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Calmodulin Gates Aquaporin 0 Permeability through a Positively Charged Cytoplasmic Loop., Fields JB, Németh-Cahalan KL, Freites JA, Vorontsova I, Hall JE, Tobias DJ., J Biol Chem. January 6, 2017; 292 (1): 185-195.

Comparative study of diclofenac-induced embryotoxicity and teratogenesis in Xenopus laevis and Lithobates catesbeianus, using the frog embryo teratogenesis assay: Xenopus (FETAX)., Cardoso-Vera JD, Islas-Flores H, SanJuan-Reyes N, Montero-Castro EI, Galar-Martínez M, García-Medina S, Elizalde-Velázquez A, Dublán-García O, Gómez-Oliván LM., Sci Total Environ. January 1, 2017; 574 467-475.

Characterization of cadmium chloride-induced BiP accumulation in Xenopus laevis A6 kidney epithelial cells., Shirriff CS, Heikkila JJ., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. January 1, 2017; 191 117-128.

CFTR-β-catenin interaction regulates mouse embryonic stem cell differentiation and embryonic development., Liu Z, Guo J, Wang Y, Weng Z, Huang B, Yu MK, Zhang X, Yuan P, Zhao H, Chan WY, Jiang X, Chan HC., Cell Death Differ. January 1, 2017; 24 (1): 98-110.

Conserved and novel functions of programmed cellular senescence during vertebrate development., Davaapil H, Brockes JP, Yun MH., Development. January 1, 2017; 144 (1): 106-114.   

Controlling the Messenger: Regulated Translation of Maternal mRNAs in Xenopus laevis Development., Sheets MD, Fox CA, Dowdle ME, Blaser SI, Chung A, Park S., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2017; 953 49-82.

Chromosome divergence during evolution of the tetraploid clawed frogs, Xenopus mellotropicalis and Xenopus epitropicalis as revealed by Zoo-FISH., Knytl M, Smolík O, Kubíčková S, Tlapáková T, Evans BJ, Krylov V., PLoS One. January 1, 2017; 12 (5): e0177087.   

Chemosensory Gene Families in Ectropis grisescens and Candidates for Detection of Type-II Sex Pheromones., Li ZQ, Luo ZX, Cai XM, Bian L, Xin ZJ, Liu Y, Chu B, Chen ZM., Front Physiol. January 1, 2017; 8 953.   

Copy number variation as a genetic basis for heterotaxy and heterotaxy-spectrum congenital heart defects., Cowan JR, Tariq M, Shaw C, Rao M, Belmont JW, Lalani SR, Smolarek TA, Ware SM., Philos Trans R Soc Lond B Biol Sci. December 19, 2016; 371 (1710):

Cohesin acetylation and Wapl-Pds5 oppositely regulate translocation of cohesin along DNA., Kanke M, Tahara E, Huis In't Veld PJ, Nishiyama T., EMBO J. December 15, 2016; 35 (24): 2686-2698.

CFAP157 is a murine downstream effector of FOXJ1 that is specifically required for flagellum morphogenesis and sperm motility., Weidemann M, Schuster-Gossler K, Stauber M, Wrede C, Hegermann J, Ott T, Boldt K, Beyer T, Serth K, Kremmer E, Blum M, Ueffing M, Gossler A., Development. December 15, 2016; 143 (24): 4736-4748.   

Cellular encoding of Cy dyes for single-molecule imaging., Leisle L, Chadda R, Lueck JD, Infield DT, Galpin JD, Krishnamani V, Robertson JL, Ahern CA., Elife. December 12, 2016; 5   

Chromatin-remodelling factor Brg1 regulates myocardial proliferation and regeneration in zebrafish., Xiao C, Gao L, Hou Y, Xu C, Chang N, Wang F, Hu K, He A, Luo Y, Wang J, Peng J, Tang F, Zhu X, Xiong JW., Nat Commun. December 8, 2016; 7 13787.   

Cadherin Trafficking for Tissue Morphogenesis: Control and Consequences., West JJ, Harris TJ., Traffic. December 1, 2016; 17 (12): 1233-1243.

Characterisation and vascular expression of nitric oxide synthase 3 in amphibians., Cameron MS, Trajanovska S, Forgan LG, Donald JA., Cell Tissue Res. December 1, 2016; 366 (3): 679-692.

Construction of a series of pCS2+ backbone-based Gateway vectors for overexpressing various tagged proteins in vertebrates., Wang HY, Li Y, Xue T, Cheng N, Du HN., Acta Biochim Biophys Sin (Shanghai). December 1, 2016; 48 (12): 1128-1134.

