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Characterization of SLC26A9 in patients with CF-like lung disease., Bakouh N, Bienvenu T, Thomas A, Ehrenfeld J, Liote H, Roussel D, Duquesnoy P, Farman N, Viel M, Cherif-Zahar B, Amselem S, Taam RA, Edelman A, Planelles G, Sermet-Gaudelus I., Hum Mutat. October 1, 2013; 34 (10): 1404-14.

Coco regulates dorsoventral specification of germ layers via inhibition of TGFβ signalling., Bates TJ, Vonica A, Heasman J, Brivanlou AH, Bell E., Development. October 1, 2013; 140 (20): 4177-81.   

Coxsackievirus B3 modulates cardiac ion channels., Steinke K, Sachse F, Ettischer N, Strutz-Seebohm N, Henrion U, Rohrbeck M, Klosowski R, Wolters D, Brunner S, Franz WM, Pott L, Munoz C, Kandolf R, Schulze-Bahr E, Lang F, Klingel K, Seebohm G., FASEB J. October 1, 2013; 27 (10): 4108-21.

Cell segregation, mixing, and tissue pattern in the spinal cord of the Xenopus laevis neurula., Edlund AF, Davidson LA, Keller RE., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2013; 242 (10): 1134-46.   

Chromosome position at the spindle equator is regulated by chromokinesin and a bipolar microtubule array., Takagi J, Itabashi T, Suzuki K, Ishiwata S., Sci Rep. September 30, 2013; 3 2808.   

Channel-mediated lactic acid transport: a novel function for aquaglyceroporins in bacteria., Bienert GP, Desguin B, Chaumont F, Hols P., Biochem J. September 15, 2013; 454 (3): 559-70.

Comparative toxicity of methidathion and glyphosate on early life stages of three amphibian species: Pelophylax ridibundus, Pseudepidalea viridis, and Xenopus laevis., Güngördü A., Aquat Toxicol. September 15, 2013; 140-141 220-8.

Covalent trapping of methyllycaconitine at the α4-α4 interface of the α4β2 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: antagonist binding site and mode of receptor inhibition revealed., Absalom NL, Quek G, Lewis TM, Qudah T, von Arenstorff I, Ambrus JI, Harpsøe K, Karim N, Balle T, McLeod MD, Chebib M., J Biol Chem. September 13, 2013; 288 (37): 26521-32.

c-Jun N-terminal kinase phosphorylation of heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K regulates vertebrate axon outgrowth via a posttranscriptional mechanism., Hutchins EJ, Szaro BG., J Neurosci. September 11, 2013; 33 (37): 14666-80.   

Competitive displacement of cofilin can promote actin filament severing., Elam WA, Kang H, De La Cruz EM., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 6, 2013; 438 (4): 728-31.

Crystal structures of Lgr4 and its complex with R-spondin1., Xu K, Xu Y, Rajashankar KR, Robev D, Nikolov DB., Structure. September 3, 2013; 21 (9): 1683-9.

Current perspectives on the use of alternative species in human health and ecological hazard assessments., Perkins EJ, Ankley GT, Crofton KM, Garcia-Reyero N, LaLone CA, Johnson MS, Tietge JE, Villeneuve DL., Environ Health Perspect. September 1, 2013; 121 (9): 1002-10.   

C-terminus-mediated voltage gating of Arabidopsis guard cell anion channel QUAC1., Mumm P, Imes D, Martinoia E, Al-Rasheid KA, Geiger D, Marten I, Hedrich R., Mol Plant. September 1, 2013; 6 (5): 1550-63.

Conferring electrogenicity to the electroneutral phosphate cotransporter NaPi-IIc (SLC34A3) reveals an internal cation release step., Patti M, Ghezzi C, Forster IC., Pflugers Arch. September 1, 2013; 465 (9): 1261-79.

Cell-cycle dependent localization of MELK and its new partner RACK1 in epithelial versus mesenchyme-like cells in Xenopus embryo., Chartrain I, Le Page Y, Hatte G, Körner R, Kubiak JZ, Tassan JP., Biol Open. August 21, 2013; 2 (10): 1037-48.   

Conformational changes in the lower palm domain of ASIC1a contribute to desensitization and RFamide modulation., Frey EN, Pavlovicz RE, Wegman CJ, Li C, Askwith CC., PLoS One. August 12, 2013; 8 (8): e71733.   

Cleaning up the masses: exclusion lists to reduce contamination with HPLC-MS/MS., Hodge K, Have ST, Hutton L, Lamond AI., J Proteomics. August 2, 2013; 88 92-103.   

