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Search Results

Environmental (anti-)androgenic chemicals affect germinal vesicle breakdown (GVBD) of Xenopus laevis oocytes in vitro., Cao S, Xu W, Lou QQ, Zhang YF, Zhao YX, Wei WJ, Qin ZF., Toxicol In Vitro. April 1, 2014; 28 (3): 426-31.

Engineering Xenopus embryos for phenotypic drug discovery screening., Schmitt SM, Gull M, Brändli AW., Adv Drug Deliv Rev. April 1, 2014; 69-70 225-46.

Edoxaban transport via P-glycoprotein is a key factor for the drug's disposition., Mikkaichi T, Yoshigae Y, Masumoto H, Imaoka T, Rozehnal V, Fischer T, Okudaira N, Izumi T., Drug Metab Dispos. April 1, 2014; 42 (4): 520-8.

Exploiting polypharmacology for drug target deconvolution., Gujral TS, Peshkin L, Kirschner MW., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. April 1, 2014; 111 (13): 5048-53.   

EB1 enables spindle microtubules to regulate centromeric recruitment of Aurora B., Banerjee B, Kestner CA, Stukenberg PT., J Cell Biol. March 17, 2014; 204 (6): 947-63.   

Expression, purification, and projection structure by single particle electron microscopy of functional human TRPM4 heterologously expressed in Xenopus laevis oocytes., Clémençon B, Fine M, Lüscher B, Baumann MU, Surbek DV, Abriel H, Hediger MA., Protein Expr Purif. March 1, 2014; 95 169-76.

Evidence for maternal imprinting of 45S ribosomal RNA genes in Xenopus hybrids., Michalak P., Dev Genes Evol. March 1, 2014; 224 (2): 125-8.

Enabling comparative gene expression studies of thyroid hormone action through the development of a flexible real-time quantitative PCR assay for use across multiple anuran indicator and sentinel species., Veldhoen N, Propper CR, Helbing CC., Aquat Toxicol. March 1, 2014; 148 162-73.

Expression and localization of Rdd proteins in Xenopus embryo., Lim JC, Kurihara S, Tamaki R, Mashima Y, Maéno M., Anat Cell Biol. March 1, 2014; 47 (1): 18-27.   

Experimental conversion of a defensin into a neurotoxin: implications for origin of toxic function., Zhu S, Peigneur S, Gao B, Umetsu Y, Ohki S, Tytgat J., Mol Biol Evol. March 1, 2014; 31 (3): 546-59.

Electrostatic charge at position 552 affects the activation and permeation of FMRFamide-gated Na+ channels., Kodani Y, Furukawa Y., J Physiol Sci. March 1, 2014; 64 (2): 141-50.

External protons destabilize the activated voltage sensor in hERG channels., Shi YP, Cheng YM, Van Slyke AC, Claydon TW., Eur Biophys J. March 1, 2014; 43 (2-3): 59-69.

Electrophysiological characterization of Ts6 and Ts7, K⁺ channel toxins isolated through an improved Tityus serrulatus venom purification procedure., Cerni FA, Pucca MB, Peigneur S, Cremonez CM, Bordon KC, Tytgat J, Arantes EC., Toxins (Basel). February 28, 2014; 6 (3): 892-913.   

Efficient translation of Dnmt1 requires cytoplasmic polyadenylation and Musashi binding elements., Rutledge CE, Lau HT, Mangan H, Hardy LL, Sunnotel O, Guo F, MacNicol AM, Walsh CP, Lees-Murdock DJ., PLoS One. February 19, 2014; 9 (2): e88385.   

Energy-sensitive regulation of Na+/K+-ATPase by Janus kinase 2., Bhavsar SK, Hosseinzadeh Z, Brenner D, Honisch S, Jilani K, Liu G, Szteyn K, Sopjani M, Mak TW, Shumilina E, Lang F., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. February 15, 2014; 306 (4): C374-84.

