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Biphasic myopathic phenotype of mouse DUX, an ORF within conserved FSHD-related repeats., Bosnakovski D, Daughters RS, Xu Z, Slack JM, Kyba M., PLoS One. September 16, 2009; 4 (9): e7003.   

Blockage of A2A and A3 adenosine receptors decreases the desensitization of human GABA(A) receptors microtransplanted to Xenopus oocytes., Roseti C, Palma E, Martinello K, Fucile S, Morace R, Esposito V, Cantore G, Arcella A, Giangaspero F, Aronica E, Mascia A, Di Gennaro G, Quarato PP, Manfredi M, Cristalli G, Lambertucci C, Marucci G, Volpini R, Limatola C, Eusebi F., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. September 15, 2009; 106 (37): 15927-31.

Bistability in a model of mesoderm and anterior mesendoderm specification in Xenopus laevis., Middleton AM, King JR, Loose M., J Theor Biol. September 7, 2009; 260 (1): 41-55.

Bicaudal C, a novel regulator of Dvl signaling abutting RNA-processing bodies, controls cilia orientation and leftward flow., Maisonneuve C, Guilleret I, Vick P, Weber T, Andre P, Beyer T, Blum M, Constam DB., Development. September 1, 2009; 136 (17): 3019-30.   

Biological activity and structural aspects of PGLa interaction with membrane mimetic systems., Lohner K, Prossnigg F., Biochim Biophys Acta. August 1, 2009; 1788 (8): 1656-66.

Bestrophin genes are expressed in Xenopus development., Onuma Y, Haramoto Y, Nejigane S, Takahashi S, Asashima M., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. July 3, 2009; 384 (3): 290-5.   

Beyond early development: Xenopus as an emerging model for the study of regenerative mechanisms., Beck CW, Izpisúa Belmonte JC, Christen B., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2009; 238 (6): 1226-48.   

Biphasic regulation of ENaC by TGF-{alpha} and EGF in renal epithelial cells., Liu L, Duke BJ, Malik B, Yue Q, Eaton DC., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. June 1, 2009; 296 (6): F1417-27.

Block of HERG k channel by classic histamine h(1) receptor antagonist chlorpheniramine., Hong HK, Jo SH., Korean J Physiol Pharmacol. June 1, 2009; 13 (3): 215-20.

Biochemical characterization of GSK1070916, a potent and selective inhibitor of Aurora B and Aurora C kinases with an extremely long residence time1., Anderson K, Lai Z, McDonald OB, Stuart JD, Nartey EN, Hardwicke MA, Newlander K, Dhanak D, Adams J, Patrick D, Copeland RA, Tummino PJ, Yang J., Biochem J. May 13, 2009; 420 (2): 259-65.

Bottoms up: transduction channels at tip link bases., Spinelli KJ, Gillespie PG., Nat Neurosci. May 1, 2009; 12 (5): 529-30.

BubR1 is an effector of multiple mitotic kinases that specifies kinetochore: microtubule attachments and checkpoint., Huang H, Yen TJ., Cell Cycle. April 15, 2009; 8 (8): 1164-7.

Biophysical properties of zebrafish ether-à-go-go related gene potassium channels., Scholz EP, Niemer N, Hassel D, Zitron E, Bürgers HF, Bloehs R, Seyler C, Scherer D, Thomas D, Kathöfer S, Katus HA, Rottbauer WA, Karle CA., Biochem Biophys Res Commun. April 3, 2009; 381 (2): 159-64.

Bisphenol A disrupts Notch signaling by inhibiting gamma-secretase activity and causes eye dysplasia of Xenopus laevis., Baba K, Okada K, Kinoshita T, Imaoka S., Toxicol Sci. April 1, 2009; 108 (2): 344-55.

Bio-electrospraying living Xenopus tropicalis embryos: investigating the structural, functional and biological integrity of a model organism., Geach TJ, Mongkoldhumrongkul N, Zimmerman LB, Jayasinghe SN., Analyst. April 1, 2009; 134 (4): 743-7.

Both the RGS domain and the six C-terminal amino acids of mouse Axin are required for normal embryogenesis., Chia IV, Kim MJ, Itoh K, Sokol SY, Costantini F., Genetics. April 1, 2009; 181 (4): 1359-68.

