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Vax2 inactivation in mouse determines alteration of the eye dorsal-ventral axis, misrouting of the optic fibres and eye coloboma., Barbieri AM, Broccoli V, Bovolenta P, Alfano G, Marchitiello A, Mocchetti C, Crippa L, Bulfone A, Marigo V, Ballabio A, Banfi S., Development. February 1, 2002; 129 (3): 805-13.

Vascular control in larval Xenopus laevis: the role of endothelial-derived factors., Schwerte T, Printz E, Fritsche R., J Exp Biol. January 1, 2002; 205 (Pt 2): 225-32.

Variable K(+) channel subunit dysfunction in inherited mutations of KCNA1., Rea R, Spauschus A, Eunson LH, Hanna MG, Kullmann DM., J Physiol. January 1, 2002; 538 (Pt 1): 5-23.

Voltage-sensitive gating induced by a mutation in the fifth transmembrane domain of CFTR., Zhang ZR, Zeltwanger S, Smith SS, Dawson DC, McCarty NA., Am J Physiol Lung Cell Mol Physiol. January 1, 2002; 282 (1): L135-45.

Vertebrate hairy and Enhancer of split related proteins: transcriptional repressors regulating cellular differentiation and embryonic patterning., Davis RL, Turner DL., Oncogene. December 20, 2001; 20 (58): 8342-57.

Vegetal localization of maternal mRNAs is disrupted by VegT depletion., Heasman J, Wessely O, Langland R, Craig EJ, Kessler DS., Dev Biol. December 15, 2001; 240 (2): 377-86.   

Volume changes of individual melanosomes measured by scanning force microscopy., Testorf MF, Roback K, Lundström I, Svensson SP., Pigment Cell Res. December 1, 2001; 14 (6): 445-9.

Ventricular choline transport: a role for organic cation transporter 2 expressed in choroid plexus., Sweet DH, Miller DS, Pritchard JB., J Biol Chem. November 9, 2001; 276 (45): 41611-9.

Visualizing synapse formation in arborizing optic axons in vivo: dynamics and modulation by BDNF., Alsina B, Vu T, Cohen-Cory S., Nat Neurosci. November 1, 2001; 4 (11): 1093-101.

VFK1, a Vicia faba K(+) channel involved in phloem unloading., Ache P, Becker D, Deeken R, Dreyer I, Weber H, Fromm J, Hedrich R., Plant J. September 1, 2001; 27 (6): 571-80.

Vector design for optimal protein expression., van der Velden AW, Voorma HO, Thomas AA., Biotechniques. September 1, 2001; 31 (3): 572, 574, 576-80, passim.

VegT activation of Sox17 at the midblastula transition alters the response to nodal signals in the vegetal endoderm domain., Engleka MJ, Craig EJ, Kessler DS., Dev Biol. September 1, 2001; 237 (1): 159-72.   

Vertebrate development: Et in Arkadia., Patten I, Placzek M., Curr Biol. August 7, 2001; 11 (15): R616-9.

Voltage-dependent acceleration of Ca(v)1.2 channel current decay by (+)- and (-)-isradipine., Berjukow S, Hering S., Br J Pharmacol. August 1, 2001; 133 (7): 959-66.

Ventroptin: a BMP-4 antagonist expressed in a double-gradient pattern in the retina., Sakuta H, Suzuki R, Takahashi H, Kato A, Shintani T, Iemura Si, Yamamoto TS, Ueno N, Noda M., Science. July 6, 2001; 293 (5527): 111-5.

Vertebrate gastrulation: calcium waves orchestrate cell movements., Tada M, Concha ML., Curr Biol. June 26, 2001; 11 (12): R470-2.

Voltage clamp recordings from Xenopus oocytes., Dascal N., Curr Protoc Neurosci. May 1, 2001; Chapter 6 Unit 6.12.

Vertebrate cranial placodes I. Embryonic induction., Baker CV, Bronner-Fraser M., Dev Biol. April 1, 2001; 232 (1): 1-61.

Vesicle-associated membrane protein isoforms in the tiger salamander retina., Sherry DM, Yang H, Standifer KM., J Comp Neurol. March 19, 2001; 431 (4): 424-36.

Voltage-induced activation of mechanosensitive cation channels of leech neurons., Menconi MC, Pellegrini M, Pellegrino M., J Membr Biol. March 1, 2001; 180 (1): 65-72.

Visualization of endogenous BMP signaling during Xenopus development., Kurata T, Nakabayashi J, Yamamoto TS, Mochii M, Ueno N., Differentiation. February 1, 2001; 67 (1-2): 33-40.   

Vitamin C transport systems of mammalian cells., Liang WJ, Johnson D, Jarvis SM., Mol Membr Biol. January 1, 2001; 18 (1): 87-95.

Vertebrate development: the fast track to nodal signalling., Stemple DL., Curr Biol. November 16, 2000; 10 (22): R843-6.

Vigilin binding selectively inhibits cleavage of the vitellogenin mRNA 3'-untranslated region by the mRNA endonuclease polysomal ribonuclease 1., Cunningham KS, Dodson RE, Nagel MA, Shapiro DJ, Schoenberg DR., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. November 7, 2000; 97 (23): 12498-502.

Vertebrate anteroposterior patterning: the Xenopus neurectoderm as a paradigm., Gamse J, Sive H., Bioessays. November 1, 2000; 22 (11): 976-86.

