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Stomach remodeling-associated changes of H+/K+-ATPase beta subunit expression in Xenopus laevis and H+/K+-ATPase-dependent acid secretion in tadpole stomach., Ikuzawa M, Yasumasu S, Kobayashi K, Inokuchi T, Iuchi I., J Exp Zool A Comp Exp Biol. December 1, 2004; 301 (12): 992-1002.

Sequences downstream of the bHLH domain of the Xenopus hairy-related transcription factor-1 act as an extended dimerization domain that contributes to the selection of the partners., Taelman V, Van Wayenbergh R, Sölter M, Pichon B, Pieler T, Christophe D, Bellefroid EJ., Dev Biol. December 1, 2004; 276 (1): 47-63.   

Six1 promotes a placodal fate within the lateral neurogenic ectoderm by functioning as both a transcriptional activator and repressor., Brugmann SA, Pandur PD, Kenyon KL, Pignoni F, Moody SA., Development. December 1, 2004; 131 (23): 5871-81.   

Spatio-temporal expression of a DAZ-like gene in the Japanese newt Cynops pyrrhogaster that has no germ plasm., Tamori Y, Iwai T, Mita K, Wakahara M., Dev Genes Evol. December 1, 2004; 214 (12): 615-27.

Stimulation of the EAAT4 glutamate transporter by SGK protein kinase isoforms and PKB., Böhmer C, Philippin M, Rajamanickam J, Mack A, Broer S, Palmada M, Lang F., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 26, 2004; 324 (4): 1242-8.

Symplekin and xGLD-2 are required for CPEB-mediated cytoplasmic polyadenylation., Barnard DC, Ryan K, Manley JL, Richter JD., Cell. November 24, 2004; 119 (5): 641-51.   

Structural mimicry in class A G protein-coupled receptor rotamer toggle switches: the importance of the F3.36(201)/W6.48(357) interaction in cannabinoid CB1 receptor activation., McAllister SD, Hurst DP, Barnett-Norris J, Lynch D, Reggio PH, Abood ME., J Biol Chem. November 12, 2004; 279 (46): 48024-37.

Structure of the precursor of Xenopus laevis endothelin-3 and phylogenetic analysis., Quan J, Takizawa S, Adur J, Nara E, Uchide T, Saida K., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. November 1, 2004; 44 Suppl 1 S260-4.

Sequence and functional conservation of the intergenic region between the head-to-head genes encoding the small heat shock proteins alphaB-crystallin and HspB2 in the mammalian lineage., Doerwald L, van Rheede T, Dirks RP, Madsen O, Rexwinkel R, van Genesen ST, Martens GJ, de Jong WW, Lubsen NH., J Mol Evol. November 1, 2004; 59 (5): 674-86.

Spatial and temporal expression patterns of Xenopus Nkx-2.3 gene in skin epidermis during metamorphosis., Ma CM., Gene Expr Patterns. November 1, 2004; 5 (1): 129-34.   

Structure-function relations of the first and fourth extracellular linkers of the type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter: II. Substrate interaction and voltage dependency of two functionally important sites., Ehnes C, Forster IC, Bacconi A, Kohler K, Biber J, Murer H., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2004; 124 (5): 489-503.   

Structure-function relations of the first and fourth predicted extracellular linkers of the type IIa Na+/Pi cotransporter: I. Cysteine scanning mutagenesis., Ehnes C, Forster IC, Kohler K, Bacconi A, Stange G, Biber J, Murer H., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2004; 124 (5): 475-88.   

Self-organization of vertebrate mesoderm based on simple boundary conditions., Green JB, Dominguez I, Davidson LA., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2004; 231 (3): 576-81.

Structural studies on a protein-binding zinc-finger domain of Eos reveal both similarities and differences to classical zinc fingers., Westman BJ, Perdomo J, Matthews JM, Crossley M, Mackay JP., Biochemistry. October 26, 2004; 43 (42): 13318-27.

Strategy for profiling and structure elucidation of mucin-type oligosaccharides by mass spectrometry., Zhang J, Lindsay LL, Hedrick JL, Lebrilla CB., Anal Chem. October 15, 2004; 76 (20): 5990-6001.

Syntaxin 1A regulation of weakly inactivating N-type Ca2+ channels., Hurley JH, Cahill AL, Wang M, Fox AP., J Physiol. October 15, 2004; 560 (Pt 2): 351-63.

