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B1 and B2 bradykinin receptors encoded by distinct mRNAs., Webb M, McIntyre P, Phillips E., J Neurochem. April 1, 1994; 62 (4): 1247-53.

BDNF in the development of the visual system of Xenopus., Cohen-Cory S, Fraser SE., Neuron. April 1, 1994; 12 (4): 747-61.

Binding properties of newly identified Xenopus proteins containing dsRNA-binding motifs., Bass BL, Hurst SR, Singer JD., Curr Biol. April 1, 1994; 4 (4): 301-14.

Both N- and C-terminal regions contribute to the assembly and functional expression of homo- and heteromultimeric voltage-gated K+ channels., Hopkins WF, Demas V, Tempel BL., J Neurosci. March 1, 1994; 14 (3 Pt 1): 1385-93.

Basolateral potassium membrane permeability of A6 cells and cell volume regulation., Ehrenfeld J, Raschi C, Brochiero E., J Membr Biol. March 1, 1994; 138 (3): 181-95.

Biologically active BMP-2 in early Xenopus laevis embryos., Shoda A, Murakami K, Ueno N., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 15, 1994; 198 (3): 1267-74.

Bead-shift isolation of protein--DNA complexes on a 5S RNA gene., Peck LJ, Bartilson M, DeRisi JL., Nucleic Acids Res. February 11, 1994; 22 (3): 443-9.

Behavioural and biochemical investigations of the influence of altered gravity on the CNS of aquatic vertebrates during ontogeny., Slenzka K, Appel R, Hilbig R, Kappel Th, Vetter S, Freischütz B, Rahmann H., Adv Space Res. January 1, 1994; 14 (8): 309-12.

Binding of TFIID and MEF2 to the TATA element activates transcription of the Xenopus MyoDa promoter., Leibham D, Wong MW, Cheng TC, Schroeder S, Weil PA, Olson EN, Perry M., Mol Cell Biol. January 1, 1994; 14 (1): 686-99.

Biochemistry and molecular genetics of Leishmania glucose transporters., Langford CK, Burchmore RJ, Hart DT, Wagner W, Landfear SM., Parasitology. January 1, 1994; 108 Suppl S73-83.

Beta-adrenergic modulation of currents produced by rat cardiac Na+ channels expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Schreibmayer W, Frohnwieser B, Dascal N, Platzer D, Spreitzer B, Zechner R, Kallen RG, Lester HA., Recept Channels. January 1, 1994; 2 (4): 339-50.

Block by amiloride and its derivatives of mechano-electrical transduction in outer hair cells of mouse cochlear cultures., Rüsch A, Kros CJ, Richardson GP., J Physiol. January 1, 1994; 474 (1): 75-86.

Blockade by MPTP of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in embryonic Xenopus muscle cells., Hsu KS, Fu WM, Lin-Shiau SY., Neuropharmacology. January 1, 1994; 33 (1): 35-41.

Barium permeability of neuronal nicotinic receptor alpha 7 expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Sands SB, Costa AC, Patrick JW., Biophys J. December 1, 1993; 65 (6): 2614-21.

Basic fibroblast growth factor induces differentiation of neural tube and neural crest lineages of cultured ectoderm cells from Xenopus gastrula., Kengaku M, Okamoto H., Development. December 1, 1993; 119 (4): 1067-78.

Behavior of the components of maturation-promoting factor, cdc2 kinase and cyclin B, during oocyte maturation of goldfish., Katsu Y, Yamashita M, Kajiura H, Nagahama Y., Dev Biol. November 1, 1993; 160 (1): 99-107.

Binding of the AMPA receptor antagonist [3H]GYKI 53405 to Xenopus brain membranes., Szabó G, Henley JM., Neuroreport. October 25, 1993; 5 (1): 93-4.

Biological and clinical implications of heat shock protein 27,000 (Hsp27): a review., Ciocca DR, Oesterreich S, Chamness GC, McGuire WL, Fuqua SA., J Natl Cancer Inst. October 6, 1993; 85 (19): 1558-70.

