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Search Results

Regulation of the voltage gated K channel Kv1.3 by recombinant human klotho protein., Almilaji A, Honisch S, Liu G, Elvira B, Ajay SS, Hosseinzadeh Z, Ahmed M, Munoz C, Sopjani M, Lang F., Kidney Blood Press Res. January 1, 2014; 39 (6): 609-22.

Regulator of G protein signaling 2 (RGS2) and RGS4 form distinct G protein-dependent complexes with protease activated-receptor 1 (PAR1) in live cells., Ghil S, McCoy KL, Hepler JR., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (4): e95355.   

Regional expression of Pax7 in the brain of Xenopus laevis during embryonic and larval development., Bandín S, Morona R, Moreno N, González A., Front Neuroanat. December 24, 2013; 7 48.   

Role for regulated phosphatase activity in generating mitotic oscillations in Xenopus cell-free extracts., Zhang T, Tyson JJ, Novák B., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 17, 2013; 110 (51): 20539-44.

Regulation of NKCC2 activity by inhibitory SPAK isoforms: KS-SPAK is a more potent inhibitor than SPAK2., Park HJ, Curry JN, McCormick JA., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. December 15, 2013; 305 (12): F1687-96.

Role of connexin 32 hemichannels in the release of ATP from peripheral nerves., Nualart-Marti A, del Molino EM, Grandes X, Bahima L, Martin-Satué M, Puchal R, Fasciani I, González-Nieto D, Ziganshin B, Llobet A, Barrio LC, Solsona C., Glia. December 1, 2013; 61 (12): 1976-89.

Relative CO₂/NH₃ permeabilities of human RhAG, RhBG and RhCG., Geyer RR, Parker MD, Toye AM, Boron WF, Musa-Aziz R., J Membr Biol. December 1, 2013; 246 (12): 915-26.

Role of Sp5 as an essential early regulator of neural crest specification in xenopus., Park DS, Seo JH, Hong M, Bang W, Han JK, Choi SC., Dev Dyn. December 1, 2013; 242 (12): 1382-94.   

Repeating pattern of non-RVD variations in DNA-binding modules enhances TALEN activity., Sakuma T, Ochiai H, Kaneko T, Mashimo T, Tokumasu D, Sakane Y, Suzuki K, Miyamoto T, Sakamoto N, Matsuura S, Yamamoto T., Sci Rep. November 29, 2013; 3 3379.   

Rilpivirine inhibits drug transporters ABCB1, SLC22A1, and SLC22A2 in vitro., Moss DM, Liptrott NJ, Curley P, Siccardi M, Back DJ, Owen A., Antimicrob Agents Chemother. November 1, 2013; 57 (11): 5612-8.

Regulation of the delta and alpha epithelial sodium channel (ENaC) by ubiquitination and Nedd8., L Y K, McIntosh CJ, Biasio W, Liu Y, Ke Y, Olson DR, Miller JH, Page R, Snyder PM, McDonald FJ., J Cell Physiol. November 1, 2013; 228 (11): 2190-201.

Reversible inhibition of the glycine transporter GlyT2 circumvents acute toxicity while preserving efficacy in the treatment of pain., Mingorance-Le Meur A, Ghisdal P, Mullier B, De Ron P, Downey P, Van Der Perren C, Declercq V, Cornelis S, Famelart M, Van Asperen J, Jnoff E, Courade JP., Br J Pharmacol. November 1, 2013; 170 (5): 1053-63.

Role of the hypoxia response pathway in lens formation during embryonic development of Xenopus laevis., Baba K, Muraguchi T, Imaoka S., FEBS Open Bio. October 23, 2013; 3 490-5.   

Regulation of neurogenesis by Fgf8a requires Cdc42 signaling and a novel Cdc42 effector protein., Hulstrand AM, Houston DW., Dev Biol. October 15, 2013; 382 (2): 385-99.   

RNAi-based demonstration of direct link between specific odorant receptors and mosquito oviposition behavior., Zhu F, Xu P, Barbosa RM, Choo YM, Leal WS., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. October 1, 2013; 43 (10): 916-23.

