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A determinant of odorant specificity is located at the extracellular loop 2-transmembrane domain 4 interface of an Anopheles gambiae odorant receptor subunit., Hughes DT, Wang G, Zwiebel LJ, Luetje CW., Chem Senses. November 1, 2014; 39 (9): 761-9.

A novel method to study insect olfactory receptor function using HEK293 cells., Corcoran JA, Jordan MD, Carraher C, Newcomb RD., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. November 1, 2014; 54 22-32.

A cycloartane glycoside derived from Actaea racemosa L. modulates GABAA receptors and induces pronounced sedation in mice., Strommer B, Khom S, Kastenberger I, Cicek SS, Stuppner H, Schwarzer C, Hering S., J Pharmacol Exp Ther. November 1, 2014; 351 (2): 234-42.

Antimicrobial and immunomodulatory properties of PGLa-AM1, CPF-AM1, and magainin-AM1: Potent activity against oral pathogens., McLean DT, McCrudden MT, Linden GJ, Irwin CR, Conlon JM, Lundy FT., Regul Pept. November 1, 2014; .

A nitrogen-dependent switch in the high affinity ammonium transport in Medicago truncatula., Straub D, Ludewig U, Neuhäuser B., Plant Mol Biol. November 1, 2014; 86 (4-5): 485-94.

A self-consistent approach for determining pairwise interactions that underlie channel activation., Chowdhury S, Haehnel BM, Chanda B., J Gen Physiol. November 1, 2014; 144 (5): 441-55.   

A DTX/MATE-type transporter facilitates abscisic acid efflux and modulates ABA sensitivity and drought tolerance in Arabidopsis., Zhang H, Zhu H, Pan Y, Yu Y, Luan S, Li L., Mol Plant. October 1, 2014; 7 (10): 1522-32.

A prominent role for invariant T cells in the amphibian Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Robert J, Edholm ES., Immunogenetics. October 1, 2014; 66 (9-10): 513-23.

An allosteric modulator to control endogenous G protein-coupled receptors with light., Pittolo S, Gómez-Santacana X, Eckelt K, Rovira X, Dalton J, Goudet C, Pin JP, Llobet A, Giraldo J, Llebaria A, Gorostiza P., Nat Chem Biol. October 1, 2014; 10 (10): 813-5.

A family of excitatory peptide toxins from venomous crassispirine snails: using Constellation Pharmacology to assess bioactivity., Imperial JS, Cabang AB, Song J, Raghuraman S, Gajewiak J, Watkins M, Showers-Corneli P, Fedosov A, Concepcion GP, Terlau H, Teichert RW, Olivera BM., Toxicon. October 1, 2014; 89 45-54.

Analogues of 3-hydroxyisoxazole-containing glutamate receptor ligands based on the 3-hydroxypyrazole-moiety: design, synthesis and pharmacological characterization., Jørgensen L, Nielsen B, Pickering DS, Kristensen AS, Frydenvang K, Madsen U, Clausen RP., Neurochem Res. October 1, 2014; 39 (10): 1895-905.

A distinct switch in interactions of the histone H4 tail domain upon salt-dependent folding of nucleosome arrays., Pepenella S, Murphy KJ, Hayes JJ., J Biol Chem. September 26, 2014; 289 (39): 27342-27351.

A non-inactivating high-voltage-activated two-pore Na⁺ channel that supports ultra-long action potentials and membrane bistability., Cang C, Aranda K, Ren D., Nat Commun. September 26, 2014; 5 5015.   

Activation, permeability, and inhibition of astrocytic and neuronal large pore (hemi)channels., Hansen DB, Ye ZC, Calloe K, Braunstein TH, Hofgaard JP, Ransom BR, Nielsen MS, MacAulay N., J Biol Chem. September 19, 2014; 289 (38): 26058-26073.

A charged residue in S4 regulates coupling among the activation gate, voltage, and Ca2+ sensors in BK channels., Zhang G, Yang H, Liang H, Yang J, Shi J, McFarland K, Chen Y, Cui J., J Neurosci. September 10, 2014; 34 (37): 12280-8.

Anion permeation in calcium-activated chloride channels formed by TMEM16A from Xenopus tropicalis., Reyes JP, López-Rodríguez A, Espino-Saldaña AE, Huanosta-Gutiérrez A, Miledi R, Martínez-Torres A., Pflugers Arch. September 1, 2014; 466 (9): 1769-77.

Analysis of the pharmacological properties of chicken melanocortin-2 receptor (cMC2R) and chicken melanocortin-2 accessory protein 1 (cMRAP1)., Barlock TK, Gehr DT, Dores RM., Gen Comp Endocrinol. September 1, 2014; 205 260-7.

