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Search Results

Background adaptation and synapse plasticity in the pars intermedia of Xenopus laevis., Berghs CA, Roubos EW., Neuroscience. February 1, 1996; 70 (3): 833-41.

Barbiturate interactions at the human GABAA receptor: dependence on receptor subunit combination., Thompson SA, Whiting PJ, Wafford KA., Br J Pharmacol. February 1, 1996; 117 (3): 521-527.

Biphasic intestinal development in amphibians: embryogenesis and remodeling during metamorphosis., Shi YB, Ishizuya-Oka A., Curr Top Dev Biol. January 1, 1996; 32 205-35.

Bombesin receptor structure and expression in human lung carcinoma cell lines., Fathi Z, Way JW, Corjay MH, Viallet J, Sausville EA, Battey JF., J Cell Biochem Suppl. January 1, 1996; 24 237-46.

BMP-like signals are required after the midblastula transition for blood cell development., Zhang C, Evans T., Dev Genet. January 1, 1996; 18 (3): 267-78.   

beta-Carboline gamma-aminobutyric acidA receptor inverse agonists modulate gamma-aminobutyric acid via the loreclezole binding site as well as the benzodiazepine site., Stevenson A, Wingrove PB, Whiting PJ, Wafford KA., Mol Pharmacol. December 1, 1995; 48 (6): 965-9.

Binding of histone H1 to DNA is indifferent to methylation at CpG sequences., Campoy FJ, Meehan RR, McKay S, Nixon J, Bird A., J Biol Chem. November 3, 1995; 270 (44): 26473-81.

Basolateral membrane chloride permeability of A6 cells: implication in cell volume regulation., Brochiero E, Banderali U, Lindenthal S, Raschi C, Ehrenfeld J., Pflugers Arch. November 1, 1995; 431 (1): 32-45.

Blastomere derivation and domains of gene expression in the Spemann Organizer of Xenopus laevis., Vodicka MA, Gerhart JC., Development. November 1, 1995; 121 (11): 3505-18.   

BMP-4 regulates the dorsal-ventral differences in FGF/MAPKK-mediated mesoderm induction in Xenopus., Northrop J, Woods A, Seger R, Suzuki A, Ueno N, Krebs E, Kimelman D., Dev Biol. November 1, 1995; 172 (1): 242-52.   

beta-Catenin has Wnt-like activity and mimics the Nieuwkoop signaling center in Xenopus dorsal-ventral patterning., Guger KA, Gumbiner BM., Dev Biol. November 1, 1995; 172 (1): 115-25.

Blood pressures and heart rate during larval development in the anuran amphibian Xenopus laevis., Hou PC, Burggren WW., Am J Physiol. November 1, 1995; 269 (5 Pt 2): R1120-5.

Biosynthesis and processing of the N-terminal part of proopiomelanocortin in Xenopus laevis: characterization of gamma-MSH peptides., van Strien FJ, Devreese B, Van Beeumen J, Roubos EW, Jenks BG., J Neuroendocrinol. October 1, 1995; 7 (10): 807-15.

Blocking actions of BIDN, a bicyclic dinitrile convulsant compound, on wild-type and dieldrin-resistant GABA receptor homo-oligomers of Drosophila melanogaster expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Hosie AM, Shirai Y, Buckingham SD, Rauh JJ, Roush RT, Baylis HA, Sattelle DB., Dev Biol. September 25, 1995; 693 (1-2): 257-60.

Brain-derived neurotrophic factor, neurotrophin-3, and neurotrophin-4 bind to a single leucine-rich motif of TrkB., Windisch JM, Marksteiner R, Lang ME, Auer B, Schneider R., Biochemistry. September 5, 1995; 34 (35): 11256-63.

Biological activity assays of cell-free reassembled nuclei--injecting cell-free reassembled nuclei into unfertilized eggs can induce the eggs to cleave and reconstitute asters, and the injected nuclei undergo cell cycle changes., Zhang C, Qu J, Liang J, Zhai Z., Sci China B. September 1, 1995; 38 (9): 1075-83.

bFGF as a possible morphogen for the anteroposterior axis of the central nervous system in Xenopus., Kengaku M, Okamoto H., Development. September 1, 1995; 121 (9): 3121-30.