RAB8B is required for activity and caveolar endocytosis of LRP6., Demir K, Kirsch N, Beretta CA, Erdmann G, Ingelfinger D, Moro E, Argenton F, Carl M, Niehrs C, Boutros M., Cell Rep. September 26, 2013; 4 (6): 1224-34.   

Rapid stimulation of human renal ENaC by cAMP in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Robins GG, MacLennan KA, Boot-Handford RP, Sandle GI., J Physiol Biochem. September 1, 2013; 69 (3): 419-27.

Repulsive guidance molecules (RGMs) and neogenin in bone morphogenetic protein (BMP) signaling., Tian C, Liu J., Mol Reprod Dev. September 1, 2013; 80 (9): 700-17.

Ratiometric imaging of the T-cell actin cytoskeleton reveals the nature of receptor-induced cytoskeletal enrichment., Smoligovets AA, Smith AW, Groves JT., Biophys J. August 6, 2013; 105 (3): L11-3.

Riluzole attenuates excitatory amino acid transporter type 3 activity in Xenopus oocytes via protein kinase C inhibition., Choi JS, Ryu JH, Zuo Z, Yang SM, Chang HW, Do SH., Eur J Pharmacol. August 5, 2013; 713 (1-3): 39-43.

Reactive oxygen species and anti-oxidant defenses in tail of tadpoles, Xenopus laevis., Johnson J, Manzo W, Gardner E, Menon J., Comp Biochem Physiol C Toxicol Pharmacol. August 1, 2013; 158 (2): 101-8.

Repressive translational control in germ cells., Lai F, King ML., Mol Reprod Dev. August 1, 2013; 80 (8): 665-76.

RNA localization in Xenopus oocytes uses a core group of trans-acting factors irrespective of destination., Snedden DD, Bertke MM, Vernon D, Huber PW., RNA. July 1, 2013; 19 (7): 889-95.

Resistance to cancer in amphibians: a role for apoptosis?, Ruben LN, Johnson RO, Clothier RH, Balls M., Altern Lab Anim. July 1, 2013; 41 (3): 231-4.

Role of the Rap2/TNIK kinase pathway in regulation of LRP6 stability for Wnt signaling., Park DS, Seo JH, Hong M, Choi SC., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. June 28, 2013; 436 (2): 338-43.   

Roles of different pools of the mitotic checkpoint complex and the mechanisms of their disassembly., Eytan E, Sitry-Shevah D, Teichner A, Hershko A., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. June 25, 2013; 110 (26): 10568-73.

RNA-binding protein Hermes/RBPMS inversely affects synapse density and axon arbor formation in retinal ganglion cells in vivo., Hörnberg H, Wollerton-van Horck F, Maurus D, Zwart M, Svoboda H, Harris WA, Holt CE., J Neurosci. June 19, 2013; 33 (25): 10384-95.   

Ric-8A, a guanine nucleotide exchange factor for heterotrimeric G proteins, is critical for cranial neural crest cell migration., Fuentealba J, Toro-Tapia G, Arriagada C, Riquelme L, Beyer A, Henriquez JP, Caprile T, Mayor R, Marcellini S, Hinrichs MV, Olate J, Torrejón M., Dev Biol. June 15, 2013; 378 (2): 74-82.   

Review and synthesis of the effects of climate change on amphibians., Li Y, Cohen JM, Rohr JR., Integr Zool. June 1, 2013; 8 (2): 145-61.

Relative CO(2)/NH(3) selectivities of mammalian aquaporins 0-9., Geyer RR, Musa-Aziz R, Qin X, Boron WF., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. May 15, 2013; 304 (10): C985-94.

Retinoic acid-activated Ndrg1a represses Wnt/β-catenin signaling to allow Xenopus pancreas, oesophagus, stomach, and duodenum specification., Zhang T, Guo X, Chen Y., PLoS One. May 15, 2013; 8 (5): e65058.   

Restricted neural plasticity in vestibulospinal pathways after unilateral labyrinthectomy as the origin for scoliotic deformations., Lambert FM, Malinvaud D, Gratacap M, Straka H, Vidal PP., J Neurosci. April 17, 2013; 33 (16): 6845-56.   

