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Phosphoglycerate kinase 1 expression responds to freezing, anoxia, and dehydration stresses in the freeze tolerant wood frog, Rana sylvatica., Wu S, Storey JM, Storey KB., J Exp Zool A Ecol Genet Physiol. January 1, 2009; 311 (1): 57-67.

Pruning nature: Biodiversity-derived discovery of novel sodium channel blocking conotoxins from Conus bullatus., Holford M, Zhang MM, Gowd KH, Azam L, Green BR, Watkins M, Ownby JP, Yoshikami D, Bulaj G, Olivera BM., Toxicon. January 1, 2009; 53 (1): 90-8.

Preparation of synchronized human cell extracts to study ubiquitination and degradation., Williamson A, Jin L, Rape M., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2009; 545 301-12.

Probing kinetochore structure and function using Xenopus laevis frog egg extracts., Emanuele MJ, Stukenberg PT., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2009; 545 221-32.

Proteomics analysis of regenerating amphibian limbs: changes during the onset of regeneration., King MW, Neff AW, Mescher AL., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2009; 53 (7): 955-69.

Plant TPX2 and related proteins., Evrard JL, Pieuchot L, Vos JW, Vernos I, Schmit AC., Plant Signal Behav. January 1, 2009; 4 (1): 69-72.

Plasmin activates epithelial Na+ channels by cleaving the gamma subunit., Passero CJ, Mueller GM, Rondon-Berrios H, Tofovic SP, Hughey RP, Kleyman TR., J Biol Chem. December 26, 2008; 283 (52): 36586-91.

Phosphorylation of CAP-G is required for its chromosomal DNA localization during mitosis., Murphy LA, Sarge KD., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. December 19, 2008; 377 (3): 1007-11.

Phosphorylation of GRK7 by PKA in cone photoreceptor cells is regulated by light., Osawa S, Jo R, Weiss ER., J Neurochem. December 1, 2008; 107 (5): 1314-24.

PMesogenin1 and 2 function directly downstream of Xtbx6 in Xenopus somitogenesis and myogenesis., Tazumi S, Yabe S, Yokoyama J, Aihara Y, Uchiyama H., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2008; 237 (12): 3749-61.   

Papaverine, a vasodilator, blocks the pore of the HERG channel at submicromolar concentration., Kim YJ, Hong HK, Lee HS, Moh SH, Park JC, Jo SH, Choe H., J Cardiovasc Pharmacol. December 1, 2008; 52 (6): 485-93.

Phenotypic and functional analysis of human SLC26A6 variants in patients with familial hyperoxaluria and calcium oxalate nephrolithiasis., Monico CG, Weinstein A, Jiang Z, Rohlinger AL, Cogal AG, Bjornson BB, Olson JB, Bergstralh EJ, Milliner DS, Aronson PS., Am J Kidney Dis. December 1, 2008; 52 (6): 1096-103.

PTK7 recruits dsh to regulate neural crest migration., Shnitsar I, Borchers A., Development. December 1, 2008; 135 (24): 4015-24.   

Protective effects of the combination of alpha-helical antimicrobial peptides and rifampicin in three rat models of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection., Cirioni O, Silvestri C, Ghiselli R, Orlando F, Riva A, Mocchegiani F, Chiodi L, Castelletti S, Gabrielli E, Saba V, Scalise G, Giacometti A., J Antimicrob Chemother. December 1, 2008; 62 (6): 1332-8.

Phosphoinositides regulate P2X4 ATP-gated channels through direct interactions., Bernier LP, Ase AR, Chevallier S, Blais D, Zhao Q, Boué-Grabot E, Logothetis D, Séguéla P., J Neurosci. November 26, 2008; 28 (48): 12938-45.

Protein metamorphosis: the two-state behavior of Mad2., Luo X, Yu H., Structure. November 12, 2008; 16 (11): 1616-25.

Phase coupling of a circadian neuropeptide with rest/activity rhythms detected using a membrane-tethered spider toxin., Wu Y, Cao G, Pavlicek B, Luo X, Nitabach MN., PLoS Biol. November 4, 2008; 6 (11): e273.   

Programming neuroendocrine stress axis activity by exposure to glucocorticoids during postembryonic development of the frog, Xenopus laevis., Hu F, Crespi EJ, Denver RJ., Endocrinology. November 1, 2008; 149 (11): 5470-81.

