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Galphai3 primes the G protein-activated K+ channels for activation by coexpressed Gbetagamma in intact Xenopus oocytes., Rubinstein M, Peleg S, Berlin S, Brass D, Dascal N., J Physiol. May 15, 2007; 581 (Pt 1): 17-32.

Glycan classification with tree kernels., Yamanishi Y, Bach F, Vert JP., Bioinformatics. May 15, 2007; 23 (10): 1211-6.

Glycoproteins of the vitelline envelope of Amphibian oocyte: biological and molecular characterization of ZPC component (gp41) in Bufo arenarum., Barisone GA, Krapf D, Correa-Fiz F, Arranz SE, Cabada MO., Mol Reprod Dev. May 1, 2007; 74 (5): 629-40.

Gemfibrozil and its glucuronide inhibit the hepatic uptake of pravastatin mediated by OATP1B1., Nakagomi-Hagihara R, Nakai D, Tokui T, Abe T, Ikeda T., Xenobiotica. May 1, 2007; 37 (5): 474-86.

Gastrulation of Gastrotheca riobambae in comparison with other frogs., Moya IM, Alarcón I, del Pino EM., Dev Biol. April 15, 2007; 304 (2): 467-78.

Gating pore current in an inherited ion channelopathy., Sokolov S, Scheuer T, Catterall WA., Nature. March 1, 2007; 446 (7131): 76-8.

Geminin prevents rereplication during xenopus development., Kerns SL, Torke SJ, Benjamin JM, McGarry TJ., J Biol Chem. February 23, 2007; 282 (8): 5514-21.

Genomic analysis of nucleoside transporters in Diptera and functional characterization of DmENT2, a Drosophila equilibrative nucleoside transporter., Machado J, Abdulla P, Hanna WJ, Hilliker AJ, Coe IR., Physiol Genomics. February 12, 2007; 28 (3): 337-47.

Gadd45a promotes epigenetic gene activation by repair-mediated DNA demethylation., Barreto G, Schäfer A, Marhold J, Stach D, Swaminathan SK, Handa V, Döderlein G, Maltry N, Wu W, Lyko F, Niehrs C., Nature. February 8, 2007; 445 (7128): 671-5.

G beta gamma signaling reduces intracellular cAMP to promote meiotic progression in mouse oocytes., Gill A, Hammes SR., Steroids. February 1, 2007; 72 (2): 117-23.

Gain-of-function mutations in the MEC-4 DEG/ENaC sensory mechanotransduction channel alter gating and drug blockade., Brown AL, Fernandez-Illescas SM, Liao Z, Goodman MB., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2007; 129 (2): 161-73.   

Gene expression in Xenopus laevis embryos after Triadimefon exposure., Papis E, Bernardini G, Gornati R, Menegola E, Prati M., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2007; 7 (1-2): 137-42.   

GDNF expression during Xenopus development., Kyuno J, Jones EA., Gene Expr Patterns. January 1, 2007; 7 (3): 313-7.   

Gating of the ATP-sensitive K+ channel by a pore-lining phenylalanine residue., Rojas A, Wu J, Wang R, Jiang C., Biochim Biophys Acta. January 1, 2007; 1768 (1): 39-51.

Generation of cell-free extracts of Xenopus eggs and demembranated sperm chromatin for the assembly and isolation of in vitro-formed nuclei for Western blotting and scanning electron microscopy (SEM)., Allen TD, Rutherford SA, Murray S, Sanderson HS, Gardiner F, Kiseleva E, Goldberg MW, Drummond SP., Nat Protoc. January 1, 2007; 2 (5): 1173-9.

Geminin in embryonic development: coordinating transcription and the cell cycle during differentiation., Kroll KL., Front Biosci. January 1, 2007; 12 1395-409.

Generation of trangenic Xenopus laevis using the Sleeping Beauty transposon system., Sinzelle L, Vallin J, Coen L, Chesneau A, Du Pasquier D, Pollet N, Demeneix B, Mazabraud A., Transgenic Res. December 1, 2006; 15 (6): 751-60.

Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor-mediated enteric neuronal survival involves glycogen synthase kinase-3beta phosphorylation and coupling with 14-3-3., Mwangi S, Anitha M, Fu H, Sitaraman SV, Srinivasan S., Neuroscience. November 17, 2006; 143 (1): 241-51.

Global analysis of gene expression in Xenopus hindlimbs during stage-dependent complete and incomplete regeneration., Grow M, Neff AW, Mescher AL, King MW., Dev Dyn. October 1, 2006; 235 (10): 2667-85.   

Gap junctions remain open during cytochrome c-induced cell death: relationship of conductance to 'bystander' cell killing., Cusato K, Ripps H, Zakevicius J, Spray DC., Cell Death Differ. October 1, 2006; 13 (10): 1707-14.

Guiding embryonic stem cells towards differentiation: lessons from molecular embryology., Spagnoli FM, Hemmati-Brivanlou A., Curr Opin Genet Dev. October 1, 2006; 16 (5): 469-75.

Grainyhead-like 3, a transcription factor identified in a microarray screen, promotes the specification of the superficial layer of the embryonic epidermis., Chalmers AD, Lachani K, Shin Y, Sherwood V, Cho KW, Papalopulu N., Mech Dev. September 1, 2006; 123 (9): 702-18.   

Gab1 is required for cell cycle transition, cell proliferation, and transformation induced by an oncogenic met receptor., Mood K, Saucier C, Bong YS, Lee HS, Park M, Daar IO., Mol Biol Cell. September 1, 2006; 17 (9): 3717-28.

GABA-site antagonism and pentobarbital actions do not depend on the alpha-subunit type in the recombinant rat GABA receptor., Rahman M, Zhu D, Lindblad C, Johansson IM, Holmberg E, Isaksson M, Taube M, Bäckström T, Wang MD., Acta Physiol (Oxf). August 1, 2006; 187 (4): 479-88.

Gene expression in the brain from fluoxetine-injected mouse using DNA microarray., Takahashi Y, Washiyama K, Kobayashi T, Hayashi S., Ann N Y Acad Sci. August 1, 2006; 1074 42-51.

GINS is a DNA polymerase epsilon accessory factor during chromosomal DNA replication in budding yeast., Seki T, Akita M, Kamimura Y, Muramatsu S, Araki H, Sugino A., J Biol Chem. July 28, 2006; 281 (30): 21422-21432.

Glutamate unbinding reveals new insights into NMDA receptor activation., Gibb AJ., J Physiol. July 15, 2006; 574 (Pt 2): 329.

Genotoxic and stress inductive potential of cadmium in Xenopus laevis larvae., Mouchet F, Baudrimont M, Gonzalez P, Cuenot Y, Bourdineaud JP, Boudou A, Gauthier L., Aquat Toxicol. June 15, 2006; 78 (2): 157-66.

Genomic analysis of Xenopus organizer function., Hufton AL, Vinayagam A, Suhai S, Baker JC., BMC Dev Biol. June 6, 2006; 6 27.   

Genetic screens for mutations affecting development of Xenopus tropicalis., Goda T, Abu-Daya A, Carruthers S, Clark MD, Stemple DL, Zimmerman LB., PLoS Genet. June 1, 2006; 2 (6): e91.   

GLUT8 is dispensable for embryonic development but influences hippocampal neurogenesis and heart function., Membrez M, Hummler E, Beermann F, Haefliger JA, Savioz R, Pedrazzini T, Thorens B., Mol Cell Biol. June 1, 2006; 26 (11): 4268-76.

G protein-coupled receptor for diapause hormone, an inducer of Bombyx embryonic diapause., Homma T, Watanabe K, Tsurumaru S, Kataoka H, Imai K, Kamba M, Niimi T, Yamashita O, Yaginuma T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. May 26, 2006; 344 (1): 386-93.

