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Host-defense peptides in skin secretions of African clawed frogs (Xenopodinae, Pipidae)., Conlon JM, Mechkarska M, King JD., Gen Comp Endocrinol. May 1, 2012; 176 (3): 513-8.   

HCO(3)(-)-independent conductance with a mutant Na(+)/HCO(3)(-) cotransporter (SLC4A4) in a case of proximal renal tubular acidosis with hypokalaemic paralysis., Parker MD, Qin X, Williamson RC, Toye AM, Boron WF., J Physiol. April 15, 2012; 590 (8): 2009-34.

Histological and MS spectrometric analyses of the modified tissue of bulgy form tadpoles induced by salamander predation., Mori T, Kitani Y, Ogihara J, Sugiyama M, Yamamoto G, Kishida O, Nishimura K., Biol Open. April 15, 2012; 1 (4): 308-17.   

High affinity (3)H-phenylalanine uptake by brush border membrane vesicles from whole larvae of Aedes aegypti (AaBBMVw)., Sterling KM, Okech BA, Xiang MA, Linser PJ, Price DA, Vanekeris L, Becnel JJ, Harvey WR., J Insect Physiol. April 1, 2012; 58 (4): 580-9.

Heterogeneous nuclear ribonucleoprotein K, an RNA-binding protein, is required for optic axon regeneration in Xenopus laevis., Liu Y, Yu H, Deaton SK, Szaro BG., J Neurosci. March 7, 2012; 32 (10): 3563-74.   

Histology of plastic embedded amphibian embryos and larvae., Kurth T, Weiche S, Vorkel D, Kretschmar S, Menge A., Genesis. March 1, 2012; 50 (3): 235-50.   

HPLC-based activity profiling--discovery of sanggenons as GABAA receptor modulators in the traditional Chinese drug Sang bai pi (Morus alba root bark)., Kim HJ, Baburin I, Zaugg J, Ebrahimi SN, Hering S, Hamburger M., Planta Med. March 1, 2012; 78 (5): 440-7.

Hypercholesterolemia induces up-regulation of KACh cardiac currents via a mechanism independent of phosphatidylinositol 4,5-bisphosphate and Gβγ., Deng W, Bukiya AN, Rodríguez-Menchaca AA, Zhang Z, Baumgarten CM, Logothetis DE, Levitan I, Rosenhouse-Dantsker A., J Biol Chem. February 10, 2012; 287 (7): 4925-35.

Hyaluronan is required for cranial neural crest cells migration and craniofacial development., Casini P, Nardi I, Ori M., Dev Dyn. February 1, 2012; 241 (2): 294-302.   

Host-defense peptides from skin secretions of the tetraploid frogs Xenopus petersii and Xenopus pygmaeus, and the octoploid frog Xenopus lenduensis (Pipidae)., King JD, Mechkarska M, Coquet L, Leprince J, Jouenne T, Vaudry H, Takada K, Conlon JM., Peptides. January 1, 2012; 33 (1): 35-43.

Heat-shock mediated overexpression of HNF1β mutations has differential effects on gene expression in the Xenopus pronephric kidney., Sauert K, Kahnert S, Roose M, Gull M, Brändli AW, Ryffel GU, Waldner C., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (3): e33522.   

Histological observation on unique phenotypes of malformation induced in Xenopus tropicalis larvae by tributyltin., Liu J, Cao Q, Yuan J, Zhang X, Yu L, Shi H., J Environ Sci (China). January 1, 2012; 24 (2): 195-202.

High-resolution whole-mount in situ hybridization using Quantum Dot nanocrystals., Ioannou A, Eleftheriou I, Lubatti A, Charalambous A, Skourides PA., J Biomed Biotechnol. January 1, 2012; 2012 627602.   

High mobility group B proteins regulate mesoderm formation and dorsoventral patterning during zebrafish and Xenopus early development., Cao JM, Li SQ, Zhang HW, Shi DL., Mech Dev. January 1, 2012; 129 (9-12): 263-74.   

Husbandry of Xenopus tropicalis., Jafkins A, Abu-Daya A, Noble A, Zimmerman LB, Guille M., Methods Mol Biol. January 1, 2012; 917 17-31.

Histone deacetylases are required for amphibian tail and limb regeneration but not development., Taylor AJ, Beck CW., Mech Dev. January 1, 2012; 129 (9-12): 208-18.   

H(+)-coupled divalent metal-ion transporter-1: functional properties, physiological roles and therapeutics., Shawki A, Knight PB, Maliken BD, Niespodzany EJ, Mackenzie B., Curr Top Membr. January 1, 2012; 70 169-214.