Stable expression and characterisation of a human alpha 7 nicotinic subunit chimera: a tool for functional high-throughput screening., Craig PJ, Bose S, Zwart R, Beattie RE, Folly EA, Johnson LR, Bell E, Evans NM, Benedetti G, Pearson KH, McPhie GI, Volsen SG, Millar NS, Sher E, Broad LM., Eur J Pharmacol. October 11, 2004; 502 (1-2): 31-40.

Syndecan-dependent binding of Drosophila hemocytes to laminin alpha3/5 chain LG4-5 modules: potential role in sessile hemocyte islets formation., Narita R, Yamashita H, Goto A, Imai H, Ichihara S, Mori H, Kitagawa Y., FEBS Lett. October 8, 2004; 576 (1-2): 127-32.

SR proteins preferentially associate with mRNAs in the nucleus and facilitate their export to the cytoplasm., Masuyama K, Taniguchi I, Kataoka N, Ohno M., Genes Cells. October 1, 2004; 9 (10): 959-65.

Structure of the regulatory subunit of CK2 in the presence of a p21WAF1 peptide demonstrates flexibility of the acidic loop., Bertrand L, Sayed MF, Pei XY, Parisini E, Dhanaraj V, Bolanos-Garcia VM, Allende JE, Blundell TL., Acta Crystallogr D Biol Crystallogr. October 1, 2004; 60 (Pt 10): 1698-704.

SWI/SNF remodeling and p300-dependent transcription of histone variant H2ABbd nucleosomal arrays., Angelov D, Verdel A, An W, Bondarenko V, Hans F, Doyen CM, Studitsky VM, Hamiche A, Roeder RG, Bouvet P, Dimitrov S., EMBO J. October 1, 2004; 23 (19): 3815-24.

Stabilizing the closed S6 gate in the Shaker Kv channel through modification of a hydrophobic seal., Kitaguchi T, Sukhareva M, Swartz KJ., J Gen Physiol. October 1, 2004; 124 (4): 319-32.   

Selective block of the human 2-P domain potassium channel, TASK-3, and the native leak potassium current, IKSO, by zinc., Clarke CE, Veale EL, Green PJ, Meadows HJ, Mathie A., J Physiol. October 1, 2004; 560 (Pt 1): 51-62.

State-dependent trapping of flecainide in the cardiac sodium channel., Ramos E, O'leary ME., J Physiol. October 1, 2004; 560 (Pt 1): 37-49.

Stimulation of Xenopus P2Y1 receptor activates CFTR in A6 cells., Guerra L, Favia M, Fanelli T, Calamita G, Svetlo M, Bagorda A, Jacobson KA, Reshkin SJ, Casavola V., Pflugers Arch. October 1, 2004; 449 (1): 66-75.

Steering growth cones with a CaMKII/calcineurin switch., Wang F., Neuron. September 16, 2004; 43 (6): 760-2.

Specialized and redundant roles of TBP and a vertebrate-specific TBP paralog in embryonic gene regulation in Xenopus., Jallow Z, Jacobi UG, Weeks DL, Dawid IB, Veenstra GJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 14, 2004; 101 (37): 13525-30.

Sm proteins, the constituents of the spliceosome, are components of nuage and mitochondrial cement in Xenopus oocytes., Bilinski SM, Jaglarz MK, Szymanska B, Etkin LD, Kloc M., Exp Cell Res. September 10, 2004; 299 (1): 171-8.

Sef interacts with TAK1 and mediates JNK activation and apoptosis., Yang X, Kovalenko D, Nadeau RJ, Harkins LK, Mitchell J, Zubanova O, Chen PY, Friesel R., J Biol Chem. September 10, 2004; 279 (37): 38099-102.

Selective regulation of acid-sensing ion channel 1 by serine proteases., Poirot O, Vukicevic M, Boesch A, Kellenberger S., J Biol Chem. September 10, 2004; 279 (37): 38448-57.

Structural and functional interaction sites between Na,K-ATPase and FXYD proteins., Li C, Grosdidier A, Crambert G, Horisberger JD, Michielin O, Geering K., J Biol Chem. September 10, 2004; 279 (37): 38895-902.

Scc2 couples replication licensing to sister chromatid cohesion in Xenopus egg extracts., Gillespie PJ, Hirano T., Curr Biol. September 7, 2004; 14 (17): 1598-603.

Serum and glucocorticoid inducible kinases functionally regulate ClC-2 channels., Palmada M, Dieter M, Boehmer C, Waldegger S, Lang F., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 3, 2004; 321 (4): 1001-6.