Ca2+ permeability and Na+ conductance in cellular toxicity caused by hyperactive DEG/ENaC channels., Matthewman C, Miller-Fleming TW, Miller DM, Bianchi L., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. December 1, 2016; 311 (6): C920-C930.

Cell repair: Revisiting the patch hypothesis., Davenport NR, Bement WM., Commun Integr Biol. November 22, 2016; 9 (6): e1253643.

Coevolution of paired receptors in Xenopus carcinoembryonic antigen-related cell adhesion molecule families suggests appropriation as pathogen receptors., Zimmermann W, Kammerer R., BMC Genomics. November 16, 2016; 17 (1): 928.   

CENP-A and H3 Nucleosomes Display a Similar Stability to Force-Mediated Disassembly., Kim SH, Vlijm R, van der Torre J, Dalal Y, Dekker C., PLoS One. November 7, 2016; 11 (11): e0165078.   

Chronic activation of the D156A point mutant of Channelrhodopsin-2 signals apoptotic cell death: the good and the bad., Perny M, Muri L, Dawson H, Kleinlogel S., Cell Death Dis. November 3, 2016; 7 (11): e2447.   

Cyclin F-Mediated Degradation of SLBP Limits H2A.X Accumulation and Apoptosis upon Genotoxic Stress in G2., Dankert JF, Rona G, Clijsters L, Geter P, Skaar JR, Bermudez-Hernandez K, Sassani E, Fenyö D, Ueberheide B, Schneider R, Pagano M., Mol Cell. November 3, 2016; 64 (3): 507-519.

Cholesterol-rich membrane microdomains modulate Wnt/β-catenin morphogen gradient during Xenopus development., Reis AH, Moreno MM, Maia LA, Oliveira FP, Santos AS, Abreu JG., Mech Dev. November 1, 2016; 142 30-39.   

CPEB4 is regulated during cell cycle by ERK2/Cdk1-mediated phosphorylation and its assembly into liquid-like droplets., Guillén-Boixet J, Buzon V, Salvatella X, Méndez R., Elife. November 1, 2016; 5   

CRISPR: MODIFYING THE LIFE SCIENCE LANDSCAPE., Blow N., Biotechniques. November 1, 2016; 61 (5): 225-231.

Crystal structure of the DNA binding domain of the transcription factor T-bet suggests simultaneous recognition of distant genome sites., Liu CF, Brandt GS, Hoang QQ, Naumova N, Lazarevic V, Hwang ES, Dekker J, Glimcher LH, Ringe D, Petsko GA., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. October 25, 2016; 113 (43): E6572-E6581.   

Corepressor diversification by alternative mRNA splicing is species specific., Privalsky ML, Snyder CA, Goodson ML., BMC Evol Biol. October 19, 2016; 16 (1): 221.   

Comparison of gating dynamics of different IP3R channels with immune algorithm searching for channel parameter distributions., Cai X, Li X, Qi H, Wei F, Chen J, Shuai J., Phys Biol. October 17, 2016; 13 (5): 056005.

CRISPR/Cas9 mediated knockout of rb1 and rbl1 leads to rapid and penetrant retinoblastoma development in Xenopus tropicalis., Naert T, Colpaert R, Van Nieuwenhuysen T, Dimitrakopoulou D, Leoen J, Haustraete J, Boel A, Steyaert W, Lepez T, Deforce D, Willaert A, Creytens D, Vleminckx K., Sci Rep. October 14, 2016; 6 35264.   

Cloning and in vitro characterization of a Schistosoma japonicum aquaglyceroporin that functions in osmoregulation., Huang Y, Li W, Lu W, Xiong C, Yang Y, Yan H, Liu KC, Cao P., Sci Rep. October 13, 2016; 6 35030.   

Codon identity regulates mRNA stability and translation efficiency during the maternal-to-zygotic transition., Bazzini AA, Del Viso F, Moreno-Mateos MA, Johnstone TG, Vejnar CE, Qin Y, Yao J, Khokha MK, Giraldez AJ., EMBO J. October 4, 2016; 35 (19): 2087-2103.

Characterization of Two HKT1;4 Transporters from Triticum monococcum to Elucidate the Determinants of the Wheat Salt Tolerance Nax1 QTL., Tounsi S, Ben Amar S, Masmoudi K, Sentenac H, Brini F, Véry AA., Plant Cell Physiol. October 1, 2016; 57 (10): 2047-2057.

Continued Studies on the Effects of Simazine on the Liver Histological Structure and Metamorphosis in the Developing Xenopus laevis., Sai L, Qu B, Li Y, Jia Q, Bo C, Liu Y, Yu G, Xie L, Li L, Ng JC, Peng C., Bull Environ Contam Toxicol. October 1, 2016; 97 (4): 517-20.