High yield production and refolding of the double-knot toxin, an activator of TRPV1 channels., Bae C, Kalia J, Song I, Yu J, Kim HH, Swartz KJ, Kim JI., PLoS One. January 1, 2012; 7 (12): e51516.   

Hedgehog signalling in development of the secondary palate., Cobourne MT, Green JB., Front Oral Biol. January 1, 2012; 16 52-9.

Histone chaperone FACT coordinates nucleosome interaction through multiple synergistic binding events., Winkler DD, Muthurajan UM, Hieb AR, Luger K., J Biol Chem. December 2, 2011; 286 (48): 41883-41892.   

Homeostasis of extracellular ATP in human erythrocytes., Montalbetti N, Leal Denis MF, Pignataro OP, Kobatake E, Lazarowski ER, Schwarzbaum PJ., J Biol Chem. November 4, 2011; 286 (44): 38397-38407.

HESX1- and TCF3-mediated repression of Wnt/β-catenin targets is required for normal development of the anterior forebrain., Andoniadou CL, Signore M, Young RM, Gaston-Massuet C, Wilson SW, Fuchs E, Martinez-Barbera JP., Development. November 1, 2011; 138 (22): 4931-42.

Histone H3 tail acetylation modulates ATP-dependent remodeling through multiple mechanisms., Chatterjee N, Sinha D, Lemma-Dechassa M, Tan S, Shogren-Knaak MA, Bartholomew B., Nucleic Acids Res. October 1, 2011; 39 (19): 8378-91.   

Human Mre11/human Rad50/Nbs1 and DNA ligase IIIalpha/XRCC1 protein complexes act together in an alternative nonhomologous end joining pathway., Della-Maria J, Zhou Y, Tsai MS, Kuhnlein J, Carney JP, Paull TT, Tomkinson AE., J Biol Chem. September 30, 2011; 286 (39): 33845-53.

Hydrogen peroxide stimulates the epithelial sodium channel through a phosphatidylinositide 3-kinase-dependent pathway., Ma HP., J Biol Chem. September 16, 2011; 286 (37): 32444-53.

Hydrophobic anions potently and uncompetitively antagonize GABA(A) receptor function in the absence of a conventional binding site., Chisari M, Wu K, Zorumski CF, Mennerick S., Br J Pharmacol. September 1, 2011; 164 (2b): 667-80.

Hesperidin induces antinociceptive effect in mice and its aglycone, hesperetin, binds to μ-opioid receptor and inhibits GIRK1/2 currents., Loscalzo LM, Yow TT, Wasowski C, Chebib M, Marder M., Pharmacol Biochem Behav. September 1, 2011; 99 (3): 333-41.

Homeostatic NMDA receptor down-regulation via brain derived neurotrophic factor and nitric oxide-dependent signalling in cortical but not in hippocampal neurons., Sandoval R, González A, Caviedes A, Pancetti F, Smalla KH, Kaehne T, Michea L, Gundelfinger ED, Wyneken U., J Neurochem. September 1, 2011; 118 (5): 760-72.

Higher thyroid hormone receptor expression correlates with short larval periods in spadefoot toads and increases metamorphic rate., Hollar AR, Choi J, Grimm AT, Buchholz DR., Gen Comp Endocrinol. August 1, 2011; 173 (1): 190-8.

HEB and E2A function as SMAD/FOXH1 cofactors., Yoon SJ, Wills AE, Chuong E, Gupta R, Baker JC., Genes Dev. August 1, 2011; 25 (15): 1654-61.   

Heteropoda toxin 2 interaction with Kv4.3 and Kv4.1 reveals differences in gating modification., DeSimone CV, Zarayskiy VV, Bondarenko VE, Morales MJ., Mol Pharmacol. August 1, 2011; 80 (2): 345-55.

hnRNP K post-transcriptionally co-regulates multiple cytoskeletal genes needed for axonogenesis., Liu Y, Szaro BG., Development. July 1, 2011; 138 (14): 3079-90.   

Heteromeric acid-sensing ion channels (ASICs) composed of ASIC2b and ASIC1a display novel channel properties and contribute to acidosis-induced neuronal death., Sherwood TW, Lee KG, Gormley MG, Askwith CC., J Neurosci. June 29, 2011; 31 (26): 9723-34.

