chick central nervous system in relationship to the diencephalic neuromere D2 and a dorsal domain of the spinal cord., Yoshioka H, Ohuchi H, Nohno T, Fujiwara A, Tanda N, Kawakami Y, Noji S., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 30, 1994; 203 (3): 1581-8.

Role of N-linked glycosylation in rat renal Na/Pi-cotransport., Hayes G, Busch A, Lötscher M, Waldegger S, Lang F, Verrey F, Biber J, Murer H., J Biol Chem. September 30, 1994; 269 (39): 24143-9.

Role of fibroblast growth factors as inducing agents in early embryonic development., Slack J., Mol Reprod Dev. September 1, 1994; 39 (1): 118-24; discussion 24-5.

Removal of eyes in early larval stages alters the response of the clawed toad, Xenopus laevis, to surface waves., Claas B., Physiol Behav. September 1, 1994; 56 (3): 423-8.

Regulation of ROMK1 K+ channel activity involves phosphorylation processes., McNicholas CM, Wang W, Ho K, Hebert SC, Giebisch G., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 16, 1994; 91 (17): 8077-81.

Receptor-mediated modulation of rat KV1.2 in Xenopus oocytes., Murakoshi H, Ishii K, Nunoki K, Taira N., Eur J Pharmacol. August 16, 1994; 268 (3): 451-4.

Resolving three types of chloride channels in demyelinated Xenopus axons., Wu JV, Shrager P., J Neurosci Res. August 15, 1994; 38 (6): 613-20.

Repression of transcriptional activity at a distance by the evolutionarily conserved KRAB domain present in a subfamily of zinc finger proteins., Pengue G, Calabrò V, Bartoli PC, Pagliuca A, Lania L., Nucleic Acids Res. August 11, 1994; 22 (15): 2908-14.

Role of variable beta-hairpin loop in determining biological specificities in neurotrophin family., Ilag LL, Lönnerberg P, Persson H, Ibáñez CF., J Biol Chem. August 5, 1994; 269 (31): 19941-6.

Remodeling sperm chromatin in Xenopus laevis egg extracts: the role of core histone phosphorylation and linker histone B4 in chromatin assembly., Dimitrov S, Dasso MC, Wolffe AP., J Cell Biol. August 1, 1994; 126 (3): 591-601.

Rapid isolation of nuclear transport-competent Xenopus nucleoplasmin produced in Escherichia coli strain BL21(DE3)., Kalinich JF, McClain DE., Protein Expr Purif. August 1, 1994; 5 (4): 324-30.

Ricin B chain fragments expressed in Escherichia coli are able to bind free galactose in contrast to the full length polypeptide., Wales R, Gorham HC, Hussain K, Roberts LM, Lord JM., Glycoconj J. August 1, 1994; 11 (4): 274-81.

Regulation of C-cadherin function during activin induced morphogenesis of Xenopus animal caps., Brieher WM, Gumbiner BM., J Cell Biol. July 1, 1994; 126 (2): 519-27.

Role of phosphorylation in desensitization of acetylcholine receptors expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Hoffman PW, Ravindran A, Huganir RL., J Neurosci. July 1, 1994; 14 (7): 4185-95.

Role of maturation-promoting factor (p34cdc2-cyclin B) in differential expression of the Xenopus oocyte and somatic-type 5S RNA genes., Wolf VJ, Dang T, Hartl P, Gottesfeld JM., Mol Cell Biol. July 1, 1994; 14 (7): 4704-11.

rDlx, a novel distal-less-like homeoprotein is expressed in developing cartilages and discrete neuronal tissues., Zhao GQ, Zhao S, Zhou X, Eberspaecher H, Solursh M, de Crombrugghe B., Dev Biol. July 1, 1994; 164 (1): 37-51.

Resistance-associated point mutations in insecticide-insensitive acetylcholinesterase., Mutero A, Pralavorio M, Bride JM, Fournier D., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 21, 1994; 91 (13): 5922-6.

Role of cytosolic Ca2+ in inhibition of InsP3-evoked Ca2+ release in Xenopus oocytes., Ilyin V, Parker I., J Physiol. June 15, 1994; 477 ( Pt 3) 503-9.

Reduced receptor aggregation and altered cytoskeleton in cultured myocytes after space-flight., Gruener R, Roberts R, Reitstetter R., Biol Sci Space. June 1, 1994; 8 (2): 79-93.

Role of histidine 95 on pH gating of the cardiac gap junction protein connexin43., Ek JF, Delmar M, Perzova R, Taffet SM., Circ Res. June 1, 1994; 74 (6): 1058-64.

Relationship among coelacanths, lungfishes, and tetrapods: a phylogenetic analysis based on mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase I gene sequences., Yokobori S, Hasegawa M, Ueda T, Okada N, Nishikawa K, Watanabe K., J Mol Evol. June 1, 1994; 38 (6): 602-9.

Remodeling of sperm chromatin induced in egg extracts of amphibians., Katagiri C, Ohsumi K., Int J Dev Biol. June 1, 1994; 38 (2): 209-16.

Radiotracer studies of cystic fibrosis transmembrane conductance regulator expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Ohrui T, Skach W, Thompson M, Matsumoto-Pon J, Calayag C, Widdicombe JH., Am J Physiol. June 1, 1994; 266 (6 Pt 1): C1586-93.

Regulation of Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent protein kinase II by inter- and intrasubunit-catalyzed autophosphorylations., Mukherji S, Soderling TR., J Biol Chem. May 13, 1994; 269 (19): 13744-7.

Retention and 5' cap trimethylation of U3 snRNA in the nucleus., Terns MP, Dahlberg JE., Science. May 13, 1994; 264 (5161): 959-61.

Roads to neuralness: embryonic neural induction as derepression of a default state., Green JB., Cell. May 6, 1994; 77 (3): 317-20.

Requirement for the MAP kinase kinase/MAP kinase cascade in Xenopus oocyte maturation., Kosako H, Gotoh Y, Nishida E., EMBO J. May 1, 1994; 13 (9): 2131-8.

Regulation of Shaker K+ channel inactivation gating by the cAMP-dependent protein kinase., Drain P, Dubin AE, Aldrich RW., Neuron. May 1, 1994; 12 (5): 1097-109.

Regulation of GABAA receptor function by protein kinase C phosphorylation., Krishek BJ, Xie X, Blackstone C, Huganir RL, Moss SJ, Smart TG., Neuron. May 1, 1994; 12 (5): 1081-95.

Rapid remodeling of retinal arbors in the tectum with and without blockade of synaptic transmission., O'Rourke NA, Cline HT, Fraser SE., Neuron. April 1, 1994; 12 (4): 921-34.

Retinoic acid gradients during limb regeneration., Scadding SR, Maden M., Dev Biol. April 1, 1994; 162 (2): 608-17.

Requirement of human renal water channel aquaporin-2 for vasopressin-dependent concentration of urine., Deen PM, Verdijk MA, Knoers NV, Wieringa B, Monnens LA, van Os CH, van Oost BA., Science. April 1, 1994; 264 (5155): 92-5.

Relation between intracellular Ca2+ signals and Ca(2+)-activated Cl- current in Xenopus oocytes., Parker I, Yao Y., Cell Calcium. April 1, 1994; 15 (4): 276-88.

ras-p21 activates phospholipase D and A2, but not phospholipase C or PKC, in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Carnero A, Dolfi F, Lacal JC., J Cell Biochem. April 1, 1994; 54 (4): 478-86.

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