Block by 5-hydroxytryptamine of neuronal acetylcholine receptor channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Nakazawa K, Akiyama T, Inoue K., Cell Mol Neurobiol. August 1, 1995; 15 (4): 495-500.

Bone morphogenetic protein 2 in the early development of Xenopus laevis., Clement JH, Fettes P, Knöchel S, Lef J, Knöchel W., Mech Dev. August 1, 1995; 52 (2-3): 357-70.   

Brefeldin A provokes indirect activation of cdc2 kinase (MPF) in Xenopus oocytes, resulting in meiotic cell division., Mulner-Lorillon O, Bellé R, Cormier P, Drewing S, Minella O, Poulhe R, Schmalzing G., Dev Biol. July 1, 1995; 170 (1): 223-9.

Benzodiazepine site inverse agonists can selectively inhibit subtypes of the GABAA receptor., White G, Gurley D., Neuroreport. June 19, 1995; 6 (9): 1313-6.

Block of cloned voltage-gated potassium channels by the second messenger diacylglycerol independent of protein kinase C., Bowlby MR, Levitan IB., J Neurophysiol. June 1, 1995; 73 (6): 2221-9.

Bi-stable block by 4-aminopyridine of a transient K+ channel (Kv1.4) cloned from ferret ventricle and expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Rasmusson RL, Zhang Y, Campbell DL, Comer MB, Castellino RC, Liu S, Strauss HC., J Physiol. May 15, 1995; 485 ( Pt 1) 59-71.

Block of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor by phencyclidine-like drugs is influenced by alternative splicing., Rodríguez-Paz JM, Anantharam V, Treistman SN., Neurosci Lett. May 12, 1995; 190 (3): 147-50.

Bisubstrate inhibitors of farnesyltransferase: a novel class of specific inhibitors of ras transformed cells., Manne V, Yan N, Carboni JM, Tuomari AV, Ricca CS, Brown JG, Andahazy ML, Schmidt RJ, Patel D, Zahler R., Oncogene. May 4, 1995; 10 (9): 1763-79.

Both cdc2 and cdk2 promote S phase initiation in Xenopus egg extracts., Chevalier S, Tassan JP, Cox R, Philippe M, Ford C., J Cell Sci. May 1, 1995; 108 ( Pt 5) 1831-41.

Behaviour of macroglial cells, as identified by their intermediate filament complement, during optic nerve regeneration of Xenopus tadpole., Rungger-Brändle E, Alliod C, Fouquet B, Messerli MM., Glia. April 1, 1995; 13 (4): 255-71.

Biophysical, pharmacological and developmental properties of ATP-sensitive K+ channels in cultured myotomal muscle cells from Xenopus embryos., Honoré E, Lazdunski M., Pflugers Arch. March 1, 1995; 429 (5): 607-16.

Biophysics of underwater hearing in the clawed frog, Xenopus laevis., Christensen-Dalsgaard J, Elepfandt A., J Comp Physiol A. March 1, 1995; 176 (3): 317-24.

Biochemical and biological analysis of Mek1 phosphorylation site mutants., Huang W, Kessler DS, Erikson RL., Mol Biol Cell. March 1, 1995; 6 (3): 237-45.

Blockade of morphine tolerance by ACEA-1328, a novel NMDA receptor/glycine site antagonist., Lutfy K, Shen KZ, Kwon IS, Cai SX, Woodward RM, Keana JF, Weber E., Eur J Pharmacol. January 24, 1995; 273 (1-2): 187-9.

Biomechanical feedback in morphogenesis, as exemplified by stretch responses of amphibian embryonic tissues., Beloussov LV, Luchinskaia NN., Biochem Cell Biol. January 1, 1995; 73 (7-8): 555-63.

