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Search Results

A novel synaptic plasticity rule explains homeostasis of neuromuscular transmission., Ouanounou G, Baux G, Bal T., Elife. May 3, 2016; 5   

An assay to determine the sensitive window of embryos to chemical exposure using Xenopus tropicalis., Hu L, Wu L, Xue Y, Zhu J, Shi H., J Appl Toxicol. May 1, 2016; 36 (5): 685-91.

Amphibian macrophage development and antiviral defenses., Grayfer L, Robert J., Dev Comp Immunol. May 1, 2016; 58 60-7.

Alterations in gene expression levels provide early indicators of chemical stress during Xenopus laevis embryo development: A case study with perfluorooctane sulfonate (PFOS)., San-Segundo L, Guimarães L, Fernández Torija C, Beltrán EM, Guilhermino L, Pablos MV., Ecotoxicol Environ Saf. May 1, 2016; 127 51-60.

A Novel Binding Mode Reveals Two Distinct Classes of NMDA Receptor GluN2B-selective Antagonists., Stroebel D, Buhl DL, Knafels JD, Chanda PK, Green M, Sciabola S, Mony L, Paoletti P, Pandit J., Mol Pharmacol. May 1, 2016; 89 (5): 541-51.   

Activation of a T-box-Otx2-Gsc gene network independent of TBP and TBP-related factors., Gazdag E, Jacobi UG, van Kruijsbergen I, Weeks DL, Veenstra GJ., Development. April 15, 2016; 143 (8): 1340-50.   

Adaptive plasticity of spino-extraocular motor coupling during locomotion in metamorphosing Xenopus laevis., von Uckermann G, Lambert FM, Combes D, Straka H, Simmers J., J Exp Biol. April 15, 2016; 219 (Pt 8): 1110-21.

Assessing Primary Neurogenesis in Xenopus Embryos Using Immunostaining., Zhang S, Li J, Lea R, Amaya E., J Vis Exp. April 12, 2016; (110): e53949.   

A versatile multivariate image analysis pipeline reveals features of Xenopus extract spindles., Grenfell AW, Strzelecka M, Crowder ME, Helmke KJ, Schlaitz AL, Heald R., J Cell Biol. April 11, 2016; 213 (1): 127-36.   

A novel approach to the expression and purification of recombinant Xenopus Cdc25C., Schaefer-Ramadan S, Bendriss G, Hubrack S, Al-Abdulmalek A, Machaca K., Protein Expr Purif. April 1, 2016; 120 148-52.

Atrazine and malathion shorten the maturation process of Xenopus laevis oocytes and have an adverse effect on early embryo development., Ji Q, Lee J, Lin YH, Jing G, Tsai LJ, Chen A, Hetrick L, Jocoy D, Liu J., Toxicol In Vitro. April 1, 2016; 32 63-9.

A Mechanism to Enhance Cellular Responsivity to Hormone Action: Krüppel-Like Factor 9 Promotes Thyroid Hormone Receptor-β Autoinduction During Postembryonic Brain Development., Hu F, Knoedler JR, Denver RJ., Endocrinology. April 1, 2016; 157 (4): 1683-93.

Active DNA demethylation at enhancers during the vertebrate phylotypic period., Bogdanović O, Smits AH, de la Calle Mustienes E, Tena JJ, Ford E, Williams R, Senanayake U, Schultz MD, Hontelez S, van Kruijsbergen I, Rayon T, Gnerlich F, Carell T, Veenstra GJ, Manzanares M, Sauka-Spengler T, Ecker JR, Vermeulen M, Gómez-Skarmeta JL, Lister R., Nat Genet. April 1, 2016; 48 (4): 417-26.   

Allosteric substrate switching in a voltage-sensing lipid phosphatase., Grimm SS, Isacoff EY., Nat Chem Biol. April 1, 2016; 12 (4): 261-7.   

Acetylcholine receptors from human muscle as pharmacological targets for ALS therapy., Palma E, Reyes-Ruiz JM, Lopergolo D, Roseti C, Bertollini C, Ruffolo G, Cifelli P, Onesti E, Limatola C, Miledi R, Inghilleri M., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. March 15, 2016; 113 (11): 3060-5.   

A Specialized Mechanism of Translation Mediated by FXR1a-Associated MicroRNP in Cellular Quiescence., Bukhari SIA, Truesdell SS, Lee S, Kollu S, Classon A, Boukhali M, Jain E, Mortensen RD, Yanagiya A, Sadreyev RI, Haas W, Vasudevan S., Mol Cell. March 3, 2016; 61 (5): 760-773.

A population of gap junction-coupled neurons drives recurrent network activity in a developing visual circuit., Liu Z, Ciarleglio CM, Hamodi AS, Aizenman CD, Pratt KG., J Neurophysiol. March 1, 2016; 115 (3): 1477-86.