Polymorphisms within PfMDR1 alter the substrate specificity for anti-malarial drugs in Plasmodium falciparum., Sanchez CP, Rotmann A, Stein WD, Lanzer M., Mol Microbiol. November 1, 2008; 70 (4): 786-98.

Positive allosteric modulation of the alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptor: ligand interactions with distinct binding sites and evidence for a prominent role of the M2-M3 segment., Bertrand D, Bertrand S, Cassar S, Gubbins E, Li J, Gopalakrishnan M., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 2008; 74 (5): 1407-16.

Parathyroid hormone signaling through low-density lipoprotein-related protein 6., Wan M, Yang C, Li J, Wu X, Yuan H, Ma H, He X, Nie S, Chang C, Cao X., Genes Dev. November 1, 2008; 22 (21): 2968-79.   

Patch clamp recording of ion channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Brown AL, Johnson BE, Goodman MB., J Vis Exp. October 8, 2008; (20):

Plasma urate level is directly regulated by a voltage-driven urate efflux transporter URATv1 (SLC2A9) in humans., Anzai N, Ichida K, Jutabha P, Kimura T, Babu E, Jin CJ, Srivastava S, Kitamura K, Hisatome I, Endou H, Sakurai H., J Biol Chem. October 3, 2008; 283 (40): 26834-8.

Pharmacokinetic role of L-type amino acid transporters LAT1 and LAT2., del Amo EM, Urtti A, Yliperttula M., Eur J Pharm Sci. October 2, 2008; 35 (3): 161-74.

Promoting ectopic pancreatic fates: pancreas development and future diabetes therapies., Pearl EJ, Horb ME., Clin Genet. October 1, 2008; 74 (4): 316-24.   

Physico-chemical and biophysical study of the interaction of hexa- and heptaacyl lipid A from Erwinia carotovora with magainin 2-derived antimicrobial peptides., Fukuoka S, Howe J, Andrä J, Gutsmann T, Rössle M, Brandenburg K., Biochim Biophys Acta. October 1, 2008; 1778 (10): 2051-7.

Premature stop codons in a facilitating EF-hand splice variant of CaV2.1 cause episodic ataxia type 2., Graves TD, Imbrici P, Kors EE, Terwindt GM, Eunson LH, Frants RR, Haan J, Ferrari MD, Goadsby PJ, Hanna MG, van den Maagdenberg AM, Kullmann DM., Neurobiol Dis. October 1, 2008; 32 (1): 10-5.

pH-induced conformational change of the influenza M2 protein C-terminal domain., Nguyen PA, Soto CS, Polishchuk A, Caputo GA, Tatko CD, Ma C, Ohigashi Y, Pinto LH, DeGrado WF, Howard KP., Biochemistry. September 23, 2008; 47 (38): 9934-6.

Potentiation of alpha7 nicotinic acetylcholine receptors via an allosteric transmembrane site., Young GT, Zwart R, Walker AS, Sher E, Millar NS., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 23, 2008; 105 (38): 14686-91.

Proteolytic processing of the epithelial sodium channel gamma subunit has a dominant role in channel activation., Carattino MD, Hughey RP, Kleyman TR., J Biol Chem. September 12, 2008; 283 (37): 25290-25295.

Panax ginseng induces anterograde transport of pigment organelles in Xenopus melanophores., Eriksson TL, Svensson SP, Lundström I, Persson K, Andersson TP, Andersson RG., J Ethnopharmacol. September 2, 2008; 119 (1): 17-23.

Preparation and fractionation of Xenopus laevis egg extracts., Cross MK, Powers M., J Vis Exp. September 2, 2008; (18): .   

Physiological manipulation of cellular activity tunes protein and ultrastructural profiles in a neuroendocrine cell., van Herp F, van Bakel NH, Coenen AJ, Sergeant K, Devreese B, Martens GJ., J Endocrinol. September 1, 2008; 198 (3): 607-16.

Polar body emission requires a RhoA contractile ring and Cdc42-mediated membrane protrusion., Zhang X, Ma C, Miller AL, Katbi HA, Bement WM, Liu XJ., Dev Cell. September 1, 2008; 15 (3): 386-400.

Probenecid, a gout remedy, inhibits pannexin 1 channels., Silverman W, Locovei S, Dahl G., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2008; 295 (3): C761-7.

P2X7 receptor-Pannexin1 complex: pharmacology and signaling., Iglesias R, Locovei S, Roque A, Alberto AP, Dahl G, Spray DC, Scemes E., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. September 1, 2008; 295 (3): C752-60.