Embryonic Expression and Function of the Xenopus Ink4d Cyclin D-Dependent Kinase Inhibitor., Doherty JR, Nilsson LM, Kuliyev E, Zhu H, Matthew R, Cleveland JL, Mead PE, Roussel MF., Cell Dev Biol. February 15, 2014; 3 (1):   

Evolution of mammalian Opn5 as a specialized UV-absorbing pigment by a single amino acid mutation., Yamashita T, Ono K, Ohuchi H, Yumoto A, Gotoh H, Tomonari S, Sakai K, Fujita H, Imamoto Y, Noji S, Nakamura K, Shichida Y., J Biol Chem. February 14, 2014; 289 (7): 3991-4000.

Expression pattern and function of alternative splice variants of glutamate-gated chloride channel in the housefly Musca domestica., Kita T, Ozoe F, Ozoe Y., Insect Biochem Mol Biol. February 1, 2014; 45 1-10.

Evaluation of PhTX-74 as subtype-selective inhibitor of GluA2-containing AMPA receptors., Poulsen MH, Lucas S, Strømgaard K, Kristensen AS., Mol Pharmacol. February 1, 2014; 85 (2): 261-8.

Etomidate produces similar allosteric modulation in α1β3δ and α1β3γ2L GABA(A) receptors., Feng HJ, Jounaidi Y, Haburcak M, Yang X, Forman SA., Br J Pharmacol. February 1, 2014; 171 (3): 789-98.

Efficient RNA/Cas9-mediated genome editing in Xenopus tropicalis., Guo X, Zhang T, Hu Z, Shi Z, Wang Q, Cui Y, Wang F, Zhao H, Chen Y., Development. February 1, 2014; 141 (3): 707-14.   

Ecotoxicological impact of MSW landfills: assessment of teratogenic effects by means of an adapted FETAX assay., de Lapuente J, González-Linares J, Pique E, Borràs M., Ecotoxicology. January 1, 2014; 23 (1): 102-6.

Effect of light on expression of clock genes in Xenopus laevis melanophores., Magalhães Moraes MN, de Oliveira Poletini M, Ribeiro Ramos BC, de Lima LH, de Lauro Castrucci AM., Photochem Photobiol. January 1, 2014; 90 (3): 696-701.

Electron microscopy of microtubule cytoskeleton assembly in vitro., Coughlin M, Groen AC, Mitchison TJ., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2014; 1117 259-71.

Exploiting CRISPR/Cas systems for biotechnology., Sampson TR, Weiss DS., Bioessays. January 1, 2014; 36 (1): 34-8.

EphrinB2 affects apical constriction in Xenopus embryos and is regulated by ADAM10 and flotillin-1., Ji YJ, Hwang YS, Mood K, Cho HJ, Lee HS, Winterbottom E, Cousin H, Daar IO., Nat Commun. January 1, 2014; 5 3516.   

Emi2 mediates meiotic MII arrest by competitively inhibiting the binding of Ube2S to the APC/C., Sako K, Suzuki K, Isoda M, Yoshikai S, Senoo C, Nakajo N, Ohe M, Sagata N., Nat Commun. January 1, 2014; 5 3667.

Early appearance of nonvisual and circadian markers in the developing inner retinal cells of chicken., Díaz NM, Morera LP, Verra DM, Contin MA, Guido ME., Biomed Res Int. January 1, 2014; 2014 646847.   

Early embryonic specification of vertebrate cranial placodes., Schlosser G., Wiley Interdiscip Rev Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 3 (5): 349-63.

Effect of cytosolic pH on inward currents reveals structural characteristics of the proton transport cycle in the influenza A protein M2 in cell-free membrane patches of Xenopus oocytes., DiFrancesco ML, Hansen UP, Thiel G, Moroni A, Schroeder I., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (9): e107406.   

Expression, purification, and structural insights for the human uric acid transporter, GLUT9, using the Xenopus laevis oocytes system., Clémençon B, Lüscher BP, Fine M, Baumann MU, Surbek DV, Bonny O, Hediger MA., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (10): e108852.   

Expression cloning of camelid nanobodies specific for Xenopus embryonic antigens., Itoh K, Sokol SY., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (10): e107521.   