Blocking of potassium channels in Ranvier nodes by 1,2,3,4,10-substituted acridin-9-ons and its possible significance on demyelinating diseases., Bohuslavizki KH, Hänsel W, Kneip A, Koppenhöfer E, Niemöller E., Gen Physiol Biophys. October 1, 1993; 12 (5): 491-6.

Biosynthesis and initial processing of the cardiac sarcolemmal Na(+)-Ca2+ exchanger., Hryshko LV, Nicoll DA, Weiss JN, Philipson KD., Biochim Biophys Acta. September 5, 1993; 1151 (1): 35-42.

Blockade by 2,2',2''-tripyridine of the nicotinic acetylcholine receptor channels in embryonic Xenopus muscle cells., Hsu KS, Fu WM, Lin-Shiau SY., Br J Pharmacol. September 1, 1993; 110 (1): 163-8.

Blocking effect of serotonin on beta-adrenoceptor activity in follicle-enclosed Xenopus oocytes., Fujita R, Tamazawa Y, Barnard EA, Matsumoto M., Eur J Pharmacol. August 24, 1993; 240 (2-3): 213-7.

Block of transient outward-type cloned cardiac K+ channel currents by quinidine., Yatani A, Wakamori M, Mikala G, Bahinski A., Circ Res. August 1, 1993; 73 (2): 351-9.

Binding and transcriptional activation of the promoter for the neural cell adhesion molecule by HoxC6 (Hox-3.3)., Jones FS, Holst BD, Minowa O, De Robertis EM, Edelman GM., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. July 15, 1993; 90 (14): 6557-61.

Barium blockade of a clonal potassium channel and its regulation by a critical pore residue., Taglialatela M, Drewe JA, Brown AM., Mol Pharmacol. July 1, 1993; 44 (1): 180-90.

Blocking of potassium channels in Ranvier nodes by 4,5,6,7-substituted benzofurans and its significance on demyelinating diseases., Bohuslavizki KH, Hänsel W, Kneip A, Koppenhöfer E, Reimers A, Sanmann K., Gen Physiol Biophys. June 1, 1993; 12 (3): 293-301.

Biochemical properties of amphibian bone morphogenetic protein-4 expressed in CHO cells., Suzuki A, Nishimatsu S, Shoda A, Takebayashi K, Murakami K, Ueno N., Biochem J. April 15, 1993; 291 ( Pt 2) 413-7.

Blockage of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors by 5-hydroxytryptamine., Grassi F, Polenzani L, Mileo AM, Caratsch CG, Eusebi F, Miledi R., J Neurosci Res. April 1, 1993; 34 (5): 562-70.

Brain creatine kinase activity during ontogeny of the cichlid fish oreochromis mossambicus and the clawed toad Xenopus laevis, influence of gravity?, Slenzka K, Appel R, Rahmann H., Neurochem Int. April 1, 1993; 22 (4): 405-11.

BRS-3: a novel bombesin receptor subtype selectively expressed in testis and lung carcinoma cells., Fathi Z, Corjay MH, Shapira H, Wada E, Benya R, Jensen R, Viallet J, Sausville EA, Battey JF., J Biol Chem. March 15, 1993; 268 (8): 5979-84.

Brief report: trimethoprim-induced hyperkalemia in a patient with AIDS., Choi MJ, Fernandez PC, Patnaik A, Coupaye-Gerard B, D'Andrea D, Szerlip H, Kleyman TR., N Engl J Med. March 11, 1993; 328 (10): 703-6.

Biologically active interleukin 2-ricin A chain fusion proteins may require intracellular proteolytic cleavage to exhibit a cytotoxic effect., Cook JP, Savage PM, Lord JM, Roberts LM., Bioconjug Chem. January 1, 1993; 4 (6): 440-7.

Biosynthesis of frog skin mucins: cysteine-rich shuffled modules, polydispersities and genetic polymorphism., Hoffmann W, Hauser F., Comp Biochem Physiol B. January 1, 1993; 105 (3-4): 465-72.