Pore region of TRPV3 ion channel is specifically required for heat activation., Grandl J, Hu H, Bandell M, Bursulaya B, Schmidt M, Petrus M, Patapoutian A., Nat Neurosci. September 1, 2008; 11 (9): 1007-13.

Poleward transport of Eg5 by dynein-dynactin in Xenopus laevis egg extract spindles., Uteng M, Hentrich C, Miura K, Bieling P, Surrey T., J Cell Biol. August 25, 2008; 182 (4): 715-26.   

Physical interaction between Tbx6 and mespb is indispensable for the activation of bowline expression during Xenopus somitogenesis., Hitachi K, Danno H, Kondow A, Ohnuma K, Uchiyama H, Ishiura S, Kurisaki A, Asashima M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. August 8, 2008; 372 (4): 607-12.   

Protein kinase C modulates inactivation of Kv3.3 channels., Desai R, Kronengold J, Mei J, Forman SA, Kaczmarek LK., J Biol Chem. August 8, 2008; 283 (32): 22283-94.

Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide regulates brain-derived neurotrophic factor exon IV expression through the VPAC1 receptor in the amphibian melanotrope cell., Kidane AH, Roubos EW, Jenks BG., Endocrinology. August 1, 2008; 149 (8): 4177-82.

Phosphorylation in the C-terminus of the rat connexin46 (rCx46) and regulation of the conducting activity of the formed connexons., Walter WJ, Zeilinger C, Bintig W, Kolb HA, Ngezahayo A., J Bioenerg Biomembr. August 1, 2008; 40 (4): 397-405.

Phosphorylation determines the calmodulin-mediated Ca2+ response and water permeability of AQP0., Kalman K, Németh-Cahalan KL, Froger A, Hall JE., J Biol Chem. July 25, 2008; 283 (30): 21278-83.

PKA-mediated phosphorylation is a novel mechanism for levetiracetam, an antiepileptic drug, activating ROMK1 channels., Tsai TS, Liou HH., Biochem Pharmacol. July 15, 2008; 76 (2): 225-35.

Peptides derived from repulsive guidance molecule act as antagonists., Suda M, Hata K, Sawada A, Nakamura Y, Kubo T, Yamaguchi A, Yamashita T., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 4, 2008; 371 (3): 501-4.

Polyunsaturated fatty acids and cerebrospinal fluid from children on the ketogenic diet open a voltage-gated K channel: a putative mechanism of antiseizure action., Xu XP, Erichsen D, Börjesson SI, Dahlin M, Amark P, Elinder F., Epilepsy Res. July 1, 2008; 80 (1): 57-66.

PACSIN2 regulates cell adhesion during gastrulation in Xenopus laevis., Cousin H, Desimone DW, Alfandari D., Dev Biol. July 1, 2008; 319 (1): 86-99.   

Paroxysmal exercise-induced dyskinesia and epilepsy is due to mutations in SLC2A1, encoding the glucose transporter GLUT1., Suls A, Dedeken P, Goffin K, Van Esch H, Dupont P, Cassiman D, Kempfle J, Wuttke TV, Weber Y, Lerche H, Afawi Z, Vandenberghe W, Korczyn AD, Berkovic SF, Ekstein D, Kivity S, Ryvlin P, Claes LR, Deprez L, Maljevic S, Vargas A, Van Dyck T, Goossens D, Del-Favero J, Van Laere K, De Jonghe P, Van Paesschen W., Brain. July 1, 2008; 131 (Pt 7): 1831-44.   

Possible involvement of phosphatidylinositol 3-kinase, but not protein kinase B or glycogen synthase kinase 3beta, in progesterone-induced oocyte maturation in the Japanese brown frog, Rana japonica., Ota R, Suwa K, Kotani T, Mita K, Yamashita M., Zoolog Sci. July 1, 2008; 25 (7): 773-81.

Pleiotropic effects in Eya3 knockout mice., Söker T, Dalke C, Puk O, Floss T, Becker L, Bolle I, Favor J, Hans W, Hölter SM, Horsch M, Kallnik M, Kling E, Moerth C, Schrewe A, Stigloher C, Topp S, Gailus-Durner V, Naton B, Beckers J, Fuchs H, Ivandic B, Klopstock T, Schulz H, Wolf E, Wurst W, Bally-Cuif L, de Angelis MH, Graw J., BMC Dev Biol. June 23, 2008; 8 118.   

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