Spectral triangulation molecular contrast optical coherence tomography with indocyanine green as the contrast agent., Yang C, McGuckin LE, Simon JD, Choma MA, Applegate BE, Izatt JA., Opt Lett. September 1, 2004; 29 (17): 2016-8.

SPECT and PET amino acid tracer influx via system L (h4F2hc-hLAT1) and its transstimulation., Lahoutte T, Caveliers V, Camargo SM, Franca R, Ramadan T, Veljkovic E, Mertens J, Bossuyt A, Verrey F., J Nucl Med. September 1, 2004; 45 (9): 1591-6.

Structural domains involved in substrate selectivity in two neutral amino acid transporters., Soragna A, Mari SA, Pisani R, Peres A, Castagna M, Sacchi VF, Bossi E., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2004; 287 (3): C754-61.

Steady-state detection of cholesterol contained in the plasma membrane of a single cell using lipid bilayer-modified microelectrodes incorporating cholesterol oxidase., Devadoss A, Burgess JD., J Am Chem Soc. August 25, 2004; 126 (33): 10214-5.

Short variable sequence acquired in evolution enables selective inhibition of various inward-rectifier K+ channels., Ramu Y, Klem AM, Lu Z., Biochemistry. August 24, 2004; 43 (33): 10701-9.

Structural basis for inhibition of the replication licensing factor Cdt1 by geminin., Hong B, Choi JM, Kim Y, Watanabe S, Ishimi Y, Enomoto T, Tada S, Kim Y, Cho Y., Nature. August 19, 2004; 430 (7002): 913-7.

Screening of FGF target genes in Xenopus by microarray: temporal dissection of the signalling pathway using a chemical inhibitor., Chung HA, Hyodo-Miura J, Kitayama A, Terasaka C, Nagamune T, Ueno N., Genes Cells. August 1, 2004; 9 (8): 749-61.   

Substrate specificity and transport mode of the proton-dependent amino acid transporter mPAT2., Foltz M, Oechsler C, Boll M, Kottra G, Daniel H., Eur J Biochem. August 1, 2004; 271 (16): 3340-7.

Stem cells: a lesson from dedifferentiation., Grafi G, Avivi Y., Trends Biotechnol. August 1, 2004; 22 (8): 388-9.

Structural determinants of HERG channel block by clofilium and ibutilide., Perry M, de Groot MJ, Helliwell R, Leishman D, Tristani-Firouzi M, Sanguinetti MC, Mitcheson J., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2004; 66 (2): 240-9.

Substrate specificity of Xenopus matrix metalloproteinase stromelysin-3., Amano T, Fu L, Sahu S, Markey M, Shi YB., Int J Mol Med. August 1, 2004; 14 (2): 233-9.

Specification of a DNA replication origin by a transcription complex., Danis E, Brodolin K, Menut S, Maiorano D, Girard-Reydet C, Méchali M., Nat Cell Biol. August 1, 2004; 6 (8): 721-30.

Synthesis, theoretical and structural analyses, and enantiopharmacology of 3-carboxy homologs of AMPA., Brehm L, Greenwood JR, Sløk FA, Holm MM, Nielsen B, Geneser U, Stensbøl TB, Bräuner-Osborne H, Begtrup M, Egebjerg J, Krogsgaard-Larsen P., Chirality. August 1, 2004; 16 (7): 452-66.

Slow actions of neuroactive steroids at GABAA receptors., Shu HJ, Eisenman LN, Jinadasa D, Covey DF, Zorumski CF, Mennerick S., J Neurosci. July 28, 2004; 24 (30): 6667-75.

SPOC: a widely distributed domain associated with cancer, apoptosis and transcription., Sánchez-Pulido L, Rojas AM, van Wely KH, Martinez-A C, Valencia A., BMC Bioinformatics. July 7, 2004; 5 91.   

Site-specific insertion of spin-labeled L-amino acids in Xenopus oocytes., Shafer AM, Kálai T, Bin Liu SQ, Hideg K, Voss JC., Biochemistry. July 6, 2004; 43 (26): 8470-82.

Sequential morphological changes of erythrocyte apoptosis in Xenopus larvae exposed to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD)., Sakamoto MK, Mima S, Kihara T, Tanimura T., Anat Rec A Discov Mol Cell Evol Biol. July 1, 2004; 279 (1): 652-63.

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