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Search Results

Expression of sf1 and dax-1 are regulated by thyroid hormones and androgens during Silurana tropicalis early development., Campbell DEK, Langlois VS., Gen Comp Endocrinol. April 1, 2018; 259 34-44.

Expression of LRRC8/VRAC Currents in Xenopus Oocytes: Advantages and Caveats., Gaitán-Peñas H, Pusch M, Estévez R., Int J Mol Sci. March 2, 2018; 19 (3):   

Effects of the antidepressant mirtazapine and zinc on nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Hernández-Abrego A, Vázquez-Gómez E, García-Colunga J., Neurosci Lett. February 5, 2018; 665 246-251.

Embryonic lethality is not sufficient to explain hourglass-like conservation of vertebrate embryos., Uchida Y, Uesaka M, Yamamoto T, Takeda H, Irie N., Evodevo. January 31, 2018; 9 7.   

Expression of Alternative Ago2 Isoform Associated with Loss of microRNA-Driven Translational Repression in Mouse Oocytes., Freimer JW, Krishnakumar R, Cook MS, Blelloch R., Curr Biol. January 22, 2018; 28 (2): 296-302.e3.   

EphA7 regulates claudin6 and pronephros development in Xenopus., Sun J, Wang X, Shi Y, Li J, Li C, Shi Z, Chen Y, Mao B., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. January 8, 2018; 495 (2): 1580-1587.   

EVI and MDS/EVI are required for adult intestinal stem cell formation during postembryonic vertebrate development., Okada M, Shi YB., FASEB J. January 1, 2018; 32 (1): 431-439.

Effect of isothiocyanates, BITC and PEITC, on stress protein accumulation, protein aggregation and aggresome-like structure formation in Xenopus A6 kidney epithelial cells., Khamis I, Heikkila JJ., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. January 1, 2018; 204 1-13.

Effect of imidacloprid on the survival of Xenopus tadpoles challenged with wild type frog virus 3., Hrynyk MA, Brunetti C, Kerr L, Metcalfe CD., Aquat Toxicol. January 1, 2018; 194 152-158.

Expression of the inactivating deiodinase, Deiodinase 3, in the pre-metamorphic tadpole retina., Le Blay K, Préau L, Morvan-Dubois G, Demeneix B., PLoS One. January 1, 2018; 13 (4): e0195374.   

Evaluation of Teratogenicity of Pharmaceuticals Using FETAX., Islas-Flores H, Pérez-Alvaréz I, Gómez-Oliván LM., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1797 299-307.

Evaluating Thyroid Disrupting Chemicals In Vivo Using Xenopus laevis., Mughal BB, Demeneix BA, Fini JB., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1801 183-192.

Expression and purification of a functional heteromeric GABAA receptor for structural studies., Claxton DP, Gouaux E., PLoS One. January 1, 2018; 13 (7): e0201210.   

Evaluating Blood Cell Populations in Xenopus Using Flow Cytometry and Differential Counts by Cytospin., Robert J, Edholm ES, De Jesus Andino F., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2018; 1865 265-273.

ELUCIDATING NUCLEAR SIZE CONTROL IN THE XENOPUS MODEL SYSTEM., Predrag J, Daniel LL., Vet Glas. January 1, 2018; 72 (1): 1-13.   

Electrophysiological Analysis of Voltage-Gated Ion Channel Modulation by General Anesthetics., Yang E, Zhi L, Liang Q, Covarrubias M., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2018; 602 339-368.

Expression patterns of zebrafish nocturnin genes and the transcriptional activity of the frog nocturnin promoter in zebrafish rod photoreceptors., Yang X, Fu J, Wei X., Mol Vis. December 30, 2017; 23 1039-1047.   

Evolution of ligands, receptors and metabolizing enzymes of thyroid signaling., Holzer G, Roux N, Laudet V., Mol Cell Endocrinol. December 25, 2017; 459 5-13.

Evolutionary Proteomics Uncovers Ancient Associations of Cilia with Signaling Pathways., Sigg MA, Menchen T, Lee C, Johnson J, Jungnickel MK, Choksi SP, Garcia G, Busengdal H, Dougherty GW, Pennekamp P, Werner C, Rentzsch F, Florman HM, Krogan N, Wallingford JB, Omran H, Reiter JF., Dev Cell. December 18, 2017; 43 (6): 744-762.e11.   