Genes coding for intermediate filament proteins closely related to the hagfish "thread keratins (TK)" alpha and gamma also exist in lamprey, teleosts and amphibians., Schaffeld M, Schultess J., Exp Cell Res. May 15, 2006; 312 (9): 1447-62.

Global analysis of the transcriptional network controlling Xenopus endoderm formation., Sinner D, Kirilenko P, Rankin S, Wei E, Howard L, Kofron M, Heasman J, Woodland HR, Zorn AM., Development. May 1, 2006; 133 (10): 1955-66.   

Growth cone steering by a physiological electric field requires dynamic microtubules, microfilaments and Rac-mediated filopodial asymmetry., Rajnicek AM, Foubister LE, McCaig CD., J Cell Sci. May 1, 2006; 119 (Pt 9): 1736-45.

Gating of cyclic nucleotide-gated (CNGA1) channels by cGMP jumps and depolarizing voltage steps., Nache V, Kusch J, Hagen V, Benndorf K., Biophys J. May 1, 2006; 90 (9): 3146-54.

Greatwall kinase participates in the Cdc2 autoregulatory loop in Xenopus egg extracts., Yu J, Zhao Y, Li Z, Galas S, Goldberg ML., Mol Cell. April 7, 2006; 22 (1): 83-91.

Gene expression changes at metamorphosis induced by thyroid hormone in Xenopus laevis tadpoles., Das B, Cai L, Carter MG, Piao YL, Sharov AA, Ko MS, Brown DD., Dev Biol. March 15, 2006; 291 (2): 342-55.   

GABAergic specification in the basal forebrain is controlled by the LIM-hd factor Lhx7., Bachy I, Rétaux S., Dev Biol. March 15, 2006; 291 (2): 218-26.   

Gradients in the self-organization of the mitotic spindle., Bastiaens P, Caudron M, Niethammer P, Karsenti E., Trends Cell Biol. March 1, 2006; 16 (3): 125-34.

Genomic structure and transcriptional studies on the mouse ribosomal protein S3 gene: expression of U15 small nucleolar RNA., Lee SM, Kim M, Moon EP, Lee BJ, Choi JY, Kim J., Gene. March 1, 2006; 368 12-20.

Genetic and genomic prospects for Xenopus tropicalis research., Carruthers S, Stemple DL., Semin Cell Dev Biol. February 1, 2006; 17 (1): 146-53.

Gating of acid-sensitive ion channel-1: release of Ca2+ block vs. allosteric mechanism., Zhang P, Sigworth FJ, Canessa CM., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2006; 127 (2): 109-17.   

Germ layers to organs: using Xenopus to study "later" development., Blitz IL, Andelfinger G, Horb ME., Semin Cell Dev Biol. February 1, 2006; 17 (1): 133-45.

G protein-activated inwardly rectifying K+ channel inhibition and rescue of weaver mouse motor functions by antidepressants., Takahashi T, Kobayashi T, Ozaki M, Takamatsu Y, Ogai Y, Ohta M, Yamamoto H, Ikeda K., Neurosci Res. February 1, 2006; 54 (2): 104-11.

Genomic profiling of mixer and Sox17beta targets during Xenopus endoderm development., Dickinson K, Leonard J, Baker JC., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2006; 235 (2): 368-81.   

Growing kidney in the frog., Chan T, Asashima M., Nephron Exp Nephrol. January 1, 2006; 103 (3): e81-5.

Genomics, morphogenesis and biophysics: triangulation of Purkinje cell development., Simons MJ, Pellionisz AJ., Cerebellum. January 1, 2006; 5 (1): 27-35.

Gene silencing in Xenopus laevis by DNA vector-based RNA interference and transgenesis., Li M, Rohrer B., Cell Res. January 1, 2006; 16 (1): 99-105.

Global and local control of microtubule destabilization promoted by a catastrophe kinesin MCAK/XKCM1., Kinoshita K, Noetzel TL, Arnal I, Drechsel DN, Hyman AA., J Muscle Res Cell Motil. January 1, 2006; 27 (2): 107-14.

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