Evolution of an expanded mannose receptor gene family., Staines K, Hunt LG, Young JR, Butter C., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (11): e110330.   

Expression and evolution of the Tiki1 and Tiki2 genes in vertebrates., Reis AH, Macdonald B, Feistel K, Brito JM, Amado NG, Xu C, Abreu JG, He XI., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 58 (5): 355-362.

Extraction and nonradioactive detection of small RNA molecules., Carlile M, Werner A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2014; 1173 89-98.

Expression pattern of zcchc24 during early Xenopus development., Vitorino M, Correia E, Serralheiro AR, De-Jesus AC, Inácio JM, Belo JA., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 58 (1): 45-50.   

Exploring nuclear pore complex molecular architecture by immuno-electron microscopy using Xenopus oocytes., Panté N, Fahrenkrog B., Methods Cell Biol. January 1, 2014; 122 81-98.

Endoplasmic reticulum stress in vertebrate mutant rhodopsin models of retinal degeneration., Kroeger H, LaVail MM, Lin JH., Adv Exp Med Biol. January 1, 2014; 801 585-92.

Evolutionary diversification of MCM3 genes in Xenopus laevis and Danio rerio., Shinya M, Machiki D, Henrich T, Kubota Y, Takisawa H, Mimura S., Cell Cycle. January 1, 2014; 13 (20): 3271-81.

Evolutionary origins of C-terminal (GPP)n 3-hydroxyproline formation in vertebrate tendon collagen., Hudson DM, Werther R, Weis M, Wu JJ, Eyre DR., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (4): e93467.   

Evolutionary trend for metamery reduction and gonad shortening in Anurans revealed by comparison of gonad development., Piprek RP, Pecio A, Kloc M, Kubiak JZ, Szymura JM., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 58 (10-12): 929-34.

Epithelial cell division in the Xenopus laevis embryo during gastrulation., Hatte G, Tramier M, Prigent C, Tassan JP., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2014; 58 (10-12): 775-81.   

Ephrin-Eph signaling in embryonic tissue separation., Fagotto F, Winklbauer R, Rohani N., Cell Adh Migr. January 1, 2014; 8 (4): 308-26.   

Effects of cationic antimicrobial peptides on liquid-preserved boar spermatozoa., Schulze M, Junkes C, Mueller P, Speck S, Ruediger K, Dathe M, Mueller K., PLoS One. January 1, 2014; 9 (6): e100490.   

Effect of Light on Expression of Clock Genes in Xenopus laevis Melanophores., de Carvalho Magalhães Moraes MN, de Oliveira Poletini M, Ramos BC, de Lima LH, de Lauro Castrucci AM., Photochem Photobiol. December 26, 2013;

Expression profile of the aromatase enzyme in the Xenopus brain and localization of estradiol and estrogen receptors in each tissue., Iwabuchi J, Koshimizu K, Nakagawa T., Gen Comp Endocrinol. December 1, 2013; 194 286-94.   

Effect of Janus kinase 3 on the peptide transporters PEPT1 and PEPT2., Warsi J, Hosseinzadeh Z, Dong L, Pakladok T, Umbach AT, Bhavsar SK, Shumilina E, Lang F., J Membr Biol. December 1, 2013; 246 (12): 885-92.

Esculetin suppresses proliferation of human colon cancer cells by directly targeting β-catenin., Lee SY, Lim TG, Chen H, Jung SK, Lee HJ, Lee MH, Kim DJ, Shin A, Lee KW, Bode AM, Surh YJ, Dong Z., Cancer Prev Res (Phila). December 1, 2013; 6 (12): 1356-64.

ETS transcription factors in hematopoietic stem cell development., Ciau-Uitz A, Wang L, Patient R, Liu F., Blood Cells Mol Dis. December 1, 2013; 51 (4): 248-55.

Elucidation of molecular impediments in the α6 subunit for in vitro expression of functional α6β4* nicotinic acetylcholine receptors., Jensen AB, Hoestgaard-Jensen K, Jensen AA., J Biol Chem. November 22, 2013; 288 (47): 33708-33721.

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