Breaking the A chain: regulating mRNAs in development through CCR4 deadenylase., Moore J, Lasko P., F1000 Biol Rep. March 17, 2009; 1 20.

Bio-mimetic surface engineering of plasmid-loaded nanoparticles for active intracellular trafficking by actin comet-tail motility., Ng CP, Goodman TT, Park IK, Pun SH., Biomaterials. February 1, 2009; 30 (5): 951-8.

Binding-gating coupling in a nondesensitizing alpha7 nicotinic receptor A single channel pharmacological study., Bernal JA, Mulet J, Castillo M, Criado M, Sala S, Sala F., Biochim Biophys Acta. February 1, 2009; 1788 (2): 410-6.

Bi-stable neural state switches., Berndt A, Yizhar O, Gunaydin LA, Hegemann P, Deisseroth K., Nat Neurosci. February 1, 2009; 12 (2): 229-34.

Binding studies of novel, non-mammalian enkephalins, structures predicted from frog and lungfish brain cDNA sequences., Bojnik E, Magyar A, Tóth G, Bajusz S, Borsodi A, Benyhe S., Neuroscience. January 23, 2009; 158 (2): 867-74.

Binding-site mutations in the alpha1 subunit of the inhibitory glycine receptor convert the inhibitory metal ion Cu2+ into a positive modulator., Schumann T, Grudzinska J, Kuzmin D, Betz H, Laube B., Neuropharmacology. January 1, 2009; 56 (1): 310-7.

Bacteriophage phiC31 integrase mediated transgenesis in Xenopus laevis for protein expression at endogenous levels., Allen BG, Weeks DL., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2009; 518 113-22.   

Bupivacaine blocks N-type inactivating Kv channels in the open state: no allosteric effect on inactivation kinetics., Nilsson J, Madeja M, Elinder F, Arhem P., Biophys J. December 1, 2008; 95 (11): 5138-52.

Beta-arrestin and casein kinase 1/2 define distinct branches of non-canonical WNT signalling pathways., Bryja V, Schambony A, Cajánek L, Dominguez I, Arenas E, Schulte G., EMBO Rep. December 1, 2008; 9 (12): 1244-50.

Binding of spermine and ifenprodil to a purified, soluble regulatory domain of the N-methyl-D-aspartate receptor., Han X, Tomitori H, Mizuno S, Higashi K, Füll C, Fukiwake T, Terui Y, Leewanich P, Nishimura K, Toida T, Williams K, Kashiwagi K, Igarashi K., J Neurochem. December 1, 2008; 107 (6): 1566-77.

Biphasic Ngn3 expression in the developing pancreas., Villasenor A, Chong DC, Cleaver O., Dev Dyn. November 1, 2008; 237 (11): 3270-9.

Biophysical properties of cadherin bonds do not predict cell sorting., Shi Q, Chien YH, Leckband D., J Biol Chem. October 17, 2008; 283 (42): 28454-63.

Blocking kinetics of memantine on NR1a/2A receptors recorded in inside-out and outside-out patches from Xenopus oocytes., Parsons CG, Gilling KE, Jatzke C., J Neural Transm (Vienna). October 1, 2008; 115 (10): 1367-73.

Barium, TEA and sodium sensitive potassium channels are present in the human placental syncytiotrophoblast apical membrane., Díaz P, Vallejos C, Guerrero I, Riquelme G., Placenta. October 1, 2008; 29 (10): 883-91.

Bimodal effects of the Kv7 channel activator retigabine on vascular K+ currents., Yeung S, Schwake M, Pucovský V, Greenwood Ia., Br J Pharmacol. September 1, 2008; 155 (1): 62-72.

Blockade of the human ether-a-go-go-related gene potassium channel by ketanserin., Tu DN, Zou AR, Liao YH, Du YM, Wang XP, Li L., Sheng Li Xue Bao. August 25, 2008; 60 (4): 525-34.

Bmp signaling is necessary and sufficient for ventrolateral endoderm specification in Xenopus., Wills A, Dickinson K, Khokha M, Baker JC., Dev Dyn. August 1, 2008; 237 (8): 2177-86.   