Homodimerization of the Src homology 3 domain of the calcium channel β-subunit drives dynamin-dependent endocytosis., Miranda-Laferte E, Gonzalez-Gutierrez G, Schmidt S, Zeug A, Ponimaskin EG, Neely A, Hidalgo P., J Biol Chem. June 24, 2011; 286 (25): 22203-10.

Hedgehog signaling regulates size of the dorsal aortae and density of the plexus during avian vascular development., Moran CM, Salanga MC, Krieg PA., Dev Dyn. June 1, 2011; 240 (6): 1354-64.   

HRP and prorenin: focus on the (pro)renin receptor and vacuolar H+-ATPase., Lu X, Danser AH, Meima ME., Front Biosci (Schol Ed). June 1, 2011; 3 (4): 1205-15.

Histone deacetylase activity is necessary for left-right patterning during vertebrate development., Carneiro K, Donnet C, Rejtar T, Karger BL, Barisone GA, Díaz E, Kortagere S, Lemire JM, Levin M., BMC Dev Biol. May 20, 2011; 11 29.   

hERGAPDbase: a database documenting hERG channel inhibitory potentials and APD-prolongation activities of chemical compounds., Hishigaki H, Kuhara S., Database (Oxford). May 17, 2011; 2011 bar017.   

Histone variant macroH2A confers resistance to nuclear reprogramming., Pasque V, Gillich A, Garrett N, Gurdon JB., EMBO J. May 6, 2011; 30 (12): 2373-87.   

HPLC-based activity profiling for GABAA receptor modulators from the traditional Chinese herbal drug Kushen (Sophora flavescens root)., Yang X, Baburin I, Plitzko I, Hering S, Hamburger M., Mol Divers. May 1, 2011; 15 (2): 361-72.

HERG channel inhibitors in extracts of Coptidis rhizoma., Schramm A, Baburin I, Hering S, Hamburger M., Planta Med. May 1, 2011; 77 (7): 692-7.

Human urate transporter 1 (hURAT1) mediates the transport of orotate., Miura D, Anzai N, Jutabha P, Chanluang S, He X, Fukutomi T, Endou H., J Physiol Sci. May 1, 2011; 61 (3): 253-7.

Hox and Pbx factors control retinoic acid synthesis during hindbrain segmentation., Vitobello A, Ferretti E, Lampe X, Vilain N, Ducret S, Ori M, Spetz JF, Selleri L, Rijli FM., Dev Cell. April 19, 2011; 20 (4): 469-82.   

HPLC-based activity profiling of Angelica pubescens roots for new positive GABAA receptor modulators in Xenopus oocytes., Zaugg J, Eickmeier E, Rueda DC, Hering S, Hamburger M., Fitoterapia. April 1, 2011; 82 (3): 434-40.

Heterogeneity in the processing of CLCN5 mutants related to Dent disease., Grand T, L'Hoste S, Mordasini D, Defontaine N, Keck M, Pennaforte T, Genete M, Laghmani K, Teulon J, Lourdel S., Hum Mutat. April 1, 2011; 32 (4): 476-83.

hERG potassium channel gating is mediated by N- and C-terminal region interactions., Gustina AS, Trudeau MC., J Gen Physiol. March 1, 2011; 137 (3): 315-25.   

Heterotaxin: a TGF-β signaling inhibitor identified in a multi-phenotype profiling screen in Xenopus embryos., Dush MK, McIver AL, Parr MA, Young DD, Fisher J, Newman DR, Sannes PL, Hauck ML, Deiters A, Nascone-Yoder N., Chem Biol. February 25, 2011; 18 (2): 252-63.

Hormonal treatment of the bark of rubber trees (Hevea brasiliensis) increases latex yield through latex dilution in relation with the differential expression of two aquaporin genes., Tungngoen K, Viboonjun U, Kongsawadworakul P, Katsuhara M, Julien JL, Sakr S, Chrestin H, Narangajavana J., J Plant Physiol. February 15, 2011; 168 (3): 253-62.

Hetero-oligomerization of neuronal glutamate transporters., Nothmann D, Leinenweber A, Torres-Salazar D, Kovermann P, Hotzy J, Gameiro A, Grewer C, Fahlke C., J Biol Chem. February 4, 2011; 286 (5): 3935-43.

hERG K+ channel-associated cardiac effects of the antidepressant drug desipramine., Staudacher I, Wang L, Wan X, Obers S, Wenzel W, Tristram F, Koschny R, Staudacher K, Kisselbach J, Koelsch P, Schweizer PA, Katus HA, Ficker E, Thomas D., Naunyn Schmiedebergs Arch Pharmacol. February 1, 2011; 383 (2): 119-39.

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