A behaviorally related developmental switch in nitrergic modulation of locomotor rhythmogenesis in larval Xenopus tadpoles., Currie SP, Combes D, Scott NW, Simmers J, Sillar KT., J Neurophysiol. March 1, 2016; 115 (3): 1446-57.   

A gradient of maternal Bicaudal-C controls vertebrate embryogenesis via translational repression of mRNAs encoding cell fate regulators., Park S, Blaser S, Marchal MA, Houston DW, Sheets MD., Development. March 1, 2016; 143 (5): 864-71.   

An early developmental vertebrate model for nanomaterial safety: bridging cell-based and mammalian toxicity assessment., Webster CA, Di Silvio D, Devarajan A, Bigini P, Micotti E, Giudice C, Salmona M, Wheeler GN, Sherwood V, Bombelli FB., Nanomedicine (Lond). March 1, 2016; 11 (6): 643-56.

Analgesic effects of mambalgin peptide inhibitors of acid-sensing ion channels in inflammatory and neuropathic pain., Diochot S, Alloui A, Rodrigues P, Dauvois M, Friend V, Aissouni Y, Eschalier A, Lingueglia E, Baron A., Pain. March 1, 2016; 157 (3): 552-559.

A new chromanone derivative isolated from Hypericum lissophloeus (Hypericaceae) potentiates GABAA receptor currents in a subunit specific fashion., Crockett S, Baur R, Kunert O, Belaj F, Sigel E., Bioorg Med Chem. February 15, 2016; 24 (4): 681-5.

A New Mechanism of Receptor Targeting by Interaction between Two Classes of Ligand-Gated Ion Channels., Emerit MB, Baranowski C, Diaz J, Martinez A, Areias J, Alterio J, Masson J, Boué-Grabot E, Darmon M., J Neurosci. February 3, 2016; 36 (5): 1456-70.   

Autosomal-Recessive Mutations in SLC34A1 Encoding Sodium-Phosphate Cotransporter 2A Cause Idiopathic Infantile Hypercalcemia., Schlingmann KP, Ruminska J, Kaufmann M, Dursun I, Patti M, Kranz B, Pronicka E, Ciara E, Akcay T, Bulus D, Cornelissen EA, Gawlik A, Sikora P, Patzer L, Galiano M, Boyadzhiev V, Dumic M, Vivante A, Kleta R, Dekel B, Levtchenko E, Bindels RJ, Rust S, Forster IC, Hernando N, Jones G, Wagner CA, Konrad M., J Am Soc Nephrol. February 1, 2016; 27 (2): 604-14.

Alternative splice variant of the thiazide-sensitive NaCl cotransporter: a novel player in renal salt handling., Tutakhel OA, Jeleń S, Valdez-Flores M, Dimke H, Piersma SR, Jimenez CR, Deinum J, Lenders JW, Hoenderop JG, Bindels RJ., Am J Physiol Renal Physiol. February 1, 2016; 310 (3): F204-16.

Activity of the enantiomers of erythro-3-hydroxyaspartate at glutamate transporters and NMDA receptors., Foster AC, Li YX, Runyan S, Dinh T, Venadas S, Chen J, Pashikanti S, Datta A, Ehring G, Staubli U., J Neurochem. February 1, 2016; 136 (4): 692-697.

A novel role for Ascl1 in the regulation of mesendoderm formation via HDAC-dependent antagonism of VegT., Gao L, Zhu X, Chen G, Ma X, Zhang Y, Khand AA, Shi H, Gu F, Lin H, Chen Y, Zhang H, He L, Tao Q., Development. February 1, 2016; 143 (3): 492-503.   

A conserved island of BAG6/Scythe is related to ubiquitin domains and participates in short hydrophobicity recognition., Tanaka H, Takahashi T, Xie Y, Minami R, Yanagi Y, Hayashishita M, Suzuki R, Yokota N, Shimada M, Mizushima T, Kuwabara N, Kato R, Kawahara H., FEBS J. February 1, 2016; 283 (4): 662-77.

A synergistic blocking effect of Mg²⁺ and spermine on the inward rectifier K⁺ (Kir2.1) channel pore., Huang CW, Kuo CC., Sci Rep. January 22, 2016; 6 21493.   

A computational approach to determine susceptibility to cancer by evaluating the deleterious effect of nsSNP in XRCC1 gene on binding interaction of XRCC1 protein with ligase III., Singh PK, Mistry KN., Gene. January 15, 2016; 576 (1 Pt 1): 141-9.   

A developmentally regulated switch from stem cells to dedifferentiation for limb muscle regeneration in newts., Tanaka HV, Ng NC, Yang Yu Z, Casco-Robles MM, Maruo F, Tsonis PA, Chiba C., Nat Commun. January 12, 2016; 7 11069.   

ACT-PRESTO: Rapid and consistent tissue clearing and labeling method for 3-dimensional (3D) imaging., Lee E, Choi J, Jo Y, Kim JY, Jang YJ, Lee HM, Kim SY, Lee HJ, Cho K, Jung N, Hur EM, Jeong SJ, Moon C, Choe Y, Rhyu IJ, Kim H, Sun W., Sci Rep. January 11, 2016; 6 18631.   