Evo-engineering and the cellular and molecular origins of the vertebrate spinal cord., Steventon B, Martinez Arias A., Dev Biol. December 1, 2017; 432 (1): 3-13.

Expression and functional proteomic analyses of osteocytes from Xenopus laevis tested under mechanical stress conditions: preliminary observations on an appropriate new animal model., Bertacchini J, Benincasa M, Checchi M, Cavani F, Smargiassi A, Ferretti M, Palumbo C., J Anat. December 1, 2017; 231 (6): 823-834.

Expanding the pharmacological profile of κ-hefutoxin 1 and analogues: A focus on the inhibitory effect on the oncogenic channel Kv10.1., Moreels L, Peigneur S, Yamaguchi Y, Vriens K, Waelkens E, Zhu S, Thevissen K, Cammue BPA, Sato K, Tytgat J., Peptides. December 1, 2017; 98 43-50.

Editorial., Artinger KB, Alfandari D, Taneyhill LA., Mech Dev. December 1, 2017; 148 1-2.

Evaluating the longevity of surgically extracted Xenopus laevis oocytes for the study of nematode ligand-gated ion channels., Abdelmassih SA, Cochrane E, Forrester SG., Invert Neurosci. November 28, 2017; 18 (1): 1.

Epigenetic regulation of left-right asymmetry by DNA methylation., Wang L, Liu Z, Lin H, Ma D, Tao Q, Liu F., EMBO J. October 16, 2017; 36 (20): 2987-2997.

Effect of triclosan on anuran development and growth in a larval amphibian growth and development assay., Fort DJ, Mathis MB, Pawlowski S, Wolf JC, Peter R, Champ S., J Appl Toxicol. October 1, 2017; 37 (10): 1182-1194.

Electron current recordings in living cells., Trost P, Picco C, Scholz-Starke J, Festa M, Lagostena L, Costa A, Sparla F, Carpaneto A., Biophys Chem. October 1, 2017; 229 57-61.

Essential Roles of Thyroid Hormone-Regulated Hyaluronan/CD44 Signaling in Adult Stem Cell Development During Xenopus laevis Intestinal Remodeling., Hasebe T, Fujimoto K, Kajita M, Ishizuya-Oka A., Stem Cells. October 1, 2017; 35 (10): 2175-2183.

Elevated circulating levels of xenopsin-related peptide-1 are associated with polycystic ovary syndrome., Temur M, Özün Özbay P, Aksun S, Yilmaz Ö, Çift T, Üstünel S, Calan M., Arch Gynecol Obstet. October 1, 2017; 296 (4): 841-846.

Efficient synthesis of the GABAA receptor agonist trans-4-aminocrotonic acid (TACA)., Forrester SG, Foster J, Robert S, Salim L, Desaulniers JP., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. September 15, 2017; 27 (18): 4512-4513.

E-cigarette aerosol exposure can cause craniofacial defects in Xenopus laevis embryos and mammalian neural crest cells., Kennedy AE, Kandalam S, Olivares-Navarrete R, Dickinson AJG., PLoS One. September 8, 2017; 12 (9): e0185729.   

Effects of amphibian phylogeny, climate and human impact on the occurrence of the amphibian-killing chytrid fungus., Bacigalupe LD, Soto-Azat C, García-Vera C, Barría-Oyarzo I, Rezende EL., Glob Chang Biol. September 1, 2017; 23 (9): 3543-3553.

Expression and Purification of the Pain Receptor TRPV1 for Spectroscopic Analysis., Velisetty P, Stein RA, Sierra-Valdez FJ, Vásquez V, Cordero-Morales JF., Sci Rep. August 29, 2017; 7 (1): 9861.   

Effects of freezing and activation on membrane quality and DNA damage in Xenopus tropicalis and Xenopus laevis spermatozoa., Morrow S, Gosálvez J, López-Fernández C, Arroyo F, Holt WV, Guille MJ., Reprod Fertil Dev. August 1, 2017; 29 (8): 1556-1566.