RIC-3 differentially modulates α4β2 and α7 nicotinic receptor assembly, expression, and nicotine-induced receptor upregulation., Dau A, Komal P, Truong M, Morris G, Evans G, Nashmi R., BMC Neurosci. April 15, 2013; 14 47.   

Regulation of G-protein signaling via Gnas is required to regulate proximal tubular growth in the Xenopus pronephros., Zhang B, Romaker D, Ferrell N, Wessely O., Dev Biol. April 1, 2013; 376 (1): 31-42.   

Resveratrol Inhibits GABAC ρ Receptor-Mediated Ion Currents Expressed in Xenopus Oocytes., Lee BH, Choi SH, Hwang SH, Kim HJ, Lee JH, Nah SY., Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. April 1, 2013; 17 (2): 175-80.   

Redox artifacts in electrophysiological recordings., Berman JM, Awayda MS., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. April 1, 2013; 304 (7): C604-13.

RNA helicase DDX3 is a regulatory subunit of casein kinase 1 in Wnt-β-catenin signaling., Cruciat CM, Dolde C, de Groot RE, Ohkawara B, Reinhard C, Korswagen HC, Niehrs C., Science. March 22, 2013; 339 (6126): 1436-41.

Regeneration of functional pronephric proximal tubules after partial nephrectomy in Xenopus laevis., Caine ST, Mclaughlin KA., Dev Dyn. March 1, 2013; 242 (3): 219-29.   

Regulation of AQP0 water permeability is enhanced by cooperativity., Németh-Cahalan KL, Clemens DM, Hall JE., J Gen Physiol. March 1, 2013; 141 (3): 287-95.   

Reconstitution of functionally efficient SecA-dependent protein-conducting channels: transformation of low-affinity SecA-liposome channels to high-affinity SecA-SecYEG-SecDF·YajC channels., Hsieh YH, Zhang H, Wang H, Yang H, Jiang C, Sui SF, Tai PC., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. February 15, 2013; 431 (3): 388-92.

R4 regulators of G protein signaling (RGS) identify an ancient MHC-linked synteny group., Suurväli J, Robert J, Boudinot P, Rüütel Boudinot S., Immunogenetics. February 1, 2013; 65 (2): 145-56.

Regulation of primitive hematopoiesis by class I histone deacetylases., Shah RR, Koniski A, Shinde M, Blythe SA, Fass DM, Haggarty SJ, Palis J, Klein PS., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2013; 242 (2): 108-21.   

Rab10 GTPase regulates ER dynamics and morphology., English AR, Voeltz GK., Nat Cell Biol. February 1, 2013; 15 (2): 169-78.   

RNA sequencing reveals a diverse and dynamic repertoire of the Xenopus tropicalis transcriptome over development., Tan MH, Au KF, Yablonovitch AL, Wills AE, Chuang J, Baker JC, Wong WH, Li JB., Genome Res. January 1, 2013; 23 (1): 201-16.

Regulation of GluA1 AMPA receptor through PKC phosphorylation induced by free fatty acid derivative HUHS2002., Nishimoto T, Kanno T, Shimizu T, Tanaka A, Nishizaki T., Lipids. January 1, 2013; 48 (1): 23-8.   

Recombinant expression and purification of the antimicrobial peptide magainin-2., Ramos R, Moreira S, Rodrigues A, Gama M, Domingues L., Biotechnol Prog. January 1, 2013; 29 (1): 17-22.

Rab GTPases are required for early orientation of the left-right axis in Xenopus., Vandenberg LN, Morrie RD, Seebohm G, Lemire JM, Levin M., Mech Dev. January 1, 2013; 130 (4-5): 254-71.   

Reversal of ion-charge selectivity renders the pentameric ligand-gated ion channel GLIC insensitive to anaesthetics., Tillman T, Cheng MH, Chen Q, Tang P, Xu Y., Biochem J. January 1, 2013; 449 (1): 61-8.

Recording macroscopic currents in large patches from Xenopus oocytes., Rohacs T., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2013; 998 119-31.

Ras guanyl nucleotide releasing protein 2 affects cell viability and cell-matrix adhesion in ECV304 endothelial cells., Takino J, Nagamine K, Hori T., Cell Adh Migr. January 1, 2013; 7 (3): 262-6.

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