A novel role for the tumour suppressor Nitrilase1 modulating the Wnt/β-catenin signalling pathway., Mittag S, Valenta T, Weiske J, Bloch L, Klingel S, Gradl D, Wetzel F, Chen Y, Petersen I, Basler K, Huber O., Cell Discov. January 5, 2016; 2 15039.   

Assessment of the functionality and stability of detergent purified nAChR from Torpedo using lipidic matrixes and macroscopic electrophysiology., Padilla-Morales LF, Colón-Sáez JO, González-Nieves JE, Quesada-González O, Lasalde-Dominicci JA., Biochim Biophys Acta. January 1, 2016; 1858 (1): 47-56.

A Curcumin Analog, GO-Y078, Effectively Inhibits Angiogenesis through Actin Disorganization., Sugiyama S, Yoshino Y, Kuriyama S, Inoue M, Komine K, Otsuka K, Kohyama A, Yamakoshi H, Ishioka C, Tanaka M, Iwabuchi Y, Shibata H., Anticancer Agents Med Chem. January 1, 2016; 16 (5): 633-47.

Animal Cap Assay for TGF-β Signaling., Chang C., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1344 261-74.

A Cysteine Substitution Probes β3H267 Interactions with Propofol and Other Potent Anesthetics in α1β3γ2L γ-Aminobutyric Acid Type A Receptors., Stern AT, Forman SA., Anesthesiology. January 1, 2016; 124 (1): 89-100.

Assessing differences in toxicity and teratogenicity of three phthalates, Diethyl phthalate, Di-n-propyl phthalate, and Di-n-butyl phthalate, using Xenopus laevis embryos., Gardner ST, Wood AT, Lester R, Onkst PE, Burnham N, Perygin DH, Rayburn J., J Toxicol Environ Health A. January 1, 2016; 79 (2): 71-82.

A Western Blot Protocol for Detection of Proteins Heterologously Expressed in Xenopus laevis Oocytes., Jørgensen ME, Nour-Eldin HH, Halkier BA., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1405 99-107.

A Comprehensive Analysis of the Phylogeny, Genomic Organization and Expression of Immunoglobulin Light Chain Genes in Alligator sinensis, an Endangered Reptile Species., Wang X, Cheng G, Lu Y, Zhang C, Wu X, Han H, Zhao Y, Ren L., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (2): e0147704.   

A Conserved Odorant Receptor Tuned to Floral Volatiles in Three Heliothinae Species., Cao S, Liu Y, Guo M, Wang G., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (5): e0155029.   

A Novel Method to Verify Multilevel Computational Models of Biological Systems Using Multiscale Spatio-Temporal Meta Model Checking., Pârvu O, Gilbert D., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (5): e0154847.   

Assays to Study Mitotic Centrosome and Spindle Pole Assembly and Regulation., Joukov V, Walter JC, De Nicolo A., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1413 207-35.

A Cell-Free System for Real-Time Analyses of Centriole Disengagement and Centriole-to-Centrosome Conversion., Soni RK, Tsou MF., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2016; 1413 197-206.

A Tunable Silk Hydrogel Device for Studying Limb Regeneration in Adult Xenopus Laevis., Golding A, Guay JA, Herrera-Rincon C, Levin M, Kaplan DL., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (6): e0155618.   

A Splice Variant of Bardet-Biedl Syndrome 5 (BBS5) Protein that Is Selectively Expressed in Retina., Bolch SN, Dugger DR, Chong T, McDowell JH, Smith WC., PLoS One. January 1, 2016; 11 (2): e0148773.   

Adaption of a dermal in vitro method to investigate the uptake of chemicals across amphibian skin., Kaufmann K, Dohmen P., Environ Sci Eur. January 1, 2016; 28 (1): 10.   

Aurora-A: an expedition to the pole of the spindle in Xenopus egg extracts., Kubiak JZ, Prigent C., Int J Dev Biol. January 1, 2016; 60 (7-8-9): 255-261.

Association between Single-Nucleotide Polymorphisms of the hOGG1,NEIL1,APEX1, FEN1,LIG1, and LIG3 Genes and Alzheimer's Disease Risk., Kwiatkowski D, Czarny P, Toma M, Korycinska A, Sowinska K, Galecki P, Bachurska A, Bielecka-Kowalska A, Szemraj J, Maes M, Sliwinski T., Neuropsychobiology. January 1, 2016; 73 (2): 98-107.

AtNPF2.5 Modulates Chloride (Cl-) Efflux from Roots of Arabidopsis thaliana., Li B, Qiu J, Jayakannan M, Xu B, Li Y, Mayo GM, Tester M, Gilliham M, Roy SJ., Front Plant Sci. January 1, 2016; 7 2013.   

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