Block of delayed rectifier (DRK1) K+ channels by internal 2,3-butanedione monoxime in Xenopus oocytes., Lopatin AN, Nichols CG., Recept Channels. January 1, 1993; 1 (4): 279-86.

Blockade by antiarrhythmic drugs of glibenclamide-sensitive K+ channels in Xenopus oocytes., Sakuta H, Okamoto K, Watanabe Y., Br J Pharmacol. December 1, 1992; 107 (4): 1061-7.

Biochemical and cytological changes associated with expression of deregulated pp60src in Xenopus oocytes., Unger TF, Steele RE., Mol Cell Biol. December 1, 1992; 12 (12): 5485-98.

Brevinin-1 and -2, unique antimicrobial peptides from the skin of the frog, Rana brevipoda porsa., Morikawa N, Hagiwara K, Nakajima T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. November 30, 1992; 189 (1): 184-90.

Binding of Xenopus oocyte masking proteins to mRNA sequences., Marello K, LaRovere J, Sommerville J., Nucleic Acids Res. November 11, 1992; 20 (21): 5593-600.

Bromodeoxyuridine-immunohistochemistry on cellular differentiation and migration in the fundic gland of Xenopus laevis during development., Oinuma T, Kawano J, Suganuma T., Cell Tissue Res. August 1, 1992; 269 (2): 205-12.

Both enantiomers of 1-aminocyclopentyl-1,3-dicarboxylate are full agonists of metabotropic glutamate receptors coupled to phospholipase C., Manzoni O, Prezeau L, Rassendren FA, Sladeczek F, Curry K, Bockaert J., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 1992; 42 (2): 322-7.

Beta 1- and beta 3-subunits can associate with presynthesized alpha-subunits of Xenopus oocyte Na,K-ATPase., Ackermann U, Geering K., J Biol Chem. June 25, 1992; 267 (18): 12911-5.

Binding of TFIIIA to derivatives of 5S RNA containing sequence substitutions or deletions defines a minimal TFIIIA binding site., Bogenhagen DF, Sands MS., Nucleic Acids Res. June 11, 1992; 20 (11): 2639-45.

Bone morphogenetic protein 4: a ventralizing factor in early Xenopus development., Dale L, Howes G, Price BM, Smith JC., Development. June 1, 1992; 115 (2): 573-85.

Beta 1-integrin is a maternal protein that is inserted into all newly formed plasma membranes during early Xenopus embryogenesis., Gawantka V, Ellinger-Ziegelbauer H, Hausen P., Development. June 1, 1992; 115 (2): 595-605.

Binding of the estrogen receptor DNA-binding domain to the estrogen response element induces DNA bending., Nardulli AM, Shapiro DJ., Mol Cell Biol. May 1, 1992; 12 (5): 2037-42.

Bioactive substances in nerve-cord extracts from an echiuroid, Urechis unicinctus--II. Peptidic substances., Ikeda T, Kubota I, Muneoka Y., Comp Biochem Physiol C Comp Pharmacol Toxicol. May 1, 1992; 102 (1): 51-5.

Binding of histones to Xenopus laevis ribosomal genes with different levels of expression., Dimitrov SI, Tateossyan HN, Stefanovsky VYu, Russanova VR, Karagyozov L, Pashev IG., Eur J Biochem. March 15, 1992; 204 (3): 977-81.

Beta-subunit expression is required for cAMP-dependent increase of cloned cardiac and vascular calcium channel currents., Klöckner U, Itagaki K, Bodi I, Schwartz A., Pflugers Arch. March 1, 1992; 420 (3-4): 413-5.

Biochemical and biological activity of phosphorylated and non-phosphorylated ras p21 mutants., Chung HH, Kim R, Kim SH., Biochim Biophys Acta. February 11, 1992; 1129 (3): 278-86.

Body axis determination during early development in amphibians., Savard P., Biochem Cell Biol. January 1, 1992; 70 (10-11): 875-91.

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