Endocrine disruption by environmental gestagens in amphibians - A short review supported by new in vitro data using gonads of Xenopus laevis., Ziková A, Lorenz C, Hoffmann F, Kleiner W, Lutz I, Stöck M, Kloas W., Chemosphere. August 1, 2017; 181 74-82.

Expression of distinct maternal and somatic 5.8S, 18S, and 28S rRNA types during zebrafish development., Locati MD, Pagano JFB, Girard G, Ensink WA, van Olst M, van Leeuwen S, Nehrdich U, Spaink HP, Rauwerda H, Jonker MJ, Dekker RJ, Breit TM., RNA. August 1, 2017; 23 (8): 1188-1199.

Effects of TPX2 gene on radiotherapy sensitization in breast cancer stem cells., Huang C, Han Z, Wu D., Oncol Lett. August 1, 2017; 14 (2): 1531-1535.   

Expression of the aquaglyceroporin HC-9 in a freeze-tolerant amphibian that accumulates glycerol seasonally., Stogsdill B, Frisbie J, Krane CM, Goldstein DL., Physiol Rep. August 1, 2017; 5 (15):   

Effects of bilobalide, ginkgolide B and picrotoxinin on GABAA receptor modulation by structurally diverse positive modulators., Ng CC, Duke RK, Hinton T, Johnston GAR., Eur J Pharmacol. July 5, 2017; 806 83-90.

Eukaryotic initiation factor eIF6 modulates the expression of Kermit 2/XGIPC in IGF- regulated eye development., De Marco N, Tussellino M, Carotenuto R, Ronca R, Rizzolio S, Biffo S, Campanella C., Dev Biol. July 1, 2017; 427 (1): 148-154.   

ENaC activity is regulated by calpain-2 proteolysis of MARCKS proteins., Montgomery DS, Yu L, Ghazi ZM, Thai TL, Al-Khalili O, Ma HP, Eaton DC, Alli AA., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. July 1, 2017; 313 (1): C42-C53.

Expanding the genetic toolkit in Xenopus: Approaches and opportunities for human disease modeling., Tandon P, Conlon F, Furlow JD, Horb ME., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 325-335.   

Exploring the functions of nonclassical MHC class Ib genes in Xenopus laevis by the CRISPR/Cas9 system., Banach M, Edholm ES, Robert J., Dev Biol. June 15, 2017; 426 (2): 261-269.   

Evaluation of microtransplantation of rat brain neurolemma into Xenopus laevis oocytes as a technique to study the effect of neurotoxicants on endogenous voltage-sensitive ion channels., Murenzi E, Toltin AC, Symington SB, Morgan MM, Clark JM., Neurotoxicology. May 1, 2017; 60 260-273.

Expression and Analysis of Flow-regulated Ion Channels in Xenopus Oocytes., Shi S, Carattino MD., Bio Protoc. April 20, 2017; 7 (8):

Evolution of the hypoxia-sensitive cells involved in amniote respiratory reflexes., Hockman D, Burns AJ, Schlosser G, Gates KP, Jevans B, Mongera A, Fisher S, Unlu G, Knapik EW, Kaufman CK, Mosimann C, Zon LI, Lancman JJ, Dong PDS, Lickert H, Tucker AS, Baker CV., Elife. April 7, 2017; 6   

Endoplasmic-reticulum-mediated microtubule alignment governs cytoplasmic streaming., Kimura K, Mamane A, Sasaki T, Sato K, Takagi J, Niwayama R, Hufnagel L, Shimamoto Y, Joanny JF, Uchida S, Kimura A., Nat Cell Biol. April 1, 2017; 19 (4): 399-406.

Embryoids, organoids and gastruloids: new approaches to understanding embryogenesis., Simunovic M, Brivanlou AH., Development. March 15, 2017; 144 (6): 976-985.   

Expression pattern and pharmacological characterisation of two novel alternative splice variants of the glutamate-gated chloride channel in the small brown planthopper Laodelphax striatellus., Wu SF, Mu XC, Dong YX, Wang LX, Wei Q, Gao CF., Pest Manag Sci. March 1, 2017; 73 (3): 590-597.

Evolution of vocal patterns: tuning hindbrain circuits during species divergence., Barkan CL, Zornik E, Kelley DB., J Exp Biol. March 1, 2017; 220 (Pt 5): 856-867.

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