Bessel beam spectral-domain high-resolution optical coherence tomography with micro-optic axicon providing extended focusing range., Lee KS, Rolland JP., Opt Lett. August 1, 2008; 33 (15): 1696-8.

Biochemical characterization of cysteine-rich peptides from Oxyopes sp. venom that block calcium ion channels., Villegas E, Adachi-Akahane S, Bosmans F, Tytgat J, Nakajima T, Corzo G., Toxicon. August 1, 2008; 52 (2): 228-36.

Bone morphogenetic proteins, eye patterning, and retinocollicular map formation in the mouse., Plas DT, Dhande OS, Lopez JE, Murali D, Thaller C, Henkemeyer M, Furuta Y, Overbeek P, Crair MC., J Neurosci. July 9, 2008; 28 (28): 7057-67.

Bora and the kinase Aurora a cooperatively activate the kinase Plk1 and control mitotic entry., Seki A, Coppinger JA, Jang CY, Yates JR, Fang G., Science. June 20, 2008; 320 (5883): 1655-8.

Binding of sFRP-3 to EGF in the extra-cellular space affects proliferation, differentiation and morphogenetic events regulated by the two molecules., Scardigli R, Gargioli C, Tosoni D, Borello U, Sampaolesi M, Sciorati C, Cannata S, Clementi E, Brunelli S, Cossu G., PLoS One. June 18, 2008; 3 (6): e2471.   

Band 3 Courcouronnes (Ser667Phe): a trafficking mutant differentially rescued by wild-type band 3 and glycophorin A., Toye AM, Williamson RC, Khanfar M, Bader-Meunier B, Cynober T, Thibault M, Tchernia G, Déchaux M, Delaunay J, Bruce LJ., Blood. June 1, 2008; 111 (11): 5380-9.   

Brd4 associates with mitotic chromosomes throughout early zebrafish embryogenesis., Toyama R, Rebbert ML, Dey A, Ozato K, Dawid IB., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2008; 237 (6): 1636-44.

Bridging the gap from frog research to human therapy: a tale of neural differentiation in Xenopus animal caps and human pluripotent cells., Sasai Y, Ogushi M, Nagase T, Ando S., Dev Growth Differ. June 1, 2008; 50 Suppl 1 S47-55.

Brain distribution and evidence for both central and neurohormonal actions of cocaine- and amphetamine-regulated transcript peptide in Xenopus laevis., Roubos EW, Lázár G, Calle M, Barendregt HP, Gaszner B, Kozicz T., J Comp Neurol. April 1, 2008; 507 (4): 1622-38.   

Bisphenol A directly targets tubulin to disrupt spindle organization in embryonic and somatic cells., George O, Bryant BK, Chinnasamy R, Corona C, Arterburn JB, Shuster CB., ACS Chem Biol. March 20, 2008; 3 (3): 167-79.

Breaking the code of polyadenylation-induced translation., Richter JD., Cell. February 8, 2008; 132 (3): 335-7.

Bone morphogenetic protein-4 and Noggin signaling regulates pigment cell distribution in the axolotl trunk., Hess K, Steinbeisser H, Kurth T, Epperlein HH., Differentiation. February 1, 2008; 76 (2): 206-18.

Beta-catenin is necessary to keep cells of ureteric bud/Wolffian duct epithelium in a precursor state., Marose TD, Merkel CE, McMahon AP, Carroll TJ., Dev Biol. February 1, 2008; 314 (1): 112-26.   

Biochemical characterization of Yin Yang 1-RNA complexes., Belak ZR, Ficzycz A, Ovsenek N., Biochem Cell Biol. February 1, 2008; 86 (1): 31-6.

Block of cyclic nucleotide-gated channels by tetracaine derivatives: role of apolar interactions at two distinct locations., Strassmaier T, Kirk SR, Banerji T, Karpen JW., Bioorg Med Chem Lett. January 15, 2008; 18 (2): 645-9.

Basic Science B.D. (before Drosophila): Cytology at Warsaw University (Poland)., Kloc M., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2008; 52 (2-3): 115-9.

Biological and biochemical characterization of anthrax lethal factor, a proteolytic inhibitor of MEK signaling pathways., Bromberg-White JL, Duesbery NS., Methods Enzymol. January 1, 2008; 438 355-65.

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