Variable ratio of permeability to gating charge of rBIIA sodium channels and sodium influx in Xenopus oocytes., Greeff NG, Kühn FJ., Biophys J. November 1, 2000; 79 (5): 2434-53.

Voltage dependence of L-arginine transport by hCAT-2A and hCAT-2B expressed in oocytes from Xenopus laevis., Nawrath H, Wegener JW, Rupp J, Habermeier A, Closs EI., Am J Physiol Cell Physiol. November 1, 2000; 279 (5): C1336-44.

Voltage gating properties of channels formed by a skate retinal connexin., White TW, Ripps H, Srinivas M, Bruzzone R., Biol Bull. October 1, 2000; 199 (2): 165-8.

Vacuole formation in fatigued skeletal muscle fibres from frog and mouse: effects of extracellular lactate., Lännergren J, Bruton JD, Westerblad H., J Physiol. August 1, 2000; 526 Pt 3 597-611.

Vertebrate mesendoderm induction and patterning., Kimelman D, Griffin KJ., Curr Opin Genet Dev. August 1, 2000; 10 (4): 350-6.

Vasa protein expression and localization in the zebrafish., Braat AK, van de Water S, Goos H, Bogerd J, Zivkovic D., Mech Dev. July 1, 2000; 95 (1-2): 271-4.

Ventricular expression of tbx5 inhibits normal heart chamber development., Liberatore CM, Searcy-Schrick RD, Yutzey KE., Dev Biol. July 1, 2000; 223 (1): 169-80.

Visual input induces long-term potentiation of developing retinotectal synapses., Zhang LI, Tao HW, Poo M., Nat Neurosci. July 1, 2000; 3 (7): 708-15.

Visualization of DNA and RNA molecules, and protein-DNA complexes for electron microscopy., Hajibagheri MA., Mol Biotechnol. June 1, 2000; 15 (2): 167-84.

Volatile anesthetics activate the human tandem pore domain baseline K+ channel KCNK5., Gray AT, Zhao BB, Kindler CH, Winegar BD, Mazurek MJ, Xu J, Chavez RA, Forsayeth JR, Yost CS., Anesthesiology. June 1, 2000; 92 (6): 1722-30.

Vegetal localization of the maternal mRNA encoding an EDEN-BP/Bruno-like protein in zebrafish., Suzuki H, Maegawa S, Nishibu T, Sugiyama T, Yasuda K, Inoue K., Mech Dev. May 1, 2000; 93 (1-2): 205-9.

Volume sensitive efflux of taurine in HEK293 cells overexpressing phospholemman., Morales-Mulia M, Pasantes-Morales H, Morán J., Biochim Biophys Acta. April 17, 2000; 1496 (2-3): 252-60.

Voltage and substrate dependence of the inverse transport mode of the rabbit Na(+)/glucose cotransporter (SGLT1)., Sauer GA, Nagel G, Koepsell H, Bamberg E, Hartung K., FEBS Lett. March 3, 2000; 469 (1): 98-100.

Visualizing transcription., DeWitt N., Nat Med. March 1, 2000; 6 (3): 256.

Voltage-dependent structural interactions in the Shaker K(+) channel., Tiwari-Woodruff SK, Lin MA, Schulteis CT, Papazian DM., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2000; 115 (2): 123-38.   

Voltage dependence of slow inactivation in Shaker potassium channels results from changes in relative K(+) and Na(+) permeabilities., Starkus JG, Heinemann SH, Rayner MD., J Gen Physiol. February 1, 2000; 115 (2): 107-22.   

Vertebrate model systems in the study of early heart development: Xenopus and zebrafish., Lohr JL, Yost HJ., Am J Med Genet. January 1, 2000; 97 (4): 248-57.

Vg1 orthology in the direct developing frog, Syrrhophus cystignathoides campi., Dai XZ, Wells DE., DNA Seq. January 1, 2000; 11 (5): 433-7.

Valproate enhances N-cadherin production in Xenopus embryos., Briner W, Papadopoulos FC., Neurotoxicol Teratol. January 1, 2000; 22 (5): 761-4.

Vascular endothelial growth factor and osteopontin in tumor biology., Shijubo N, Uede T, Kon S, Nagata M, Abe S., Crit Rev Oncog. January 1, 2000; 11 (2): 135-46.

Ventral cell rearrangements contribute to anterior-posterior axis lengthening between neurula and tailbud stages in Xenopus laevis., Larkin K, Danilchik MV., Dev Biol. December 15, 1999; 216 (2): 550-60.   

Voltage-induced membrane displacement in patch pipettes activates mechanosensitive channels., Gil Z, Silberberg SD, Magleby KL., Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A. December 7, 1999; 96 (25): 14594-9.

Vax1, a novel homeobox-containing gene, directs development of the basal forebrain and visual system., Hallonet M, Hollemann T, Pieler T, Gruss P., Genes Dev. December 1, 1999; 13 (23): 3106-14.   

Vertebrate development: Multiple phases to endoderm formation., Dale L., Curr Biol. November 4, 1999; 9 (21): R812-5.

Voltage-shift of the current activation in HERG S4 mutation (R534C) in LQT2., Nakajima T, Furukawa T, Hirano Y, Tanaka T, Sakurada H, Takahashi T, Nagai R, Itoh T, Katayama Y, Nakamura Y, Hiraoka M., Cardiovasc Res. November 1, 1999; 44 (2): 283-93.

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