Crystal structure of a human IκB kinase β asymmetric dimer., Liu S, Misquitta YR, Olland A, Johnson MA, Kelleher KS, Kriz R, Lin LL, Stahl M, Mosyak L., J Biol Chem. August 2, 2013; 288 (31): 22758-67.

Cone outer segment and Müller microvilli pericellular matrices provide binding domains for interphotoreceptor retinoid-binding protein (IRBP)., Garlipp MA, Gonzalez-Fernandez F., Exp Eye Res. August 1, 2013; 113 192-202.   

Characterization of an outward rectifying chloride current of Xenopus tropicalis oocytes., Ochoa-de la Paz LD, Espino-Saldaña AE, Arellano-Ostoa R, Reyes JP, Miledi R, Martinez-Torres A., Biochim Biophys Acta. August 1, 2013; 1828 (8): 1743-53.

Cardiac performance correlates of relative heart ventricle mass in amphibians., Kluthe GJ, Hillman SS., J Comp Physiol B. August 1, 2013; 183 (6): 801-9.

Conformational changes represent the rate-limiting step in the transport cycle of maize sucrose transporter1., Derrer C, Wittek A, Bamberg E, Carpaneto A, Dreyer I, Geiger D., Plant Cell. August 1, 2013; 25 (8): 3010-21.

Cigarette smoke component acrolein modulates chromatin assembly by inhibiting histone acetylation., Chen D, Fang L, Li H, Tang MS, Jin C., J Biol Chem. July 26, 2013; 288 (30): 21678-87.

CLHM-1 is a functionally conserved and conditionally toxic Ca2+-permeable ion channel in Caenorhabditis elegans., Tanis JE, Ma Z, Krajacic P, He L, Foskett JK, Lamitina T., J Neurosci. July 24, 2013; 33 (30): 12275-86.

Cutaneous nitrogen excretion in the African clawed frog Xenopus laevis: effects of high environmental ammonia (HEA)., Cruz MJ, Sourial MM, Treberg JR, Fehsenfeld S, Adlimoghaddam A, Weihrauch D., Aquat Toxicol. July 15, 2013; 136-137 1-12.

Ca²⁺-pumping impairment during repetitive fatiguing contractions in single myofibers: role of cross-bridge cycling., Nogueira L, Shiah AA, Gandra PG, Hogan MC., Am J Physiol Regul Integr Comp Physiol. July 15, 2013; 305 (2): R118-25.

CNGA3 achromatopsia-associated mutation potentiates the phosphoinositide sensitivity of cone photoreceptor CNG channels by altering intersubunit interactions., Dai G, Varnum MD., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. July 15, 2013; 305 (2): C147-59.

Chemical genetic analyses of quantitative changes in Cdk1 activity during the human cell cycle., Gravells P, Tomita K, Booth A, Poznansky J, Porter AC., Hum Mol Genet. July 15, 2013; 22 (14): 2842-51.

Coaligned dual-channel STED nanoscopy and molecular diffusion analysis at 20 nm resolution., Göttfert F, Wurm CA, Mueller V, Berning S, Cordes VC, Honigmann A, Hell SW., Biophys J. July 2, 2013; 105 (1): L01-3.

Cranial muscle development in the model organism ambystoma mexicanum: implications for tetrapod and vertebrate comparative and evolutionary morphology and notes on ontogeny and phylogeny., Ziermann JM, Diogo R., Anat Rec (Hoboken). July 1, 2013; 296 (7): 1031-48.

Comparative studies of apoptosis in Xenopus laevis and mouse thymoma cell lines., Johnson RO, Tittle TV, Sefchick MP, Zettergren LD, Ruben LN, Clothier RH, Balls M., Altern Lab Anim. July 1, 2013; 41 (3): 211-8.

Crucial residue involved in L-lactate recognition by human monocarboxylate transporter 4 (hMCT4)., Sasaki S, Kobayashi M, Futagi Y, Ogura J, Yamaguchi H, Takahashi N, Iseki K., PLoS One. July 1, 2013; 8 (7): e67690.   

Conformational changes in the catalytically inactive nucleotide-binding site of CFTR., Csanády L, Mihályi C, Szollosi A, Töröcsik B, Vergani P., J Gen Physiol. July 1, 2013; 142 (1): 61-73.   

Characterization of the first honeybee Ca²⁺ channel subunit reveals two novel species- and splicing-specific modes of regulation of channel inactivation., Cens T, Rousset M, Collet C, Raymond V, Démares F, Quintavalle A, Bellis M, Le Conte Y, Chahine M, Charnet P., Pflugers Arch. July 1, 2013; 465 (7): 985-96.