Beta-subunits co-determine the sensitivity of rat neuronal nicotinic receptors to antagonists., Cachelin AB, Rust G., Pflugers Arch. January 1, 1995; 429 (3): 449-51.

Brain regions and encephalization in anurans: adaptation or stability?, Taylor GM, Nol E, Boire D., Brain Behav Evol. January 1, 1995; 45 (2): 96-109.

Binding of Y-box proteins to RNA: involvement of different protein domains., Ladomery M, Sommerville J., Nucleic Acids Res. December 25, 1994; 22 (25): 5582-9.

Block by 4-aminopyridine of a Kv1.2 delayed rectifier K+ current expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Russell SN, Publicover NG, Hart PJ, Carl A, Hume JR, Sanders KM, Horowitz B., J Physiol. December 15, 1994; 481 ( Pt 3) 571-84.

Beta-catenin localization during Xenopus embryogenesis: accumulation at tissue and somite boundaries., Fagotto F, Gumbiner BM., Development. December 1, 1994; 120 (12): 3667-79.   

Block by apomorphine of acetylcholine receptor channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes., Nakazawa K, Akiyama T, Inoue K., Eur J Pharmacol. November 15, 1994; 269 (3): 375-9.

Block of the inactivating potassium channel by clofilium and hydroxylamine depends on the sequence of the pore region., Yool AJ., Mol Pharmacol. November 1, 1994; 46 (5): 970-6.

Block of IKs, the slow component of the delayed rectifier K+ current, by the diuretic agent indapamide in guinea pig myocytes., Turgeon J, Daleau P, Bennett PB, Wiggins SS, Selby L, Roden DM., Circ Res. November 1, 1994; 75 (5): 879-86.

Blockade of human IsK channels expressed in Xenopus oocytes by the novel class III antiarrhythmic NE-10064., Busch AE, Herzer T, Takumi T, Krippeit-Drews P, Waldegger S, Lang F., Eur J Pharmacol. October 13, 1994; 264 (1): 33-7.

Bovine connexin44, a lens gap junction protein: molecular cloning, immunologic characterization, and functional expression., Gupta VK, Berthoud VM, Atal N, Jarillo JA, Barrio LC, Beyer EC., Invest Ophthalmol Vis Sci. September 1, 1994; 35 (10): 3747-58.

Borrowing thy neighbour's genetics: neural induction and a Brachyury mutant in Xenopus., Green JB., Bioessays. August 1, 1994; 16 (8): 539-40.

Body-specific proliferation of adult precursor cells in Xenopus larval epidermis., Kinoshita T, Sasaki F., Histochemistry. July 1, 1994; 101 (6): 397-404.

Block of the rat brain IIA sodium channel alpha subunit by the neuroprotective drug riluzole., Hebert T, Drapeau P, Pradier L, Dunn RJ., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 1994; 45 (5): 1055-60.

beta-Lumicolchicine interacts with the benzodiazepine binding site to potentiate GABAA receptor-mediated currents., Mihic SJ, Whatley VJ, McQuilkin SJ, Harris RA., J Neurochem. May 1, 1994; 62 (5): 1790-4.

Biogenesis and transmembrane topology of the CHIP28 water channel at the endoplasmic reticulum., Skach WR, Shi LB, Calayag MC, Frigeri A, Lingappa VR, Verkman AS., J Cell Biol. May 1, 1994; 125 (4): 803-15.

Biochemical analysis of the membrane topology of the amiloride-sensitive Na+ channel., Renard S, Lingueglia E, Voilley N, Lazdunski M, Barbry P., J Biol Chem. April 29, 1994; 269 (17): 12981-6.

Base modification pattern at the wobble position of Xenopus selenocysteine tRNA(Sec)., Sturchler C, Lescure A, Keith G, Carbon P, Krol A., Nucleic Acids Res. April 25, 1994; 22 (8): 1354-8.

B2 bradykinin receptors in NG108-15 cells: cDNA cloning and functional expression., Yokoyama S, Kimura Y, Taketo M, Black JA, Ransom BR, Higashida H., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 15, 1994; 200 (1): 634-41.

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