A device for emulating cuff recordings of action potentials propagating along peripheral nerves., Rieger R, Schuettler M, Chuang SC., IEEE Trans Neural Syst Rehabil Eng. September 1, 2014; 22 (5): 937-45.

A single codon insertion in PICALM is associated with development of familial subvalvular aortic stenosis in Newfoundland dogs., Stern JA, White SN, Lehmkuhl LB, Reina-Doreste Y, Ferguson JL, Nascone-Yoder NM, Meurs KM., Hum Genet. September 1, 2014; 133 (9): 1139-48.   

A novel missense mutation in CCDC88C activates the JNK pathway and causes a dominant form of spinocerebellar ataxia., Tsoi H, Yu AC, Chen ZS, Ng NK, Chan AY, Yuen LY, Abrigo JM, Tsang SY, Tsui SK, Tong TM, Lo IF, Lam ST, Mok VC, Wong LK, Ngo JC, Lau KF, Chan TF, Chan HY., J Med Genet. September 1, 2014; .   

A Novel Long-Acting Glucagon-Like Peptide-1 Agonist with Improved Efficacy in Insulin Secretion and β-Cell Growth., Kim HY, Hwang JI, Moon MJ, Seong JY., Endocrinol Metab (Seoul). September 1, 2014; 29 (3): 320-7.   

Andrés Carrasco (1946-2014)., Blumberg B., Dev Biol. September 1, 2014; 393 (1): 1-2.

A single crossing-over event in voltage-sensitive Na+ channel genes may cause critical failure of dengue mosquito control by insecticides., Hirata K, Komagata O, Itokawa K, Yamamoto A, Tomita T, Kasai S., PLoS Negl Trop Dis. August 28, 2014; 8 (8): e3085.   

APTE: identification of indirect read-out A-DNA promoter elements in genomes., Whitley DC, Runfola V, Cary P, Nazlamova L, Guille M, Scarlett G., BMC Bioinformatics. August 26, 2014; 15 288.   

A highly effective TALEN-mediated approach for targeted gene disruption in Xenopus tropicalis and zebrafish., Liu Y, Luo D, Lei Y, Hu W, Zhao H, Cheng CH., Methods. August 15, 2014; 69 (1): 58-66.

An allosteric model of the inositol trisphosphate receptor with nonequilibrium binding., Jia C, Jiang D, Qian M., Phys Biol. August 14, 2014; 11 (5): 056001.

A tethered delivery mechanism explains the catalytic action of a microtubule polymerase., Ayaz P, Munyoki S, Geyer EA, Piedra FA, Vu ES, Bromberg R, Otwinowski Z, Grishin NV, Brautigam CA, Rice LM., Elife. August 5, 2014; 3 e03069.   

A splice variant of the two-pore domain potassium channel TREK-1 with only one pore domain reduces the surface expression of full-length TREK-1 channels., Rinné S, Renigunta V, Schlichthörl G, Zuzarte M, Bittner S, Meuth SG, Decher N, Daut J, Preisig-Müller R., Pflugers Arch. August 1, 2014; 466 (8): 1559-70.

A critical role of non-classical MHC in tumor immune evasion in the amphibian Xenopus model., Haynes-Gilmore N, Banach M, Edholm ES, Lord E, Robert J., Carcinogenesis. August 1, 2014; 35 (8): 1807-13.

Annotation of loci from genome-wide association studies using tissue-specific quantitative interaction proteomics., Lundby A, Rossin EJ, Steffensen AB, Acha MR, Newton-Cheh C, Pfeufer A, Lynch SN, QT Interval International GWAS Consortium (QT-IGC), Olesen SP, Brunak S, Ellinor PT, Jukema JW, Trompet S, Ford I, Macfarlane PW, Krijthe BP, Hofman A, Uitterlinden AG, Stricker BH, Nathoe HM, Spiering W, Daly MJ, Asselbergs FW, van der Harst P, Milan DJ, de Bakker PI, Lage K, Olsen JV., Nat Methods. August 1, 2014; 11 (8): 868-74.   

Analogues of etomidate: modifications around etomidate's chiral carbon and the impact on in vitro and in vivo pharmacology., Pejo E, Santer P, Jeffrey S, Gallin H, Husain SS, Raines DE., Anesthesiology. August 1, 2014; 121 (2): 290-301.

Altered inhibition of Cx26 hemichannels by pH and Zn2+ in the A40V mutation associated with keratitis-ichthyosis-deafness syndrome., Sanchez HA, Bienkowski R, Slavi N, Srinivas M, Verselis VK., J Biol Chem. August 1, 2014; 289 (31): 21519-32.

A hydrophobic barrier deep within the inner pore of the TWIK-1 K2P potassium channel., Aryal P, Abd-Wahab F, Bucci G, Sansom MS, Tucker SJ., Nat Commun. July 8, 2014; 5 4377.   