Characterization of N-terminally mutated cardiac Na(+) channels associated with long QT syndrome 3 and Brugada syndrome., Gütter C, Benndorf K, Zimmer T., Front Physiol. June 26, 2013; 4 153.   

Cubilin, a high affinity receptor for fibroblast growth factor 8, is required for cell survival in the developing vertebrate head., Cases O, Perea-Gomez A, Aguiar DP, Nykjaer A, Amsellem S, Chandellier J, Umbhauer M, Cereghini S, Madsen M, Collignon J, Verroust P, Riou JF, Creuzet SE, Kozyraki R., J Biol Chem. June 7, 2013; 288 (23): 16655-16670.   

Cdc45 is a critical effector of myc-dependent DNA replication stress., Srinivasan SV, Dominguez-Sola D, Wang LC, Hyrien O, Gautier J., Cell Rep. May 30, 2013; 3 (5): 1629-39.

Creation of a reactive oxygen species-insensitive Kcv channel., Schroeder I, Gazzarrini S, Ferrara G, Thiel G, Hansen UP, Moroni A., Biochemistry. May 7, 2013; 52 (18): 3130-7.

Conserved extracellular cysteines differentially regulate the potentiation produced by Zn2+ in rat P2X4 receptors., Li CY, Xiong KM, Wu YX, Liu YW, Chen L, Stewart RR, Peoples RW, Yi CL., Eur J Pharmacol. May 5, 2013; 707 (1-3): 11-6.

Competitive and non-competitive regulation of calcium-dependent inactivation in CaV1.2 L-type Ca2+ channels by calmodulin and Ca2+-binding protein 1., Oz S, Benmocha A, Sasson Y, Sachyani D, Almagor L, Lee A, Hirsch JA, Dascal N., J Biol Chem. May 3, 2013; 288 (18): 12680-91.

Complex modulation of Ca(v)3.1 T-type calcium channel by nickel., Nosal OV, Lyubanova OP, Naidenov VG, Shuba YM., Cell Mol Life Sci. May 1, 2013; 70 (9): 1653-61.

Characterization of pax1, pax9, and uncx sclerotomal genes during Xenopus laevis embryogenesis., Sánchez RS, Sánchez SS., Dev Dyn. May 1, 2013; 242 (5): 572-9.   

Camphor modulates TRPV3 cation channels activity by interacting with critical pore-region cysteine residues., Sherkheli MA, Vogt-Eisele AK, Weber K, Hatt H., Pak J Pharm Sci. May 1, 2013; 26 (3): 431-8.

Contribution of the M1 transmembrane helix and pre-M1 region to positive allosteric modulation and gating of N-methyl-D-aspartate receptors., Ogden KK, Traynelis SF., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 2013; 83 (5): 1045-56.

Cerebrovascular dilation via selective targeting of the cholane steroid-recognition site in the BK channel β1-subunit by a novel nonsteroidal agent., Bukiya AN, McMillan JE, Fedinec AL, Patil SA, Miller DD, Leffler CW, Parrill AL, Dopico AM., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 2013; 83 (5): 1030-44.

CASZ1 promotes vascular assembly and morphogenesis through the direct regulation of an EGFL7/RhoA-mediated pathway., Charpentier MS, Christine KS, Amin NM, Dorr KM, Kushner EJ, Bautch VL, Taylor JM, Conlon FL., Dev Cell. April 29, 2013; 25 (2): 132-43.   

Ciliogenesis and cerebrospinal fluid flow in the developing Xenopus brain are regulated by foxj1., Hagenlocher C, Walentek P, M Ller C, Thumberger T, Feistel K., Cilia. April 29, 2013; 2 (1): 12.   

Conserved structural domains in FoxD4L1, a neural forkhead box transcription factor, are required to repress or activate target genes., Klein SL, Neilson KM, Orban J, Yaklichkin S, Hoffbauer J, Mood K, Daar IO, Moody SA., PLoS One. April 4, 2013; 8 (4): e61845.   

Co-expression of Na(V)β subunits alters the kinetics of inhibition of voltage-gated sodium channels by pore-blocking μ-conotoxins., Zhang MM, Wilson MJ, Azam L, Gajewiak J, Rivier JE, Bulaj G, Olivera BM, Yoshikami D., Br J Pharmacol. April 1, 2013; 168 (7): 1597-610.

Calcineurin B-like protein CBL10 directly interacts with AKT1 and modulates K+ homeostasis in Arabidopsis., Ren XL, Qi GN, Feng HQ, Zhao S, Zhao SS, Wang Y, Wu WH., Plant J. April 1, 2013; 74 (2): 258-66.

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