Chlorpyrifos exposure affects fgf8, sox9, and bmp4 expression required for cranial neural crest morphogenesis and chondrogenesis in Xenopus laevis embryos., Tussellino M, Ronca R, Carotenuto R, Pallotta MM, Furia M, Capriglione T., Environ Mol Mutagen. October 1, 2016; 57 (8): 630-640.

Chronic effects of triclosan on embryonic development of Chinese toad, Bufo gargarizans., Chai L, Wang H, Zhao H, Deng H., Ecotoxicology. October 1, 2016; 25 (8): 1600-1608.

Cannabis in epilepsy: From clinical practice to basic research focusing on the possible role of cannabidivarin., Morano A, Cifelli P, Nencini P, Antonilli L, Fattouch J, Ruffolo G, Roseti C, Aronica E, Limatola C, Di Bonaventura C, Palma E, Giallonardo AT., Epilepsia Open. September 19, 2016; 1 (3-4): 145-151.   

Ciliary transcription factors and miRNAs precisely regulate Cp110 levels required for ciliary adhesions and ciliogenesis., Walentek P, Quigley IK, Sun DI, Sajjan UK, Kintner C, Harland RM., Elife. September 13, 2016; 5   

Cooperation of the ER-shaping proteins atlastin, lunapark, and reticulons to generate a tubular membrane network., Wang S, Tukachinsky H, Romano FB, Rapoport TA., Elife. September 13, 2016; 5   

Correction: Mitotic noncoding RNA processing promotes kinetochore and spindle assembly in Xenopus., Grenfell AW, Heald R, Strzelecka M., J Cell Biol. September 12, 2016; 214 (6): 783.

Congenital Heart Disease Genetics Uncovers Context-Dependent Organization and Function of Nucleoporins at Cilia., Del Viso F, Huang F, Myers J, Chalfant M, Zhang Y, Reza N, Bewersdorf J, Lusk CP, Khokha MK., Dev Cell. September 12, 2016; 38 (5): 478-92.   

Capsaicin inhibits the Wnt/β-catenin signaling pathway by down-regulating PP2A., Park DS, Yoon GH, Lee HS, Choi SC., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. September 9, 2016; 478 (1): 455-461.   

Cation Interactions and Membrane Potential Induce Conformational Changes in NaPi-IIb., Patti M, Fenollar-Ferrer C, Werner A, Forrest LR, Forster IC., Biophys J. September 6, 2016; 111 (5): 973-88.

Complete mitochondrial genome of "Xenopus tropicalis" Asashima line (Anura: Pipidae), a possible undescribed species., Haramoto Y, Oshima T, Takahashi S, Asashima M, Ito Y, Kurabayashi A., Mitochondrial DNA A DNA Mapp Seq Anal. September 1, 2016; 27 (5): 3341-3.

Color and intensity discrimination in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Rothman GR, Blackiston DJ, Levin M., Anim Cogn. September 1, 2016; 19 (5): 911-9.

Comparative expression study of sipa family members during early Xenopus laevis development., Rothe M, Monteiro F, Dietmann P, Kühl SJ., Dev Genes Evol. September 1, 2016; 226 (5): 369-82.

Controlled levels of canonical Wnt signaling are required for neural crest migration., Maj E, Künneke L, Loresch E, Grund A, Melchert J, Pieler T, Aspelmeier T, Borchers A., Dev Biol. September 1, 2016; 417 (1): 77-90.   

Cellular Cholesterol Directly Activates Smoothened in Hedgehog Signaling., Huang P, Nedelcu D, Watanabe M, Jao C, Kim Y, Liu J, Salic A., Cell. August 25, 2016; 166 (5): 1176-1187.e14.

Crystal structure of a human neuronal nAChR extracellular domain in pentameric assembly: Ligand-bound α2 homopentamer., Kouvatsos N, Giastas P, Chroni-Tzartou D, Poulopoulou C, Tzartos SJ., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. August 23, 2016; 113 (34): 9635-40.

Calmodulin Regulates Human Ether à Go-Go 1 (hEAG1) Potassium Channels through Interactions of the Eag Domain with the Cyclic Nucleotide Binding Homology Domain., Lörinczi E, Helliwell M, Finch A, Stansfeld PJ, Davies NW, Mahaut-Smith M, Muskett FW, Mitcheson JS., J Biol Chem. August 19, 2016; 291 (34): 17907-18.   

Characterization of a Single Genomic Locus Encoding the Clustered Protocadherin Receptor Diversity in Xenopus tropicalis., Etlioglu HE, Sun W, Huang Z, Chen W, Schmucker D., G3 (Bethesda). August 9, 2016; 6 (8): 2309-18.   

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