An N-terminal threonine mutation produces an efflux-favorable, sodium-primed conformation of the human dopamine transporter., Fraser R, Chen Y, Guptaroy B, Luderman KD, Stokes SL, Beg A, DeFelice LJ, Gnegy ME., Mol Pharmacol. July 1, 2014; 86 (1): 76-85.

African clawed toads (Xenopus laevis) sense the distance of lateral line stimuli., Dean J, Claas B., J Comp Physiol A Neuroethol Sens Neural Behav Physiol. July 1, 2014; 200 (7): 657-67.

A tri-component conservation strategy reveals highly confident microRNA-mRNA interactions and evolution of microRNA regulatory networks., Lin CC, Mitra R, Zhao Z., PLoS One. July 1, 2014; 9 (7): e103142.   

A comprehensive search for calcium binding sites critical for TMEM16A calcium-activated chloride channel activity., Tien J, Peters CJ, Wong XM, Cheng T, Jan YN, Jan LY, Yang H., Elife. June 30, 2014; 3   

Auxin efflux by PIN-FORMED proteins is activated by two different protein kinases, D6 PROTEIN KINASE and PINOID., Zourelidou M, Absmanner B, Weller B, Barbosa IC, Willige BC, Fastner A, Streit V, Port SA, Colcombet J, de la Fuente van Bentem S, Hirt H, Kuster B, Schulze WX, Hammes UZ, Schwechheimer C., Elife. June 19, 2014; 3   

A simple behavioral assay for testing visual function in Xenopus laevis., Viczian AS, Zuber ME., J Vis Exp. June 12, 2014; (88):

Allosteric modulation of alpha4beta2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by HEPES., Weltzin MM, Huang Y, Schulte MK., Eur J Pharmacol. June 5, 2014; 732 159-68.

Age-related homeostatic midchannel proteolysis of neuronal L-type voltage-gated Ca²⁺ channels., Michailidis IE, Abele-Henckels K, Zhang WK, Lin B, Yu Y, Geyman LS, Ehlers MD, Pnevmatikakis EA, Yang J., Neuron. June 4, 2014; 82 (5): 1045-57.

Acid-sensing ion channel (ASIC) 1a/2a heteromers have a flexible 2:1/1:2 stoichiometry., Bartoi T, Augustinowski K, Polleichtner G, Gründer S, Ulbrich MH., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 3, 2014; 111 (22): 8281-6.

Anillin regulates cell-cell junction integrity by organizing junctional accumulation of Rho-GTP and actomyosin., Reyes CC, Jin M, Breznau EB, Espino R, Delgado-Gonzalo R, Goryachev AB, Miller AL., Curr Biol. June 2, 2014; 24 (11): 1263-70.   

Avermectins differentially affect ethanol intake and receptor function: implications for developing new therapeutics for alcohol use disorders., Asatryan L, Yardley MM, Khoja S, Trudell JR, Hyunh N, Louie SG, Petasis NA, Alkana RL, Davies DL., Int J Neuropsychopharmacol. June 1, 2014; 17 (6): 907-16.

Active repression by RARγ signaling is required for vertebrate axial elongation., Janesick A, Nguyen TT, Aisaki K, Igarashi K, Kitajima S, Chandraratna RA, Kanno J, Blumberg B., Development. June 1, 2014; 141 (11): 2260-70.   

Alcohol selectivity of β3-containing GABAA receptors: evidence for a unique extracellular alcohol/imidazobenzodiazepine Ro15-4513 binding site at the α+β- subunit interface in αβ3δ GABAA receptors., Wallner M, Hanchar HJ, Olsen RW., Neurochem Res. June 1, 2014; 39 (6): 1118-26.

An internally modulated, thermostable, pH-sensitive Cys loop receptor from the hydrothermal vent worm Alvinella pompejana., Juneja P, Horlacher R, Bertrand D, Krause R, Marger F, Welte W., J Biol Chem. May 23, 2014; 289 (21): 15130-40.

Analysis of rare variations reveals roles of amino acid residues in the N-terminal extracellular domain of nicotinic acetylcholine receptor (nAChR) alpha6 subunit in the functional expression of human alpha6*-nAChRs., Dash B, Li MD., Mol Brain. May 2, 2014; 7 35.   

Asymmetric functional contributions of acidic and aromatic side chains in sodium channel voltage-sensor domains., Pless SA, Elstone FD, Niciforovic AP, Galpin JD, Yang R, Kurata HT, Ahern CA., J Gen Physiol. May 1, 2014; 143 (5): 645-56.   

An intracellular redox sensor for reactive oxygen species at the M3-M4 linker of GABAA ρ1 receptors., Beltrán González AN, Gasulla J, Calvo DJ., Br J Pharmacol. May 1, 2014; 171 (9): 2291-9.

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